AUTHOR'SVIEW OncoImmunology1:5,773–776;August2012;G2012LandesBioscience Combining targeted therapy a with immunotherapy (interferon- ) Rational, efficacy in gastrointestinal stromal tumor model and implications in other malignancies Lei L. Chen,* Launce Gouw,1 Mahyar Sabripour,2 Wen-Jen Hwu3 and Robert S. Benjamin4 . e 1DepartmentofInternalMedicine;HuntsmanCancerInstitute;UniversityofUtah;SaltLakeCity,UTUSA;2AgensysInc;SantaMonica,CAUSA; 3DepartmentofMelanomaMedicalOncology;UniversityofTexasMDAndersonCancerCenter;Houston,TXUSA;4DepartmentofSarcomaMedicalOncology; t u UniversityofTexasMDAndersonCancerCenter;Houston,TXUSA b Keywords:drug-resistance,interferon-a,immunotherapy,targetedtherapy,imatinib,peginterferona-2b,gastrointestinalstromaltumor ri t s Abbreviations:IM,imatinib;GIST,gastrointestinalstromaltumor;IFN-a,interferon-a;CR,completeresponse;PR,partialresponse; i d PFS, progression-free-survival; mAb, monoclonal antibody t o n Imatinib revolutionized gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) treatment but median-progression-free-survival of unresectable/metastatic disease is , 2 y. B-RAFV600-mutated-melanoma responds to vemurafenib dramatically but o median-progression-free-survival is , 9 mo. Combining imatinib with immunotherapy (peginterferon a-2b) in GIST D showed significant induction of antitumor immunity and highly promising clinical outcomes. This strategy warrants further testinginother malignancies. . e c n e Imatinib (IM, Gleevec1, Glivec1),1 a drug binding (Fig.1A-C). Although gate- induction of innate and Th1 adaptive i selective inhibitor of ABL, KIT and keeper mutations in B-RAF can confer cell-mediated immunity (Th1 response).6 c s PDGFRA/B, represents the first paradigm- vemurafenib-resistance in laboratory Complete remission (CR) + partial o shift targeted therapy for gastrointestinal models, so far vemurafenib-resistance in response (PR) = 100%; overall survival i stromal tumor (GIST). Unfortunately, the melanoma manifested mainly receptor- = 100%; one patient died of unrelated B median-progression-free-survival (PFS) of tyrosine kinase or N-RAS upregulation, illness while in radiographic near-CR; s unresectablelocallyadvancedandmetastatic or signaling pathway switch to PDFGRB after a median follow-up of 3.9y, five e GIST is , 2y.2 Vemurafenib (PLX4032/ overexpression.5 of the seven evaluable patients are in d RG7204) demonstrated response rate of Drug-resistant clones evolve continu- continuing PR/CR with duration . n 52%, and represents a similar paradigm- ously and the poorly-understood resilient doubling the median-genotype-specific- a shift treatment for B-RAFV600-mutated- cancer stem-cells repopulate continuously; PFS of the Phase III IM-monotherapy L melanoma,however,theshortmedian-PFS theyrepresentthemainculpritsofrelapse. trial (CALGB150105/SWOGS0033)2 of , 9mo is disappointing.3 Common The vulnerability of developing drug- (Fig.1D, Pts#1, 2, 4, 5, 8); Pt#6 deve- 2 drug-resistant mechanisms include: (1) resistance using monotherapy (Fig.1A–C) loped IM-resistance, but when peginter- 1 Mutation of target evading drug binding, and the nature of these two culprits feron a-2b was re-initiated, a second PR 0 2 (2) Upregulation of up- or down-stream prompted us to exploit antitumor immu- was induced, indicative of recall of signaling molecule(s), (3) Alternative nity to overcome relapse by investigating antitumor immunity.6 © pathway(s) bypassing target. The first a new strategy of combining targeted Interferon a(IFNa)isaType 1IFN,a mechanism dominates IM-resistance in therapy (IM) with immunotherapy (pegin- physiological danger signal (3rd signal) GIST with missense KIT mutations com- terferona-2b[PegIntron1])inGIST.6 Our and immune modulator.7,8 Peginterferon monly located in KIT kinase domain4 results show that this combination treat- a-2b and peginterferon a-2a (Pegasys1) and activation loop. A single amino ment is well tolerated, safe, and induced are two currently available long-acting- acid replacement (gatekeeper mutations) significant IFNc-producing-CD8+, -CD4+, IFNa. IFNa have been used to treat is sufficient to alter hydrogen bonds, -NK cell, and robust IFNc-producing- several hematological neoplasia, Kaposi or hydrophobic support, thus impede tumor-infiltrating-lymphocytes, signifying sarcoma, and viral hepatitis in the past *Correspondenceto:LeiL.Chen;Email:[email protected] Submitted:02/15/12;Accepted:02/15/12 OncoImmunology 773 . e t u b i r t s i d t o n o D . e c n e i c s o i B s e d n a L 2 1 0 2 © Figure1.Forfigurelegend,seepage775. 774 OncoImmunology Volume1Issue5 Figure1(Seeoppositepage).IMbindingtoactivatedKIT(toppanel)andremissiondurationpost-combinationtreatmentwithIMpluspeginterferon a-2binGIST6(lowerpanel).(A-B),3DribbondiagramofIMbindingtoactivatedKIT.Red,IM;green,activationloop;greendottedline,hydrogenbonds; gold,keyaminoacids.IMformscriticalhydrogenbondstoneighboringaminoacidsThr670,Cys673,Glu640andAsp810.Val654isinakeyposition supportingthecorrectalignmentofthekeyhydrogenbondsofIMtoThr670andAsp810(DFGmotif).Therearetwoadditionalcriticalhydrogenbonds, onebetweenArg796andTyr823(activationloop),anotheronebetweenArg796andAsp792(A).Anyaminoacidsubstitutioninthesekeypositionscan disruptthecriticalconformationandimpedeIMbinding.Twosuchexamples,missensemutationVal654AlaandTyr823Aspareshown(B)Val654Ala resultedinlossofhydrophobicsupportofIM,andmissensemutationTyr823AspresultedinlossofhydrogenbondswithArg796.(C)2Dbinding interactionsofIMwithneighboringaminoacids,hydrogenbondsareshowasgreen(H-bondinteractionwithaminoacidmainchain)andblue(H-bond interactionwithaminoacidsidechain)arrows.Pistackinginteractionsareshownasorangelines.Residuesinvolvedinhydrogen-bond,chargeorpolar interactionsareshownaspinkcircles.ResiduesinvolvedinvanderWaalsinteractionsareshownasgreencircles.(D)Remissiondurationpost- combinationtreatmentaftermedianfollow-upof3.9y(4.6–3.5y,calculatedasof02/15/2012),fivepatientsareincontinuingPR/CR(Pts#1,2,4,5,8), muchimprovedcomparingtothemedian-genotype-specific-PFSofPhaseIIIS0033IMmonotherapytrial(yellowbars).Pt#3presentedwithStageIV aggressiveGISTharboringKITexon11deletion,extensivelivermetastasis,mitoticfigure$40/highpowerfield,hadswiftexcellentresponseachieving . PRwithin8weeks,butprogressedwithPFSslightlylongerthantwoyears.Pt#6developedIM-resistance,andre-initiationofpeginterferona-2bresulted e insecondPR.Pt#6progressedagainwhileoffalltreatment,andcombinationtreatmentofsunitinibpluspeginterferona-2bresultedinstabledisease t u (B,lastcolumn). b i r 50 years and have demonstrated good outnumberedbytumorcells(approximately highly promising clinical outcome6 t s tolerability and safety. A minimum of ten 108.5 tumorcells/cm3).Our highly promis- (Fig.1D), and we plan to incorporate i steps are required to develop anti- ingclinicaloutcome(Fig.1D)testifiesthat theinsightsgainedintofuturelargertrials. d tumor immunity: (1) immunogenic IFNa successfully modulates steps 2–10 We believe this mew strategy may benefit t tumor kill;9,10 (2) triggering innate anti- toward antitumor response during com- large number of different subtypes of o tumor immunity; (3) initiating adaptive binationtreatment.6Monoclonalantibodies cancer patients. Currently, many malig- n antitumor response in the presence of (mAb) against cytotoxic T-lymphocyte- nancies have encouraging suitable “tar- o 1st (tumor-specific antigens), 2nd (co- associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) (e.g., geted” drugs to achieve simultaneous D stimulation), and 3rd (danger) signals; ipilimumab) can modulate step 4, and PR/CR and antitumor immunity if com- (4) tumor-antigen capture and processing mAb against programmed cell death 1 binedwithimmunotherapy(peginterferon . by dendritic cells (DCs) with differenti- pathway(PD-L1/PD-1)(e.g.,MDX-1105) a). The short PFS of vemurafenib-treated e c ation toward Th1 response (not T regu- canmodulatesteps8and10,andrepresent B-RAFV600-mutated-melanoma3 may be n latory response); (5) cross-priming by promising immune modulators to enhance improved by combination with peginter- e DCs in the context of MHC-I and co- CTL functions, but their adverse effects feron a (immunotherapy) and warrant a i stimulatory molecules to subsets of naive remains unknown contrasting the 5 years’ trial. Another example is to combine c T-lymphocytes resulting in generation experience with IFNa. oxaliplatin10 (or irinotecan) with peginter- s o of tumor-specific T-lymphocytes, clonal Effective, non-marrow suppressive, feron a for colorectal cancer with one i expansion and differentiation in lymphoid minimally toxic treatment modalities con- precaution―careful dosing of chemo- B organs; (6) effector T-lymphocytes traf- stitute “targeted therapy” in the broad therapeutic agents to avoid leukopenia, s ficking to tumor sites; (7) cytokines sense,whichincludestargetedsmallmole- whichisdetrimentaltoDCdifferentiation e production, especially IFNc, by effector cule inhibitors, hormone receptor agonist/ toward Th1 response. Some other very d T-lymphocytesupontumorantigenrecog- antagonists, and monoclonal antibodies. encouraging examples to combine with n nition, overcoming the suppressive tumor Advances in tumor biology undoubtedly peginterferon a (immunotherapy) and a microenvironment;(8)effectorphasecon- will lead to discovery of more effective warrant testing include leuprolide and L sisting of effector functions of CD4+ T- targeted therapeutic agents in the future, or bicalutamide for prostate cancer, lymphocytes and CD8+ T-lymphocytes but drug-resistance and early relapse will tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors for 2 (CTLs)―killing of tumor cells; (9) undoubtedly maintain recurrent themes ER+PR+ breast cancer, lapatinib for 1 0 Differentiation into CD4+- and CD8+- using monotherapy. We combined pegin- ER+HER2+ breast cancer, trastuzumab memory T-lymphocytes; (10) apoptosis of terferon a-2b (an immune modulator and for HER2+ breast cancer, erlotinib or 2 © tumor-antigen-activated T-lymphocytes to a danger signal) with IM (non-marrow crizotinib for non-small cell lung cancers achieve homeostasis and minimize auto- suppressive and effective in tumor killing harboringEGFRmutationsorEML4-ALK immune disease. Steps 4 and 5 require . to provide 1st and 2nd signals) in GIST fusion gene respectively, and radiation two weeks, and steps 8 may take . 6mo model,demonstratedsignificantinduction therapy for radio-sensitive tumors (i.e., because CTLs are usually overwhelmingly of innate and Th1 response along with seminomas, Ewing sarcoma, lymphoma). OncoImmunology 775 References 4. ChenLL,TrentJC,WuEF,FullerGN,RamdasL, 8. Huber JP, Farrar JD. Regulation of effector and ZhangW,etal.AmissensemutationinKITkinase memory T-cell functions by type I interferon. 1. 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