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ACN081244395 COLTON COAL PTY LTD ACN 140 768 636 COLTON MINE PROJECT MINING LEASE APPLICATIONS COLTON A, COLTON B and COLTON C over Prospecting Permits 50818, 50819, 50820, 50821, 50822 and 50823 And EPC 923 and EPC 1082 AMENDED INITIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN or IDP1 PART 15.3 OF THE APPLICATION S318DToftheMineralResourcesAct1989 Ss318DT,318DU,318DVand318DWoftheMineralResourcesAct1989(Qld) 1ThisdocumentcontainsonlytheInitialDevelopmentPlanrequiredunders318DToftheMineralResourcesAct1989(Qld) andalsoaddressescertainrequirementsofsections318DU,318DVand318DWoftheMineralResourcesAct1989. Itdoes notprovidefortheCSGStatementorCSGAssessmentCriteria,whicharesubjecttoadifferentsetofrulesandarelocatedin part15.3Bofthisapplication. CHECKLISTOFLEGISLATIVEREQUIREMENTS Document Section(MR Requirement Sectionref Act) Initial 318DT(1)(a) anoverviewoftheactivitiesproposedtobecarriedout 1.1 Development undertheproposedminingleaseduringallofitsproposed Plan term 318DT(1)(b) foreachyearoftheplanperiod: 1.2  the nature and extent of activities to be carried out under the proposed mining lease during the year; and  wheretheactivitiesareproposedtobecarriedout foreachmineraltheapplicantproposedtomineunderthe 318DT(1)(c) proposedmininglease,eachofthefollowing:  the location and estimate of the resources of the 2 mineral in the area, or proposed area, of the mining lease  the standards and procedures used to make the 3 estimate  therateandamountoftheproposedmining 4  approximatelywhentheproposedminingistostart 5.1  a schedule for the proposed mining during the plan 5.2 period 318DT(1)(d) mapsthatshowthemattersmentionedinparagraphs 1.2 (b)and(c)(i),(iii)and(iv) 318DT(1)(e) anyotherinformationrelevanttothecriteriamentionedin formattersrelevant s318EF totheCSG statementand CSGassessment criteriaseepart 15..3Bofthis application 318DT(1)(f) reasonswhytheplanisconsideredappropriate 6 318DT(1)(g) anothermatterprescribedunderaregulation noneidentified 218DU statetheperiodoftheproposedplan 1.1 318DV statement of howthe effects on, and the interests of, any 7 relevant overlapping or adjacent petroleum tenure holder have,orhavenot,beenconsideredhavingregardto:  themainpurposesofthispart;and  the CSG assessment criteria, other than the initial developmentplanrequirements 318DW requirementthat theactivitiesprovidedforunderthe 8 proposedplanmustseektooptimisetheuseofincidental coalseamgasinasafeandefficientwayifitis commerciallyandtechnicallyfeasibletodoso Nb:Inthispartofthisminingleaseapplication,MRActmeansMineralResourcesAct1989(Qld). 1. Overview of theactivities proposedto becarried out 1.1 Overview Thissectionaddressess318DT(1)(a)and(b)oftheMRAct ColtonCoalPtyLtdACN 140768636(ColtonCoal)ismakingthreecontiguous mininglease applications (MLAs) for the Colton Mine Project (Project) that this Amended Initial Development Plan (IDP) describes. The MLAs cover Parcel Prospecting Permits (PPs) numbers 50818, 50819, 50820, 50821, 50822 and 59823 and 50847. These MLAs are each an application for a mining lease under section 234(1) of the Mineral Resources Act 1989 (Qld) (MR Act). These MLAs are to provide for mine excavation, coal processing and infrastructurefortheProject.TheMLAscoveracombinedareaof1,025.1hectares(ha). The term of this IDP is proposed as two years from the date of grant of the Project MLAs on the assumption that all of the Project MLAs will be granted from a common date. Notionally, the term is from 1 October, 2012 to 31 November 2014 to allow for site preparation, constructionofinfrastructureandcommencementofproductionoperationsattheProject. The Project is located in the Fraser Coast Regional Council area in southern Queensland, approximately 10 km north of Maryborough and 300 km north of Brisbane. Access to the project area is via the Churchill Mine Road from the Torbanlea to Pialba Road, and from the BruceHighway-seeFigure1. The Project consists of the development of a ~16.8 Million tonne (Mt) indicated and inferred Resource of coking coal within the Burrum Coal Measures in the Maryborough Basin. The Project is planned to mine up to 1.1 Mt of Run of Mine (ROM) coal per annum (pa) by open cutmethods toproduce on average 0.5 Mtpaof productcoalfor export. Project production life is anticipated to be 8 -10 years based on current economic assessment of the resource. However, continuing exploration success should extend the known resource and hence the durationoftheProject. The mining leases term applied for is twenty (20) years, to allow for construction time prior to commencing production activities, potential extension of the mining activities as resources information is refined and allowance for close down and final rehabilitation of the site at the end of mining. Colton Coal anticipates that the activities described in sections 1.1 and 1.2 will continuetobecarriedoutovertheentiretermofthemininglease. The target commencement date for start of overburden removal is subject to the grant of the mining leases and environmental authority for the Project. The start of coal production operations is also dependent on the availability of services and infrastructure for the Project and for coal transportation to port. The Project construction period on site prior to start of coal production is anticipated to be6 – 9months withfirstrailings expected inmid2013(basedon grantoftheminingleaseinOctober2012). The Project will involve open cut mining using truck and excavator methods. Topsoil stripped prior to mining will be stockpiled for later use in rehabilitation. Overburden will be relocated from above the coal seams to in-pit dumps, and in out-of-pit spoil dumps located on site and contiguouswiththepitexcavations. A coal handling and preparation plant (CHPP) and associated mine infrastructure – workshops, offices, train loading and rail balloon loop and waste storage areas - will be required for the Project. Processing will involve crushing, screening and washing to separate coal from waste materials. Waste rejects will be de-watered, with water recycled to the processingplantandsolidsdisposedofwithinspeciallyconstructedstorageareasandinspoil dumps. Product coal will be transported by rail from the Project to Gladstone Port along Queensland Rail Network’s North Coast Line where it will initially be exported through the Barney Point Coal Terminal and later through the Wiggins Island Coal Terminal once capacity at that terminalbecomesavailabletotheProject. Figure1: ColtonProjectLocationandMiningTenements DuringconstructionandthenatfullproductiontheProjectis estimatedtoprovideemployment forupto100fulltimeemployeeswithflowoneffectstoanother80-100positions. Of the three MLAs which comprise the Project one MLA (referred to as "Colton A") is over granted Authority to Prospect (ATP) 613 which impacts on the southern part of the Project area.Thesecond MLA(referredto as "Colton B") is over ATPApplication 733 which impacts on the northern part of the Project area. The third MLA (referred to as “Colton C”) is also over ATP613. This IDP describes the Project in total given that it sits across the three MLAs. SeeFigure2andsection7ofthisIDPfordetailsoftheoverlappingpetroleumtenures. Figure2:ColtonProjectMiningandPetroleumTenures ProjectProponent Colton Coal is the Project proponent. Colton Coal is a wholly owned subsidiary of Northern Energy Corporation Limited ABN 90 081 244 395 (NEC), which is in turn a wholly owned subsidiary of New Hope Corporation Limited ABN 38 010 653 844 (NHC). NHC is a Queensland based coal exploration, project development and coal mining company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange – ASX Company Code - NHC. NEC was a publically listed company that was taken over by NHC in February 2011 and fully absorbed in November 2011. At the time of making the mining lease aplicationa and lodgeing the first initial development PlanNEC’sofficeislocatedat: Level5 60EdwardStreet Brisbane,Qld. GPOBox5283 Phone:(61)733030695 Facsimile:(61)733030601 Website: www.northernenergy.com.au Asof27January,2012,NEC’s–readColtonCoal–officewaslocatedat Level6 316AdelaideStreet Brisbane,Qld. Phone:(61)730146437 Facsimile:(61)730146409 Website: www.northernerergy.com.au Taroom Coal Proprietary Limited ACN 079 251 442 (Taroom Coal) is also a wholly owned subsidiary of NEC. NEC is the manager of and the responsible entity for all business activity carried out on and in connection with Taroom Coal's tenures. The Project area is within the areaofExplorationPermitCoal(EPC)923andEPC1082bothheldbyTaroomCoal. ProjectTenements SummarydetailsoftheColtonCoalsPPsareshowninTable1followingandwithreferenceto theSurveyPlanswhichaccompanytheMLAs. Table1:ColtonCoalPtyLtdParcelProspectingPermits Permit Lot Plan Owner Address Number Number 50818 Lot31 SP104950 QueenslandRail C/-FacilitiesManager POBox198,Rockhampton,Q4700 50819 Lot14 USL34733 StateofQueensland DeptEnvironment&ResourceManagement PoBox212,Maryborough.Q4650 50820 Lot1 USL34852 StateofQueensland AsforLot14USL34733 50821 Road#62 StateofQueensland AsforLot14USL34733 50822 Lot7 USL34860 StateofQueensland AsforLot14USL34733 50823 Lot1 AP6551 StateofQueensland AsforLot14USL34733 Colton Coal's PPs numbers 50818, 50819, 50820, 50821, 59822 and 59823 overlap with TaroomCoal'sEPC923andinthecaseofPP50819withTaroomCoal'sEPC1082aswell. Both EPC 923 and 1082 have subsequent to the making of the mining lease applications been transferred to Colton Coal. Therefore at the time of making this Amended initial Development Plan Colton Coal holds the following exploration tenements associated with the Project:  thePPslistedabove;  EPC923;and  EPC1082. EPC 923 was first granted to Taroom Coal from October 2005 and was renewed after relinquishment in October 2008 for a further 5 years. On renewal the tenure contained 64 exploration sub blocks. EPC 1082 was granted to Taroom Coal in November 2007 for 3 years. It contains 3 sub blocks. EPC1082 was renewed in November 2010 for a further 2 years. Colton Coal's exploration tenures overlap with oil and gas exploration tenures Authority to Prospect 613 (ATP 613) and ATP applications (ATPA) 733 and ATPA 674, all registered to Magellan Petroleum (Eastern) Pty Ltd (Magellan). Magellan has a Farm-in Agreement with Eureka Petroleum Pty Ltd (Eureka), a wholly owned subsidiary of Blue Energy Limited (Blue Energy)under whichEurekacanearna75% interestinthetenuresoncompletionofaNative Title Agreement process. ATP 613 was granted on 23 March, 1995 for a term to 31 March, 2019. NEC has initiated discussions with Blue Energy towards making a co-development agreement. Colton Coal wishes to negotiate a co-development agreement that provides for efficient and expedited processes under which the parties may each beneficially utilise their respective tenements. As noted above the Project comprises at this stage two contiguous MLAs-oneoverlappingwithATP613andanotheroverlappingwithATPA733. 1.2 Descriptionofproposedactivities Thissectionalsoaddressess318DT(1)(b)oftheMRAct The construction of the mining operation and the CHPP, stockpiling and transportation facilities, maintenance workshops and servicing plant and administration buildings within the ColtonA,ColtonBandColtonCMLAareasareallpartoftheproposaltodeveloptheProject. Themainelementsoftheproposeddevelopmenttobeconstructedandoperatedare:  Openpitcoalminingexcavations;  HaulroadfrommineareaandROMcoalreceivalareaandstockpile;  ROMdumphopperandprimarysizingstation;  Secondarysizingstationandlinkingconveyors;  Coalprocessingplantcomprisingasinglemoduleof350tphcapacity;  Productcoalconveyorsandstockpile;  Trainloadingarea;  RailballoonloopandreconstructionofpartoftheoldPialbaRailCorridortrack;  Plantrejectmaterialstorageareas;  Heavyequipmentworkshopandvehicleservicingareas;  Warehouse;  Administrationbuildingandchangerooms;  Fuel,lubricantsandtyrestores;  Lightandheavyvehicleparkinghardstands;  Accessroads;  Rawwaterstorageandwatermanagementdamsandpipelines;and  Electricalpowergeneration,substationanddistributionnetwork. The general layout of the main infrastructure is shown in Figure 3. As currently planned mining activities are planned predominantly within the Colton A MLA area with some of the coal processing and related tasks including train loading located within the Colton B MLA area. Mining activities are also a possibility within the Colton B area at a later stage if/when miningcommencesonthenorthsideoftherailcorridor. Figure3:ProjectMajorInfrastructureGeneralLayout(ColtonMLAareas) The following table outlines the nature and extent of the activities proposed to be carried out, includingtheproposedlocationofactivitiesduringthetermofthisIDP. Table1:NatureandExtentofActivities NatureandExtentof Activities LocationofActivities Year1 ConstructionandProduction Seefigure3forIndustrialArea Year2 Production See figure 4 for mine excavation outline at endyear2 Figure4 -MineExcavationandSpoilAreasatendofyear2 2. Locationand estimateof theresourcesinthearea of theML Thissectionaddressessection318DT(1)(c)(i)oftheMRAct 2.1 Locationandestimate NEC for Taroom Coal/Colton Coal had undertaken exploration programs within EPC 923 since it was granted in December, 2006. This work has comprised a review of regional geological information and information available on public record from extensive exploration carried out bythe Queensland Government in the area as well as itsownfieldexplorationprograms. Data from the Queensland government drilled boreholes (NS series) has been subject to several campaigns of validation including twinning of holes, re-survey of

For the purpose of resource modelling, Mincom's GDB has been used as the geological . 5. 0.19. B3M. 2. 0.22. B3L. 4. 0.48. Structure. Minescape's Stratmodel
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