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Preface Combinatorial chemistry is a field that did not exist five years ago but is so vibrant today, especially in medicinal chemistry, that almost every major pharmaceutical company has a group working in this area and many start-up companies have been formed with combinatorial chemistry as their raison d'etre. Like many other fast-breaking developments, this field had its main origins in work done in academic research laboratories, and many of the techniques were developed to solve specific problems in basic re- search. The common feature of all combinatorial approaches is the genera- tion of a complex mixture of molecules coupled to screens or selections which can identify out of that mixture a single molecule with desired proper- ties, e.g., as the ligand or inhibitor of an enzyme or as a macromolecule with novel or enhanced properties. At the start most combinatorial libraries were of biological molecules, mostly peptides or nucleic acids, but because these molecules only rarely exhibit good pharmacological properties, in- creasingly the libraries of interest to medicinal chemists are of small mole- cules with a range of pharmacologically attractive properties. Because of the rapid progress in this field, a follow-up to this volume would not be possible in a single volume of Methods in Enzymology, but at the time of the organization of this volume one could identify the main themes that constitute this field and present the key technologies in a single volume. One of the earliest techniques for the generation and screening of a diverse library of peptides was the display of random sequences in the coat protein of single-strand DNA phages. The diversity of these libraries is limited to the titers of phage one can obtain, typically >10 H particles/ml. The phage coat protein can also accommodate entire proteins such as DNA or RNA binding proteins that have been partially randomized so that proteins with novel binding properties can be selected. The techniques for the generation and screening of small molecule libraries originated with peptides, and this volume contains a number of early and still very useful techniques in this area. These libraries can be screened by a number of very clever methods, including deconvolution of different pools and the elegant and potentially very powerful encoded -il braries. The exploration of sequence space is most striking in the case of nucleic acid libraries. Here, due to the power of the polymerase chain reaction, libraries with diversities as high as 1016 different molecules have been explored. This is an extremely exciting area in which we are continually xiii xiv ECAFERP being surprised by the diversity of form and function possible within the confines of the polynucleotide backbone. One can select RNA molecules which can bind specifically to virtually any protein or small molecule and also which can catalyze a diverse set of chemical reactions. And not only can one explore sequence space in large libraries but as Tsang and Joyce show in article 23 in this volume, one can expand that sequence space by judicious mutagenesis during amplification between rounds of selection as must have occurred during biological evolution. It is clear, however, that much of the creative energy these days in this field is being directed at inventing sophisticated methods for the generation and screening of diverse kinds of small molecules, such as the pioneering work by Ellman and colleagues on benzodiazepine libraries described in this volume. Interestingly, the need to generate large diversity in these libraries is not the key factor, and, instead, the ingenuity in the selection of scaffolds and functional groups in generating the libraries will probably be most important in generating interesting new pharmacological leads. In this regard, one can expect interactions between computational chemistry and combinatorial chemistry in which libraries are generated and screened by computer methods in a search to find the most appropriate library for a particular target. It is perhaps in that area that we should think now of organizing a new volume in order to have something interesting for the new millenium. NHOJ N. NOSLEBA Contributors to Volume 267 Article numbers are in parentheses following the names of contributors, Affiliations listed are current. NEVETS C. ELLIVNAB (25), Chiron Corpora- WERDNA D. NOTGNILLE (20), Department of tion, Emeryville, California 80649 Chemistry, Indiana University, Blooming- ton, Indiana 50474 LEOJ G. OCSALEB (9), Department of Microbi- ology and Molecular Genetics, Harvard NAHTANOJ A. NAMLLE (26), Department of Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts Chemistry, University of California, Berke- 51120 ley, Berkeley, California 02749 OCNARF FELICI (6, 7), IRBM .P Angeletti, E1VLYS E. ELLEDNOLB (13), Torrey Pines In- 00040 Pomezia, Rome, Italy stitute for Molecular Studies, San Diego, California 12129 ENINAIG M. IZZOILGIF (25), Chiton Corpora- tion, EmeryviUe, California 80649 YRRAB A. NINUB (26), Department of Chem- MIT RETAWZTIF (17), NeXstar Pharmaceuti- istry, University of California, Berkeley, cals, Inc., Boulder, Colorado 10308 Berkeley, California 02749 INNAVOIG ~RFLAG (6, 7), IRBM .P Angeletti, EILRAHC L. CHEN (12), Hoechst Marion 04000 Pomezia, Rome, Italy Roussel, Tucson, Arizona 85737 KRAM POLLAG (16), Affymax Research Insti- YEZREJ AKLOISEIC (19), Department of Mo- tute, Palo Alto, California 40349 lecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biol- NAITSIRHC M. SETAG (10), Affymax Research ogy, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo- Institute, Palo Alto, California 40349 rado 80309 IROL GIVER (20), Division of Chemistry and DRAHCIR C. DARNOC (20), Department of Chemical Engineering, Californm Institute Chemistry, Indiana University, Blooming- of Technology, Pasadena, California 52119 ton, Indiana 50474 DRAHCIR HTIMSDLOG (25), Chiron Corpora- ODRACCIR ESETROC (6, 7), IRBM P. Angel- tion, Emveryville, California 80649 etti, 00040 Pomezia, Rome, Italy YEVRAH A. NAMSIERG (8), Department of Bi- SELRAHC KIARC (3), Departments of Pharma- ology, Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology, and ogy, Cambridge, Massachusetts 93120 Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of OOSNUYH NAH (14), Departments of Molecu- California, San Francisco, San Francisco, lar Biology and Chemistry, The Scripps Re- California 34149 search Institute, La Jolla, California 92037 DRALLIM G. LLUC (10), Enzyco, Inc., Denver, ENILEUQCAJ L. NOSIRRAH (5), United States Colorado 60208 Biochemicals Pharma Ltd. (Europe), War- ford WD1 8YH, United Kingdom YERFFEJ P. SIVAD (18), NeXstar Pharmaceuti- REHPOTSIRHC P. SEMLOH (16), Affymax Re- cals, Inc., Boulder, Colorado 10308 search Institute, Palo Alto, California 40349 REFINNEJ M. DIAS (11), Affymax Research DRAHCIR A. NETHGUOH (13), Torrey Pines Institute, PaiD Alto, California 40349 Institute for Molecular Studies, naS Diego, ARABRAB RENROD (13), Torrey Pines Insti- California 12129 tute for Molecular Studies, San Diego, Cali- MALI ERAKESAGNALLI (19), Department "fo fornia 12129 Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Bi- MAILLIW J. REWOD (11), Affymax Research ology, University of Colorado, Boulder, Institute, Palo Alto, California 40349 Colorado 80309 X CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 267 NYRHTAK M. HCITENAVI (15), Biomolecular NOMIS C. NG (25), Chiron Corporation, Em- Resource Center, University of California, eryville, California 94608 San Francisco, San Francisco, California ZHI-JIE NI (16), Affymax Research Institute, 34149 DiaP Alto, California 94304 MIK D. JANDA (14), Departments of Molecu- MIT SELKCIN (19), Department of Molecular, lar Biology and Chemistry, The Scripps Re- Cellular, and Developmental Biology, Uni- search Institute, La Jolla, California 92037 versity of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado A~JOBEN JANJI¢ (18), NeXstar Pharmaceuti- 90308 ,slac Inc., Boulder, Colorado 10308 ODERFLA AISOCIN (6, 7), IRBM P. Angeletti, DLAREG F. JOYCE (23), Departments of 00040 Pomezia, Rome, Italy Chemistry and Molecular Biology, The RETEP E. NESLmN (24), Department of Medi- Scripps Research Institute, LaJolla, Califor- cal Biochemistry and Genetics, Center for nia 92037 Biomolecular Recognition, The Panum In- KCAJ D. ENEEK (21), Department of Microbi- stitute, DK-2200 N Copenhagen, Denmark ology, Duke University Medical Center, AHUVA MISSIN (5), The Institute of Hematol- Durham, North Carolina 27710 ogy, The Chaim Sheba Medical Centre, TREBOR C. LADNER (2, 4), Protein Engi- Sachler School of Medicine, Tel Hashomer neering Corporation, Cambridge, Massa- ,12625 Israel chusetts 02138 NHOJ M. HSERTSO (13), Torrey Pines Institute ETI A. AGNIRFFO-DR1AL (9), Departments of for Molecular Studies, San Diego, Califor- Surgery and Biochemistry and Molecular nia 12129 Biology, University of Southern California CARL O. PABO (8), Department of Biology, Medical School, Los Angeles, California Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Massa- 33009 chusetts Insitute of Technology, Cambridge, KIT .S MAL (12), Departments of Medicine, Massachusetts 93120 Microbiology, and Immunology, Arizona WEHrTAM J. rTEKNULP (26), Department of Cancer Center, University of Arizona, Col- Chemistry, University of California, Berke- lege of Medicine, Tucson, Arizona 85724 ley, Berkeley, California 02749 EAHCIM LEBL (12), Hoechst Marion Roassel, YRRAB YKSILOP (17), NeXstar Pharmaceuti- Tucson, Arizona 85737 cals, Inc., Boulder, Colorado 10308 ARDNASELLA OGAZZUL (6, 7), IRBM P. An- DRAWDE J. REBAR (8), Department of Biol- geletti, 00040 Pomezia, Rome, Italy ogy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, DEREK NAELCAM (16), A ffymax Research In- Cambridge, Massachusetts 93120 stitute, Palo Alto, California 40349 ECURB L. STREBOR (2, 4), Genzyme Corpora- ENERI DLEFREJAM (19), Department of Mo- tion, Framingham, Massachusetts 1071O lecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biol- TERAGRAM E. SKAS (22), Division of Biology, ogy, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo- California Institute of Technology, Pasa- rado 80309 dena, California 52119 MAILLIW DNALKRAM (2, 4), Vertex Pharma- YERFFEJ R. NOSPMAS (22), Division of Biol- ceuticals, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts ogy, California Institute of Technology, 93120 Pasadena, California 52119 HTIDE L. NITRAM (10), Affymax Research In- LEINAD V. ITNAS (15), Department of Phar- stitute, Palo Alto, California 40349 maceutical Chemistry, University of Cali- LARRY C. SIKAEHFTAM (11), Affymax Re- fornia, San Francisco, San Francisco, Cali- search Institute, DiaP Alto, California 40349 fornia 34149 OLOAP MONACI (6, 7), IRBM P. Angeletti, RETEP J. ZTAHCS (10), Affymax Research In- 04000 Pomezia, Rome, Italy stitute, Palo Alto, California 40349 CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 762 xi EGROEG P. HTIMS (1), Division of Biological GREG RETNIW (5), Medical Research Council Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, Centre for Protein Engineering, and Labo- Missouri 11256 ratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge CB2 2QH, United Kingdom RETEP PORTS (12), Hoechst Marion Roussel, Tucson, Arizona 85737 QING GNAY (3), Department of Pharmaceuti- cal Chemistry, University of California, naS Yu TIAN (20), Department of Chemistry, Indi- Francisco, San Francisco, California 34149 ana University, Bloomington, Indiana 50474 LEAHCIM YARUS (19), Department of Molec- ular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, ECYOJ GNAST (23), Departments of Chemistry University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo- and Molecular Biology, The Scripps Re- rado 90308 search Institute, La Jolla, California 92037 NANIJ YU (1), Department of Pharmacology, I-GNEHC WANG (3), Department of Pharma- School of Medicine, University of -'sttiP ceutical Chemistry, University of California, burgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 16251 San Francisco, San Francisco, California CINIMOD A. IHC1Z (18), NeXstar Pharmaceu- 34149 ticals, Inc., Boulder, Colorado 10308 KRAM HCLEW (19), Department of Molecular, NWAHS ~rEN~rXZ (19), Department of Molecu- Cellular, and Developmental Biology, Uni- lar, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, versity of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo- 90308 rado 80309 LEUMAS C. SMAILLIW (5), Medical Research DLANOR N. NAMREKCUZ (25), Drug Design Council Centre for Protein Engineering, and Development, Chiton Corporation, Cambridge CB2 2QH, United Kingdom Emeryville, California 80649 1 AFFINITY MATURATION OF PHAGE-BORNE LIGANDS 3 11 Affinity Maturation of Phage-Displayed editpeP sdnagiL yB JINAN YU and GEORGE P. SMITH Introduction Many experiments in this volume start with large libraries of random amino acid or nucleotide sequences of a certain length from which a tiny subset is selected according to some criterion of "fitness"--most often, affinity for a chosen target receptor. In most cases the library represents sequences of the same length exceedingly sparsely. Even the very best (fittest) sequence in a sparse initial library may be much inferior to the globally best sequence of the same length. If the sequences are capable of heritable mutation--phage display and random RNA and DNA libraries fall into this category--the problem of sparseness might be addressed by encouraging fitter sequences to "evolve" from parent sequences in the initial library. 2'1 This sort of artificial evolution is exemplified by the "greedy" strategy: Step A, from the initial library select the very best sequence; call this the "initial champion." Step B, mutagenize the initial champion randomly, producing a "clan" of closely related mutants. Step C, from that clan select the mutant with the very best fitness. Step D, repeat Steps B and C as needed until an optimal ligand is found. Each round of selection thus selects "greedily" for the very best sequence available in the current population. A drawback of the greedy strategy is that it can only explore close relatives of the initial champion--a tiny parish in the vast "space" of possible sequences. Yet, for all we know, the best sequence in that neighbor- hood may be far inferior to sequences lying totally elsewhere in sequence space. Might it not then be worthwhile to explore the neighborhood of the second-best sequence in the initial library? of the third best? of every sequence with fitness above a certain threshold? In order thus to broaden the search for fitter sequences, the stringency (fitness threshold) can be reduced in the early rounds of selection, so as to include sequences some- what inferior to the initial champion: Step A', from the initial library select a mixture of sequences with diverse fitnesses (ideally, above a certain threshold). Step B', mutagenize the entire population of selected sequences 1 D. J. Kenan, D. E. Tsai, and J. D. Keene, Trends Biochem. Sci. 19, 57 (1994). 2 j. W. Szostak, Trends Biochern. Sci. 17, 89 (1992). thgirypoC © 6991 yb cimedacA ~sserP .cnI SDOHTEM NI .YGOLOMYZNE .LOV 762 llA sthgir fo noitcudorper ni yna mrof .devreser 4 PHAGE DISPLAY LIBRARIES 1 to produce many clans of mutants. Step C', from those clans select a mixture of sequences with diverse fitnesses (ideally, above a slightly higher threshold than in Step A'). Step D', repeat steps B' and C' as often as desired, possibly increasing the stringency of selection with succeeding rounds. Step E', after the final round of mutagenesis, stringently select the very best sequence in the current population. Alternating nonstringent selection with mutagenesis in this way makes it possible to discover "dark horses": sequences in the initial library that are inferior to the initial champion, yet can be mutated to even higher fitness than can that champion. A dark horse will usually lie in a different neighborhood than the initial champion, since in most cases two sequences in the same small neighborhood will be able to mutate to the same local optimum. Even a well-implemented experiment may fail to reveal dark horses in any particular case (see Discussion), most obviously because there are none to reveal. Still, dark horses may appear sufficiently frequently to make this an attractive alternative to the greedy strategy. When the fitness being selected for is affinity for a target receptor molecule, the foregoing program is called "affinity maturation," the term coined by immunologists for the interspersed rounds of selective stimulation by antigen and somatic mutation of antibody genes that is thought to give rise to antibodies with increasing affinity in the course of an immune response. 3 This chapter covers affinity maturation from random peptide libraries displayed on phage. The procedures and underlying principles will be discussed in the context of a specific exemplar experiment in which ligands for a model receptor were selected from a library of random 15- mers. 4 The model receptor was S-protein, a 104-residue fragment of bovine ribonuclease prepared by partial digestion with subtilisin; the other frag- ment, S-peptide, corresponds to the N-terminal 20 amino acids. 5 Neither fragment alone is enzymatically active, but when they are mixed, S-peptide binds strongly to S-protein, restoring enzyme activity. 6 Vector, Initial Library, and Overall Plan The procedures in this article are tailored for libraries in fUSE5 7 and related vectors, which have a tetracycline (Tc) resistance determinant in 3 Eisen, H. N., in "Molecular Evolution on Rugged Landscapes: Proteins, RNA and the Immune System" (A. .S Perelson and S. A. Kauffman, eds.), p. 75. Addison-Wesley, New York, 1991. 4 T. Nishi, H. Tsurui, and H. Saya, Exp. Med. 11, 1759 (1993). s F. M. Richards and P. I. Vithayathil, I. Biol. Chem. 234, 1459 (1959). 6 H. C. Taylor, D. C. Richarson, I. S. Richardson, A. Wlodawer, A. Komoriya, and I. M. Chaiken, J. Mot Biol. 149, 313 (1981). 7 j. K. Scott and G. P. Smith, Science 249, 386 (1990). 1 AFFINITY MATURATION OF PHAGE-BORNE LIGANDS 5 BglI BgII CTATTCTCACTCC-GCCGACGIGGGCT(NNK) 15GGGC~CGCT~ GGGCCGAAAcTGTTGAA Forward primer ~ --+ Reverse primer A D G A X15 G A A G A E T V E FIG. .1 Nucleotide sequence near the beginning of the pill gene in the random 15-mer library. 4 Only the plus strand--the strand that is packaged in virions and that is anticomplemen- tary to mRNA--is shown. In the initial library, before selection, positions designated N had (theoretically) an equal mixture of all four nucleotides, K an equal mixture of G and T. The corresponding amino acid sequence at the N terminus of mature pill is shown in the one- letter code; 5~X stands for the random 15-mer encoded by the degenerate codons. The PCR priming sites used in construction of mutant libraries (see Mutagenesis) are underlined. Cleavage of the PCR product at the flanking BglI sites releases a degenerate 60-bp fragment that can be spliced to the Sill-cleaved fUSE5 vector. the minus-strand origin 8 (changes required for other vectors 9 are obvious and do not materially affect the discussion). Although the resulting defect in minus-strand replication reduces plaque size to near invisibility, the phage can be cloned and propagated as plasmids by infecting a Tc-sensi- tive host and growing in medium containing Tc (filamentous phage do not kill the host cell); phage are titered as transducing units (TU) by counting Tc-resistant colonies. Only cells bearing F-pili can be infected, but the pilus is not required for phage production by transfected cells. Expression of Tc resistance by newly infected or transfected cells is induced by culturing them ~30 min in a subinhibitory concentration of Tc (0.2 /zg/ml). Phage libraries, including the receptor-specific mutant libraries created in the course of affinity maturation (see Mutagenesis), are constructed by splicing foreign DNA inserts into the gene for coat protein plIl (five copies at one tip of the virus) or pVIII (thousands of copies forming the tube surrounding the DNA). The peptide encoded by the insert is displayed on the virion surface fused to the coat protein and is available to bind macromolecular target receptors for which it has affinity. The fUSE5 vector has two SfiI cloning sites near the beginning of the plII gene, 7 between which a synthetic BglI fragment with 51 degenerate codons was inserted to create the initial library for the exemplar experiment 4 (Fig. 1). Each clone has a particular sequence of 51 codons and displays the corresponding 15-residue peptide. There are 3.3 × 9101 possible -51 mers altogether, but only ~2 × 801 clones in the initial library--a sparse library indeed. 8 G. P. Smith, Virology 167, 156 (1988). 9 G. P. Smith and J. K. Scott, Methods Enzymol. 217, 228. 6 PHAGE DISPLAY LIBRARIES 1 Affinity maturation begins with alternating rounds of affinity selection and mutagenesis, the stringency of selection being kept low (see Introduc- tion). The phage population resulting from these alternating rounds-- hopefully greatly enriched for receptor-binding clones--is then subjected to additional rounds of stringent selection without mutagenesis in order to identify the highest-affinity clones, which are analyzed by sequencing and binding studies. Figure 2 outlines the sequential arrangement of selection steps (producing Eluates 1-3, 4A-4F, and 5A-5F) and mutagenesis steps (producing Mutant Libraries 1 and 2) in the exemplar experiment; also Initial ~rarbil ~ pets-l noitceles htiw 01 gal rotpecer . 1 Conventional ~ sisenegatum selection Mutantlibrary 1 1 ,~ pets-l noitceles ~" 01 gal htiw I gal rotpecer Eluate 2' I Eluate 2 I ~ sisenegatum ~ pets-2 ~ pets-l noitceles 001 gn htiw I gal rotpecer I Eluate 3' I I Eluate 3 I gn ¢4~ pets-2 Ol gn Eluate 4A I Eluate 4B Eluate 4C I Eluate 4D I LEluate 4E Eluate 4F I pets-, ~ pets-1 ~ pets-1 ~ pets-2 ~ pets-2 % pets-2 I gal 001 gn 01 gn I gal 001 gn 01 gn "Eluate5A Eluate5BI ~ Eluate5D I Eluate5E IEiuate5F FIG. .2 Outline of the exemplar affinity maturation of ribonuclease S-protein ligands. Arrows labeled "l-step selection" and "2-step selection" correspond to rounds of affinity selection by the one- and two-step methods described under Affinity Selection; the amount of receptor (biotinylated S-protein) used in each round is shown. All eluates but 3' and 5A-5F were amplified (see gniyfitnauQ dleiY dna gniyfilpmA setaulE under Affinity Selection) before being mutagenized or subjected to the next round of affinity selection. Arrows labeled "muta- genesis" correspond to PCR mutagenesis and mutant library construction (see Mutagenesis). Also shown is a conventional affinity selection experiment (without mutagenesis) that was carried out in parallel with affinity maturation. °1 Thus, Eluate 2' was selected directly from Eluate ,1 and Eluate 3' from Eluate 2', without mutagenesis. l I YTINIFFA NOITARUTAM FO ENROB-EGAHP SDNAGIL 7 shown is a conventional selection experiment without mutagenesis (Eluates 2' and 3') that was carried out in parallel for comparison. MT In the sections that follow, the principles and practice of affinity matura- tion will be discussed in detail, with the exemplar experiment serving throughout as an illustration. Table I gives the formulas or recipes for solutions and preparations, Table II describes standard procedures, and Table III lists Escherichia coli strains. Affinity Selection Each affinity selection step starts with a mixture of phage and seeks to select from that mixture phage whose displayed peptide binds the target receptor. These phage are specifically "captured" by immobilizing the re- ceptor on a solid surface (e.g., a plastic petri dish); unbound phage are washed away and captured phage are eluted (still in infective form), yielding a selected subset of the original phage mixture that is called an "eluate." Stringency The stringency of affinity selection is controllable in some degree by the choice of conditions, as will be detailed later. The logic of affinity maturation calls for low stringency (thus high yield) in the early rounds of selection (see Introduction). There is an additional argument--even in conventional selection without mutagenesis--for choosing high yield in the very first round of selection, whose input consists of all clones in the initial library. Because the library has many clones, each clone is represented by few particles (-500 TU/clone on average in the exemplar experiment); consequently, if the yield for a binding clone is not high in the first round (>0.2% in the exemplar experiment), that clone has a good chance of being lost, and of course can never be recovered. In later rounds, especially after the last round of mutagenesis, stringency can be increased in order to select for the tightest binder. There is a limit to stringency, however. The reason is that there is always a background yield of nonspecifically bound phage; if stringency is set too high, the yield of specifically captured phage will fall far below the background of nonspecifically bound phage, and all power of discrimination in favor of high affinity is lost. In practice, because the relationship between selection conditions and stringency is unknown in advance, it is advisable to explore a range of conditions in the final rounds of selection; those whose yields are close 01 .D .A ,ztluhcS .J .E ,yrubdaL .G .P ,htimS dna .R .O Fox, dehsilbupnu .)5991(

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