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Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology - Wills Eye Institute Pediatric Ophthalmology PDF

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Preview Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology - Wills Eye Institute Pediatric Ophthalmology

CO LO R ATLAS & SYNO PSIS O F CLINICAL OPHTHALMOLOGY W i l l s Ey e I n s t i t u t e P e d ia t r ic Op h t h a lm o lo g y LWBK959-FM-i-1.indd i 7/ 22/ 11 8:01 PM EDITOR Leonard B. Nelson, MD, MBA Co-Director, Pediatric Ophthalmology and Ocular Genetics Wills Eye Institute Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and Pediatrics Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania SECTION EDITORS Michael J. Bartiss, OD, MD Kammi B. Gunton, MD Judith B. Lavrich, MD Alex V. Levin, MD, MHSc Scott E. Olitsky, MD Jonathan H. Salvin, MD Bruce M. Schnall, MD Barry N. Wasserman, MD SERIES EDITOR Christopher J. Rapuano, MD Director and Attending Surgeon, Cornea Service Co-Director, Refractive Surgery Department Wills Eye Institute Professor of Ophthalmology Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, PA LWBK959-FM-i-1.indd ii 25/07/11 7:10 PM CO LO R ATLAS & SYNO PSIS O F CLINICAL OPHTHALMOLOGY W i l l s Ey e I n s t i t u t e P e d ia t r ic Op h t h a lm o lo g y LWBK959-FM-i-1.indd iii 7/ 22/ 11 8:01 PM Senior Executive Editor: Jona han W. Pine, Jr. Senior Product Managers: Emilie Moyer and Grace Capu o Senior Manufacturing Coordinator: Benjamin Rivera Marketing Manager: Lisa Lawrence Creative Director: Doug Smock Production Services: Ap ara, Inc. © 2012 by LIPPINCOT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, a Wolters Kluwer business First edition, © 2003 e McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. wo Commerce Square 2001 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 USA LWW.com All righ s reserved. T is book is pro ec ed by copyrigh . No par o his book may be reproduced in any orm by any means, including pho ocopying, or u ilized by any in orma ion s orage and re rieval sys em wi hou writ en permission rom he copyrigh owner, excep or brie quo a ions embodied in cri ical ar icles and reviews. Ma erials appearing in his book prepared by individuals as par o heir of cial du ies as U.S. governmen employees are no covered by he above-men ioned copyrigh . Prin ed in China Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Pedia ric oph halmology / edi or, Leonard B. Nelson; sec ion edi ors, Michael J. Bar iss . . . [e al.]. p. ; cm. – (Color a las & synopsis o clinical oph halmology–Wills Eye Ins i u e) Includes bibliographical re erences and index. ISBN 978-1-4511-1087-6 (alk. paper) 1. Pedia ric oph halmology–A lases. I. Nelson, Leonard B. II. Series: Color a las and synopsis o clinical oph halmology series. [DNLM: 1. Eye Abnormali ies–A lases. 2. Child. 3. In an . WW 17] RE48.2.C5P4326 2012 618.92'0977–dc23 2011025455 Care has been aken o con rm he accuracy o he in orma ion presen ed and o describe generally accep ed prac ices. However, he au hors, edi ors, and publisher are no responsible or errors or omissions or or any consequences rom applica ion o he in orma ion in his book and make no warran y, expressed or implied, wi h respec o he currency, comple eness, or accuracy o he con en s o he publica ion. Applica- ion o he in orma ion in a par icular si ua ion remains he pro essional responsibili y o he prac i ioner. T e au hors, edi ors, and publisher have exer ed every e or o ensure ha drug selec ion and dosage se or h in his ex are in accordance wi h curren recommenda ions and prac ice a he ime o publica ion. However, in view o ongoing research, changes in governmen regula ions, and he cons an ow o in or- ma ion rela ing o drug herapy and drug reac ions, he reader is urged o check he package inser or each drug or any change in indica ions and dosage and or added warnings and precau ions. T is is par icularly impor an when he recommended agen is a new or in requen ly employed drug. Some drugs and medical devices presen ed in he publica ion have Food and Drug Adminis ra ion (FDA) clearance or limi ed use in res ric ed research set ings. I is he responsibili y o he heal h care provider o ascer ain he FDA s a us o each drug or device planned or use in heir clinical prac ice. o purchase addi ional copies o his book, call our cus omer service depar men a (800) 638-3030 or ax orders o (301) 223-2320. In erna ional cus omers should call (301) 223-2300. Visi Lippincot Williams & Wilkins on he In erne : a LWW.com. Lippincot Williams & Wilkins cus omer service represen a ives are available rom 8:30 am o 6 pm, ES . 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LWBK959-FM-i-1.indd iv 28/07/11 10:58 AM To my wi e Helene or her unders anding, pa ience, and suppor . To my children, Jen, Kim, and Brad, who have augh me wha is impor an in li e. To my son-in-law, Josh, who embodies he meaning o amily. To my wo grandsons, Jake and Ryan, who never cease o amaze me. And o he memory o several individuals who passed away recen ly and who had a pro ound ef ec on my personal and pro essional li e: Dean Henry S. Coleman, whose ex raordinary guidance hrough my college years a Columbia Universi y ne- uned my u ure goals. A. S one Freedberg, MD, who was ins rumen al in my ma ricula ing and succeeding as a medical s uden a Harvard Medical School. Marshall M. Parks, MD, who augh me pedia ric oph halmology and whose skills in all aspec s o he subspecial y I have always ried o emula e. LWBK959-FM-i-1.indd v 7/ 22/ 11 8:01 PM Edi ors SERIES EDITOR Alex V. Levin, MD, MHSc Chie , Pedia ric Oph halmology and Ocular Gene ics Chris opher J. Rapuano, MD Wills Eye Ins i u e Direc or and At ending Surgeon, Cornea Service Pro essor, Depar men s o Oph halmology and Co-Direc or, Re rac ive Surgery Depar men Pedia rics Wills Eye Ins i u e Je erson Medical College o T omas Je erson Pro essor o Oph halmology Universi y Je erson Medical College o T omas Je erson Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Universi y Philadelphia, PA Scot E. Oli sky, MD Pro essor o Oph halmology EDITOR Chie , Sec ion o Oph halmology Children’s Mercy Hospi als and Clinics Leonard B. Nelson, MD, MBA Universi y o Missouri—Kansas Ci y School o Co-Direc or, Pedia ric Oph halmology and Ocular Medicine Gene ics Kansas Ci y, Missouri Wills Eye Ins i u e Associa e Pro essor o Oph halmology and Jona han H. Salvin, MD Pedia rics Division o Oph halmology Je erson Medical College o T omas Je erson Nemours/ A.I. duPon Hospi al or Children Universi y Wilming on, Delaware Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Clinical Assis an Pro essor Depar men s o Pedia rics and Oph halmology SECTION EDITORS Wills Eye Ins i u e Je erson Medical College o T omas Je erson Michael J. Bar iss, OD, MD Universi y Pinehurs , Nor h Carolina Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Kammi B. Gun on, MD Bruce M. Schnall, MD Depar men o Pedia ric Oph halmology and Associa e Surgeon Ocular Gene ics Depar men o Pedia ric Oph halmology and Wills Eye Ins i u e Ocular Gene ics Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Wills Eye Ins i u e Judi h B. Lavrich, MD Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Depar men o Pedia ric Oph halmology and Clinical Associa e Pro essor Ocular Gene ics Depar men o Surgery Wills Eye Ins i u e UMDNJ—Rober Wood Johnson Medical School T omas Je erson Universi y Medical Cen er Camden, New Jersey Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Barry N. Wasserman, MD Depar men o Pedia ric Oph halmology, S rabismus and Ocular Gene ics Wills Eye Ins i u e Philadelphia, Pennsylvania vi LWBK959-FM-i-1.indd vi 7/ 22/ 11 8:01 PM Con ribu ors Alok S. Bansal, MD Carol L. Shields, MD Fellow, Vi reore inal Surgery Pro essor o Oph halmology Re ina Service T omas Je erson Universi y Hospi al Wills Eye Ins i u e Co-Direc or, Oncology Service Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Wills Eye Ins i u e Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Hillary Gordon, BS Je erson Medical College Jerry A. Shields, MD Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Pro essor o Oph halmology T omas Je erson Universi y Hospi al Anuradha Ganesh, MD Direc or o Oncology Service Fellow, Pedia ric Oph halmology and Ocular Wills Eye Ins i u e Gene ics Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Wills Eye Ins i u e Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Anya A. Trumler Fellow in Pedia ric Oph halmology and Harold P. Koller, MD, FAAP, FACS Ocular Gene ics Pro essor o Oph halmology Wills Eye Ins i u e T omas Je erson Universi y Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Adjunc Pro essor o Oph halmology Drexel Universi y College o Medicine At ending Surgeon Wills Eye Ins i u e Philadelphia, Pennsylvania vii LWBK959-FM-i-1.indd vii 7/ 22/ 11 8:01 PM Abou he Series T he beau y o he a las/ synopsis concep is T e goal o he series is o provide an up- o- he power ul combina ion o illus ra ive da e clinical overview o he major areas o pho ographs and a summary approach o he oph halmology or s uden s, residen s, and ex . Oph halmology is a very visual discipline prac i ioners in all o he heal h care pro es- ha lends i sel nicely o clinical pho ographs. sions. T e abundance o large, excellen qual- Al hough he seven oph halmic subspecial- i y pho ographs and concise, ou line- orm ex ies in his series—Cornea, Re ina, Glaucoma, will help achieve ha objec ive. Oculoplas ics, Neurooph halmology, Pedia rics, and Uvei is—use varying levels o visual recog- ni ion, a rela ively s andard orma or he ex Chris opher J. Rapuano, MD is used or all volumes. Series Edi or viii LWBK959-FM-i-1.indd viii 7/ 22/ 11 8:01 PM

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