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Preview Comment on an Effect Proposed by A.G. Lebed in Semiclassical Gravity

Comment on an Effect Proposed by A.G. Lebed in Semiclassical Gravity B. Crowell Natural Science Division, Fullerton College, 321 E. Chapman Ave., Fullerton, CA 92832 (Dated: April 20, 2016) A.G.Lebedhasgivenanargumentthatwhenahydrogenatomistransportedslowlytoadifferent gravitationalpotential,ithasacertainprobabilityofemittingaphoton. Heproposesaspace-based experimenttodetectthiseffect. Ishowherethathisargumentsalsoimplytheexistenceofnuclear excitations,aswellasaneffectduetotheearth’smotioninthesun’spotential. Thisisnotconsistent with previous results from underground radiation detectors. It is also in conflict with astronomical observations. I. INTRODUCTION where the factor in parentheses is subsumed in the par- 6 ticle’s mass, and the second term contains the operator 1 V = 2K −nU, which has a vanishing expectation value A.G. Lebed[1] has calculated the behavior of a hydro- 0 by the quantum virial theorem.[3] The probability of ex- gen atom that is prepared in its ground state and then 2 citation is the product of two factors, which I notate as transportedslowlythroughtheearth’sgravitationalfield. r The metric is taken to be p P =f2f2. (3) A g s ds2 =(1+2φ)dt2−(1−2φ)d(cid:96)2, (1) The first of these is gravitational, 8 1 where c = 1, the spatial line element is d(cid:96)2 = dx2 + f =φ−φ . (4) dy2 +dz2, and the gravitational potential φ (cid:28) 1 varies g 0 ] x between the initial and final positions. In ref. [1], the Thesecondonedependsonthestructureofthequantum- e metrical dilation is treated as an adiabatic perturbation mechanical system, and is given by - of the Hamiltonian. This perturbation puts the atom l c intoasuperpositionofstates,leadingtodecaybyphoton f =(cid:104)2|V|1(cid:105)/∆E, (5) s u emission with probability P. n [ Themorestandardapproachinsemiclassicalgravity[2] where ∆E = E2 − E1 is the difference in energy be- would have been to rewrite the Einstein field equations tween the two states. The factor fs is of order unity for 2 G =8πT as G =(cid:104)8πT (cid:105). In that approach, any ex- hydrogen.[1] ij ij ij ij v citation of the atom by gravity would result from the 6 curvature of spacetime, which depends on the second 0 derivatives of the metric. In order to calculate the cur- II. SOLAR EFFECT 3 1 vature we would need to know not just a parametriza- 0 tionoftheform(1)butmoredetailedinformationabout We should have effects not just from the earth’s grav- . how the metric varied in a neighborhood of the atom’s ity but from the sun’s as well. Moving an atom between 1 0 world-line. But the phenomenon predicted in ref. [1] is the earth’s surface and a distant point, as originally pro- 6 not a curvature effect. It is an effect of the metric it- posed, produces fg = 6.9×10−10. The earth’s motion 1 self (not its derivatives) on an arbitrarily small particle. fromperiheliontoapheliongivesf =3.3×10−10. Since g : Furthermore, in the adiabatic approximation the exci- these are within a factor of 2 of one another, it would v i tation probability P depends only on the value of the seem that given any space-based experimental design, X metric tensor at the final position as compared with its onecouldachieveafargreatersensitivityatamuchlower r initialvalue. Suchacomparisoniscoordinate-dependent, costbysubstitutingalargesampleofatomsonearthfor a and is presumably meant to be carried out in harmonic a small sample aboard a space probe. coordinates. To a local observer, the emission of radia- tion would appear to violate conservation of energy; this would have to be accounted for somehow by the extrac- III. SCALE-INDEPENDENCE, AND SOME tion of energy from the gravitational field. SYSTEMS OF INTEREST Generalizing to systems bound by forces other than electromagnetic ones, let the potential be U = −krn. The only dependence of the predicted effect on the This allows us to recover the case of an electrical attrac- structure of the system comes from the value of the ex- tion when k = e2 and n = −1, but we can also mock ponent n in the potential, and from equation (5) for up a bag of quarks by taking n = 1. Carrying through the quantity f . The latter is the dimensionless ratio s the calculations of ref. [1] with these generalizations, we of two energies, and does not depend on the linear di- obtain a perturbation to the Hamiltonian mensions of the system, so that the effect is completely independent of scale. This scale-independence arises be- ∆H =(m+K+U)φ+Vφ, (2) cause the effect is due to the gravitational potential at 2 a point, rather than to curvature. We therefore expect IV. MEMORY EFFECT generically that excitations would occur for almost any quantum-mechanical system, including hadrons, nuclei, In the simple example of constant-velocity motion atoms, and molecules of all sizes. through a uniform gravitational field, the effect is pre- dicted to grow quadratically with the time since the Thestructurefactorf dependsonthematrixelement s system was first formed. Such a non-exponential decay V = (cid:104)2|V|1(cid:105), and calculating this matrix element ex- 21 means that a hydrogen atom, for example, would retain plicitly for all of these systems would be a significant a memory of the potential in which it was formed, and project. But regardless of the value of the exponent n in thatanobservercouldaccessthismemory,atleastatthe thepotential, V isessentiallyameasureofthetotalin- 21 statistical level. ternalenergyofthesystem,soitisnotunreasonable,for Although ref. [1] proposes using a “tank of a pressur- thesakeofsomeorder-of-magnitudeestimates,toassume ized hydrogen” aboard a satellite, it seems likely that thatitcanbeestimatedassuch. Thereisaselectionrule a collision would erase a hydrogen molecule’s memory. that there can be no change in spin or parity. We would It would therefore be preferable to work with a system alsoliketofindstates1and2suchthat2hasthedynam- such as a nucleus, which may remain isolated from its ical character of a radial excitation of 1 so that there is environment for billions of years. a significant coupling to the metrical dilation measured by V, and so that a many-body system can be treated by taking r to be a generalized coordinate describing a V. HADRONIC EXCITATIONS collective spatial dilation. Under these assumptions we have simply f ∼ E/∆E. This ratio will often be of or- s IntheremainderofthispaperIwillconsiderexcitation der unity, as in hydrogen, but in some cases it is orders of the proton, example i in table I. There is an excited of magnitude higher. state, labeled N(1440)P , that matches the spin-parity 11 1/2+ of the ground state and is believed to be a radial excitation of the three quarks. For these reasons, we system excitation E/∆E radiation expect f ∼ E/∆E ∼ 1 for excitation of this state. Its s i proton N(1440)P11 ∼1 π0 most frequent mode of decay is radiation of a neutral ii heavy nucleus isoscalargiant ∼102–104 particle pion. monopole res- emission Let us estimate the rate at which hydrogen nuclei on onance earthwouldbeexpectedtoemitpions. Therateofdecay iii H atom n=2 ∼1 photon is iv C 0.061 eV ∼106 photon 60 Γ=dP/dt (6) (fullerene) “breathing” mode =f2d(f2)/dt (7) s g =2f2(φ−φ )dφ/dt (8) TABLE I: Properties of some relevant quantum-mechanical s 0 systems. =−2f2(φ−φ )g·v, (9) s 0 where g is the sun’s gravitational field and v is the ve- locity of a hydrogen atom, both as measured by a static Table I summarizes some systems in which one would observer. (Thedependenceoftheeffectongviolatesthe expect the effect to occur. These are labeled i through equivalenceprinciple,andref.[1]explicitlyinterpretsthe iv for reference. The excitations in systems i, ii, and iv effect as such a violation.) have all been interpreted as “breathing” modes of vibra- The potential φ would be the potential at which the 0 tion, which suggests that the estimate fs ∼ E/∆E is protonwasformed,andweneedtodefinethistimeoffor- reasonable for them. mation. AsdiscussedinsectionIV,amemoryofthispo- tentialiscarriedbythesysteminthistheory,anditisnot For an atomic or molecular experiment of the type entirely obvious what would serve to erase its memory. I suggested in ref. [1], it is to be remarked that rather will assume that this occurs when there is any collision, thanhydrogen,othersystems,suchaslargemolecules,iv, i.e., when the proton approaches another nucleus, com- wouldbeexpectedtoproduceexcitationswithprobabili- ing within the range of the strong nuclear force. Some tiesgreaterbyafactoroff2 =1012ormore. Moleculesof s protonsonearthwereformedduringbig-bangnucleosyn- thissizehavebeendiffractedbyagratinginexperiments, thesis(BBN),butothershaveparticipatedincollisionsat which demonstrates the possibility of placing them in a the cores of stars. Still others will have undergone their superposition of states.[4] last collision during a type I supernova, near the surface The transition rate for example ii is not straightfor- ofawhitedwarfstar. Itisaconsequenceofthemodelin wardtoestimatebythetechniquesusedhere,butitraises ref.[1]thatalltheseclassesofprotonsdifferintheirsub- thepossibilitythatotherwisestablenucleionearthwould sequent behavior. Since ref. [1] assumes a static space- decay by particle emission. time, we will not consider the BBN component, which 3 has existed over cosmological timescales. For the com- Intheseobservations,thedirectionfromwhichthemuon ponent whose memory was reset by collisions at the core enteredthedetectorisreconstructed,andisfoundtode- of a star, we estimate |φ | ∼ 3M /R ∼ 6 × 10−6, cay exponentially with the depth of rock through which 0,c (cid:12) (cid:12) whichis(cid:28)1asassumedinref.[1],butmuchlargerthan the muon would have had to travel. For angles very thechangesinpotentialconsideredthere. Forthosethat close to horizontal, the flux of muons is measured to be have been recycled through a supernova, we may have ∼10−12 cm−2s−1sr−1. |φ |∼10−4, but the astrophysics is more complicated The effect discussed here would have caused the cre- 0,sn in this case, so in the following discussion I will use the ation of similar high-energy electromagnetic cascades more conservative estimate based on φ . (Variations in originating from protons within the detector’s own ac- 0,c the gravitational potential within the galaxy are smaller tive volume. These cascades would have been emitted than these values, with the potential experienced by our isotropically, and therefore would have shown up as part solarsystembeingabout−1.7×10−6.[5])InsectionVIB, ofthesamecountrateattributedabovetomuon-induced I give an astronomical check on the predictions of ref. [1] cascades. To be consistent with the measurement above, thatisentirelyindependentofsuchestimatesofφ ,orof their rate would have been limited to 0 the assumption that the memory of φ can be retained for long periods of time. 0 R<∼3×10−5 s−1. (12) Due to the sign of φ−φ , these protons would radiate 0 This is inconsistent with expectations from ref. [1] by a duringthehalfoftheyearwhentheearthismovingfrom factorof1015. Eventhisislikelytobeanunderestimate; perihelion to aphelion. The probability of decay during references [6] and [7] do not state explicitly whether the such a six-month period is estimated to be 7×10−15, analysis looked for such events coming in the upward resulting in an average rate of radiation direction, but if so, then the effect implied by ref. [1] Γ∼4×10−22 s−1. (10) would be ruled out by even more orders of magnitude. The Super-Kamiokande collaboration has searched for In the following section I will compare this with experi- proton decays[8] via the processes p → e+π0 and p → ment. µ+π0,findingalimitontherateofdecayof∼10−41 s−1. Since the analysis of the data from this experiment em- ployed sophisticated kinematic reconstructions in order VI. EMPIRICAL BOUNDS to search for these specific processes, this rate cannot be directly compared with the estimate in equation (10) for A. Underground Radiation Detectors the rate of p → pπ0, which would have shown up in the analysisasaneventthatviolatedconservationofenergy- The excited state of the proton described above de- momentum. Nevertheless, since the two rates differ by a caysbyemissionofapion,whichwouldbedetectableby factor of 1020, it appears unlikely that a background due its decay into a high-energy electromagnetic cascade. A to neutral pion emission would have gone unnoticed. number of underground experiments have already been carried out to detect neutrinos or search for dark mat- ter, and these experiments would have been extremely B. The Galactic Center sensitive to such a phenomenon. One of the most im- portant sources of background in such an experiment is Anindependentempiricalcheckonthepredictedeffect cosmic-ray-inducedmuons,whichalsocreatehigh-energy comes from observations of stars and gas clouds in tight cascades. This is the reason that the experiments are orbits about Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole carried out underground. In addition, various steps are at the center of our galaxy. Because the potentials expe- taken in order to block or reject the resulting events, rienced by these objects are much larger than the value including the rejection of the kind of high-multiplicity, ofφ assumedabove,thebehavioroftheprotonsinthis 0,c high-energy events that are of interest here. However, environment is independent of the assumption employed preliminary studies have been carried out in which the earlier that a proton retains a memory of the gravita- experimental trigger was left wide open, in order to pre- tional potential over billions of years. cisely characterize the muon-induced background. The object G2 is in a highly elliptical, high-velocity I consider here the Large-Volume Detector apparatus orbit about Sag A*. It has been interpreted as a cloud (LVD),whichconsistsof983tonsofhydrocarbonscintil- of gas and dust which is heated by a star hidden at its lator located about one kilometer underneath the Gran center.[9] Its orbit,[10] with an eccentricity of 0.966, is Sasso massif. This scintillator contains N = 9.4×1031 nearly a radial free-fall toward A*, with periastron tak- hydrogen atoms. Multiplying by the rate of radiation ing place in 2013. Its motion and magnitude in the Ks estimated in section V, we find a predicted count rate band (2.2 µm) were observed from 2005 to 2014, and its brightness remained constant throughout this period R=ΓN ∼2×1010 s−1. (11) (<∼ 0.2 magnitudes of variation). A fit to a blackbody The LVD collaboration has made detailed measure- curvegivesaluminosityof29L . Ifthecentralstarison (cid:12) ments of the flux of muons through their detector.[6][7] themainsequence,thenitsmassis2M ;ifnot,thenthe (cid:12) 4 remains valid even if a proton’s memory of its potential of formation is limited to decades rather than billions of years. Another astronomical test is available from observa- tions of the star S2, a main-sequence B1 star that is also orbiting Sag A*. Assuming M = 15M , φ = 0, and (cid:12) 0 f = 1, a calculation similar to the one described above s gives a peak power of 2×107L , or about 700 times the (cid:12) normal luminosity of a B1V star. Intriguingly, observa- tions have shown an unexpected 40% rise in the star’s luminositywhenitwasnearperihelion,butexplanations have been suggested using standard physics.[11] VII. CONCLUSIONS FIG. 1: Simulation of the instantaneous power liberated by pion emission in the gas cloud G2, from apastron to perias- tron. M =2M , φ =0, and f =1 are assumed. I have examined a provocative claim by A.G. Lebed (cid:12) 0 s that a quantum-mechanical system can be induced to emit radiation by moving it slowly to a different gravi- mass may be smaller. Figure 1 shows the rate at which tational potential. This prediction is incompatible with energy would have been liberated through pion emission existing terrestrial experiments and astronomical obser- by a body of mass 2M , composed of hydrogen, tracing vations. (cid:12) out G2’s Keplerian orbit. The result is a spike in power equivalentto106L ,whichisnotconsistentwiththeob- (cid:12) servedlackofvariation,andindeedprobablywouldhave VIII. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS destroyed the star. The peak power is not appreciably changedbychangingthepotentialofformationfromzero to φ = −8×10−6, which is a typical potential experi- I thank B. Shotwell and S. Carlip for helpful discus- 0 enced by G2 during its orbit. Therefore this conclusion sions. [1] A. G. Lebed, Adv. High Energy Phys. 2014, 678087 [hep-ex/9806001]. (2014) doi:10.1155/2014/678087 [arXiv:1404.3765 [gr- [8] H. Nishino et al. [Super-Kamiokande Collabo- qc]]. ration], Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 141801 (2009) [2] Wald, General Relativity, University of Chicago Press doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.141801 [arXiv:0903.0676 (1984), p. 410. [hep-ex]]. [3] S. Carlip, Am. J. Phys. 66, 409 (1998) [9] G. Witzel et al., Astrophys. J. 796, no. 1, L8 (2014) doi:10.1119/1.18885 [gr-qc/9909014]. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/796/1/L8 [arXiv:1410.1884 [4] Markus Arndt et al., Nature, 401, 680 (1999). [astro-ph.HE]]. [5] P. R. Kafle, S. Sharma, G. F. Lewis and J. Bland- [10] S. Gillessen et al., Astrophys. 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