Colonial American Tro 1610-17 4 (3) CONTENTS SOUTH CAROLINA 3 NORTH CAROLINA 7 PENNSYLVANIA 9 DELAWARE 15 InMont,"" andeduuted111 GEORGIA 15 c.nada,theUnitedStat•• andtheBatllomaa." aenloM NOVA SCOTIA 17 curatorwithCanada'.HatloNol HistoricSit..lornearty HUDSON'S BAY 19 th,...decMes,heh now8 treel.loncewritei'andhistorical com.ulWnt....kM;wrttt." QUEBEC PROVINCE 20 __artie...sltdbooQ includine__20Oaprey RANGERS 21 titlesandtheflnttwo¥Olu..... ofe.-ctianMllitMy~. COLORS & STANDARDS 36 HeliftsinHull,Quebec,witt! hiswifeandtwoMInS. CONCLUSION 39 SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY 40 THE PLATES 42 INDEX 48 DAVIDRICKMANtill••Inthe StateofDelaware, USA. He forthe,talepertta1r-1em, wherehi.lallourlleproject ishelpingtor••to,.and furnishanAmericanCivil War-••••••COllltfol1.,... Atothertim••hei••free lanceIllustrator'p"lallalnll inhistone,'andethnographic subject,.HI.worttaarain thecollectionsoftheNatlona' Par1tService,ParilsCanada andvanoulothermu..uma andhistoric:alt•••TheloOnof IIUSNavyaviator, MrRickman ha.livedInJapan,grewup InCaliforniaandnowII",.. inWilmington,o-gw.,..with hiswlf.,Oebonlh. OSPREY Men-at-Arms· 383 PUBLISHING Colonial American Troo 1610-17h4 (3) Rene Chartrand . Illustrated by David Rickman 5enes ed,:o, Mq W, "'" Fnt~InGrNtBntalrl..200JbyOspreyPubiolhing Author's Note EirntCoo.o1.CNpelWr" Bot~.OJ(!O<ll0)(2lllP.Unlle<lKngd<lm ThehisloryanddevelopmentottheNol'thAmericancolonl(lSwas mostvaned, SomewerenollntliaHyBnlii5h:IIOmoewerefO\.ll'ldedby 02003OspreyPul:lloINngll<l differentreligiousgroups.while01~altractedmenwhosought landandncnes.TheevolutIOnottheirmll~aryinStitUtiOnswas .A-llengtnlI$._cntoaImOAfp_ortIn>.m..a"pIe'ntn..!!.l1-O"l.9..1-01ththeeCJoUpPyrOIgMht.01ep..n.v;a,.lf.taSnluddV. cthoenrsetfaonrettqIUYlNletvfaronmedA,rmefelencctamngInldhieanlO,CFIrethnacthsoormSepaWn<IlfslIhuenndeemrlllS P_~~.1ll8a,nol*l0I1NtP\.lllloC&loon""'Y1)lI~."'ore<!ona whileother-lwerenol F_royalIroopsWIlflIposted10orraised __.............Of_e<lona"I'lomIOfbya"I'''-'',N::tronoc, In!he~before!hemtd-18thcentUly.COIlIequenttythe .-etnc.II.CfWIICIII.~.0IlIlCaI.P'lCIOllClPY"'9.-:lCtdngOfotIWWISe. colontstshad10OfVIOlZetheirowndelense~theyweretoSUIVIVe. w4t>Dul.....pnOf ~01theeopyngrrt_ ~stIc>UId Thefirstinthillerielofbook..MAA366,Includes.genen" 1)lI_,O ~ chtonology,reviewsthefOYaltroopsltatlonedor!'aiM<!in ••thecolonles;~Ia~Ia.....'""'"tofthesysteml ofm~itiaandprovIndaItroops;...-cl"vins• colony-by- colonyeuminatlonofmilitiaandprovirw:i8Itroopsinaloose 1S8N1101116W3 chronoIogiuIOf'der,startingwlththeoktestcolony,Virginia. followedbyN_NettMftandaandNewS~which itabloOf' Thesecond,MAA372,continuoe.wlththemilitinand provincialtroopsofMallac""MtU,NewH~. CoNIecticut,Rhoo.llland,M.f)'land.N_Yonand 113~OSOS01 10"7'Se321 N_JerMy_ 10..vobnes.~.nenlJOnISQIYeII'ltoorgInIUIlOI1,weapons ~llOfe-Pag.~,~·....,; anddress; PmIe<lona-1I!IaUllI'\IblcIPnnlUd themostoompIlneret-.ce10dateonallU-aspects. FORA,CA.IA.lOGUEOFA.lL800KSPUllUSHEOBY OSPREYMIl.JIA,RYA.NOA,'NJ\IONP\...EASECONTACT Abbreviations used in this text: n.oMMbtinlI__•OspnoyDnc:1UK PO_ 'olO,'Hw.....""lI'l CoIon;es/slales;CT,ComIIctlCUl;DE.Delaware;GA,Gaorgoa; NcInI>ants,eI_'fN.,ld2iFiM"U:Lnilc..o..K"ing6cwn NC,NorthCatoiwIa;NFLO.NewtoundIand:NJ.NewJersey; Ema._.. NH.NewHamp:,twe;NS.NovaScotia;NY,NewYork; MA,MIl5SaChusetls.MD,Maryland,ME,Malnll PA.~1nI<l; RI,RhodeIsland;SC,SouthCarohna:VA,VWgna eloM81~7ft~A,_.a.-,WIS402O,USA Arc/We$, BLBnttshLibraty;NAC.Nahon"Arctwes01Canada: _~ PRO.PublicRecordsotIice. Kew,UK.withinwtlIChPAQlAO, Aud~Dfflce;PAOICO,C0l0nIaIDfflce:PAM.Treasuy,& PAOJWO,WillDfflce PubJis/ledsources:CSPC,C.1enOarofSrsreP<JPIlr'Coioroal; DHSNY:DocumenlwyHIStoryofrhftSIsleofNewYorl<;DRCHSNY: DocumenlsRelsr""rolheCckJrIJaIH'Sloryof/fleSlaleofNew YorlI';JSAHR:Jou~ofrheSocierylorArmyH,sloncalReSfUJl'Ch: MC&H:MilitaryCoIleclor&H'SloriBn:JoumstoflfleCompanyof MrIoIsryH,storlsm: PWJ:P<JPIlr'ofSirWilliamJohnson. Artist's Note ReadersmayClIfelOnotelhaltheorigil'\lllpalnl,ngSf,om whIChthe colourp1alesInthisbookwerepreparedareavaila~eIOfprtvate sale,Allreprodl,lCtlo<1copyrightwhatsoeverisretainedbythe PU~I~.Allenquiriesshouldbeaddressedto: DavidRk:kman. 1000NorthMonroeStree!. Wilmington, Delaware19801,USA ThePU~Is/lersregretlhaltheycanenter.,10no~ uponthiSmaner, COLONIAL AMERICAN TROOPS 1610-1774 (3) SOUTH CAROLINA Militia In .-LTUU. (OIO'I~_" of South and ~orth Cuolin.l .md Geoq:;ia were OIiginalh granted as a ~ingle 'C..lI"o!in,,' (01011\ in 16~J and illsUibCqUCll1gr:lllb.The 1663(hMIt" ('\CII plO\;{led fora militia bU!. ('"rept for a few "<'tiler>; oH'rbpping :)l.nllh\\.lrd... frolll \'irgini;l. Ihell'\\';LSas\CIIlO real colom in the.In'a (ahhough il had"lreMh lxCli llWIOIClicalh di,;dctl illlo lhl' cOUlltit" 01 .\lht'Il11.lrl', Clarendon and Cr.lwn). The 1669 'ComlilUlioll' pro\-idcd lh.ll ,llIlIll'lI11om Ii 1IJ 60 H';INold weI"(' 10beararmsand cuukl hecmlxKlicd10'~l"\('a...-.oldie'....· \\lwlI Ill'CC~ln. The hI'" English "t'ltl('l.., who actualh .IITi\l'd ill April 1670 \\t'rc \\('11 afllll'd wilh 200 Ilillliod. 1ll1lskeLs. :!OO ll<mdoJt·{·,..... ;-)H s\,onh and ~>()() -",warhead... for maling pile...,t,wcll .~;Irtilkn pil'n'..,.md \len' fonned illlo t\\o militia c:ompanie.., Thi~ mallial pn:p.lI;ltioll \\.l~ needed, ;LS rd.llion~ \\ith the: Indi.llI~ were not ..Iwa\" harmonioll". The..e: fir~t ..ellklllents \\t~re in CraH'1\ C011l1l\, bUI the IIl'\\ ('olul1\ r!(,\'l:loped <Iuickh, U\' 16R5 'here \Iere (WI) militia n'gilllt:lIb. tht: ~(llth\\' Sillltll\\~lrd.and a troop of (;owntHt·.. l.irc Gtlarcb. .-\n independent Ch."",ton.South C,rolln" In compam ()f IlugueJlot.!> 1\110 lll:d Flallce to "I.'ull: on 1111..' hank...<> of the U173.Tlaearty,ltebuHlfrom Sanu'c KiwI' "-;L~ later added. Tilt: lIi9G ~liliti,1 Act t:\en 1670wa'wenfortifled Ind Ilid able-bodied man aged bCII\('CI1 16 ami GO \ear.. \1,1<; 10 h;!w .. good O\ltIn I trtangularplan with llrge 1llu~kt:t.a cartridge box holdinl,; 1601 Inort: colrtridJ.;l·... a hell. a ..word bullon,'Ithe'"'Ill... Badly and a Ix\\onel or hatcht·\. Compallit:.. IH'le to drill ,II It:;l~l e\l'I"\ two ,ilualed,thetown wn moved ,lIghllyfurther north In 158010 1l10nth~and regillll'I1L.. wt:rt: to ..~..e111ble 0'1("(' a H';I". Tht: militia ill South C..rulina had abollt 1,500 lllt:ll whell the Spani<;h It,presenl site. where Itthrived. alld 1""t:1II'h ,ilIacI- OIl Chal'k~toll1\-;\5 r('plll~t:d in 1701i. l'lu' ril\'''' garri<;oll cOlhi~t('d oj tl\O cOlllpallit:~ in tht: cil\' ami SC\'en cump;lIIie.. lrom the COlln tn'~id(' in till..' :'\onhll'ard Rq.,rilllt'lll, pill" a compam lrolll the Southward Regillll'lll. John Ll\\~UIl, .1 lI-;I\t'1l'r who \l..iled Charlc~tonin 1700.admircd Ih(' good di)Ciplint: 01 tlte militi.l. adding thai 'Thdr ullite'''' hoth 1l11:llltn ;\lul ca\~IIf\. gt'1U'I~llh .Ippcar 1II 3 scarlt:1 ll1011nrilll-;s. and as rich as in mll:-I rq.p111t:llL~ lx'lonl{illl{10 lilt: CI'O\\'I1.· A, There we"t' no rt'I{\llar~ in Iht: t:ol(JII~. a few !l1cn \I"{'''(' dt'wrllt'd ill lnrn fro111 mililia compallic~ 10 ,cne lull lilllt: 10" two \Ieeks. ket:pingwatch at '0,1l('l{ic poin..... From November 168:' tilt' colonial 1('gi~lalioll prm'ided for a 't:rgt'.llIt.\lId fOilI'pri\,ltl" to Ill'on dUll ,II e<lch of tht' thrt'l' lookout ,t.llion, b{'l\lt'l'll Slllli\";:Ill's 1~land and Pon Rmal. 1\\ 1707 thrft' wefe eight lookoUl ~I.llium.•ll1d t',leh had an old gun \\hich wal'> HI lx' fired to '>lllll1d tht: ,II,mn. In 170I a 'Patrol An' pfmided fo.. ten nlt'n from each militiacomp.ul\ to~f\t'moull1l'd. p,llfollillg tllt:."ir dil'>trict on Ill(' lookolll fo.. 1'lH,'!l1\ illClI....ioJls or ... • K"'-~O'"'l.U ~Ia\"(' llpri~in~.1-':""1cll of IIw,,-(' 1I0opl'l' hMlto0\\11 100 10li a gOlxl hor'\(.· ami \\,1),Il"llll'd \\ith ,I pail ofpistob. a GlrhilH.'.;I "IHlrd.\lId.1 c;u"lridge bo\.. MapofNorthCarolina, Fol1m\ingthedi\ision ofC.l.rolina illlo lilt' cololl1('~ofSouth C;trolina SouthCarolinaandGeotv'-. and Xonh {'.amlina ('>t't' belm\) in lilO. tl1l' organil:lIiOll of ~llth withto1Maoultl the ('.."1rolina·~ 1,500 militiamen remained brl{d\ 11Ilchangl'd. In .\pril Spanlstl~yofflorid•• e.. 1715 Iht' Yamaset· \\ilh Ihe n·l ,md OIIll'r ho~lik 1ndiam made a d1.-....~~I.lting .1l1.lck. destrming lIl.lll\ 'tClIlellletU.'> '>llluh of Charleston: '>illllt' 100 ~elllcrs peli:.hed, ,mel tlw co101l\'~ militia lllohili7('d. The Cherolee firslnellll";:l1. lalt'rjllil1t:d inlhe<Ief('lI~t·.1\\ AUb'l.lst. MJIlle 1.100 men di,ided inlO three lelllpOl,l1"\ regi,nelTb held ,I lint' of flirts ~oll1h ofCharleston. AI<;() prt"';(·llI IWO companies of,\frican \1('1"(' Amcrican militiamen led I}\ \Ihite ofliccl', nne of which rcmaillcd Wilh thc fliclllih Chcrokce Indians: half of Ihe othcr COIllIMIl\ g;:lrrisont'd FOri Moon' on the S;1\";:lllllah Ri\t'r. A \I'rit-.. of('oIl111t'r-allacls ~Gl\lert'd thc Yam<L"Ct·~ and flnalh 1Ill' Ctn'ls ill XnH'lIIh('r 1715, aller \Ihich rn(J~tofIlle embo<lit::d lllitiliametl \\Cle ~CIII 1101llC. Skinllishe~ cOllLinut:d and. in December 171£), two comp:lnit·., of 1lI0untt'd Ral1KCfs were authorizl'd lora vear'sscni((' 10 pairollllt· Ile~Tl'nlfUllltier. L'p to Ihal lime lilt: militia Illt'oreticall> cnli'lcd Illen of European ~lO("konlv, althollgh it i~ Oh\~OllS that m:ulV black$ 11'('1"(' hroll~hl alon~ to a1>Si~l:abollt 200 were mohili/l'd and armcd dllrinl{ lilt· Yamasee W:lr. Thi~ W:l~ rc(oglli/xd in lil9 \I'hell ~dCl·1t:d tru..ted black slaves II'crc onicially allowed to form part of Ihe militia and could lw "rmrd wiTh IIItlsketS, hatchetsorpikt's. Their IIUllll)CI'\I~IS not 10ex~ecd Ihc IIumber of\\hitt: mell in:t COllipan}. Tilc ael of 1739 fllnht:1 ~pcei'it:d Th:ll IIp 10 onc-third of Ihe compallie"- ont.~ldt· CharleMOIl :l11d half 01 'hI' eh:llkl'>tOll companit's cuuld be made up III Irmlcd black slave~. An)' \\110 killed orcaptured an encrur in hallk· orcaplured a color\\";:lS 10 be grantcd hi~ frcedom. Le~St'racts ofhravl'l"y weI"(' rt'wilrdt:d by The ~Iav{' recei\"illg e\'en' year there;lfte!' a livery coal of red faced \I'lth blue. rt::c\ breeches, a black pairofshoc~and a black hal. 110\\'t:\t:I'. ill St:pte.'mber 1739 .. slaw re\'oh broke OUI al Stono onl)' 18 miles from Charleston, and ahhollgh this was put <Im,'ll, it \\~.... fol1ollcd b\ tht: di:.cO\<er" of a conspirac" for a large s!a\'c uprising in CharleSlon il~df dUling June 1740. TIlere"rter the al;mll~'tl South (:;Irolina Il'gisl<lwre ended • the experiment ofanningsla\cs in the militia. P.\, the 17\OsSouth Carolina had five regimenlS ormilitia mustering "bout 4,000 men ami, as the colon)' developed rapidl)', b)' 1757 lhe~l' figures had ri~ell 10 seven regi11lCIIlS gathering some 6,123 men in 9~ cornpanic~, The Cr.t\('n ('..ounty Regiment was the most nUlllerou.'>, \\'ith 1,870 men ill 30 companics: Ihe mher regirnenlS were the Charle~(oll.Bur\..c1e\ C<)l1l1!\. Colleton Count\, Gramille Count\, WeI·dl Track and L'PI>CI' Ikrkcle\. The 5t Marks (later Camdcn) Regiment was added in 1758. the Saluda RCb>imcllt in 17&1. the :\'inel\ Si'l: Rl'girnclIl in 1767. thc :\'C\\ District Regimellt in 1773 and Ihe L'pper 5.,lll<la Regiment in 1771,TIlt' militiamen \\'ere nrelr cillIL-d alit but. ill OClol:x:r 17:-)9, the Charle~tonRq.>.imclllwasputonguarddUI\ replacing provincial:.. and rl:'gul:u"l> marching ag;:lilbt Ihe Crceb. \\hiIL- wml:' :-)()() IlWIl were mobili1(:d rrom the ,c\cn othel" regiments to Join the expc.:dition: MHnl:' or the back countn ml'lI carried lincs, In Februar\ 1760. ~"'ell coml><lllie'> e;l(h of 75 llltlUlltl'tl R•.uIgen. \\ere dr,lJted from \'olunteer militialllen :md perfolllH,'d the duties oflight (3\,lln agaimt the Cherokee c"'l>cci,llh ill 1761. ullljl Jul\' 1/62 \\hen thl' la't two compallil· \\Cle di.'>Ch.lrged. TIll' militia had no Il-':('d IInir()rm~ but searlel coa~ were f,l\orl'd b\ oflicer,. In liK.-6(i the Chat1(·~tonReh>imelll had ..horl-Il\'cd grcnadier ,lIld light inl,lIItr\ (Omp,lllie... dle"':M'd ill M'arlel: a ne\\ li~ht infanll' cOlnp:lll\ lormNI in 177~ had '-Carll't coaIC("S \I'jth blac\.. \ehel ladng..,. \\-hile \\ai...lcoa~ and breech(·... and blac\.. btc":l\er reI! caps \\;111 a "ihcr cr<-'Seem ellh,r,wed 'Pro lI,uri,,' .lIIel bbc\.. reatlu::rs. In abmH 17iO," lield officer or the (:r,l\"l'n RC'Kimelll \\ore searlel \Iith black facinh..... Kold bUllom 'llid hat lace. The 1760--4.j2 mounted Rang(''''' po..sibh had hunting~hirlSand hau. The great lll,ymit\ of the South Clrolina militia were inranl", but there \lere ca\;.lnllll'n .I~ t"arh as 16i~ when the (;c}\"crnor'~ Ilo,....e Guard or Life GlI<lrd~ \\t"rt' IIl(Olitioned, Thi:. U'oop \\.1S noted rOl dt"c;ldl'~ the!'l'aflcl, it, 1I1("111ber"ob\'iou"l\' hcing mCIl orsome lIIe;lll~a... R.t.lIon.betw..nth-e the, had topro\'ide theirO\\"n ;u'm" ,lCCOlllrcments, horse'ami ~addIL-n', ••rtyMltl.,.ofSOuth C.roUn••nd thl lndlenl 111 the carl\' 18th ("L'lItun' the lmop had a unironn ofscarlL·t rat.ed with quIcklylOUred; thl,. blue..' and lrimllled with .;il\"l·r hIl1l011~ and lace. In 17:\6 lilt: trooper~ .......comp.lled toworitthei, added carbillt'~10 theit ~\\orrl,ami pi~tul,ami, in April Ii39, a ,c'cond flildl b•••lng Inn.,.1Iho....n troop was ",i'c.:d, The llllironn \\~ISdcscribt'd OIl Ihaltimc.: a... a '1\);II<lrilll' In thllprinten••F,O.,••)', Bille..' I\roarl Cloalh Cloak &: Coal and Coat lin'd willI Scarlet. wilh a while Plait' Ihl1l01l aholll 11l1' .;i/c or;lI1 Engli~h Shilling &: Sla~llt Skc\t:·, A Scarlct \\'a~tcco;lt&: l\"l't'cht'~, a Broad S\\'ord \\'ith a hair l~asket· Sihcr lac'd Ilab, nol le~s than an Inch wide on the out ~idt.'.Cockades.Top Glo\'e.; &: QlIl'llt' Wi,l.(~, BI\1(,' Broad-Cloth HUll.'>illg~&: Ilol...tcr·C.lp~ \\'ith ,. blut: Fringe, a rull Curb-Bridle trirn'r\ \\ith Whill'. and Shoe-Boo!.'; (Smllh emu/III(l (;(lz,rllf'. 16 Fd)ruan 17:~9 ·10). A third lroop was I-'li~ed ill CraH'n Collnt\' ill Fcbrllan 17,10 and Sl.'emingh cxisted until the end ortile..' W;II, ,md a fourth troop \\':IS organi7cd in 5t Gc.:orge Parish ill \l.lrch 1713, Tht"se troops ronlled \\'h;\I wa" nm\ kn()\\n as the South • Carolina Regillll'lIl orIloNc, l.'IIiJarM'. see PlateA. In Ii.tJO the 'Regiment of Ilor~e ;"Iilitia' had lhret· lIUOP~ which Illlillbelwi lIS officersand men. From 17:,0until 1756, it had a dOllblc hreasted blue coat with ~Ia:,>h cuffs ami rt'd lining. red brenht·s, gilt huttons. gold-laced hal. bllchldn gIO\t'~' blu(' sadd1cn' housing.... and was armed \\ilh a hroad~word. a p;,ir of pistols and a ("<lfbi11(' for each troop(·r. In Ii':16, tht' coat ,llld bn:eche~rClllailwd blue bllt Llcings changed to buff lapeh-, linin).;" alld \\;Ii...KO.U.... In October Ii59. lh(' rehrilllellljoined t11(' eSpt-'dition agolin~t Ihe Cherokees: there was no fig:hting before a peace tr(':11\ \\~lS ,igllt'd. and the gellllt'llIt'll Iloopers "en~ bac\.. in Cll.lrle...1U11 in J.llluan 1760 afu:I' a two-month. SOU-mile tour of dun \.-tlich got\e tlWIll a sell\(' of real soldi(·ling. In June. a fOllrlh troop \I~ts added. In .Juh li61. Ihe uniform f;lcing.. changed .Ig<lin tocrim...oll cufT.... lapels, lining;lIld\\aiStcoat.TIlt'officers wort' the same dressas the troOpt'Nescept for thi'addition ofgold lace on their waistcoats. Tht" regilllent di<;;tppeMI'd 1'1'0111 tht' rulls ill 1775. .\ di:'lillCl <tnillen comp:tm \\;l~ fonned b, ',om(' 60 gentlemen mlullIeer.. in ChadeslOn in the fall of 1756and was onidalh appro\'ed from Jallllan 175i. It drilled with ordnance and ~lIIall arlllS twicc a lllOlllh. In OclOber Ii59. ~O gJ-lIlnel"'> were pan of the (')I,pt--dition to IInpow a nell tre,m on the Chero\..(·('s :Ind, hac\.. in Charle~lOn, the \\hole comp.·.m' was dlilkd b, Rm.11 Al1illl'n in...tructors for three months in carh 1760. \\"hcn lilt' in...truuoJ's dep;llted in ,\p,il. their apprentices werc considered quile proficicnt gunllt·'.... InJunc. halfof tlU' cump;lII\ wa... mobili7cd 101ll,lrch .Igolinq the Cred: IlIdi;:lII~but this p,o\e<l to Ix' a false alann. ~e\t:nhdl' Juh its est;lblishmelll was rnised to <;('\en officel.... four s(..rgeanL~ :mcl lip to 100 Kunne..-.., hom bardi('r~;\11£1 malro~~. A detachment ~t·....iIIK tllO lit·ld guns and four Cot."hul"Il lIlurtMS marched \\ith Col, GI.lnt\ espcditiun :Ig<lillst the CtCl'\..S in Ii61 bUl did not gel pa~t Fort Prinet' Ct'orgl' (250 miles from Ch.lJlt."slon). ;IS Mtillel"\ could not be t.lkcll OIel the mOLllll.tin 1I'lils. It appears th;u the fidd piec!:sami :lllllllunitiOlIcarts"eredri\"en b\"blacks a1tached to the compan\', In the follO\\ing '·('ars. lhe COlllpan~ often p;u..dedand !iredgun...on cert'lIIoni,11 oCGl,iol\s, It:1I11,L1g<lmated into lite Ant('l;c,1I1 forces during tilt' \\"arufIndependencc. ('lIIjon!!: see Plate D. A pt'culiar constahular\' llnit \\-a~ :llllhori/t'd tll) 25.Jlllr li61 Iw the k/{i~Ltli\"e assclllblv, with IOllr ulli(ers <Iud 49 1I1t'11. This '\\'alch CUll1pal\~' I\~l'" to ~CI""t.: ill Ch:lIleslOll to prest.:l"\e /{oud order and enforce regulations: the watchmell wer<' 10 ha\"(' arms like militiamen al\d were to drill with the elIY'S lllilitia rcgi1llt'111. South Carolina Provincials A ...mall group oj Hl Inoullled lIIen from South Cuolina under Capt. eh.lde' ~IcPher~on wellt 10 ",uard the area of Sa\~lllnah itl Ii33, remaining until l73R. The\' were drcs~ed in ci\'ilian coalS. \\~Iistcoats, lealher breeches. canva... 1t"ggillgs and ...hoes Ul l)(}ot.,. alld carried muskets, pistols and hatchets. GenC1,11 OglcthOlve in Georgia called on Soulh Carolina to prO\ide men 10 attack th(' Spani~h and. on 5 Ap,il 1740. South C::lrolim\ authorized the I<lisillg of Col. \';tllder Dussc-n·... PrO"incial Regiment of Solllh Carolina. It had eight companies includingoneofgrenadiers,each comp.'m\ havingthreeunicersand 50 men, 'Iho would sen'e for fOllr lIlolllhs. The .1IIac\.. failed .lIld the • l"l'gimclH disbanded inJuh, Its dreS1> is un\..nowll. On 6 July 1757, Col. 1100\~lrlh's South C.lfolina Regiment wa~ aUlhorized lO have 30 officers and 770 1\'<-:Os and pri\~l\e\divided into scven companies, bUI il recmited onI" ahout :')00 h\ 1758 including some 'iddle, lewd, disorderly men". and all stunlv beggar"; pre...~cd ill. Il panicipaled in lhe conSlruclion of forLS LuuduUlI .md bltc!lon. Reduced to three comp'lllies of 100 mcn each in 1759, the pto\'incial~ provided garrisons for fOrls and about 100 10o\... part in the cxpedilion a~linsl lhe Cherokees in lhe laic fall, Four tinkers .lud 100 men were bIOC\....'1ded into FOl"t Loudoun forovercighl mOlllh,b\ lhe Indi..n~, and surrendered on 7 AUbTlI,>t 1760. I'rombed;\ &lfe pas..'\,;lge, thc\ were sel upon after a da\'s march, 20 to 30 being sl.,in and lhe 1"e,t carried oIT b\ the Indians. The remaindcr were nrrlcred incorpor:'Hed illw .1 nt"\ prmincial rcgimelll_ t.:'liJomr. sec PI.lIe D. Colonel Middleton's South Carolina Rcgilllcnl \\<1S aUlhOl;zcd in Februan 1760 and again in August due 10 rccruiling plOblcms. It ".1:> to ha\e 10 officers and 1.100 ~CO<; ,lIId ml'n in lell comp.'miN, and inco'1XJrated Ihe remaining mcn of the predoHs unit. II rccruiled ncarh 7()() men. who were \\ell trotincd ,\lui eager 10<)t't' .lnion h\ ~Ia' 1761 \\hen lhe\ sel Olll .IW.lillSl lhe l.hl'f(,l..en .IS pan of Col. Gral1l'~ or ;l11Jl\. 11\c\ fought oIT an Indian .l1lacl.. ill defcn~ the ~upph train Pl_nofCol, M-.'s17t3 before hoslililies Cl' in ~plemlx'r.The Icgimclll ",IS db.h;;lIldt:'d ill MgeofFortNohuck.(t,pell NooMtooII..onu..plan). October. L'niJm1n: see Pl<lle 0, stronghold01u..Tusc,arorll Indian,'nNorthCarolina,,.... mllitlamenlrom Northand NORTH CAROLINA SouthCarolina,~pportedby allied Indl_n" conducteda skilfulsl~ along EUO"OP"an MIlitia linfls, leaturingt...nches., The Tlol1ht'1ll pan of l...;.lfolinOl \\.1.'. '\t'uled in til{' Iatc 17th batteriesand blockhoUH' ("Cnlu...... ~lo<;t sculers had COllll' from \'irgillb 10 "hat W,I~ I..nO\l'11 as llYlttona height.ufflclentlor Albennark Colll11\ 01 Carolina ("01011\'. In lef111\ ()f militia ~n;ce and thebesl~..tofire down Intothe Indianfortre... IW<ll'ing arms, thev ,,'en:, theoreticalh sllbjl'CI to thc ",,\Ill{' obligations as Olltlined above for South C;lIolitl.l Ix'lole 1710, .. Tlu.:'l(' "cre no largt' town<; itl lhi<; northern area, and it~ ;,.000 inhabit,11IL\ \\'('\"(' w'ideh di<;pt'rsc'd whell Nonh Carolina became a di...lincI culoll\ ill 1710.'Iherc had be('n har(ll~ allV militia org:Ln izalioll Or' lIIu~h:r~ until lhal lin\('. The Tu<;carom Indian war in 1711-13 lIIighl have c!t:vast,L1l'd lht:' cololL) hut lor the volnntecr.; \('1lI from Soulh Carolina. whodefc"ted thl..' Indian<;. In 1715<;OI1W North Carolina vollillteer~went MJlHh \0 lighl the Yama.'.ccs, "nd ill Ihe <;anw \"ear Nurth CarolilLa's [iT..,l militia la\I' was Thi\ \pcciticd that C\'('n' man between 16 and GO IC<lrs 01 agt' wa... to haw 01 good gUII,;1 \\\(JI'd and:u leasl ,ix charge:. of pO\\dl'r ami ball. With 110 lunher IlWllaCe apparenl. the militia rC'maim'd ill a lClh.lrgk:.tatl' and lhcl(' "<IS e\ell a propo,al to abolish il in 1726. King Georgc\ in lhl' 17·10... <;parked some concern o\er c1efell\c .lI\d. in 17-16. a mure delailed Militia Act prO"i(lecl f01 inf<llltn com panies of :,.() men. allu\led c;1\<lln companic<; to 7 b(' formed, and prescribed cOlllpul'or" lI1u'l~r" III ElU none WtTt' lllobilil~dumil 175'1. Following the outbreak of the French and [mli,1I1 War in [75'-1, 'Olll~ '-1,·,0 lllen Ilcre llilisten:d and ~nt to Virginia but, not beillg pnwided with enough food, lhl'\ \\ele obliged to lurn hack. ~lt'amlhik,wc.'apons and allllllunition II('IT 'enl to arm fronli,'r cOlI\ltIl1llities Plott:ct [0 lh('nhehe~against Indian <ttt.Ilk.. A llt'\1 ~liIiliil Au W<l~ p.l~ed in 1756 to plovide a Ikut'!'org-.lniJ.<llioll. but \lllell the cri,i~camc \"ilh the 1759 BelOW PlanofFortFred<trk:a, campaign against Ule Cherokee'i. til<.' gmernOi II.L' mortified to report Geor9la,c.1740, Bul"on$1 thai out of 500 militiamen 1lI11.lllt'rt'd, onh SO h.ld lIC't deserted - the Simon'sIsland lrom 1738,this wasthe~rvestofthrHforts oth'·l.... fdt lhat the\ \lere not obligt'd to St:r\(' ()lIbide :-':onh Clrolina. ontheIslandguardl...,the rhe 17:l9 ~liliti;1 Act c1arifit'd that the\ \\t·rt· indeed li.lble ttl ,~ne southernIrontIM.Thes~ olltside lheir borden. "gaillst (0111111011 ellelllit"'l, Further !t'gi.lliation in orcitadelw..atthecent..., 1760 specified 6()..lItrong troop' of h()J"'i!' aud. in 17tH. pro\'idcd for conslstlng01pow«fulshono militia R...mger'> to patrol the frontier, no dOllbt .1\.1 re~lIlt of Pulltiac'~ batteriesandaditchonthe lwIdwardwide,Thetown ItHIf upri'lIlg. BI then, hO\'I(:,\el', the 200,000 Ikople of the colol1\ \\ere w.."""1OMdbyawallf.atun..., rcl.lli\eh S<tfe from :111\ IlIl'n;ICC. The militia \\.IS larg:eh lIl;\ni\'c IIntil twobastion,andhalfbastions 1771,\\hell itslIcce,>sflllh quelled a political It'!>eIIiUlI hI 'Rch'l.lbtor'" ill ataachend.Thecitadelwas a ,kinnish fought on 16 ~I.:I\. theresidenceofGovernor Oglett-peandtheHOofhis North Carolina Provincials 'UnciFoot;Itspnfson ..-pelted a m.jor$pMllshan.ckIn1742, From December 175-1 Ule colom l,tl.llCd 1It~1l 10 ~"\e in Ihe 'intcnded c:-.peditioll ag-ain.llt the French in til<.' Ohio and Ktlarding the frontiers BOTIQM Protlleofthecl~at ofthisprmince.' C.'lpt.lill Dobb'sCOltlP;IlI\, Illilltlkling80drecthe 1lll:'1l. FortFrederic•. The....tothe rightw"thetown;theprofile01 w"-, \lith (01::'11. Braddock's .1rI1t\ at the ~lollCmgahebin Jllh 1755. In theout...w.nsand baslk»nsw.s !:>eptemlwr three more companies of 50 men each werc r'aised further out.ndI,rtOlshown. In 'ien'(' in 'lhe i\onhelll coloni{·...· - \Ihich thl:'\ did \,ilh olh~r pro\'incbl.., in the ,\[bam-Lake (;eorgc are:1 - and t\\'o on lhl.' .,.... ."-- culom\ frontier. III 1758. fi\'e " ."..-' uniCers <lnd '-17 men were pan of .. Forbes' ami' in the eXlkdition .Igain'l FOIt Duquesne. The} helped defend Fort l-igonit'r I\'hen lilt' Fr('nch ami Indians undt'l Capt. ALIbI''' r,lilkd il 011 12 Octolkl'. III illarch 176[, Ihe ;,s~emhl}' 01 North Carolina aUlhuri/ed the pisillg of a 500 - Illall regiment as 1\'(,11 as a :,0 tit company 01 lllt'll in garri.~OlL ,I('{..ft /IIftJI It Tht'\' Well' po~ted in Ihe 'I\ack I )" . COulltn" l rlliform:sec Plate B,