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Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology - Wills Eye Institute Cornea PDF

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Preview Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology - Wills Eye Institute Cornea

CO LO R ATLAS & SYNO PSIS O F CLINICAL OPHTHALMOLOGY W i l l s Ey e I n s t i t u t e C o r n e a SECOND EDITION LWBK961-FM_i-1.indd i 7/ 22/ 11 7:27 PM EDITOR Christopher J. Rapuano, MD Director and Attending Surgeon, Cornea Service Co-Director, Refractive Surgery Department Wills Eye Institute Professor of Ophthalmology Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania SERIES EDITOR Christopher J. Rapuano, MD Director and Attending Surgeon, Cornea Service Co-Director, Refractive Surgery Department Wills Eye Institute Professor of Ophthalmology Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania LWBK961-FM_i-1.indd ii 7/ 22/ 11 7:27 PM CO LO R ATLAS & SYNO PSIS O F CLINICAL OPHTHALMOLOGY W i l l s Ey e I n s t i t u t e C o r n e a SECOND EDITION LWBK961-FM_i-1.indd iii 7/ 22/ 11 7:27 PM Senior Executive Editor: Jona han W. Pine, Jr. Senior Product Managers: Emilie Moyer and Grace Capu o Senior Manufacturing Coordinator: Benjamin Rivera Marketing Manager: Lisa Lawrence Creative Director: Doug Smock Production Services: Ap ara, Inc. © 2012 by LIPPINCOT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, a Wolters Kluwer business First edition, © 2003 e McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. wo Commerce Square 2001 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 USA LWW.com All righ s reserved. T is book is pro ec ed by copyrigh . No par o his book may be reproduced in any orm by any means, including pho ocopying, or u ilized by any in orma ion s orage and re rieval sys em wi hou writ en permission rom he copyrigh owner, excep or brie quo a ions embodied in cri ical ar icles and reviews. Ma erials appearing in his book prepared by individuals as par o heir of cial du ies as U.S. governmen employees are no covered by he above-men ioned copyrigh . Prin ed in China Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Rapuano, Chris opher J. Cornea / Chris opher J. Rapuano. – 2nd ed. p. ; cm. – (Color a las & synopsis o clinical oph halmology–Wills Eye Ins i u e) Includes bibliographical re erences and index. ISBN 978-1-60913-338-2 (alk. paper) 1. Cornea–Diseases–A lases. 2. Cornea–Diseases–Handbooks, manuals, e c. I. i le. II. Series: Color a las and synopsis o clinical oph halmology series. [DNLM: 1. Corneal Diseases–A lases. WW 17] RE336.R37 2011 617.7'19–dc23 2011025133 Care has been aken o con rm he accuracy o he in orma ion presen ed and o describe generally accep ed prac ices. However, he au hors, edi ors, and publisher are no responsible or errors or omissions or or any con sequences rom applica ion o he in orma ion in his book and make no warran y, expressed or implied, wi h respec o he currency, comple eness, or accuracy o he con en s o he publica ion. Applica ion o he in orma ion in a par icular si ua ion remains he pro essional responsibili y o he prac i ioner. T e au hors, edi ors, and publisher have exer ed every e or o ensure ha drug selec ion and dosage se or h in his ex are in accordance wi h curren recommenda ions and prac ice a he ime o publica ion. However, in view o ongo- ing research, changes in governmen regula ions, and he cons an ow o in orma ion rela ing o drug herapy and drug reac ions, he reader is urged o check he package inser or each drug or any change in indica ions and dosage and or added warnings and precau ions. T is is par icularly impor an when he recommended agen is a new or in requen ly employed drug. Some drugs and medical devices presen ed in he publica ion have Food and Drug Adminis ra ion (FDA) clearance or limi ed use in res ric ed research set ings. I is he responsibili y o he heal h care provider o ascer ain he FDA s a us o each drug or device planned or use in heir clinical prac ice. o purchase addi ional copies o his book, call our cus omer service depar men a (800) 638-3030 or ax orders o (301) 223-2320. In erna ional cus omers should call (301) 223-2300. Visi Lippincot Williams & Wilkins on he In erne : a LWW.com. Lippincot Williams & Wilkins cus omer service represen a ives are available rom 8:30 am o 6 pm, ES . 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LWBK961-FM_i-1.indd iv 28/07/11 10:54 AM To my wonderful wife, Sara, an essential partner at home and at work; we continue to make a perfect team; our children—Michael, Patrick, Daniel, and Megan—for always reminding me what is important in life; my parents, Cathie and Al, for all their love and support over the years; and my three brothers, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, and their children, who demonstrate how essential family really is in our lives. LWBK961-FM_i-1.indd v 7/ 22/ 11 7:27 PM Abou he Series T he beau y o he a las/ synopsis concep is T e goal o he series is o provide an up- o- he power ul combina ion o illus ra ive da e clinical overview o he major areas o pho ographs and a summary approach o he oph halmology or s uden s, residen s, and ex . Oph halmology is a very visual discipline prac i ioners in all he heal hcare pro essions. ha lends i sel nicely o clinical pho ographs. T e abundance o large, excellen -quali y pho- While he seven oph halmic subspecial ies ographs and concise, ou line- orm ex will in his series—Cornea, Re ina, Glaucoma, help achieve ha objec ive. Oculoplas ics, Neurooph halmology, Uvei is, and Pedia rics—employ varying levels o visual recogni ion, a rela ively s andard orma Chris opher J. Rapuano, MD or he ex is used or all volumes. Series Editor vi LWBK961-FM_i-1.indd vi 7/ 22/ 11 7:27 PM Pre ace T he main objec ive o basic oph halmic es s, di eren ial diagnoses, and rea men . In educa ion is o rain he user o discover addi ion o providing prac ical in orma ion on he ull his ory o he pa ien ’s illness, rec- he approach and managemen o each con- ognize he abnormal physical signs, make a di ion, his book aids recogni ion o clinical diagnosis, and sugges appropria e me hods signs by including a selec ion o classic pho- o rea men . T e aim o higher raining is o ographs. In he feld o cornea s udy, he old ampli y hese capabili ies in bread h and dep h saying, “A pic ure is wor h a housand words,” hrough prac ical experience and subspecial y is inadequa e because no even a housand raining. During case presen a ions and even words can subs i u e or a good pic ure o he clinical examina ions, i is no uncommon o condi ion. I is hoped ha he ex ensive use o encoun er residen s making he wrong diag- color pho ographs hroughou his a ordable nosis and arriving a he wrong rea men plan. a las will have a grea impac on he memory T ere are wo principal reasons or his error. and acili a e learning. Firs , hey may ail o de ec all he abnormal o emphasize he impor ance o sign recogni- signs, and, second, hey are unable o in egra e ion and he powers o observa ion, he ollow- and in erpre he ac s ha are collec ed. T e ing quo a ions may serve as use ul reminders f rs s ep in he managemen o any condi ion or all o us: is making a correc diagnosis. One mus be able o de ec all he abnormal signs and know Credi mus be given o observa ion ra her wha one is observing. han heories, and o heories only in so ar as hey are confrmed by he observed ac s. T e goal o his book is o use color pho o- graphs o he impor an corneal, an erior seg- Aris o le men , and ex ernal diseases wi h ou line- orm ex o succinc ly illus ra e and describe hese T e more I see, he more I see here is o see. condi ions. T is a las is in ended no only or John Sebas ian oph halmic residen s and cornea ellows bu also or prac icing physicians. Each sec ion covers he clinical ea ures o he impor an Chris opher J. Rapuano, MD cornea and ex ernal eye diseases, diagnos ic Editor vii LWBK961-FM_i-1.indd vii 7/ 22/ 11 7:27 PM Acknowledgmen s I would like o acknowledge he many people or all heir help and exper ise wi h he pho- who helped make his book a reali y. Mos ographic needs or his book and or all he o he clinical pho ographs came rom my volumes in his series. pa ien s. I am gra e ul o hem or allowing I wish o hank Jona han Pine, Emilie Moyer, me o subjec hem o ash pho ography. Grace Capu o, and he eam a Lippincot Several colleagues generously supplied addi ional Williams & Wilkins or giving me he oppor- pho os, including Kris in Hammersmi h, MD, uni y o be par o his series and or keeping Elisabe h Cohen, MD, Pe er Laibson, MD, he process moving orward. Irving Raber, MD, Wee-Jin Heng, MD, and Finally, I hank all o our ellows and residen s, also Rolande Michaud, MD, via Pa ricia pas and presen , or all hey do o encourage Laughrea, MD, rom Quebec, Canada. me o con inue eaching and learning in our I also hank Jack Scully and Roger Barone o wonder ul subspecial y o cornea and an erior he Audio-Visual Depar men a Wills Eye segmen disease. viii LWBK961-FM_i-1.indd viii 7/ 22/ 11 7:27 PM

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