Digitized by the Internet Archive 2013 in http://archive.org/details/govlawcocode20124243 Colorado Revised Statutes 2012 Titles 42-43 Vehicles and Traffic Transportation Edited, Collated, Revised, Annotated, and Indexed Under the Supervision and Direction ofthe COMMITTEE ON LEGAL SERVICES by JENNIFER G. GILROY OF THE COLORADO BAR, REVISOR OF STATUTES, AND THE OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE LEGAL SERVICES Published withAnnotations through 272 P.3d 1196, 797 F. Supp. 2d 1163, 661 F.3d 1290, 132 S. Ct. 1882, 449 B.R. 119, 83 U. Colo. L. Rev. 338 (2011), 88 Denv. UL. Rev. 629 (2011), and 41 Colo. Law. 91 (January 2012). (SeeAnnotation Explanation on page ix.) Reenacted by the GeneralAssembly as the Positive Statutory Law ofColorado ofa General andPermanentNature andas the Official Statutes ofthe State ofColorado LexisNexis Printers andDistributors CONTENT OF2012 COLORADO REVISED STATUTES Declaration ofIndependence Constitution ofthe United States EnablingAct ofColorado Constitution ofthe State ofColorado Title 1. Elections Title 25. Health Title2. Legislative Title 25.5. HealthCare Policy and Financing Title3. United States Title4. UniformCommercial Code Tide 26. Human Services Code Title5. ConsumerCreditCode Title 27. Behavioral Health Title 28. Military andVeterans Title 6. ConsumerandCommercial — Affairs Title 29. Government Local — Title7. Corporations andAssociations Title30. Government County — Title 8. LaborandIndustry Title 31. Government Municipal — Title 9. Safety Industrial and Title32. Special Districts Commercial Title33. Parks andWildlife Title 10. Insurance Title 34. Mineral Resources Title 11. Financial Institutions Title35. Agriculture — Title 12. Professions and Occupations Title36. Natural Resources General Title 13. Courts andCourtProcedure Title37. Water andIrrigation — Title 14. Domestic Matters Title38. Property Real andPersonal Title 15. Probate,Trusts, andFiduciaries Title39. Taxation Title 16. Criminal Proceedings Title 40. Utilities Title 17. Corrections Title41. Aeronautics: Aircraft and Title 18. Criminal Code Airports Title 19. Children's Code Title 42. Vehicles andTraffic Title20. DistrictAttorneys Title 43. Transportation Title21. StatePublic Defender Colorado Court Rules Title22. Education A—Z Index—Comparative Tables Title 23. PostsecondaryEducation — Title24. Government State © Copyright 2012 BYTHE COMMITTEE ON LEGAL SERVICES FOR THE STATE OF COLORADO CERTIFICATION OF COMMITTEE ON LEGAL SERVICES TheCommitteeonLegal Servicesherebycertifiesthatthe2012ColoradoRevisedStatutes includes all the laws ofageneral andpermanentnature ofthe state ofColorado as revised andreenactedinColoradoRevisedStatutes 1973,togetherwithallofthelaws ofageneral and permanent nature enacted by the GeneralAssembly subsequent to 1973, as corrected, collated, andrevisedasauthorizedbyandinconformity withArticle5 ofTitle 2,Colorado Revised Statutes. COMMITTEE ON LEGAL SERVICES: Bob Gardner Member ofthe House ofRepresentatives Chair John Morse Member ofthe Senate Vice-Chair Jeanne Labuda Member ofthe House ofRepresentatives Claire Levy Member ofthe House ofRepresentatives Carole Murray Member ofthe House ofRepresentatives MarkWaller Member ofthe House ofRepresentatives Greg Brophy Member ofthe Senate Morgan Carroll Member ofthe Senate Ellen Roberts Member ofthe Senate Gail Schwartz Member ofthe Senate m OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE LEGAL SERVICES Capitol Room 091 Phone: (303) 866-2045 DIRECTOR DanL. C'artin DEPUTYDIRECTOR REVISOROFSTATUTES SharonL.Eubanks JenniferG.Gilroy ASSISTANTDIRECTORS BartW.Miller,DeborahF.Haskins,JuliePelegrin ADMINISTRATIONTEAM Matthew Dawkins, OfficeManager LindaHarris, SeniorLegislativeAssistantII WadeHarrell,Office SystemsAdministrator forHumanResources Patti Dahlberg,FrontOfficeCoordinatorand RobertGarcia, SeniorLegislativeAssistant SeniorLegislativeAssistantID BUSINESS,HEALTHCARE,NATURALRESOURCES,ANDENVIRONMENTTEAM DuaneH. Gall, SeniorAttorney& JeryPayne, SeniorStaffAttorneyII TeamLeader JenniferBerman, StaffAttorney ChristineB. Chase,SeniorAttorney& RebeccaL. Hausmann,Headand Senior AssistantTeamLeader LegislativeAssistant IV ThomasMorris, SeniorAttorney& PattyAmundson, SeniorLegislativeAssistantIV AssistantTeamLeader HollyMandis, SeniorLegislativeAssistant KristenJ.Forrestal, SeniorAttorney KikiMiller,LegislativeAssistant CharlesBrackney, SeniorStaffAttorneyII forRuleReview CIVILANDCRIMINALLAW,EDUCATION,ANDHUMANSERVICESTEAM JeremiahB.Barry, SeniorAttorney&Team JaneM. Ritter, SeniorStaffAttorney Leader Richard Sweetman, SeniorStaffAttorney Michael Dohr, SeniorStaffAttorney& BethTreat, SeniorLegislativeAssistant AssistantTeamLeader JoelMoore,LegislativeAssistantII BritaDarling, SeniorStaffAttorney LaraMargelofsky,LegislativeAssistant FISCALPOLICY,INFRASTRUCTURE,ELECTIONS, EDUCATIONFINANCE,ANDSTATE&LOCALGOVERNMENTTEAM GreggW. Fraser, SeniorAttorney &Team NicoleMyers, SeniorStaffAttorneyII Leader KateMeyer, SeniorStaffAttorney JasonGelender, SeniorAttorney& EffieAmeen, HeadandSeniorLegislative AssistantTeamLeader AssistantID RobertS. Lackner, SeniorAttorney& JohnKilgour, SeniorLegislativeAssistant AssistantTeamLeader AshleyZimmerman, SeniorLegislativeAssistant EdwardDeCecco,SeniorAttorney CaraMeeker,LegislativeAssistant EsthervanMourik, SeniorStaffAttorneyn PUBLICATIONSTEAM KathrynS. Zambrano, PublicationsCoordinator PeggyLewis, SeniorLegislativeAssistantIV MicheleD. Brown, SeniorStaffAttorneyII CarolL.Mullins, SeniorLegislativeAssistantin forAnnotations NathanM. Carr, SeniorLegislativeAssistantII AnjaH. Boyd,AssistantPublications tothe RevisorofStatutes Coordinator&SeniorLegislativeAssistantIV IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Source note explanation vi Colorado statutory research vii Bills without safety clauses - explanation ofeffective dates ix Annotation explanation ix Title 42 Vehicles and Traffic Tide 42 - page 1 Tide 43 Transportation Tide 43 - page 1 Source Note Information Asource note shows the legislativehistory ofaC.R.S. section and is located immediately afterthe textofthe section. The sourcenote foreach section indicates the yearthe section was added, eachyearit was amended, andthepageofthe SessionLaws andthe sectionof the bill where the amendment can be found. The source note includes the number ofthe sectioninpriorcodifications when applicable. For amendments made after 1973, informa- tion on each specific provision ofthe section that has been changed by abill, the specific change to the provision (i.e. added, added with relocations, amended, amended with relocations,repealed,repealedandreenacted, orrecreatedandreenacted), andtheeffective date ofthe bill are shown. The legislative history is arranged by year ofpassage; ifthe section was amended by two or more acts in the same year, the order ofthe information for that year is determined by theeffectivedatesoftheacts.Theeffectivedateinthesourcenoteindicatesthedatetheact orportionoftheacttakeseffectevenifthetextoftheamendmentindicatesadifferentdate. Ifthe year is not included with the month and day, the provision is effective the year of passage. Additional information to assist the user in researching C.R.S. sections can be found beginning on page vii. The following provides a further explanation ofthe information found in a source note: "L." is the symbol for "Session Laws" and will be followed by a number indicatingtheyearwhentheC.R.S. sectionwaschangedby anactgenerally either creating new law, amending existing law, or repealing existing law; except that, in the constitution, "L." also means constitutional measures referredbytheGeneralAssemblyandvotedonbythepeopleofColoradoat a general or an odd-year election. "Ex. Sess." is the symbol for "Extraordinary Session". If this symbol follows the year, the amended provision can be found in the Session Laws foranextraordinary sessionforthatyearandnotintheSessionLawsforthe regular session of the General Assembly for that year (S, S2 in the Red Book). "p." isthe symbol for "page" and willbe followedby anumberindicating thepageoftheSessionLawswheretheamendmenttotheC.R.S. sectioncan be found. "§"isthesymbolfor "section"andwillbefollowedbyanumberindicating the section of the act where the amendment to the C.R.S. section can be found. "IP" is the symbol for the "introductory portion" to a section, subsection, paragraph, or subparagraph. "Added" means the provision was newly enacted by the act (N in the Red Book). "Addedwithrelocations"meanstheprovisioninexistinglaw wasrelocated fromonetitle, article,part, orsectiontoanothertitle, article,part, orsection with amendments by the act. vi "Amended" meanstheprovisioninexistinglawwasamendedbytheact(A in the Red Book). "Amended with relocations'* means the provision in existing law was amended to reorganize an entire title, article, part, or section by the act "Repealed" means the provision was deleted from the existing law by the act through the use ofarepeal provision (R in the Red Book). "R&RE" is the symbol for "Repealed and Reenacted" and means the provision in existing law was repealed and reenacted by the act (RE in the Red Book). "RC&RE" is the symbol for "Recreated and Reenacted" and means a previouslyrepealedprovisionhas been recreatedby the act (RC in theRed Book). "Added by revision" means a provision providing for the repeal of a statutory provision on a specified date has been added by the Revisor of Statutes as a C.R.S. provision. Adding the provision is necessary because a separate section of the act provided for the repeal ofthe provision with a future effective date. "Initiated" means a provision that was amended by means of an initiated petition approved by a vote of the people of Colorado at a general or an odd-year election. "Referred" means a provision that was amended by a measure referred by the GeneralAssembly and voted on by the people ofColorado at ageneral or an odd-yearelection; except that, in the constitution, areferred measure isindicatedby "L." andalsomeansconstitutional measuresreferredbythe GeneralAssemblyandvotedonbythepeopleofColoradoatageneraloran odd-year election. Startingin2009,referencestothebillnumberandchapternumberhavebeen included in the source note. Ifyou are conducting a search on-line, the bill numberreference within the source note links directly to the bill itself. Colorado Statutory Research Legislativehistoryis notalreadywritten. Itmustbecompiledby theresearcherfrommany different sources and materials. The following information is a helpful starting point in identifyinginformationyouwishtoresearch.Consulttheredbooktabledistributedwiththe session laws, the softbound editions ofColorado Revised Statutes beginning in 1997, the comparative tables located in the back ofthe C.R.S. index, C.R.S. 1963 and subsequent cumulative supplements thereto through 1971, and C.R.S. 1973 and annual cumulative supplements thereto through 1996. Priorto 1921, enacted laws were notcompiledinto acomparativetable, thereby making it moredifficulttotrackthelegislativehistory. Determiningdiesubjectmatterinthestatutory indexistheonlychoice fortrackingthehistoryofastatute sinceastatutedidnotretainits original number. The General Statutes of 1883 arranged laws into numbered chapters, alphabeticallyentitled, collated, and arrangedby sections. Thisbecame the foundationand vii modelforcompilingthestatutesuntilthecodificationofC.R.S. 1973. (SeeRevisedStatutes ofColorado 1908,AnActProvidingForthe Compilation, Publication, and Distribution of all the general statutes ofthe state.) References in some source notes throughoutthe ColoradoRevised Statutes to "Code 08", "Code 21", and "Code 35" are to the Revised Statutes ofColorado 1908, the Compiled Laws ofColorado 1921, and the Colorado StatutesAnnotated 1935, respectively. Each of these volumes setforththegeneral statutes ofthe state ofColorado, including theCode of Civil Procedureand, in 1935, theColorado SupremeCourtRules. OnJanuary 6, 1941, the Colorado Supreme Court adopted the new Rules of Civil Procedure, which became effectiveonApril6, 1941,resultinginthepublicationofareplacementvolume. Thereafter, the publication of the Colorado Court Rules, although a continuing part of the Colorado Revised Statutes, contained a combination oftheFederal Rules and the Colorado Code of Civil Procedure and, inaddition, included someprovisions that were entirely distinctfrom both theFederal Rules and the Colorado Code ofCivil Procedure, as adopted or amended by the Supreme Court ofColorado. Toresearch astatute asitexisted inprevious years, the following is achronological listof C.R.S. publications and the correct citation for each publication. Revised Statutes ofColorado (1868) R.S. General Laws ofColorado (1877) G.L. General Statutes ofColorado (1883) G.S. Revised Statutes ofColorado (1908) R.S. 08 Compiled Laws ofColorado (1921) C.L. Colorado Statutes Annotated (1935) CSA Colorado Revised Statutes 1953 (1953) CRS 53 Colorado Revised Statutes 1963 (1963) C.R.S. 1963 Colorado Revised Statutes (1973) C.R.S. Comparative Tables: R.S. 08 to C.L. 1921 - located in the front ofthe C.L. 1921 C.L. 1921 to CSA 1935 - located in the back ofthe Index to CSA 1935 CSA 1935 to CRS 1953 - located in the front ofthe Index to CRS 1953 CRS 1953 to C.R.S. 1963 - located in the front ofthe Index to C.R.S. 1963 C.R.S. 1963 to C.R.S. - located in the back ofthe Index to C.R.S. Supplements to C.R.S. 1963 include: 1965 hardbound supplement containing laws enacted in 1964 and 1965 1967 hardbound supplement containing laws enacted in 1966 and 1967 1969 hardbound supplement containing laws enacted in 1968 and 1969 1971 hardbound supplement containing laws enacted in 1970 and 1971 Thesoftboundpublicationofthe "OfficialReportoftheCommitteeonLegalServices"was notintendedasanofficialpublicationofouroffice. Copiesweredistributedtothemembers oftheGeneralAssemblyforthepurposeofcertifyingthelawsenactedinthe 1972and 1973 Sessions forinclusioninthecompilation ofthe 1973 C.R.S., which wasnotavailableuntil 1974. To findthe 1972 or 1973 amended language, referto the sessionlaws ofeither 1972 or 1973. VUl