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ONE HUNDRED AND T H I R T Y- S E C O N D tj^imgy Honorary Doctorates Brigham Young University Marriott Center Thursday, April 26, 2007 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Brigham Young University http://www.archive.org/details/commencementexer2007brig HONORARY DOCTORATE VICE PRESIDENT DICK CHENEY Mr. Cheney discovered that his life's passion was politics. After receiving MA In serving the citizens of Wyoming as a a BA and from the University of member of the U.S. House of Represen- Wyoming, he began work on a PhD at tatives (reelected five times) and four the University of Wisconsin-Madison. U.S. presidents as White House chief Before completing his dissertation, of staff, secretary of defense, and vice however, he won a congressional president, Vice President Dick Cheney fellowship and went east to begin his has had a distinguished career as a life of public service in the office of public servant. Congressman William Steiger. Richard Bruce Cheney was born A few months later Mr. Cheney — January 30, 1941 the first of Richard was offered a position in the Office of and Marjorie Cheney's three children. Economic Opportunity. He then rapidly — Richard or Dick, as he soon came to advanced through the ranks of the — prefer grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska, executive branch. President Gerald where his father worked for the U.S. Ford made Mr. Cheney the White Department of Agriculture. When Mr. House chief of staff in 1975. He is Cheney was thirteen his father took a noted as the youngest chief of staff new position in the department, and ever, appointed at age 34. the family moved to Casper, Wyoming. Speaking of this and other advance- In high school Mr. Cheney began ments, Vice President Cheney has com- to develop his leadership abilities. He mented, "For all the plans we make in was the captain of the football team life, sometimes life has other plans for us. and was elected senior class president. And, looking back, there seems to be a — He met and dated Lynne Vincent dur- pattern in my life the unexpected turns, ing this period, and the couple was the opportunities that come suddenly elected Natrona County High School's and change one's plans overnight." homecoming king and queen. When President Ford was not After graduation in 1959 Mr. Cheney reelected, Mr. Cheney moved back to attended Yale University for a brief Wyoming, where he soon began cam- time. He returned home to work and paigning for Wyoming's only seat in then later resumed his studies, first at the House of Representatives, winning Casper Community College, then at the the election in 1978. University of Wyoming. A year later, on Within a short time of his return August 29, 1964, Mr. Cheney and Lynne to Washington, other politicians took Vincent were married. note of Representative Cheney's a work ethic and leadership. In 1988 served as senior fellow of the American Representative Cheney was elected the Enterprise Institute for Public Policy House minority whip, the Republicans' Research before moving into the second-in-command in the House. private sector. But another of life's During his time as congressman the unexpected turns was coming. representative from Wyoming pro- In early 2000 presidential candidate — moted reducing the federal deficit George W. Bush invited Mr. Cheney to cause he has championed throughout head the search for Mr. Bush's running his political career. mate. On July 25 George Bush called The congressman left this position Mr. Cheney and asked him to assume after less than three months, when that role. After a successful campaign, one of those "unexpected turns" came President Bush and Vice President along: President George H. W. Bush Cheney were sworn into office on appointed him secretary of defense in January 20, 2001. 1989. In this capacity Secretary Cheney Vice President Cheney has played oversaw the armed forces in a crucial an active role in the White House. period of the nation's history. For his His background and experience have efforts during the Persian Gulf War served him in providing counsel to he received the Presidential Medal the president. of Freedom. Lynne Cheney has been a successful When President George H. W. Bush leader throughout her life as well. ended his term in office, Mr. Cheney Raised in Casper, Wyoming, she is of pioneer ancestry. She received her PhD of two grown daughters and five A in nineteenth-century literature from grandchildren. sixth grandchild is the University of Wisconsin-Madison due in May. The vice president is an and is a published author. She chaired avid fisherman and enjoys the outdoors the National Endowment for the near his Wyoming home whenever Humanities from 1986 to 1993 and cur- his schedule allows. rently sits as a fellow at the American In recognition of his many years Enterprise Institute for Public Policy of leadership and service to the nation, Research. Brigham Young University is pleased Outside the political realm, Vice to confer upon Vice President Dick President and Mrs. Cheney spend as Cheney the honorary degree of Doctor much time as they can with their family of Public Service, honoris causa. — HONORARY DOCTORATE money. As a young entrepreneur he IRA AMOND FULTON AND learned to save and share. He had a MARY LOU HENSON FULTON metal lockbox in which he kept his earnings, but, at his request, his mother Ira Amond Fulton's life is a study in was in charge of the box's key. Ira perseverance, loyalty, and bighearted- instructed her to use what she needed ness. A devoted family man, successful from the box, and this arrangement businessman, and noted philanthropist, lasted for many years. he is proof that happiness is indeed In high school Ira played football. — in the giving not the getting. His His senior year he was named to the sweetheart-wife, Mary Lou Henson Arizona all-state team and Life Fulton, has been at his side for fifty- Magazine's national all-high-school four years. Together they have reared team. As a result he received offers three children, built several businesses, to play for seventeen colleges in the and bettered the lives of thousands. southwestern United States, but he Born in November 1931 to David and chose to stay close to home and play Myrtie Fulton in Tempe, Arizona, Ira for Arizona State University. was named after two boys for whom his Mary Lou Henson, a native of half sister had been nanny. Ira is the only Phoenix and several years younger child his parents had together, but he than Ira, heard about this football was reared the youngest of his mother's player with a winning smile from what seven children. He was doted on and seemed to her like everyone; friends, teased by his half brothers and sisters; cousins, even a roommate said she they were his best friends. As a boy should meet Ira A. Fulton. She did, and — — he developed a special bond with his within a year on June 26, 1954 they mother and a deep respect for his father. married. "Getting married was the best There were no luxuries in life for decision I ever made, because it was to young Ira, and at times even the neces- Mary Lou," says Ira. sities were hard to come by. At a very Ira was reared as a member of The young age he began working in his Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day mother's cafe, and in the summers he Saints. Mary Lou had been reared in mowed lawns. As a sixth grader Ira got another faith. She discovered early a paper route with the Arizona Republic; on in their courtship that Ira was a in time, he was their top-producing Christian with values that shaped his paperboy. decisions. Following their wedding, Ira is and always has been a hard she investigated the Church and was worker with a knack for earning baptized on New Year's Day, 1955 calling it one of the happiest days of that Ira's almost tireless work ethic and her life. constant drive for success have never Ira and Mary Lou have one daughter, been about accumulating wealth but, Lorie Ann, and two sons, Greg and rather, about improving life for those Doug. Family relationships always around him. have been important to them and are Giving has been a habit with Ira even more so now that the Fultons since day one, Mary Lou says. She tells have twelve grandchildren and two of a time when their children were great-grandchildren. small and money was tight. When she Twenty years after getting married, saw Ira give their last twenty dollars and by then a mother of three teen- in cash to his ailing mother, she knew agers, Mary Lou completed her studies they would have to forgo some things and student teaching and graduated (including school shoes for the chil- with a bachelor of arts degree in educa- dren), but she also knew that Ira's tion from Arizona State University. mother truly needed the money. Throughout their married life Ira has Wherever they have lived, they have always had two or three jobs at a time. been involved in their community and He has had successful careers in com- in the Church. They have given to the puter sales, retail clothing, and, cur- Boy Scout and Girl Scout organizations; rently, home building. Fulton Homes is they lent their backing to the YMCA and one of Arizona's most prominent and the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. respected home builders. Mary Lou says They have supported candidates for political office who share their views. institution where world-class research And thousands of young men and is done. women at universities and colleges "If I can help the next generation across the country have benefited from of quality students prepare to make an the Fultons' generosity. impact when they graduate, my efforts Ira and Mary Lou really found their will have been worth it," says Ira. passion for giving when a neighbor Mary Lou adds, "There is nothing telephoned Ira to discuss the needs better than seeing the goodness of the of a research lab at Brigham Young students." University. The Fultons' desire is to Their love for students here has trans- build today's youth into tomorrow's lated to assisting students elsewhere. leaders, and they have come to believe The Fultons are noted supporters of their that there is no better place to do that alma mater, Arizona State University. than at BYU. They have also made significant contri- "I became involved with the Y butions to Brigham Young University- because of the caliber of faculty and Hawaii, the University of Utah, and the administrators. I stay involved because soon-to-be Utah Valley University. — of the students they are the finest I've For the last two years the Fultons ever met," says Ira. have been included in BusinessWeek The Fultons' efforts at BYU have magazine's list of the country's fifty been extensive; their role here has been most generous philanthropists. "I have described as "significant" and their fun making money," Ira says, "but I legacy as "indelible." They are well- have more fun giving it away." known on campus and to BYU's Ira currently serves on the executive worldwide alumni. committee of BYU's President's Leader- In 2003 the BYU Board of Trustees ship Council, where his responsibilities approved naming the university's include building relationships with college of engineering in honor of Ira. friends of BYU. Recently the Fultons The undergraduate and graduate pro- have been instrumental in raising funds grams in the Ira A. Fulton College of for the construction of the Gordon B. Engineering and Technology are Hinckley Alumni and Visitors Center. nationally ranked. "Ira loves people, and it shows," says There are student-focused academic Bruce Snow, director of LDS Philanthro- chairs named for Mary Lou in four of pies at BYU. "He also loves getting them BYU's colleges: the College of Fine Arts involved, never asking from others what and Communications; the College of he is not willing to match himself. He is Family Home, and Social Sciences; a get-it-done person, and BYU's land- the College of Health and Human scape for learning has vastly changed Performance; and the College of through his efforts." Humanities. These are advancing For their demonstrated love of their student research work and expanding fellow men, for their allegiance to this knowledge in many fields of study. university, and for their ongoing sup- The forty-fifth fastest supercom- port of its mission, Brigham Young — puter in the entire world also named University is pleased to confer upon Ira — for Mary Lou is at BYU, thanks to the Amond Fulton the honorary degree of Fultons. BYU's supercomputers are Doctor of Engineering, honoris causa, some of only a few available to under- and upon Mary Lou Henson Fulton, graduates in the country and help the honorary degree of Doctor of BYU distinguish as a student-focused Education, honoris causa. HONORARY DOCTORATE their Mormon heritage and Mountain JACK ROBERT WHEATLEY West upbringing. After graduating AND MARY CANNON LOIS from West Point and being commis- SHARP WHEATLEY sioned in the United States Army, Jack served a tour of duty in Korea. Upon "In everything, diligently pursue his return he and Mary Lois were mar- excellence," advises Jack Robert ried in the Salt Lake Temple. On April Wheatley. It is advice he lives by. Hard 11, 2007, they celebrated 55 years work, high expectations, and depend- of marriage. — ence on the Lord these traits, and the Mary Lois was born and reared in support of his wife, Mary Lois Cannon Salt Lake City, the second of Ira and Lois — Sharp Wheatley have shaped Jack's Sharp's four children. Her childhood life. Mary Lois's maxim for life is to was filled with family and friends. Her find your special gift and use it to mother loved art and music and made the best of your ability to help others. everything around her beautiful. Her Together, theirs is a proven formula father was a practical man, deeply for success. "Weigh success not in gain devoted to his family. Love of beauty, but in improvements to the world," practicality, and devotion are traits Mary counsels Jack. Lois has sought for and brought to her Jack and Mary Lois's greatest joys own family. She has always been an are their family and the gospel of Jesus artist and continues to paint. Portraits Christ. They reared six children, have of family members are her specialty. In twenty-nine grandchildren, and cur- 1948 she graduated with a bachelor of rently count nine great-grandchildren. fine arts degree from the University of The Wheatleys have served two full- Utah before going on to continue her time missions for The Church of Jesus art studies in New York. Christ of Latter-day Saints, one as mis- Born in Pocatello, Idaho, Jack's sion president in Denver and the other early years were spent in Robin, where in Portugal. Their faith and example his parents' family of five children — have blessed thousands beginning, constituted a significant portion of the and most importantly, at home. tiny farming community's population. The couple met in New York City Jack, the youngest of Michael and in 1949 when Jack was a cadet at the Maude Agnus Wheatley's children, United States Military Academy at West was best friends with his brothers and Point and Mary Lois was studying at was adored by his only sister. the prestigious Art Students League. From his father, Jack learned to The Big Apple was a long way from work, to complete every project begun, and to never complain. From his all born and reared in Palo Alto, mother, he gained a lifelong love of California. learning. These attributes earned the Because of his experience with freshman at what is now Idaho State the Army Corps of Engineers, Jack University a coveted nomination wanted to build buildings, and while to West Point. the family lived in Salt Lake City he Jack was an engineering officer in worked with a local construction the army when he and Mary Lois wed. company. This association led him to He was stationed at Fort Belvoir near northern California, where he started Alexandria, Virginia. After eighteen a construction company with his months they moved to the Army Corps brother Leon as well as a real estate of Engineers District Office in Kansas development company. City, Missouri. A year later Jack and The Wheatley family had found Mary Lois decided it would be best for their home. Jack's businesses grew. He their family for Jack to enter the civilian built homes, schools, commercial build- work force. ings, office buildings, and buildings on John, their first son, was born in the campuses of Stanford University Virginia. Their second child, Victoria, and San Jose State University. was born in Salt Lake City, where the In 1963, in partnership with his family relocated after Jack's time in former Salt Lake City employers, Jack's the army. Children Elizabeth, Robert, construction company was awarded Charles, and Mary Margaret were the contract to build the Oakland

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