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Comes the Darkness, Comes the Light: A Memoir of Cutting, Healing, and Hope PDF

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Comes the Darkness, Comes the Light iii COMES THE DARKNESS, COMES THE LIGHT http://avaxhome.ws/blogs/ChrisRedfield PAGEi .................16308$ $$FM 01-31-0713:25:00 PS This page intentionally left blank Comes the Darkness, Comes the Light iii COMES THE DARKNESS, COMES THE LIGHT A Memoir of Cutting, Healing, and Hope Vanessa Vega AMACOM NewYork PAGEiii .................16308$ $$FM 01-31-0713:25:00 PS SpecialdiscountsonbulkquantitiesofAMACOMbooksare availabletocorporations,professionalassociations,andother organizations.Fordetails,contactSpecialSalesDepartment, AMACOM,adivisionofAmericanManagementAssociation, 1601Broadway,NewYork,NY10019. Tel:212-903-8316.Fax:212-903-8083. E-mail:[email protected] Website:www.amacombooks.org/go/specialsales ToviewallAMACOMtitlesgoto:www.amacombooks.org Thispublicationisdesignedtoprovideaccurateandauthoritative informationinregardtothesubjectmattercovered.Itissoldwiththe understandingthatthepublisherisnotengagedinrenderingmedical, legal,accounting,orotherprofessionalservice.Ifmedicalorlegaladvice orotherexpertassistanceisrequired,theservicesofacompetent professionalpersonshouldbesought. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Vega,Vanessa,1971– Comesthedarkness,comesthelight:amemoirofcutting,healing,andhope/ VanessaVega. p. cm. ISBN-10:0-8144-7423-3(pbk.) ISBN-13:978-0-8144-7423-5(pbk.) 1. Vega,Vanessa,1971—Health. 2. Self-mutilation—Patients—Biography. 3. Self-injuriousbehavior—Patients—Biography. 4. Psychotherapy. I. Title. RC569.5.S48V44 2007 616.85(cid:2)820092—dc22 [B] 2006036161 (cid:2)2007VanessaVega Allrightsreserved. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. Thispublicationmaynotbereproduced, storedinaretrievalsystem, ortransmittedinwholeorinpart, inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic, mechanical,photocopying,recording,orotherwise, withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofAMACOM, adivisionofAmericanManagementAssociation, 1601Broadway,NewYork,NY10019. Printingnumber 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PAGEiv .................16308$ $$FM 01-31-0713:25:00 PS ‘‘Youmustcarrythechaoswithinyouinordertogivebirth tothedancingstar.’’—FRIEDRICHNIETZSCHE PAGEv .................16308$ $$FM 01-31-0713:25:01 PS This page intentionally left blank A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s First,IgivethankstomyHeavenlyFatherforshowingmeunequivo- callythatsomethingpositive cancomefrom allthings. To all the health professionals who guided me on my journey. Today Istandtallerbecauseofthetruths youhelpedmetodiscover. To Dana Davis, my friend andmentor. You were the first to read thesewordsandembracethem.Yourhonestfeedbackallowedmeto searchevendeeperwithinmyselfforatruthIwasafraiddidnotexist. To my cohorts at the DFW Writer’s Workshop, I say thank you. Your words of encouragement gave me the confidence I needed to seethisdreamthroughtotheend. To LP, I say thank you for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that time and distance do not always mean the end of a friendship. After eighteen years apart, you welcomed me back into your life, learned more about the woman I’d become, and took this deep and personal part of me carefully in your hands without hesitation. Your kind words and reassurance gave me the confidence I needed to dig deeper into my past to reveal more of myself than I had originally intended. This book is stronger because of the questions you dared toask.Blessyou. To my family and friends who have walked this long journey with me. Words cannot express how grateful I am for your presence in my life. No matter how many times I tried to pull away, each of you in turn reached out to me through phone calls, e-mails, and let- tersto letmeknow youwerethere forme nomatterwhat. Somany times I couldn’t say thank you or express the love I have for you in my heart. I am so grateful to each of you for standing with me through some of the darkest days of my life. I am who I am, in part, becauseofyourloveandsupport. ToJos´e,Isaythankyouforsomeofthemostwonderfulyearsof PAGEvii .................16308$ $ACK 01-31-0713:25:03 PS viii Acknowledgments my life. Life has taken us in different directions, but I know that you standwithmeincelebrationofthisendeavor.Iwishyouallthebest, nowandforever. And finally, words cannot express the gratitude I have for my agent, Maryann Karinch, and my editor, Christina Parisi. For your unwaveringsupportandendlesspatience,Iamindebted.Eachofyou challengedmeinwaysIwouldhaveneveranticipatedandIambetter forit.Thankyou. PAGEviii .................16308$ $ACK 01-31-0713:25:03 PS DearReader, Ofall thethings Icould havewritten about,this issuewas byfar themostpersonalandprivate.Ihavechosentosharemyexperiences with the hope that it will help you, the reader, to realize something greateraboutyourself. What you hold in your hands is a culmination of more than fifteen years of therapy by many individuals at several locations. Someofthistreatmentwasvoluntary;someofitwasnot.Regardless, forthefirsttimeinmylife,Iwastaskedwithtakingresponsibilityfor myownbehavior.Toassistmeinthisprocess,Itookantidepressants at various times of my life that offered me a small reprieve from feelings I found too overwhelming to deal with effectively. And in the end, I learned that therapy was about me and my desire for a healthierlife.Period.Itwasnotaboutmyfamily,myhusband(whom I divorced after twelve years of marriage), or impressing others. The falseimage Ihad createdfor theworld crumbledas soonas Iwalked inthedoor.Andaspainfulasthatwas,Iamalivebecauseofit. When I entered therapy, seriously, of my own volition, and with a desire to get to the heart of the reasons for my self-injury, it was because I was cutting four times a day. I had tried, unsuccessfully, to breakmyownarmsandfemurs,althoughIhadsucceededinbreaking fingersandtoes,andmostrecently,inrupturingtheprotectivecasing around my ulna and radius bones in my right arm. Repeated blunt traumatomyrightwristandforearmleftmewithtemporarynumb- nessinmyfingers. At the height of my disorder, in an effort to justify the endor- phinsIwasgettingfromcutting,Isubjectedmyselftomedicalexperi- mentsatthelocalmedicalschool.IrationalizedthatifIwasn’tdoing the cutting, and it benefited society, then it wasn’t really self-injury. I PAGEix .................16308$ READ 01-31-0713:25:07 PS

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