Description:The 522 kinds of Chinese crude drugs and their preparations specified in theAtlas arranged in accordance with Chinese pharmacopoeia. The ecology oforiginal plants (animal, minerals), the macroscopical and microscopicalcharacters (histological sections and surfaces) of the crude drugs were madeinto coloured photographs. This Atlas can be of great help to the readers inunderstanding and carrying out China Pharmacopoeia. This Atlas contains morethan 100,000 words of description (Chinese-English) and 1506 colouredphotographs, including 606 photographs of original plants, 659 photographsof crude drugs, and 241 photographs of microscopical characters. Eachspecies includes two items - original plant and crude drug. All the colouredphotographs of original plants were taken in the producing areas. They canreally reflect the original plants' ecology. Most of the plants taken werewith flowers or fruits. Also includes: action, indications, usage anddosage, precaution.