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Combined Decision Procedures for Nonlinear Arithmetics, Real and Complex Grant Olney Passmore U N I VE R E S I H T T Y O H G F R E U DI N B Doctor of Philosophy Mathematical Reasoning Group Algorithms and Complexity Group LFCS, School of Informatics University of Edinburgh 2011 Abstract We describe contributions to algorithmic proof techniques for deciding the satisfia- bility of boolean combinations of many-variable nonlinear polynomial equations and inequalitiesovertherealandcomplexnumbers. In the first half, we present an abstract theory of Gro¨bner basis construction al- gorithms for algebraically closed fields of characteristic zero and use it to introduce and prove the correctness of Gro¨bner basis methods tailored to the needs of modern satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solvers. In the process, we use the technique of proof orders to derive a generalisation of S-polynomial superfluousness in terms of transfinite induction along an ordinal parameterised by a monomial order. We use this generalisationtoprovetheabstract(“strategy-independent”)admissibilityofanumber ofsuperfluousS-polynomialcriteriaimportantforefficientbasisconstruction. Finally, weconsiderlocalnotionsofproofminimalityforweakNullstellensatzproofsandgive ideal-theoreticmethodsforcomputingcomplex“unsatisfiablecores”whichcontribute toefficientSMTsolvinginthecontextofnonlinearcomplexarithmetic. In the second half, we consider the problem of effectively combining a heteroge- neous collection of decision techniques for fragments of the existential theory of real closed fields. We propose and investigate a number of novel combined decision meth- odsandimplementtheminourprooftoolRAHD(RealAlgebrainHighDimensions). We build a hierarchy of increasingly powerful combined decision methods, culminat- inginageneralisationofpartialcylindricalalgebraicdecomposition(CAD)whichwe call Abstract Partial CAD. This generalisation incorporates the use of arbitrary sound butpossiblyincompleteproofproceduresfortheexistentialtheoryofrealclosedfields as first-class functional parameters for “short-circuiting” expensive computations dur- ing the lifting phase of CAD. Identifying these proof procedure parameters formally with RAHD proof strategies, we implement the method in RAHD for the case of full-dimensional cell decompositions and investigate its efficacy with respect to the Brown-McCallumprojectionoperator. Weendwithsomewishesforthefuture. iii Acknowledgements Pursuing this work has been for me some kind of paradise. There are so many whomIwishtothank. Firstandforemost,IthankmyPhDsupervisor,PaulB.Jackson. Paul’sencourage- ment,direction,intellectualdexterityandendlesspositivityhavemadethisdissertation ajoytocompose. IfindithardtoimaginehowonecouldhaveabetterPhDsupervisor than mine. Paul was ever accessible, always found time to assist me with unexpected difficulties(technicalorotherwise),anddidmuchtohelpmefeelathomeinaforeign landbyincludingmeinsomeofhisandElizabeth’sspecialfamilyactivities. Nomatter how discouraged I might have been by a particular aspect of my work, I could always count on Paul to find the hidden morsels of progress worth celebrating and pursuing. Fromthisexperience,IhaveatemplateforthekindofsupervisorIhopeIwillbewhen I have PhD students. In addition to our rich personal collaboration, Paul also made it possibleformetotakevisitingpositionsatSRIInternational,MicrosoftResearchand INRIA. Without his support in this, much of my thesis work would not have come to fruition. Iamverypleasedwehavereceivedafour-yearEPSRCgranttocontinuethis worksothatourcollaborationshallgoonformanyyearstocome. I thank Leonardo de Moura of Microsoft Research, Washington. Leo’s friendship has had an immeasurable impact on me and on the work contained in my thesis. It was Leo’s idea to focus on developing Gro¨bner basis methods tailored to the needs of industrial-strength SMT solving, and this goal of his (which has since become also a goal of mine) led us down beautiful paths, many of which are still unwinding. The countless days and nights we spent developing these techniques, making and revising conjectures,andatlastprovingourlongsoughtaftertheoremsremainwithmeassome of my favourite memories of my life. I find the sheer intensity of our collaboration impossible to describe. As we are in the throws of writing two more papers together asItypethis,IamhappythatmylongcollaborationwithLeoisonlyjustbeginning. IthankNShankarandSamOwreofSRIInternational. Theyareincredibleteachers who have given me so much. The first idea for my RAHD system for making exis- tential decisions over real closed fields was developed while I was a Visiting Fellow at SRI under Shankar and Sam during May - October, 2008. During this visit, I wrote theinitialRAHDprototypeasanextensionoftheproofassistantPVS.Shankartaught me much about research and how to place it in the context of an artful and fulfilling life. Sam taught me a tremendous amount about almost everything — his lessons on Lisp, jazz, racquetball, go and snooker remain especially vibrant in my mind. There iv aremanyafternoonsIwishIcouldwalkintoSam’sofficetoseekhisLispadviceover agourdofyerbamate´ whileunderthespellofablastingCecilTaylorrecord. Paradise. At SRI, I was inspired by numerous helpful discussions with John Rushby, Bruno DutertreandAshishTiwari. Ithankthemforthis. IalsothanktheUSNationalScience FoundationandNASAforfundingmySRIfellowship. Isendaspecialthankyoutothe Berkeley SMASH summer mathematics camp for giving me the chance to share with thoseunfathomablybrighthighschoolstudentsthebeautyofmathematics(andofreal algebraic decision problems, in particular!). At SRI, my friendships with Max Meier and Florent Kirchner were especially edifying. Further, I am grateful to Florent and INRIA/IRISA for funding my month-long position as a Visiting Researcher at INRIA in Rennes, Bretagne, France in April, 2010, where Florent and I began our work of connectingRAHDandtheproofassistantCoq. AlsoonthetopicoftheFrench,Ihave benefited very much from conversations with Yves Bertot and Assia Mahboubi and I thankthemfortheiradviceandencouragement. I thank my fellow LFCS PhD students, Julian Guiterrez, Willem Heijltjes, Ohad Kammar, Gavin Keighren and Matteo Mio. Our regular lunches, pints, musical hangs and invigorating conversations have done much to keep me going. I am thankful to KoushaEtessami andLeonidLibkinfor theirtremendoushelp, especiallyintheirrole onmyyearlyprogressreviewcommittee. IalsothankJeffEgger,AlexSimpson,John Longley, Lorenzo Clemente, Ben Kavanagh, Sarah Luger, Annette Leonhard, Gaya NadarajanandTeresaLlanofortheirfriendshipandadvice. Iamespeciallythankfulto GianmariaSilvello,whosenine-monthvisittoEdinburgh—livedequallybetweenour shared office, The Jazz Bar, Dario’s and the Film House Cinema — had a tremendous positiveimpactonme. ToGianmaria,Isayoneword: Legendary. I thank The Edinburgh Mathematical Reasoning Group for allowing me to under- take my thesis work in such a welcoming and dedicated community. I’ve benefited fromnumerousdiscussionswithAlan Bundy,LucasDixon,JacquesFleuriot,Andrew Ireland, Alan Smaill, Ewen MacLean and Phil Scott over the years and I thank them for this. When my PhD student funding ran out and our grant application was still under review, Alan Bundy found a way to fund me on the DReaM group’s Platform Grant — without his help, I would have been in serious trouble. I am also grateful to theScottishTheoremProversSeminarandlookforwardtomycontinuedinvolvement. Before I began in Edinburgh, I spent the year 2006-2007 at the Mathematical Re- search Institute in The Netherlands under Jaap van Oosten and Ieke Moerdijk. This year-long Master Class in Mathematical Logic was vital for my mathematical devel- v opmentandIthankmyteachersatMRI,JaapvanOosten,IekeMoerdidk,HenkBaren- dregt, Herman Guevers, Bas Spitters, Bas Terwijn, Wim Veldman and Albert Visser. I am especially grateful to my friends and fellow students at MRI, David Carchedi, Yves Fomatati, Danko Iliik, Johanny Suarez, Takako Nemoto and Andrew Polonsky. While in Holland, I taught a mechanical theorem proving course with Joost J. Joosten attheInstituteforLogic,LanguageandComputationofUniversityofAmsterdam,and IthankJoostandourremarkablestudents. Myclosefriendshipandcollaborationwith JoosthasdonemuchtofuelmethroughoutmyPhD.ToJoost,Isay: TMNFS2K7AB. As an undergraduate at the University of Texas at Austin, I have Bob Boyer, Josh Dever, Matt Kaufmann, Greg Lavender, Vladimir Lifschitz, J Moore and Altha Rodin mosttothankforguidingandencouragingmymathematicalinterests. Theyhavemade a tremendous impact on my life. I am especially grateful for my deep friendship with Denis Ignatovich; he continues to be a pivotal source of wisdom. I thank Jeremy Avi- gad for having me in his 2005 NSF Summer School in Proof Theory at the University ofNotreDame. ThiscoursewasthefirsttimeIlearnedofthedecidabilityofthetheory of real closed fields; I was mesmerised by it then and I am mesmerised by it now. I also thank Tom Ball, Daniel Brown, Yuri Gurevich, John Harrison, Rustan Leino and Andra´sSalamonfortheirfriendshipandmanyintellectualgifts. While I was a PhD student, I wrote two albums with my close friend Barry De- Bakey which we recorded in Austin, Texas with the incredible help of Dave and Eddy Hobizal. The first album, “Olney Clark,” was produced by Eddy and was especially important for me as a musical outlet to document the process of doing my PhD. Our friendshipsandmusicalcollaborationscontinuetoprovidemewithcrucialinspiration. The final bits of my thesis were completed at Cambridge University after I began my RA position on our joint Cambridge-Edinburgh EPSRC grant “Automatic Proof Procedures for Polynomials and Special Functions.” I am very grateful to Larry Paul- son for his advice and encouragement. I thank the Cambridge Automated Reasoning Group as well as Thomas Forster and the Cambridge Set Theory Group for providing such an open and invigorating environment. At Cambridge, I also thank Mike Gordon and my office-mates, James Bridge, Will Denman and Magnus Myreen. Furthermore, I thank my PhD examiners, Daniel Kroening at Oxford and Alan Smaill at Edinburgh fortheircarefulreading,livelydiscussionandmosthelpfulsuggestions. Finally,Ithankmyfamily. TomyparentsDonnaandJohn,mysistersStarr,Jacque and Skye: You have loved me into being, you have made me who I am. To you and to Erika: Ithankyouforyourlove,yourkindnessandyourunwaveringbeliefinme. vi Declaration I declare that this thesis was composed by myself, that the work contained herein is myownexceptwhereexplicitlystatedotherwiseinthetext,andthatthisworkhasnot beensubmittedforanyotherdegreeorprofessionalqualificationexceptasspecified. Ihavebenefitedgreatlyfromcollaborationwithmyco-authorsPaulB.Jacksonand Leonardo de Moura. Much work contained herein is a product of such collaborations. At the end of the introductory section of each chapter containing joint work, I provide an explanation of the contributions each co-author made to the work presented in that chapter. When appropriate, I also give references to our published papers in which suchworkappears. (GrantOlneyPassmore) ToDonnaandJohn,Starr,JacqueandSkye. Since a decision method, by its very nature, requires no intel- ligence for its application, it is clear that, whenever one can give a decision method for a class K of sentences, one can also devise a machine to decide whether an arbitrarysentencebelongstoK. It often happens in mathematical research, both pure and applied, that problems arise as to the truth of complicated sentences of elementary algebra or geometry. The decision method presented in this work gives the mathematician the assurance that he will be able to solve every such problem by workingatitlongenough. – Alfred Tarski, “A Decision Method for Elementary Algebra andGeometry,”1948.

proof orders to derive a generalisation of S-polynomial superfluousness in terms of transfinite induction along an ordinal parameterised by a monomial order. We use ods and implement them in our proof tool RAHD (Real Algebra in High Sam taught me a tremendous amount about almost everything —
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