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Combinatorics and Graph Theory: Proceedings of the Symposium Held at the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, February 25–29, 1980 PDF

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Lecture Notes ni Mathematics Edited yb .A Dold dna .B Eckmann 885 scirotanibmoC dna Graph yroehT Proceedings of the Symposium Held ta the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, February 25-29, 1980 Edited yb .S .B oaR galreV-regnirpS nilreB Heidelberg New kroY 1891 Editor Siddani Bhaskara Rao Indian Statistical Institute 203, Barrackpore Trunk Road Calcutta - 700035, India AMS Subject Classifications (1980): 05-02, 05-04, 05-06, 05 A15, 05 Bxx, 05 Cxx, 62K10, 68E10 ISBN 3-540-11151-4 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg NewYork ISBN 0-387-11151-4 Springer-Verlag NewYork Heidelberg Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction yb photocopying machine or similar means, dna storage ni data banks. Under 9c 54 of the German Copyright waL where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to "Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort", .hcinuM (cid:14)9 by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1891 Printed ni Germany Printing dna binding: Beltz Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. 012345-0413/1412 ECAFERP This volume consists of the Proceedings of the second Symposium on Combinatorics and Graph Theory held at the Indian Statistical Institute, s from February 25 to February 29, 1980 under the auspices and with the full financial support of the Indian Statistical Institute. I would like to express ym gratitude to Professor B.P. Adhikari, Director of the Institute, Professor A. Maitra, the then Chairman, Division of Theoreti- cal Statistics and Mathematics and the faculty of the Division for giving em the opportunity to convene the symposium and for their valuable advice and suggestions throughout. The aim of the symposium was to discuss the recent trends in Combinatorics and Graph Theory and to expose the young eombinatorialists and graph theorists in India to the recent developments in these areas. eW would like to thank the special invited speakers - Professors C. Berge (France), P. Erd~s (Hungary), E.V. Krishnamurthy (India), L. Lov~sz (Hungary), K.R. Parthasarathy (India), D.K. Ray-Chaudhuri (USA), 3.3. Seidel (The Netherlands), S.S. Shrikhande (India), Vera T. S6s (Hungary) and M.N. Vartak (India) - for their thought-provoking special invited addresses, active participation in the deliberations of the symposium and for their valuable contributions to these proceedings (Professor L. Lov~sz was unable to attend the symposium for personal reasons, but we are glad to include his contribution as a part of the proceedings). eW thank all the participants who have chaired the sessions. All the contributed papers appearing in this volume were refereed. eW thank all the referees for their help in this regard. eW also thank all the participants for their keen interest in the symposium and for their interesting contributions to these proceedings. Both the special invited addresses and the contributed papers are arranged alphabetically according to the authors' names. I would like to use this opportunity to thank most warmly all those, apart from the special invited speakers and the participants, who have contributed very much to the success of the symposium: colleagues at the Indian Statistical Institute, parti- cularly those of the Stat-Math Division, Dean's office, Director's office, Eka press, Electrical and Engineering units, Estate office, Guest House, Library, Hedieal Welfare unit, Reprography, Photography and Audio Visual units, Transport and Travel Cell, and more particularly Dr.(Hrs.) Hirmala Achuthan, Dr. A. Ramachandra Rao, Dr. T.3. Rao, Hr. N. Srinivasan, Dr. K.S. Vijayan, Ph.D. students Mr. Prabir Das, Hr. T. Gangopadhyay and graduate students Mr. Atul 3ain and Mr. Rahul Roy for their active participation, valuable help and suggestions in the various organizational committees. VI I would like to express ym gratitude to Professor J.K. Ohosh, present namriahC of the Stat-Math Division~for his advice dna for providing all the facilities at his disposal. I would like to express ym gratitude to Dr. .A ardnahcamaR oaR under esohw excellent supervision the typing of the manuscript saw done, including the difficult task of proof reading the entire manuscript, with the cooperation of Dr.(Mrs.) Nirmala Achuthan, .rM Prabir saD dna .rM .T yayhdapognaO while I saw away visiting the depart- tnem of mathematics, ehT Ohio State University, submuloC )ASU( during the cimedaca year 1980-81. I ma immensely grateful to them for their kind help in this regard. I thank .rM Arun saD for the elegant typing of these proceedings. Thanks are also eud to .rM S.K. eD for the excellent diagrams. Last not least I thank .rM .K Kundu, .rM .S atpuGsaD dna .rM .P Nandi for secretarial help. February ,91 1891 INADDIS ARAKSAHB OAR STNETNOC Special Invited Addresses Diperfeot Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Berge emoS wen problems dna results in Graph Theory dna other branches of Combinatorial Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P ErdBs A form invariant multivariable polynomial representation of graphs . . . . . . . 81 E.V. Krishnamurthy emoS combinatorial applications of the wen linear programming algorithm .... 33 L. Lov~sz dna .A Schrijver In search of a complete invaKiant for graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 .K Balasubramanian dna K.R. Parthasarathy Affine triple systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 D.K. Ray-Chaudhuri Tables of two-graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 F.C. Bussemaker, R.A. Mathon dna 3.J. Seldel Designs, adjacency multigraphs dna sgniddebme : a survey . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 S.S. Shrikhande dna N.M. Singhi nO the adjugate of a symmetrical balanced incomplete block design with I = 1 331 G.A. Patwardhan dna M.N. Vartak Contributed Papers Characterization of potentially connected integer-pair sequences . . . . . . . . 351 Nirmala Achuthan Construction dna combinatorial properties of othogonal arrays with variable rebmun of symbols in rows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561 .B Adhikary dna Premadhis saD Construction of group divisible rotatable designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 .B Adhikary dna .R adnaP emoS path-length properties of graphs dna digraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581 .G.W Bridges 2-2 perfect graphi c degree sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591 P.D. ehtawahC Characterization of forcibly outerplanar graphic sequences . . . . . . . . . . . 302 S.A. muduohC IV Characterization of potentially self-complementary, self-converse degree-pair sequences for digraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Prabir saD Set-reconstruction of chain sizes in a class of finite topologies . . . . . . . 722 nwapwahS .K saD Characterization of forcibly bipartite self-complementary bipartitioned sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732 .T yayhdapognaG A graph theoretical recurrence formula for computing the characteristic polynomial of a matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 .K.M Gill A note concerning Acharya's conjecture no a spectral measure of structural balance in a social system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662 .K.M Gill nO permutation-generating strings and rosaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 Hansraj Gupta Enumeration of labelled digraphs and hypergraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 Malati Hegde and M.R. Sridharan Analysis of a spanning tree enumeration algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 .R 3ayakumar and K. Thulasiraman Binding number, cycles and complete graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 092 [email protected] Kane and S.P. Mohanty A class of counterexamples to a conjecture no diameter critical graphs ..... 792 .V Krishnamoorthy and .R ramukadnaN Reconstruction of a pair of connected graphs from their line-concatenations . . 103 V.R. Kulli and N.S. Annigeri nO domination related concepts in Graph Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803 uneR Laskar and H.B. Walikar The local central limit theorem for Stirling numbers of the second kind dna an estimate for Bell numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 .V.V noneM A family of hypo-hamiltonian generalized prisms ................ 331 S.P. Mohanty and Daljit Rao Graphical cyclic permutation groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 933 S.P. Mohanty, M.R. Sridharan dna S.K. Shukla Orthogonal main effect plans with variable number of levels for factors .... 347 A.C. Mukhopadhyay nO molecular and atomic matroids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 .H Narayanan and M.N. Vartak New inequalities for the parameters of an association scheme .......... 365 .A Neumaier Vll nO the (4,3)-regular subgraph conjecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 863 K.R. Parthasarathy dna .S Srldharan Enumeration of Latin rectangles via SDR's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083 C.R. Pranesachar Nearly line regular graphs and their reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 S. Ramachandran nO reconstructing separable digraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 .S nardnaheamaR nO degree sequences of cacti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 014 .A Ramachandra oaR A survey of the theory of potentially P-graphic dna forcibly P-graphic degree sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417 S.B. oaR sdrawoT a theory of forcibly hereditary P-graphic sequences . . . . . . . . . . 144 S.B. Rao The minimal forbidden subgraphs for generalized line-graphs . . . . . . . . . . 459 S.B. Rao, N.M. Singhi and K.S. Vijayan Spectral characterization of the line graph of &K n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473 S.B. Rao, N.M. SJnghi and K.S. Vijayan Balanced arrays from association schemes dna some related results . . . . . . . 184 G.M. Saha Some further combinatorial and constructional aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488 of generalized Youden designs Bikas K. Sinha mumixaM degree gnoma vertices of a non-Hamiltonian homogeneously traceable graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 694 Z. Skupie# TCEFREPID SHPARG CLAUDE BERGE University of Paris, Paris IV .1 INTRODUCTION Gallai and Milgram have shown that in a directed graph, the minimum number of vertex-disjoint (elementary, directed) paths needed to cover the vertex-set is smaller than or equal to the stability number (i.e., maximum number of independent vertices). However, the various proofs of this result do not imply the existence of an optimal stable set S and of a partition of the vertex-set into paths pl,P2,...,pk such that pI iA IS = I for all .i Similarly, Gallai and Roy have shown independently that in a directed graph, the maximum number of vertices in an (elementary, directed) path is greater than or equal to the chromatic number; here again, we do not know if there exists on optimal coloring (SI,S2,...,S )k and a path p such that PI NSil = 1 for all .i In this paper, we give proofs and applications for the two above mentioned results; then we study the graphs ~-diperfect and y-diperfect, which suggest several conjectures similar to the perfect graph conjecture. I wish to thank Polly Underground who has suggested the proof of Proposition .1 2. EHT MARGLIM-IALLAG MEROEHT DNA EMOS SNOITACILPPA Let G = (X,U) be a directed graph with vertex set X, and a set U~X x X of arcs (or "directed edges"). A path will be defined as a sequence of vertices Xl,X2,...,Xk, all distinct, such that (Xl,X 2) s U, (x2,x 3) E U,...,(Xk_l,Xk) c ;U every path p = (Xl,X2,...,x k) defines a set that ew denote p = {Xl,X2,...,Xk}. A family M = {PI' 2P ''''} is a partition of X if the Pi are pairwise vertex-disjoint paths, and if U Pi = X. We shall give a proof of the following Theorem (Gallai-Milgram). In a directed graph G, we have miniMl 2 ~(G). The M minimum is taken over all the partitions M of X into paths, and ~(G) denotes the stability number of G (i.e., the maximum number of independent vertices). Proof. For a family M ={pl,p2,...}, the initial vertices of the paths pl,P2,... will be denoted by : A(M) = {al,a2,... .} We prove here a stronger statement, namely : Given a partition M into paths~ there exists a partition 'M into paths such that I'MI 2 ~(G) and A(M')CA(M). This proposition is valid for graphs with 1,2 vertices; assume that it is valid for all graphs with less than n vertices, and we show that it is also valid for a graph G with n vertices. .1 We may assume that lMi = ~(G) + .1 Because, if IM 2 ~(G), the proposi- tion is proved. If iMI ~ ~(G) + ,l consider the first path Pl in ,M and consider the subgraph G I of G induced by X - Pl" Since m(G 1) ~ m(G), there exists a parti- tion M I of G I with A(M1)~A(M ) and IMII 2 m(G 1) ~ ~(G). Hence M' = MIU{Pl} is a partition of G with A(M')CA(M), iM'I ~ m(G) + 1, and we prove the result for 'M instead of .M .2 Since IA(M) I = IMI = ~(G) + 1, the set A(M) = {al,a 2 .... } is not stable, so two vertices of A(M) are linked by an arc, say (al,a )2 r .U The path Pl = (al'bl'Cl'"') has more than one vertex : otherwise, the proposi- tion is proved with the partition 'M obtained from M by removing pl,p 2 and adding (al,a2,b2,c2,...). By the induction hypothesis, the subgraph G 1 induced by X - {a l} has a partition M 1 with IMII ~ ~(G), A(Ml) C{bl,a2,a3,... }. If b I c A(M1), the proposition is proved with the partition M' obtained from M 1 by adding a I to the path of M 1 starting at b 1. If b I ~ A(M 1) and a 2 s A(M1) , add a I to the path of M I starting at a 2. If b I ~ A(M I) and a 2 r A(M1) , take M' = M 1 U {(al)}. This proves the theorem. Note that this result shows that in every graph G there exists a partition with IMI = ~(G), but it does not show the existence of a stable set S of maximum size and of a partition M = {pl,P2,...} such that : IS N pil = 1 for all i. Remark. A stronger resuit has been obtained by Las Vergnas 7: Every quasi-strongly connected graph G contains a spanning arborescenee with at most ~(G) terminal vertices ("sinks"). For a proof, see 9. The Gallai-Milgram Theorem for a graph G can be obtained by using the Las Vergnas Theorem for a graph obtained from G by adding a new vertex Xo, that we join with every vertex of G by an arc going out of x . o The appffications of the Theorem of Gallai-Milgram are interesting and numerous. Application l.(Theorem of REdei). If G = (X,U) is a tournament (complete antisymmetric graph)~ there exists a path which meets each vertex exactly once. This follows from the theorem, since we have for G : minim I ~ ~(G) = .1 Application 2.(Theorem of Dilworth). If G is a transitive graph (i.e., (x,y) ~ U, (y,z) s U implies (x,z) ~ U), then minim I = ~(G). If 9(G) denotes the least number of cliques needed to cover X, we have ~(G) ~ 9(G) = minlMi ~ ~(G). Application 3.(Theorem of Erd~s-Szekeres). Let n,p,q be positive integers with n > pq, and let a = (al,a2,...,a n) be a sequence of n distinct integers. Then there exists either a decreasing subsequence of o with more than p integers~ or an increas- ing subsequence of a with more than q integers. Let O = (X,U) be the graph with X = {al,a2,...~an}~ where (ai,a j) c U iff i < j and a i < aj. If {pl,P2,...,} is a partition of X into ~(G) paths, lpJxam.)G(~ ~ zlpil = n > pq. So, we have either ~(G) > p and there exists a decreasing subsequenee with ~(G) > p integers - or maxlpl > q and there exists an increasing subsequence with more than q integers. 3. THE GALLAI-ROY THEOREM AND SOME APPLICATIONS Now, we shall consider similar problems for the chromatic number y(G) of a directed graph G. First, we shall give a simple proof for the following

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