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Combinatorial Aspect of Integrable Systems PDF

174 Pages·2007·17.381 MB·English
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MSJ Memoir Mathematical Society of Japan Combinatorial Aspect of Integrable Systems Arkady Berenstein, David Kazhdan, Cedric Lecouvey, Masato Okado, Anne Schilling, Taichiro Takagi and Alexander Veselov Recent volumes in MSJ Memoirs- 1 Ivan Cherednik, Peter J. Forrester and Denis Uglov, Quantum many-body problems and representation theory, 1998 JPY4000 \cdots 2 Masako Takahashi, Mitsuhiro Okada and Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini (Eds.), Theories of types and proofs, 1998 JPY5800 \cdots 3 Tomotada Ohtsuki, Combinatorial quantum method in 3-dimensional topology, 1999 JPY2000 \cdots 4 Atsushi Matsuo and Kiyokazu Nagatomo, Axioms for a vertex algebra and the locality of quantum (cid:12)elds, 1999 JPY2000 \cdots 5 Daryl Cooper, Craig D. Hodgson and Steven P. Kerckhoff, Three-dimensional orbifolds and cone-manifolds, 2000 JPY2800 \cdots 6 Kong De-xing, Cauchy problem for quasilinear hyperbolic systems, 2000 JPY4000 \cdots 7 Vladimir Georgiev, Semilinear hyperbolic equations, 2000 JPY4000 \cdots 8 Eric M. Opdam, Lecture notes on Dunkl operators for real and complex re(cid:13)ection groups, 2000 JPY1500 \cdots 9 Peter Orlik and Hiroaki Terao, Arrangements and hyper- geometric integrals, 2001 JPY1900 \cdots 10 Yuri G. Prokhorov, Lectures on complements on surfaces, 2001 JPY2500 $\log$ 11 John R. Stembridge, Jean-Yves Thibon, . Marc A. $A$ van Leeuwen, Interaction of combinatorics and representation theory, 2001 JPY2400 \cdots 12 Yves Andr\’e, Period mappings and differential equations. From to , 2003 JPY4500 $\mathbb{C}$ $\mathbb{C}_{p}$ \cdots 13 Shigeaki Koike, beginner’s guide $A$ to the theory ofviscosity solutions, 2004 JPY2191 \cdots 14 Noboru Nakayama, Zariski-decomposition and Abundance, 2004\cdots JPY4286 15 Valery Alexeev and Viacheslav V. Nikulin, Del Pezzo and K3 surfaces, 2006 JPY2857 \cdots 16 Brian H. Bowditch, A course on geometric group theory, 2006 JPY1524 \cdots 17 Arkady Berenstein, David Kazhdan, C\’edric Lecouvey, Masato Okado, Anne Schilling, Taichiro Takagi and Alexander Veselov, Combinatorial Aspect of Integrable Systems, 2007 JPY2286 \cdots i Combinatorial Aspect of Integrable Systems Arkady Berenstein, David Kazhdan, C\’edric Lecouvey, Masato Okado, Anne Schilling, Taichiro Takagi and Alexander Veselov iii MSJ Memoir Mathematical Society of Japan Combinatorial Aspect of Integrable Systems Arkady Berenstein, David Kazhdan, Cedric Lecouvey, Masato Okado, Anne Schilling, Taichiro Takagi and Alexander Veselov 2000 Mathematics Subject Classi(cid:12)cations: 05E05,05E10,05E15,14L30,17B37,17B80,17B67,37B15,81R50,82B23 MSJ Memoirs This monograph series is intended to publish lecture notes, graduate textbooks and long research papers* in pure and applied mathematics. Each volume should be an integrated monograph. Proceedings ofconferences or collections ofindependent papers are not accepted. Articles for the series can be submitted to one of the editors in the form of hard copy. When the article is accepted, the author(s) is (are) requested to send a camera-ready manuscript. *limited to contributions by MSJ members Editorial Board Ariki, Susumu Funaki, Tadahisa Furuta, Mikio Kaneko, Masanobu Kobayashi, Ryoichi Kuniba, Atsuo Miyaoka, Yoichi (Chief Editor/Managing Editor) Noguchi, Junjiro Okamoto, Hisashi Ozawa, Tohru Takayama, Nobuki Taniguchi, Setsuo Tsuboi, TaJcashi Uzawa, Tohm Yamaguchi, Takao Yanagida, Eiji The series MSJ Memoirs is occasionally (3-5 volumes each year) published by the Mathematical Society of Japan. The titles and prices of recent volumes are listed on page of this volume. Each volume of the series can be separately purchased $i$ by placing an order with: TheMathematical SocietyofJapan, 1-34-8 Taito, Taito-ku, 110-0016 Tokyo, \bullet Japan (from inside Japan) World Scienti(cid:12)c Publishing, 5 Thoh Tuck Link, Singapore 596224 (from \bullet ouside Japan) \copyright 2007 by the Mathematical Society of Japan. All rights reserved. vi Preface This anthology ofsix papers is a fruitful outcome ofthe workshop \Combinatorial Aspect of Integrable Systems", which was held at RIMS (Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences), Kyoto University during July 26-30, 2004, as a part of the Project Research 2004 \Method of Algebraic Analysis in Integrable Systems". The authors were participants of the workshop and played active roles as lecturers on the subjects discussed in their papers. The following is a briefsummary of them. Prof. Berenstein with Prof. Kazhdan gives a brief survey on geometric and unipotent crystals. They are the notions introduced by the authors as algebro-geometric analogues of crystals and crystal bases. They indeed construct a functor from the category of positive geometric crystals to that of crystals. Prof. Lecouvey’s paper is an exposition of the combinatorics of crystal graphs. Begin- ningwith aconcisereviewofsemi-standardtableaux, bumpingprocedures, placticrelations and Robinson-Schensted type correspondence, it explains how these standard apparatus for type $A$ can naturally be extended to the root systems oftypes $B_{n},$$C_{n},$$D_{n}$ and $G_{2}$ along a uni(cid:12)ed perspective of the crystal basis theory. The third paper, by one of the editors, is an exposition of the so-called $X=M$ con- jecture, which has been one of the central theme in the combinatorial aspect ofintegrable systems in recent years. It starts with the de(cid:12)nition of crystals basis, the combinatorial $R$ and the energy function. The basic data on Kang-Kashiwara-Misra crystals for non- exceptional types is included. Then the notion of path is introduced, which leads to the de(cid:12)nition of the one dimensional sum $X$. It is a crystal theoretical reformulation of the one appearing in Baxter’s comer transfer matrix method. Finally the fermionic formula $M$ is introduced and the $X=M$ conjecture is stated. Prof. Schilling’s paper is a survey of the proof of the $X=M$ conjecture for type $A$. It also contains an exposition of how the fermionic formula $M$ arises from the Bethe ansatz on a simplest example. The proof of the $X=M$ conjecture is done by introducing the combinatorial object called rigged con(cid:12)guration and establishing the bijection between them and the paths. The strategy, originally going backto Kerov-Kmllov-Reshetikhin, has been signi(cid:12)cantly re(cid:12)ned and developed recently combined with the crystal basis theory. The paper also covers several topics from these latest developments. Prof. Takagi’s paper is a survey ofthe soliton cellular automata associated with crystal bases. Theyaresolvablelatticemodels at $q=0$, whichmaybeviewedas integrablesystems in combinatorics. This is a place where the crystal basis theory has found another very efficient application recently. A few basic examples ofsuch automatahad been invented by intuition and known as the box-ball system, before the connection with the crystal basis theory was recognized. The paper explains how the box-ball systems can be reconstructed and systematically generalized by the crystal basis theory. It also illustrates the basic properties ofthe automata such as scattering rules and color separation along type $A$ and cases. $D$ Prof. Veselov’s paper is a review on recent developments in the theory of the Yang- Baxter maps from the viewpoint of discrete dynamics. It covers the historical background and fundamental concepts inthe theory ofYang-Baxter maps in comparisonwithquantum Yang-Baxter equation. Also, the question of integrability in discrete dynamics of Yang- Baxter maps is discussed in connection with various topics, such as matrix factorization, Poisson Lie groups, and geometric crystals, in order to clarify the internal relationship among apparently different subjects. vi vi All the papers are friendly written andreadable independently, and yet they are closely related to each other. We hope the readers enjoy the symphony of six movements on combinatorial aspect ofintegrable systems. Atsuo Kuniba Masato Okado Table of Contents Preface by Atsuo Kuniba and Masato Okado Part 1 Lecture Notes on Geometric Crystals and their Combinatorial Analogues 1 by Arkady Berenstein and David Kazhdan Part 2 Combinatorics of Crystal Graphs for the Root Systems of Types and 11 $A_{n},$ $B_{n},$ $C_{n},$ $D_{n}$ $G_{2}$ by C\’edric Lecouvey Part 3 $X=M$ Conjecture 43 by Masato Okado Part 4 $X=M$ Theorem: Fermionic Formulas and Rigged Con(cid:12)gurations under Review 75 by Anne Schilling Part 5 Soliton Cellular Automata 105 by Taichiro Takagi Part 6 Yang-Baxter Maps: Dynamical Point of View 145 by Alexander Veselov ix

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