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Comet Encounters Z'CSEIl03kml Comet Encounters Compiled from Papers published in the Journal of Geophysical Research and Geophysical Research Letters the Editors J. J. THOMAS BIRMINGHAM ALEXANDER DESSLER Journal of Geophysical Research Geophysical Research Letters American Geophysical Union WASHINGTON, D.C. 1988 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS BOOK MAY BE PURCHASED FROM THE AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION In the District ofColumbia or outside the U.S.A., telephone 202-462-6903. Otherwise, telephone 800-424-2488 TOLL FREE. Orwrite AGU-Orders, 2000 FloridaAvenue, N.W., Washington, DC. 20009. Contents PREFACE vii NOTEON THE COVER IMAGE viii I: MASS LOADING EFFECTS IN THE UNSHOCKED SOLAR WIND A:PARTICLES DetectionofCometaryPickupIonsupto10'KMfrom cometHaDey: SuiseiObservation (GRL 13(8) 1986) 1 T. Terasawa, T. Mukai, W. Miyake, M. Kitayama, andK. Hirao IonCompositionandUpstreamSolarWindObservationsatcometGiacobini-Zinner (JGR92(Al) 1987) 5 M. A. Coplan, K. W. Ogilvie, M. F. A'Hearn, P. Bochsler, andJ. Geiss In-SituObservationsofCometaryPick-upIons >0.2AUUpstreamofcometHaDey: ICEObservations (GRL 13(8) 1986) 13 K.-P. Wenzel, T. R. Sanderson, I. G. Richardson, S. W. H. Cowley, R. J. Hynds, S. J. Bame, R. D. Zwickl, E. J. Smith, andB. T. Tsurutani TheEffectofMassLoadingOutsideCometaryBowShockfor thePlasmaandWaveMeasurementsintheComing CometaryMissions (JGR92(A2) 1987) 17 R. Z. Sagdeev, V. D. Shapiro, V. I. Shevchenko, andK. Szego TheInteraction of HeavyIonsfrom comet PIGiacobini-ZinnerwiththeSolarWind (GRL 13(4) 1986) 24 T. R. Sanderson, K-P. Wenzel, P. Daly, S. W. H. Cowley, R. J. Hynds, E. J. Smith, S. J. Bame, and R. D. Zwickl CometaryPick-upIonsObservedNearGiacobini-Zinner (GRL 13(3) 1986) 28 G. Gloeckler, D. Hovestadt, F. M. Ipavich, M. Scholer, B. Klecker, andA. B. Galvin EnergyDiffusionofPickupIonsUpstreamofComets (JGR92(A8) 1987) 32 PhilipA. Isenberg EnergeticIonPropertiesObservednearthePeripheryoftheMass-loadedFlowRegionSurrounding cometPIGiacobini-Zinner (GRL 13(8) 1986) 37 C. Tranquille, I. G. Richardson, S. W. H. Cowley, T. R. Sanderson, K.-P. Wenzel, andR. J. Hynds RapidPickupofCometaryIonsDuetoStrongMagneticTurbulence (GRL 13(8) 1986) 41 C. S. Wu, D. Winske, andJ. D. Gaffey, Jr. TheSakigakeandSuiseiEncounterswithcometHaDey (GRL 13(8) 1986) 45 T. Itoh andK. Hirao Three-dimensionalEnergeticIonBulkFlowsatcometPIGiacobini-Zinner (GRL 13(4) 1986) 48 I. G. Richardson, S. W. H. Cowley, R. J. Hynds, T. R. Sanderson, K.-P. Wenzel, andP. W. Daly IonDynamicsandDistributionAroundcometHaDey: SuiseiObservation (GRL 13(8) 1986) 52 T. Mukai, W. Miyake, T. Terasawa, M. Kitayama, andK. Hirao TheDevelopmentofShell-likeDistributionsfrom NewbornCometaryIons (GRL 13(13) 1986) 56 S. PeterGary, SatoshiHinata, ChristianD. Madland, andDan Winske CharacteristicsofCometaryPicked-UpIonsina GlobalModelofGiacobini-Zinner (JGR92(A8) 1987) 60 C. D. Kimmel, J. G. Luhmann, J. L. Phillips, andJ. A. Fedder B: WAVES ANDFLUCTUATIONS ICEPlasmaWaveMeasurementsintheIonPick-upRegionofcometHaUey (GRL 13(8) 1986) 69 F. L. Scarf, F. V. Coroniti, C. F. Kennel, T. R. Sanderson, K-P Wenzel, R. J. Hynds, E. J. Smith, S. J. Bame, andR. D. Zwickl MIlDTurbulenceintheSolarWind-CometInteractionRegion (GRL 13(2) 1986) 73 R. Z. Sagdeev, V. D. Shapiro, V. 1. Shevchenko, andK. Szego StrongHydromagneticTurbulenceAssociated withcometGiacobini-Zinner (GRL 13(3) 1986) 77 Bruce T. Tsurutani andEdwardJ. Smith Contents; I: MASS LOADING EFFECTS IN THE UNSHOCKED SOLAR WIND B: WAVES ANDFLUCTUATIONS HydromagneticWavesandInstabilities~iatedwithCometaryIonPickup: ICEObservations (GRL 13(3) 1986) 81 Bruce T. TsurutaniandEdwardJ. Smith SteepenedMagnetosonicWavesatcometGiacobini-Zinner (JGR92(A10) 1987) 85 Bruce T. Tsurutani, RichardM. Thorne, EdwardJ. Smith, J. T. Gosling, andHiroshi Matsumoto PlasmaWaveTurbulenceintheStrongCouptingRegionatcometGiacobini-Zinner (GRL 13(9) 1986) 94 F. V. Coroniti, C. F. Kennel, F. L. Scarf, E. J. Smith, B. T. Tsurutani, S. J. Bame, M. F. Thomsen, R. Hynds, andK. P. Wenzel PlasmaWaves intheShockInteractionRegions atcometGiacobini-Zinner (GRL 13(8) 1986) 98 C. F. Kennel, F. V. Coroniti, F. L. Scarf, B. T. Tsurutani, E. J. Smith, Jr., S. J. Bame, andJ. T. Gosling LinearlyPolarizedMagneticFluctuationsatcometGiacobini-Zinner (JGR91(A12) 1986) 102 S. PeterGary andDan Winske HydromagneticWavesnear0+ (orH 0+)IonCyclotronFrequencyObservedbySakigakeatthe Closest 2 ApproachtocometHalley (GRL 13(8) 1986) 107 Kiyohumi Yumoto, Takao Saito, andTomokoNakagawa ATheoryforLow-frequencyWavesObservedatcometGiacobini-Zinner (JGR92(A5) 1987) 111 M. L. GoldsteinandH. K. Wong PlasmaFluctuationsandLarge..scaleMixingnearcometGiacobini-Zinner (GRL 13(3) 1986) 117 D. N. Baker, W. C. Feldman, S. P. Gary, D. J. McComas, andJ. Middleditch LargeAmplitude, LowFrequencyPlasmaFluctuationsatcometGiacobini-Zinner (GRL 13(3) 1986) 121 J. T. Gosling, J. R. Asbridge, S. J. Bame, M. F. Thomsen, andR. D. Zwickl StochasticAccelerationofCometaryIonsbyLowerHybridWaves (GRL 14(2) 1987) 125 B. ButiandG. S. Lakhina IonDistributionFunctionsintheVicinityofcometGiacobini-Zinner (GRL 13(3) 1986) 129 T. E. Cravens BroadeningandOccultationofRadioSourcesbycometGiacobini-ZinnerasObservedfrom ICE (GRL 13(4) 1986) 133 J. L. Steinberg, J. Fainberg, N. Meyer-Vernet, andS. Hoang PhysicalParametersforHotandColdElectronPopulationsincometGiacobini-ZinnerwiththeICERadio Experiment (GRL 13(3) 1986) 137 N. Meyer-Vernet, P. Couturier, S. Hoang, C. Perche, andJ. L. Steinberg II: BOUNDARIES Comet-solarWindInteraction: DynamicalLengthScalesandModels (GRL 13(3) 1986) 145 D. A. Mendis, E. J. Smith, B. T. Tsurutani, J. A. Slavin, D. E. Jones, andG. L. Siscoe TheBowWaveofcometGiacobini-Zinner: ICEMagneticFieldObservations (GRL 13(3) 1986) 149 D. E. Jones, E. J. Smith, J. A. Slavin, B. T. Tsurutani, G. L. SiSCfl:-, andD. A. Mendis TheComet/SolarWindTransitionRegionat Giacobini-Zinner (GRL 13(4) 1986) 153 M. F. Thomsen, S. J. Bame, W. C. Feldman, J. T. Gosling, D. J. McComas, andD. T. Young PositionandStructureofthecometHalleyBowShock: Vega-l andVega-2Measurements (GRL 13(8) 1986) 157 A. A. Galeev, B. E. Gribov, T. Gombosi, K. I. Gringauz, S. I. Klimov, P. Oberz, A. P. Remizov, W. Riedler, R. Z. Sagdeev, S. P. Savin, A. Yu. Sokolov, V. D. Shapiro, V. I. Shevchenko, K. Szego, M. I. Verigin, and Yeo G. Yeroshenko Detectionofa New "Chemical" BoundaryatcometHalley (GRL 13(7) 1986) 161 K. I. Gringauz, T. I. Gombosi, M. Ttitrallyay, M. I. Verigin, A. P. Remizov, A. K. Richter, I. Apathy, I. Szemerey, A. V. Dyachkov, O. V. Balakina, andA. F. Nagy Contents I HeatFluxObservationsandtheLocationoftheTramitiooRegionBoundaryofGiacobini-Zinner (GRL 13(3) 1986) 165 S. A. Fuselier, W. C. Feldman, S. J. Bame, E. J. Smith, andF. L. Scarf SimulationoftheSolarWindInteractionwiththe OuterRegionsoftheComa (GRL 13(4) 1986) 169 Nojan OmidiandDan Winske AnMIlDSimulationoftheInteractionoftheSolarWindwiththeOutflowingPlasmafrom a Comet (GRL 13(9) 1986) 173 Tatsuki Ogino, RaymondJ. Walker, andMaha Ashour-Abdalla III: SHOCKED SOLAR WIND / IONOSPHERE ThreeComponentPlasmaElectronDistributioniiitheIntennediateIonizedComaof cometGiaoobini-Zinner (GRL 13(4) 1986) 181 R. D. Zwickl, D. N. Baker, S. J. Bame, W. C. Feldman, S. A. Fuselier, W. F. Huebner, D. J. McComas, andD. T. Young ElectronImpactIonimtionintheVicinityofComets (JGR92(A7) 1987) 185 T. E. Cravens, J. U. Kozyra, A. F. Nagy, T. I. Gombosi, andM. Kurtz CriticalIonizationVelocityEffectsintheIJinerComaofcometHalley: MeasurementsbyVega-2 (GRL 13(8) 1986) .198 A. A. Galeev, K. I. Gringauz, S. I. Klimov, A. P. Remizov, R. Z. Sagdeev, S. P. Savin, A. Yu. Sokolov, M. I. Verigin,andK. Szego PIasm8FlowandCriticalVelocityIonimtioninCometaryComae (GRL 13(3) 1986) 202 GerhardHaerendel AModelofCometPIGiacobini-Zinner (GRL 13(4).1986) 206 D. C. Boice, W. F. Huebner, J. J. Keady, H. U. Schmidt, andR. Wegmann ANewModelofCometaryIonospheres JGR92(A7) 1987) 210 A.Korosmezey, T. E. Cravens, T. I. Gombosi, A. F. Nagy, D. A. Mendis, K. Szego, B. E. Gribov, R. Z. Sagdeev, V. D. Shapiro, andV. I. Shevchenko Instabilityofa CometIonopause: ConsequencesofCollisionsandCompressibility (JGR91(A8) 1986) 220 AlexanderI. Ershkovich, DinaPrialnik, andAharonEviatar IV: TAIL PHENOMENA OntheHeatingofElectronsintheTailofGiacobini-Zinner (GRL 14(1) 1987) 231 M. L. Marconi GyroradiusEffectsontheEnergeticIonsintheTailLobesofcometPIGiacobini-Zinner (GRL 13(4) 1986) 234 P. W. Daly, T. R. Sanderson, K.-P. Wenzel, S. W. H. Cowley, R. J. Hynds, andE. J. Smith TheStructureofa CometaryTypeI TaD: Ground-bMedandICEObservationsofPIGiacobini-Zinner (GRL 13(11) 1986) 238 J. A. Slavin, B. A. Goldberg, E. J. Smith, D. J. McComas, S. J. Bame, M. A. Strauss, andH. Spinrad TheElectronDensityandTemperatureintheTailofcometGiacobini-Zinner (GRL 13(4) 1986) 242 M. L. Marconi andD. A. Mendis Staticsand.J)yn8JnksofGiacobini-ZinnerMagneticTail (GRL 13(3) 1986) 244 G. L. Siscoe,J. A. Slavin, E. J. Smith, B. T. Tsurutani, D. E. Jones, andD. A. Mendis TheGiacobini-ZinnerMagnetotail: TailConfigurationand CurrentSheet (JGR92(A2) 1987) 248 D. J. McComas, J. T. Gosling, S. J. Bame, J. A. Slavin, E. J. Smith, andJ. L. Steinberg AnAccelerationMechanismfor CometaryPlasmaTails (GRL 13(8) 1986) 262 ShigeyukiMinamiandR. Stephen White Giacobini-ZinnerMagnetotail: ICEMagneticFieldObservations (GRL 13(3) 1986) 266 J. A. Slavin, E. J. Smith, B. T. Tsurutani, G. L. Siscoe, D. E. Jones, andD. A. Mendis Near-TailReconnectionasthe CauseofCometaryTailDisconnections (JGR91(A2) 1986) 270 c. T. Russell, M. A. Saunders, J. L. Phillips, andJ. A. Fedder Contents I V: REMOTE OBSERVATIONS AT ENCOUNTER PioneerVenusLyman-aObservationsofcometPIGiacobini-ZinnerandtheLifeExpectancyofCometary Hydrogen (GRL 13(4) 1986) 281 M. R. Combi, A. I. F. Stewart, and W. H. Smyth OpticalSpectrophotometryofcometP/Giacobini-ZinnerandEmissionProfilesofH 0+ (GRL 13(4) 1986) 285 2 MichaelA. Strauss, PatrickJ. McCarthy, andHyron Spinrad CometGiacobini-Zinner: Comparisonofa Post-encounterImagewithIn-situand GroundbasedObservations (GRL 13(8) 1986) 289 MichaelMendillo andJeffreyBaumgardner ADisturbanceoftheIonTallofcometHalleyandtheHeliosphericStructureas ObservedbySakigake (GRL 13(8) 1986) 293 Takao Saito, Kiyohumi Yumoto, Kunio Hirao, KeijiSaito, Tomoko Nakagawa, andEdwardJ. Smith ActivityofcometHalleyObservedintheUltraviolet (GRL 13(8) 1986) 2~ E. Kaneda, K. Hirao, M. Shimizu, andO. Ashihara ObservationsofcometHalleyatHaand6300A (GRL 14(1) 1987) 301 R. B. Kerr, C. A. Tepley, R. P. Cageao, S. K. Atreya, T. M. Donahue, andI. M. Cherchneff TheHydrogenComaofcometHalleyBeforePerihelion: PreliminaryObservationswithDynamicsExplorer1 (GRL 13(8) 1986) 305 J. D. Craven, L. A. Frank, R. L. Rairden, andM. R. Dvorsky VI: DUST TheDynamicsofChargedDustintheTallofcometGiacobini-Zinner (JGR91(Al) 1986) 313 M. Horanyi andD. A. Mendis GroundbasedInfraredImagingofcometGiacobini-Zinner: theDistributionofDustDuringtheICEFlyby (GRL 13(3) 1986) 320 H. Campins, C. M. Telesco, R. Decher, D. Mozurkewich, andH. A. Thronson, Jr. DustParticlesDetectednearGiacobini-ZinnerbytheICEPlasmaWaveInstrument (GRL 13(3) 1986) 324 D. A. Gurnett, T. F. Averkamp, F. L. Scarf, andE. Griin NumericalSimulationofSpacecraftChargingbyImpact-InducedPlasmas (JGR91(A3) 1986) 328 H. Thiemann, N. Singh, R. W. Schunk, andR. Grard ElectronEmission byGasandDustImpactsduringtheFlybys (GRL 13(8) 1986) 340 R. GrardandK. Gringauz ModelingofDustHaloFonnationFollowingCometOutbursts: PreliminaryResults (GRL 13(3) 1986) 343 T. I. GombosiandM. Horanyi DustCharges, CloudPotential, andInstabilitiesina DustCloudEmbeddedina Plasma (JGR92(A3) 1987) 346 o. Havnes, C. K. Goertz, G. E. Morfill,E. Griin, and W. Ip Contents I Preface by the Editors Noonewoulddisputethat 1985 and 1986wereuniquetimes ascometsnearthesun.Severalofthepaperscovercomplemen forcometaryresearch. InSeptember1985ISEE-3transitedthe tary ground-based observations, theory, and modeling. These magnetotail ofcomet Giacobini-Zinner and providedthe first firstpapersprojecttheintellectualexcitementthatwasgenerat close-upscientificviewofacometaryenvironment. Halfayear edbytheseencounters. Laterpaperswillbemoredetailedand lateraninternationalfleetofspacecraftequippedwithstate-of integratedandwillcontaindeeperinsights,butthespiritofthe the-art instrumentation gave us a "once-in-a-lifetime" look at presentcollectionwill be unmatched. cometHalley. CometEncounters has been arranged bytopic (ratherthan This book consists ofpapers submitted to the Journal of in chronological order) to make it easier to use. TheTable of GeophysicalResearch and~oGeophysicalResearchLetters Contentsthusservesasaroughformofanindex.Theordering during the period immediately following these first cometary of the papers, one of several that were considered, is not flybys. Emphasis is on the unusual physics that occurs when unique. However, itappearedto us to be logical andone that dust,neutralgas,plasma,magneticfields, andradiationinteract shouldserve the needs ofstudents ofthe scienceofcomets. THOMASJ. BIRMINGHAM ALEXANDERJ. DESSLER JournalofGeophysicalResearch GeophysicalResearchLetters I Preface vii Note on the Cover Image The International Cometary Explorer (ICE) spacecraft highesttime andspatial resolution ofanyobtainedduringthe passed through the tail ofperiodic comet Giacobini-Zinner encounter period. (G-Z) on September 11, 1985 at a distance of7800km from Theorientation andscale ofthis picture are givenbytheX' the nucleus. This spacecraft had no imaging capability;·its axiswhichis antiparalleltothesolarwindflowvectornearthe purpose was to make plasma, plasma wave, magnetic field, time ofencounter, the Y' axiswhich is parallelto the planeof radio wave, and energetic particle measurements. Among the ecliptic (positive in the retrograde direction),·and the Z' theinstruments onboardwastheJetPropulsionLaboratory axiswhichcompletesthe right-handedcoordinatesystem. The (JPL) VectorHelium Magnetometer(VHM) which sampled false color scale (blue =high intensity; red = low intensity) magnetic fields generated by the solarwind interactionwith was cllosen to emphasize the tail, and folds overin the bright thecometwithaspatialresolutionof7km. Correlatedearth innercoma. Aparabolarepresentingthemagnetotailsurfaceis basedobservations obtainedatopticalwavelengths comple indicatedwith adashed line. mented the in situ measurements ofthe spacecraft. TheICE observations inthe pictureshowthesignatureofa The image ofG-Z on the cover was taken with the 3.6 m well-defined, bi-Iobed magnetic tail consistent with Alfven's Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) on Mauna Kea, field linedrapingmodelofiontails. Thesetwomagneticlobes Hawaiiusinga230Awideinterferencefiltercenteredonthe ofhigherfieldintensityareofoppositepolarities.Thelowfield H 0+ bandpass at 7025 AuponwhichtheICEmagneticfield regionbetweenthelobes, termedtheplasmasheet, isoccupied 2 observationshave beensuperimposed. TheICEmeasurements by cometary·ions being accelerated away from the nucleus. are shown as the projected magnetic field vectors scaled in Opticalemissionsfromthese.ions (inthisinstancefromH 0+) 2 nanoteslas (nT) alongthe pathofthe spacecraftatintervals of give riseto theobservablecharacteroftheiontail. Forfurther 126 km. The maximum field strength represented by these discussion see: "The Structure of a Cometary Type I Tail: vectorsisabout60nT,themagneticfieldstrengthatthecomet Ground~Based andICEObservationsofP/Giacobini-Zinner" being about 1000times less than at the surface ofthe Earth. by J. A. Slavin, B.A. Goldberg, and E.J. Smith,. et al (this Theopticalimageistheresultofa5minuteexposurecentered book, page 239). at 14:30 UT,or approximately 3.5-hours after ICE closest TheopticalobservationsweremadebyBruceA.Goldbergof approach to G-Z, and was part of a sequence of images JPL, Ian· Halliday of Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in acquiredwith an RCA CCD sensoratthe Cassegrainfocus of Ottawa, and Chris Aikman of the Dominion Astrophysical the CFHT. It was chosen because ofits high signal-to-noise Observatory in Victoria, British Columbia. Edward J. Smith ratio andits freedom from contamination byfield stars, which wastheTeamLeaderfortheVHMandJamesA. Slavinateam appear as parallel slanted lines. The pixel size projected at the member. Image processing was carried out at JPL's Image comet is 75 km, but atmospheric "seeing" limited the true Processing Laboratory (IPL) by RayJ. Bambery. resolution to about 300 km.-These images have perhaps the I viii Note on the CoverImage Special Publications Comet Encounters Vol. 27 GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 13, NO.8, PAGES 837-840, AUGUST 1986 DETECTION OF COMETARY PICKUP IONS UP TO 107KM FROM COMET HALLEY: SUISEI OBSERVATION 3 T. Terasawa,1 T. Mukai,! W. Miyake,2, M. Kitayama,1 and K. Hira0 1Institute ofSpace and Astronautical Science, Meguro, Tokyo 153, Japan 2Radio Research Laboratories, Koganei, Tokyo 184, Japan 3Department ofAeronautics and Astronautics, Tokai University, Hiratsuka 259-12, Japan Abstract. Cometary pickup protons were observed as ated to measure two-dimensional distribution ofions at 64 far as 9.7x 106km away from the cometary nucleus, while logarithmic energy steps in the range of 248eV/q the pickup cometary ions of water-group (expected to be 15.8keY/q and at 22 azimuthal samplingpoints within the mainly 0+) were observed as far as 4.0x 106km. ecliptic plane. From the direction ofthe major axis ofthe Observationofthesecometaryionsisbasedontheidentifi observed pressure tensor of solar wind protons, we can cation ofa specific feature in the phase space distribution estimate the magnetic field direction proje9ted to the ofions(ion-pickupshell). Wefound thatthepickupshellIS ecliptic plane when the anisotropy is sufficiently large [e.g. usually filled only partially (""50%). This observation see Feldman et aI., 1973]. We shall refer to the ratio suggests that the efficiency of the energy diffusion is between the major and minor eigenvalues ofthe pressure comparable to that ofthe pitch angle diffusion. From the tensor as PII/P1- in the following analysis. On-board cali spatial asymmetry in the cometary ion density observed brations ofthe ESPinstrumentrevealed no degradation of between inbound and outbound parts of the spacecraft theinstrumentperformancebeforeandaftertheencouhter. orbit, it is suggested that there was a difference ofa factor of 2-3 between the ion production rates around the Observations inbound and outbound orbit. Figure 1shows the orbit ofSuisei from 4 to 13 March, 1986, drawn in the cometocentric solar ecliptic (CSE) Introduction coordinate system ofHalley (for definition see the accom panying paper, Mukai et aI., 1986b). A dotted parabola The assimilation process of cometary ions inside the shows the approximate shape ofthe cometary bow shock. cometosheath ofcomet Halley as well as in the upstream Shadedareas showintervalswhen theplasmaobservations region near the bow shock (within ""2x 106km of the are made. (The interval with the darkest shade is reported nucleus) has been clearly identified by the in situ obser in Mukai et aI., 1986b.) Barswith H+ and 0+ respectively vation ofSuisei [Mukai et aI., 1986a, 1986b]. In the above show the intervals when the cometary protons and water region, themacroscopicparametersofthe solarwind, such group ions are clearly identified in the analysis to be asthevelocity,density,andtemperature,arelargelyaffected presented below. bythepickupcometaryions. Beyondthatregion,although Figure·2 shows the contour plot ofphase space density the.density ofthe cometary ions becomes lower and their f(V} observed at 9.7-9.0x 106km away from the nucleus. effectontheglobal dynamics ofthe solar wind flow is less In this plot, f(V) is plotted as if all the ions are protons. spectacular,theyareconsideredto beacauseofthe strong Ions ofdifferent mass-to-charge ratio (M/q) appear at the plasmawaves as well as the low frequency magnetic waves (""10-2Hz)·observed around 7x 106km awayfrom comet velocity (M/q)1/2 times larger than their actual values. The contour curves are drawn at logarithmic steps, e.g. at Halley's nucleus by Sakigake [Oya et aI., 1986; Yumoto et 10-15,10-14.5,10-14,10-13.5, ... m-6s3. These contour aI., 1986]. The ICE (International Cometary Explorer) levels should be rescaled by multiplying a factor of(M/q)2 observed enhancement of the plasma waves even around fortheionsotherthanprotons. Regionwheref(V)isabove 2.8x 107km away from the nucleus (F. L. Scarf, private 10-14m-6s3 (for protons) is hatched to emphasize the communication, 1986). Balsiger et aI. [1986].reported de structure of the. distribution. The highest peak around tection of pickup protons of cometary origin at ""7.5 X (- 41O±5, 34±5) km/s represents the solar wind protons. 106km from the nucleus on the inbound orbit ofGiotto. The solar wind alpha particles make the second highest In this paper, we present the results from the plasma peak around (-403±5, 32±5) km/s (the apparent po instrument aboard Suisei, which detected cometary pro sitionis (-570±7, 45±7) km/s). Since the phase space tons and water-group ions as far as 9.7x 106 and 4.0x density is proportional to (count rate)/(energy)2, the effect 106km from the nucleus, respectively. of statistical fluctuation (as well as the background noise produced by the cosmic ray particles and electronics) Instrumentation becomes larger in the lower velocity region (;5300km/s in Figure 2). During the time interval reported in this paper; the Adashedcircleshowsthetheoreticallyexpectedposition plasma instrument on Suisei (ESP instrument: ~nergy of the ion-pickup shell for protons of cometary origin; a §pectrum of~articles,see Mukai et aI., 1986b) was oper- solid circle near the origin shows the initial velocity of Copyright 1986 by the American Geophysical Union. cometary protonsjust after ionization. This velocity is the sum of the velocity of comet Halley relative to Suisei, Paper number 6L6229K. (- 18, 70)km/s, and the outflow velocity of neutral mol 0094-8276/86/006L-6229$03.00 ecules (4-20km/s for hydrogen atoms and ""1km/s for 837 CometEncounters: IA11 Copyright American Geophysical Union

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