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Comm John Quick Letter 1 24 19 (1) PDF

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THE STATE of Department of Administration ‘ALASKA oe weindar asco" Tanuary 24, 2009 Honorable Bert Stedman Co-Chair, Senate Finance Committee km #518 Juneau, AK 99801 Honorable Natasha von Tmhat Co-Chair, Senate Finan Cormmsitioe Rm 2514 Juneau, AK. 99841 Tonarale Mike Shower Chair, Senate State Alfsirs Commitee un #417 Juneau, AK 99801 Duar Senators Steciman, Von Imhof, and Shower, | would like ta take this opportunity to provide the Committors with additional information ang clarification regarding my previous husiness imererts, work history and recent Senete testimony. Jn 2011. { verbally entered into an equity-stake business veotue with the Reynolds family of Puyallup, WA. Togafte, my business partnor Bryan Reynolds, his family and | rebranded an existing franchise info a new business with an additional location aud created anetlir ncn business with ope lauation ~ knaven Then urd tay us Anthem Coffee 4 Tex and Elements Frozen Yogurt As the businesses gress it became clear thatthe verbal agreement I entered into was not going to ‘materialize into 4 written sgreement. After numerous negotiations with the Reynolds family and rauel heariache for me und my fumily, we parted wus During ony Senate confiemation hearing on Tunusry 23, 2019, 1 was asked in detail to discuss my’ selatouship with Anthent Coffee & Tea and Elements Fraven Vayurt. After reviewing the testumony, I would lke Co take the opportunity to clay a few of my statements: + Taresponse to questions, {incorrectly stated that my association with the Anthem Cottee & Tea and Elements Frozen Yogurt cnded in 2014 when in fact it endod w 2012, + In response to questions, T accepted the terminelegy used by Senator WiclechowrsKl when I should have clarified Bat { parted ways with the eornpuny, rather than selling an. ‘ownership stake. [sincerely npologize for stating this incorrect information and thank you for the opportunity respond. Like many busines aeners and entrepreneurs, ve hd great sucocss and Faced certain failure. Each experience has tamght me greal lessor, ard collecively they have meee me a better ypison, busband and manager Sines Jonatflan Quick Comfhission of Administeation *Prelosure re oxi om toe we thy Wop angst 8 Sai, ont ran Ratt ccc nein a @ rozen yogurt comes full ¢ pall building along North Meridian has ge ted to support two k i ENTS FROZEN s opening iD ‘national press | many business owners ‘bricks and mortar mom and pop es are going away. 4 ‘Butin historic downtown Puyallup there isa beacon of hope tepresented by a start- __ up business called Flements Frozen Yogurt. The owners, Bryan Reynolds and John Quick, embody the American Dream: of _ starting a business, being successful and excited, and bringing in new jobs to the area. The store supports 16 cmployees. | The city made a good choice bringing Yhis store into city hall—. welcoming two hometown Rogers High School graduates. Make sure to celebrate this store July 9 and icy the many ‘element’ toppings.

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