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Columbia Theological Seminary Course Catalog 2001-2002 PDF

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COLUMBI COLUMBIATHEOLOGICALSEMINARY 701 ColumbiaDrive Box520 Decatur,Georgia30031 www.CTSnet.edu NonprofitOrganization U.S.postagepaid atDecatur,Georgia30031-0520 Columbia Theological Seminaryis accreditedby theAssociation ofTheological Schools in the UnitedStatesandCanadaandtheCommissiononCollegesoftheSouthernAssociationofColleges andSchoolstoawardMasterofDivinity,MasterofArts,MasterofTheology,DoctorofMinistry, andDoctorofTheologydegrees. Theregulations, requirements, and generalinformationincludedinthis catalogareofficialfor the2001-2002academicyearbutsubjecttorevisionatanytime. PrintedFebruary2001 Contents Welcome 1 Statement ofMission 2 History ofthe Seminary 4 Degree Programs 5 Master ofDivinity 5 Master ofArts inTheological Studies 11 Master ofTheology 12 Doctor ofMinistry 13 Doctor ofTheology 17 RelatedAcademic Programs and Resources 21 John Bulow Campbell Library 21 Columbia Bookstore 21 RelatedAcademic Programs 22 Programs inOther Locations 23 Admissions Information 25 Admissions Procedures for Basic Degree Students 25 Admissions Procedures forAdvanced Degree Students 27 Application Information for International Students 29 Non-Degree Enrollment andAuditors 30 Housing 31 Hospitalization Insurance 31 FinancialAid 32 Scholarships 33 Tuition and Fees 35 Refund Policies 36 Columbia in Service to the Church and Its Ministry 39 Continuing Education 39 Lay Institute ofFaith and Life 39 Faith and the City 40 Center for New Church Development 40 International Theological Education 40 Campbell Scholars 41 Evangelism Emphasis 41 ChristianSpirituality Emphasis and Certificate 42 Columbia Colloquium 43 Smyth Lectures 43 Community Life 45 Yearly Schedule 45 Orientation 45 CommunityWorship and Convocations 45 Student Organizations andActivities 46 Placement 47 Awards and Prizes 48 Graduate Fellowships 50 Prizes,Awards, and Fellowships for 2000 51 Curriculum and Courses 53 BiblicalArea Courses 55 Historical-DoctrinalArea Courses 60 Practical TheologyArea Courses 65 InterdisciplinaryCourses 72 Supervised Ministry Courses 74 Atlanta TheologicalAssociationCourses 77 Academic Notes and Policies 81 Faculty 87 Staff 100 Support of Columbia Seminary 103 Board of Trustees 105 Students 107 Calendar 143 Index 146 0;4R mm x tfjr * Welcome I am delighted to be writing this letter of welcome asColumbia'snewpresident. Having servedintheparishforanumberofyears,Ihave seenthevitalityofthechurchthatis supported by her seminaries, a vitality that finds its beginning in what God has done and is doing. Columbia is a seminary that celebrates its Presbyterian heritage and embraces the ReformedtraditionbyservingthebodyofChrist aswemoveinto thenew century. The church faces new challenges and opportunities as it continues to proclaim the Gospel ofJesus Christ and exhibit the reign of Godtoahungryworld. Columbia'slegacyisto contribute to the well-being of the church through its teaching and living the Gospel. Columbia strives tobe faithful, asJohn Calvinunderstood faith: "God'sbenevolencetoward us,foundeduponthetruthof thefreelygivenpromiseinChrist,both revealed to ourminds and sealedupon our hearts through theHolySpirit." Columbia's response to God's benevolence is to form pastors who will lead the church in its mission, and it is more. Columbia's response is also to edify pastors who are actively serving the church, and it is more. Columbia's response is also to equiplaityforministryintheworld,anditismore.ColumbiaTheologicalSeminary responds to God's benevolence by engaging minds and enriching faith through all whocomehere and departto serve. I invite you to come and share in what God is doing at Columbia Theological Seminary. Laura S. Mendenhall President Statement of Mission ColumbiaTheological Seminaryis aneducationalinstitutionofthePresbyterianChurch (USA), and a communityoftheologicalinquiry andformationforministry inthe service oftheChurch ofJesus Christ. AtColumbia,people offaithseektowitness to God's creativepower, redemptive action, transformingjustice, andreconcilinglove, inapluralistic societyand interdependentworld. We understandChristianfaithtoinclude worship ofGod, faithfulness toJesus Christ, cultivationofthemind, disciplines oftheChristianlife, ministries ofproclamation,nurture, compassion, andjustice, expressionoffaiththroughthe arts, andparticipationinthelife oftheChurch. Ourspecialmissioninthe serviceoftheChurch, andespeciallythePresbyterianChurch (USA),is to educatewomenandmenforleadership inordained andlayministries; to offer firstdegree, graduate degree, and continuingeducationprograms; and toprovidetheologicalresources for the denomination, forthe ecumenicalchurch, and forpersonswithavariety of theological concerns. Becauseweare aneducationinstitution, our callingis topreparepersons tolead congregations inworship,witness, mission, and service; to pursuelearning thatjoins mind and heart; to develop personal andprofessionalskills forleadership in the church; to learn from theworld-wideChurch, from education, the arts,politics, economics, and science, and from those outside the centers ofpower and influence; to considercriticallyfrom theperspective ofthe Christian faith, ideological, technical, and scientific assumptions -including our own- aboutthehuman situation. Becauseweare a confessional communityoftheChurch,we live underthe authorityofJesus Christ as witnessed to inthe scriptures ofthe Old and New Testaments, in theChurch throughoutthe ages, and inthe Reformed traditionand its confessions; affirmtheworship ofGod as avitaland central featureofour lifetogether and celebrate thegoodness ofGod in all creation; believeinChrist's lordship over the wholeworld; articulateanevangelical understanding oflife rootedinthe rule ofGod'sjustice andlove; listenwithopenness tovoices ofhopelessness andhope around andwithinus; acknowledgeour ownbrokenness andneed forredemption; commitourselves to diversity and inclusivity, to ecumenicity, and to discerningthe ongoingmanifestations of God'spresence inhuman affairs; nurture apersonal and corporate faith whichtakes responsibility for our choices amid thepolitical realities, the social institutions, and the global context inwhichwe live. Incarryingoutour mission, weseektobe faithful to the gospel, and tobecome a livingexpressionof the Body ofChristintheworld. A Brief History of the Seminary From its founding in Lexington, Georgia, in 1828, Columbia Theological Semi- naryhasnurtured,andhasbeennurturedby,thePresbyterianChurchintheSouth. This connection has existed throughout its history and remains a cherished tradi- tion.WhileColumbianowenjoysanoutstandingnationalandinternationalreputa- tion,italsofaithfullyupholdsitshistoriccovenantswiththeSynodsofLivingWaters andSouthAtlantic. The first permanent location of the seminary was Columbia, South Carolina, in 1830. The schoolbecamepopularlyknown as Columbia Theological Seminary, and thenamewas accepted aspermanentin 1925. Thedecade ofthe 1920's saw a shiftinpopulationthroughoutthe Southeast.At- lanta was becoming a commercial and industrial center and growing rapidly inits culturalandeducationalopportunities.Between1925and1930,PresidentRichardT. Gillespieprovidedtheleadershipwhichledtothedevelopmentofthepresentfacili- ties ona57-acretractinDecatur, Georgia. TheearlyyearsinDecaturweredifficult.Thefutureoftheinstitutionwasuncer- tain. However, in 1932, Dr. McDowell Richards was elected president; under his J. leadership the seminaryexperiencedsubstantialgrowth. Dr. C. BentonKline servedfiveyears aspresidentfollowingDr. Richards' retire- ment in 1971. In January 1976, Dr. Davison Philips assumed the presidency. He J. retired 11 yearslater,passingthemantleofleadershiptoDr. DouglasW. Oldenburg who,inJanuary1987,becametheseminary'sseventhpresident. InAugust2000,Dr. Laura S. Mendenhallbeganherserviceas Columbia'seighthpresident. If it:If

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