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COLUMN SUBSET SELECTION IS NP-COMPLETE 7 YAROSLAVSHITOV 1 0 Abstract. Let M be a real r×c matrix and let k be a positive integer. In 2 thecolumnsubsetselection problem(CSSP),weneedtominimizethequantity n kM −SAk, where A can be an arbitrary k×c matrix, and S runs over all a r×k submatricesofM. Thisproblemanditsapplicationsinnumericallinear J algebraarebeingdiscussedforseveraldecades, but itsalgorithmiccomplexity 0 remainedanopenissue. WeshowthatCSSPisNP-complete. 1 ] O 1. Introduction C . Throughout this paper, we denote by M the Frobenius norm of a real matrix h k k t M, that is, the square root of the sum of squares of the elements of M. If M has r a rows and c columns, then we write M Rr×c. For any integer k 6c, we denote m ∈ [ (1.1) δk(M)=min M SA , S,A k − k 1 where A and S run, respectively, over Rk×c and over all r k submatrices of M. If v × 4 we fix S in the definition of δk(M), then the optimal value of A is known to equal 6 S+M, where X+ denotes the pseudoinverse of X. 7 Thecolumnsubsetselectionproblem(CSSP)isthetaskofdetectingasubmatrix 2 S realizing the minimum in (1.1). The quantity δ (M) can be seen as a value of 0 k howcloseamatrixcanbetothelinearspacespannedbyatupleofk ofitscolumns, . 1 which makes CSSP important for problems of low-rank matrix approximation. In 0 fact,CSSPisbeingstudiedformorethantwentyyears(see[4]),andmanynewareas 7 of its application have arisen since that time. Besides the low-rank approximation 1 : theory ([2, 3]), the subsetselection problemarises naturally in statisticaldata anal- v ysis ([16]), large data analysis ([17]), optimal experiment design ([7]), statistical i X computing ([4]), artificial intelligence ([1]), networking ([10]), rank-deficient least r squares computation ([8, 9]), and other branches of modern applied mathematics. a The CSSP problem has been widely discussed in the applied mathematics com- munity, but its algorithmic complexity status remained unknown. In 2009, Bout- sidis, Mahoney, and Drineas ([3]) pointed out that the NP-hardness of CSSP is an open problem, and this problem has been discussed in numerous sources since then ([1, 6, 13, 14, 15]). A recent paper [5] presents a first step towards a solution: C¸ivril proves that CSSP is UG-hard, that is, he gives a conditional NP-hardness proof subject to the validity of the so-called Unique Games conjecture. Since there is currently no clear evidence of whether this conjecture is true or false (see [12]), the paper by C¸ivril left the complexity status of CSSP wide open. 2. The result The goal of our paper is to determine the complexity status of CSSP and to prove that this problem is NP-hard. Moreover, we prove that the CSSP problem 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 68Q17,05C50,65F20. Keywords and phrases. Columnsubsetselection,matrixnorms,NP-complete. 1 2 YAROSLAVSHITOV restricted to rational matrices is NP-complete in the Turing model of computation. This problem can be stated formally in the following way. Problem 2.1. (COLUMN SUBSET SELECTION.) Given: A matrix M Qr×c, an integer k 1,...,c , and a positive rational ∈ ∈ { } threshold τ. Question: Is δ (M)6√τ? k Recall that the optimal matrix A in (1.1) can be expressed as S+M, where X+ denotesthepseudoinverseofX. Infact,manyauthorspreferwritingSS+M instead of SA in (1.1), and this gives an equivalent definition of what we denote by δ (M). k In particular, we see that Problem 2.1 belongs to NP: If we correctly choose the optimal submatrix S, then we are able to compute δ (M) in polynomial time. Our k goal is to prove the following result. Theorem 2.2. Problem 2.1 is NP-complete. As said above, Problem 2.1 belongs to NP, so we only need to construct a poly- nomial transformation to Problem 2.1 from some known NP-complete problem. To thisend,weusetheclassicalproblemofgraph three-coloring,see[11]fordetails. We consider simple graphs G = (V,E), where V is a finite non-empty set of vertices, and E is a finite non-empty set of edges. A function ϕ : V 1,2,3 is called a → { } three-coloring of G if ϕ(u)=ϕ(v) holds whenever u,v E. 6 { }∈ 3. The reduction We proceed with the description of our reduction. We denote by n,m the cardi- nalities of V,E, respectively, we set 1 (3.1) t= , 4(m+n)3 and we denote by Vi = vi,...,vi a copy of the set V = v ,...,v . Our { 1 n} { 1 n} reductionfromthree-coloringto CSSP is the matrix = (G)defined as follows. M M Therowsof haveindexesinV 1,2,3 ε ,andthecolumnsareindexedwith M ∪{ }∪{ } V1 V2 V3 E. We denote by (α,β) the entry of at the intersection of a ∪ ∪ ∪ M M row with index α and a column with index β. For all distinct vertices u,v V, for ∈ all distinct numbers i,j 1,2,3 ,and for all e E, we define the entries of by ∈{ } ∈ M (1) (u,vi)=0, (u,ui)=1, M M (2) (u,e)=t2 if u is adjacent to e and (u,e)=0 otherwise, M M (3) (i,vj)=0, (i,vi)=t3, (i,e)=t5, M M M (4) (ε,vi)=0, (ε,e)=t. M M For instance, the matrix (K ), which corresponds to the triangle graph K , 3 3 M looks like 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 t2 0 t2  0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 t2 t2  0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 t2 t2 0    t3 t3 t3 0 0 0 0 0 0 t5 t5 t5 ,    0 0 0 t3 t3 t3 0 0 0 t5 t5 t5     0 0 0 0 0 0 t3 t3 t3 t5 t5 t5     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t t t    where the first three rows have indexes in V, the next three rows have indexes 1,2,3 , and the last row has index ε. Similarly, the columns of the above matrix { } are partitioned into triples corresponding to V1,V2,V3, and E, respectively. Our goal in the rest of the paper is to show the following. COLUMN SUBSET SELECTION IS NP-COMPLETE 3 Theorem 3.1. A graph G has a three-coloring if and only if δ ( (G))6 mt2+4nt6+mt10. n M p This theorem would complete the NP-hardness proof of Problem 2.1. 4. The proof. Part one Inthe restofourpaper,wedenoteby ann-elementsubsetofthe setofcolumn V indexes of . The submatrix consisting of the columns of with indexes in is M M V to be denotedby S. Also, we write ((cid:3),β)to denote the columnof with index M M β. As said above, the two conditions (4.1) min SA 6 mt2+4nt6+mt10, A kM− k p (4.2) (I SS+) 6 mt2+4nt6+mt10 k − Mk p areequivalent,andTheorem3.1statesthatoneofthemissatisfiedbysomeS ifand only if G is a three-colorable graph. In this section, we point out several necessary conditions for S to satisfy (4.1) and (4.2). Lemma 4.1. If the sets and E v1,v2,v3 are disjoint for some v V, then V ∪{ } ∈ the inequality (4.1) is false. Proof. WeseethatthevthentryofanycolumnofSiszero,sothematrix SAhas M− ones at (v1,v),(v2,v),(v3,v). We have SA >3, which contradicts(4.1). (cid:3) kM− k Inordertoproveonemoreresultofsimilarkind,weneedtorecallthedefinitionof a strongly column diagonally dominant matrix. Namely, this is a realsquarematrix D any of whose diagonal elements is greater than the sum of the absolute values of all the elements in the same column. A classical result of matrix theory, sometimes called the Levy-Desplanques theorem, states that any such matrix is non-singular. (An interested reader is referred to [18] for a historical survey on this theorem.) Lemma 4.2. If there is e E, then (4.1) is false. ∈V ∩ Proof. Denoting by the linear space spanned by the columns of S, we see that S ((cid:3),e)belongsto . Takingintoaccount(3.1)and(4.1), weconcludethat, forall vM V, the space cSontains a column C such that C ((cid:3),v1) <(n+1)−1. v v ∈ S k −M k In particular, the vth element of C is at least n/(n+1), and the absolute value of v the uth element ofC is less than (n+1)−1 (where u V ε is different fromv). v ∈ ∪{ } Since is spannedby n vectors,the matrix(we denote it by C) consisting ofthe S n+1columns C and ((cid:3),e)mustbeofrankatmostn. However,thesubmatrix v { } M ofC formedbytakingtherowswithindexesinV ε isstronglycolumndiagonally ∪{ } dominant, so we get a contradiction. (cid:3) Lemma 4.3. The inequalities (4.1), (4.2) imply that = vψ(v),v V , where ψ V { ∈ } is a mapping from V to 1,2,3 . { } Proof. Follows immediately from Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2. (cid:3) 5. The proof. Part two Inthis section,weconsiderthe indexingsets asinLemma4.3. Namely,wewill V provethatthe matrixS satisfies(4.2) if andonly ifthe correspondingmapping ψ is a three-coloring of G. This would mean that, if G does not admit a three-coloring, the inequality (4.2) is never satisfied. This would proveTheorem3.1 andshow that the task of determining an optimal submatrix S in a CSSP instance is at least as hard as finding a three-coloring of a given graph. 4 YAROSLAVSHITOV Lemma 5.1. If G is three-colorable, then δ ( (G))6√mt2+4nt6+mt10. n M Proof. Let ϕ:V 1,2,3 be a three-coloring of G. We take →{ } V∗ = vϕ(v),v V { ∈ } to be the indexes of columns of which form the matrix S as in (4.1), and we proceedwiththedescriptionofA.MItsrowswillhaveindexesinV∗,andtheindexing ofcolumnswillcorrespondtothatof . WesetA((cid:3),vi)tobethecolumnwiththe M one at the position vϕ(v) and zeros everywhere else; for e= u,v in E, the column { } A((cid:3),e) has t2 at the positions uϕ(u),vϕ(v) and zeros elsewhere. It remains to check that SA =√mt2+4nt6+mt10. (cid:3) kM− k Lemma 5.2. Assume = vψ(v),v V , where a mapping ψ from V to 1,2,3 V { ∈ } { } is not a three-coloring of G. Then (4.2) is not satisfied. Proof. We can write I O O n1  O In2 O  O O I  n3  S = t3jn1 O O ,  O t3j O   n2   O O t3j   n3   O O O    where the splitting of columns into blocks corresponds to the indexing sets ψ−1(1), ψ−1(2),ψ−1(3), 1 , 2 , 3 , ε . TheO’sstandforzeromatricesofrelevantsizes, { } { } { } { } andj isthe1 kmatrixofallones. SincethecolumnsofS arelinearlyindependent, k we can write S×+ =(S⊤S)−1S⊤, and a computation shows that I SS+ equals − (5.1) u t6J O O u t3j⊤ O O O  1OO n1 u2tO6Jn2 u tO6J − 1OO n1 −u2Ot3j⊤n2 uOt3j⊤ OO   3 n3 − 3 n3   −u1t3jn1 O O u1 0 0 0 ,  O u t3j O 0 u 0 0   − 2 n2 2   O O u t3j 0 0 u 0   − 3 n3 3   O O O 0 0 0 1    where u = (1+n t6)−1. Again, the splitting of the rows and columns into blocks i i corresponds to the partition ψ−1(1), ψ−1(2), ψ−1(3), 1 , 2 , 3 , ε . { } { } { } { } By(5.1),theεthrowof(I SS+) equalstheεthrowof ,soithasmentries − M M equaltot. Nowlet∆bethematrixformedbytherowsof(I SS+) withindexes − M 1,2,3. Using (5.1)onceagain,wenotethat,forv V andj 1,2,3 ψ(v) ,the ∈ ∈{ }\{ } vjth column of ∆ contains one zero, one element of the form u t3, and one element i of the form u t3. (Although it is not relevant for the proof, let us note that the i − vψ(v)th column of ∆ consists of zeros.) For e = u,v E, there are two possibilities. If ψ(u) = ψ(v), then the eth { } ∈ column of ∆ contains two zeros and one element of the form u t5. Otherwise, all i the three elements inthat columnareofthe form u t5 (and since ψ is nota three- i ± coloringofG, this occurrencearisesatleast once). Therefore,the sum of squaresof the entries of (I SS+) is greater than or equal to − M t3 2 t5 2 mt2+4n +(m+2) , (cid:18)1+nt6(cid:19) (cid:18)1+nt6(cid:19) which is greater than mt2+4nt6+mt10 as a comparison with (3.1) shows. (cid:3) COLUMN SUBSET SELECTION IS NP-COMPLETE 5 Thiscompletestheproofofthemainresultsofourpaper. Namely,wehaveshown thatthecolumnsubsetselectionproblemisNP-hard,andthisproblembecomesNP- complete in the Turing model of computation when restricted to rational matrices. RecallthatwewereworkingwiththeFrobeniusnormofmatrices,whichseemstobe themostcommonwaytomeasurethecostfunctionintheCSSPproblem(see[3,5]). 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National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, Moscow 101000,Russia E-mail address: [email protected]

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