January 29, 2014 1:25 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE Pelletier˙1 International JournalofModernPhysics:ConferenceSeries (cid:13)c WorldScientificPublishingCompany 4 1 0 2 n Collisionless Relativistic Shocks: a J Current driven turbulence and particle acceleration 8 2 GuyPelletier ] E Institut de Plan´etologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble, Domaine Universitaire H F-38041 Grenoble, France [email protected] . h p MartinLemoine - o Institut d’Astrophysique, 98bis bd Arago r F-75014, Paris, France t [email protected] s a [ LaurentGremillet 1 CEA, DAM, DIF v F-91297 Arpajon, France 0 [email protected] 1 2 IllyaPlotnikov 7 Institut de Plan´etologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble, Domaine Universitaire . 1 F-38041 Grenoble, France 0 [email protected] 4 1 ReceivedDayMonthYear : RevisedDayMonthYear v i X The physics of collisionless relativistic shocks with a moderate magnetization is pre- r sented. Micro-physics is relevant to explain the most energetic radiative phenomena of a Nature, namely that of the termination shock of Gamma Ray Bursts. A transition to- wards Fermi process occurs for decreasing magnetization around a critical value which turnsouttobetheconditionforthescatteringtobreakthemeanfieldinhibition.Scatter- ingisproducedbymagneticmicro-turbulencedrivenbythecurrentcarriedbyreturning particles,whichhadnotbeenconsideredtillnow,butturnsouttobemoreintensethan Weibel’s one around the transition. The current is also responsible for a buffer effect on the motionof the incomingflow, onwhich the thresholdforthe onset of turbulence depends. Keywords: relativisticshocks,micro-turbulence,Fermiprocess,highenergyradiation PACSnumbers:95.30.Qd,98.70.Rz,52.35.Tc 1. Relativistic shock and Fermi process The development of PIC simulations of relativistic shocks1,2,16 is providing ex- pected and non-expected results that stimulate theoretical understanding of the 1 January 29, 2014 1:25 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE Pelletier˙1 2 G. Pelletier& al. physics,especially inthe latter case.The magnetizationparameterσ together with theshockfrontLorentzfactorΓ aretheessentialparameterstoscantheproperties s of those shocks; σ is defined as the ratio of the flux of magnetic energy across the shock over the flux of kinetic energy: B2 B2sin2θ σ t = 0 B , (1) ≡ 4πΓ2sρ0c2 4πρ0c2 where B0 is the ambient magnetic field and ρ0 the ambient mass density. Ultra- relativistic shocks are now fairly well understood in the two extremes, namely, when σ > 0.1 and when σ < 10−5, say. At large σ, the synchrotron maser in- stability of a coherent extraordinary mode produces the shock structure both in a pair plasma18,17 and in a proton plasma3,4,19. When σ is very small, the growth of Weibel instability allows the reflection of part of the incoming flow, this flux of returning particles being responsible for the instability itself. Agreements between numerical simulations and theoretical works are satisfying. For intermediate mag- netizations,PICsimulationsbySironietal.,Ref.2,provokedtheoreticalquestions, because the transition towards Fermi process with decreasing magnetization does not fit with the Weibel turbulence scenario. In particular the critical value of the magnetization parameter is surprisingly independent of the shock Lorentz factor. Inthatpresentationweproposedaconsistenttheoryofthe shockstructureandthe excitation of micro-turbulence that fits with the numerical results. The theory fo- cusesonthe essentialroleplayedbythe transversecurrentcarriedby the returning particlesinshapingtheshockforefront,so-calledtheshock“foot”,andintriggering magnetic turbulence; this will be detailed in a forthcoming paper Ref. 14 2. Shock “foot” A collisionless shock is built by the growth of an electromagnetic field that reflects part of the incoming particles. Thus a back-stream of returning particles, namely reflected particles and possible up-scattered particles undergoing a Fermi cycle, in- teract with the incoming flow. The foot length is on order of the Larmor radius of thereturningparticlesmeasuredinthefrontframe.Theinteractionoccursthrough two processes, on one hand, a two-stream interaction that can excite Weibel fila- mentationafterastageofelectrostaticinstabilities,onotherhand,acurrentdriven filamentation. Indeed that latter process stems from the following situation. The mean field is generically almost perpendicular to the shock normal in the front frame of an ultra-relativistic shock. Then returning particles of opposite charge ro- tate in opposite directions in the mean field and thus generate an electric current perpendicular to the mean field and to the shock normal. That current is compen- sated by a current carried by the incoming plasma and that compensating current triggers a filamentation instability. These two types of filamentation instabilities have similarities and differences that will be presented in section 4. Before looking at the excitation of magnetic turbulence, let us examine the flows inthe shock foot. We assumethat the shock frontmovesin the x-directionat January 29, 2014 1:25 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE Pelletier˙1 Moderately magnetized relativistic shocks 3 a velocity V ~e , the ambientmagnetic field is in the z-direction,sothat the current s x carriedbyreturningparticlesissuchthatJ~cr = ξcrnec~ey,wheren=Γsn0 andξcr − is the fraction of incoming energy density converted into supra-thermal pressure. The compensating current is thus positively oriented along the y-direction. The incoming plasma then suffers a magnetic braking with respect to the shock front, which modifies the global Lorentz factor of the flow and the Lorentz factor of the centre of mass. The global Lorentz factor is slightly modified according to: JBr L ∆Γ ξ Γ . (2) ∼ cn0Γsmpc2 ∼ cr s Now the motion of the centre of mass is modified differently for a pair plasma and foraprotonplasma.Inapairplasma,incomingelectronsandpositronsaredeflected inthey-directionwithoppositevelocitiestoproducethecompensatingcurrentand 14 v ξ . The centre of mass is therefore slowed down such that y cr ∼± Γ s Γ . (3) cm ∼ p1+Γ2ξ2 s cr Thus, in a mildly relativistic shock such that Γ <1/ξ , Γ Γ , whereas in an s cr cm s ≃ ultra-relativistic shock such that Γ 1/ξ , Γ 1/ξ . s cr cm cr ≫ ∼ In a protonic plasma, if the incoming electrons are rapidly heated up to rough equipartition with protons, the behavior is similar to the case of a pair plasma. If the electrons do not reach such a high temperature, because the foot length is 2 too short, then numerical simulation shows that electrons are not reflected back. Then the situation changes: the foot carries a positive electric charge, say ρ el 15 ∼ ξ ne. It can be shown that the Lorentz force density in the y-direction, ρ E cr el y − J B /c ξ β neB, deviates protons such that they acquire a transverse velocity x z cr s ≃ v ξ .Without an electric chargein the foot, the incoming protonscouldnot be y cr ∼ significantly deviated. So again, the centre of mass of the incoming flow is slowed downwithrespectto the frontandthe footplaysthe roleofabuffer whichreduces the Lorentz factor of the ultra relativistic incoming flow to the value 1/ξ for cr all Γ 1/ξ . This buffer effect will turn out to be crucial in determining the s cr ≫ transition towards Fermi process, as will be seen in section 4. 3. Scattering limit due to the mean field Because the transverse component of the mean field is amplified by the Lorentz factorΓ ofthetransformationfromtheambient(upstream)restframetotheshock s front frame, relativistic shocks are generically superluminal and the mean field, almostperpendiculartotheflowdirection,dragsparticlesinthedownstreamflowso 5 thatonlypartofthemcancomebackupstreamandonlyonce .Inordertogetmany cyclesacrossthefrontandhaveanoperativeFermiprocess,afastscatteringprocess in required. However even very intense, a usual large scale turbulence cascading towards small scale is unable to make the Fermi process operative in a relativistic shock, because particles penetrating from downstream to upstream experiences a January 29, 2014 1:25 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE Pelletier˙1 4 G. Pelletier& al. large scale transverse field during a very short time and over a short length, a Larmor scale as measured in the front frame6,7. Fermi process is operative when an intense short scale magnetic field scatters particles in a time shorter than the 8 Larmortime .Thescatteringfrequencyinshortscaleturbulencedecreaseswiththe inverse of the particle energy to the square. Precisely the scattering law, proposed inRef.8,isgivenbythefollowingequation,ascheckedbynumericalsimulations9,2: 2 2 2 ν =e <δB >τ /p , (4) s c with τ ℓ /c, ℓ being the correlation length of the micro-turbulent magnetic c c c ∼ field. Since the Larmor frequency decreases inversely proportional to the particle energy, there exists a maximum energy above which a particle can no longer be 2 accelerated by the Fermi process. Fermi process is possible when σ <ξ , ξ being B B the fraction of the incoming energy converted into magnetic turbulence, and the maximum extension of the supra-thermal tail (measured in upstream rest frame), due to the scattering limit only, is given by ξ B γ Γ . (5) max s ≃ √σ Forthisreason,itisimpossibletoaccelerateprotonsbeyondanenergyof1016eV in theterminationshockofGammaRayBurstswithFermiprocess.Howeverelectrons are accelerated to very high energies and, as will be seen, can account for the tremendous radiation with the intense magnetic micro-turbulence. See Ref. 12, 10, confirmed by Ref. 2. 4. The two Filamentation Instabilities Let us briefly present the two relevant electromagnetic instabilities that generate magnetic turbulence in the precursor of a relativistic shock of low magnetization (σ < 0.1). For a sake of simplicity, we will compare the two electromagnetic insta- 14 bilities in a pair plasma . Their development in a protonic plasma and the study of the nonlinear evolution of these instabilities will be presented in a forthcoming 15 paper . Weibel Filamentation Instability (WFI) is triggeredwhen a tenuous relativistic stream of pairs is pervading an ambient pair plasma. Suppose that a transverse magnetic perturbation has been generated. It separates pairs of the beam through theforce e~v0 δB~,whichgeneratesawavyelectriccurrent.Thatcurrent,inturn, ± × generates a transverse magnetic perturbation that turns out to be in phase with theoriginalone;thereforetheinstability.Itsgrowthrateg(k),foratransversewave vectorofmodulusk,ismaximumfork2δ2 >1withg =ξ1/2ω anddecreasesas e max cr pe kδ g forsmallerwavenumber.Thenonlinearevolutionoftheinstabilitycreates e max filaments that are paired with current of opposite direction. The Current driven Filamentation Instability (CFI) is triggered by the current carriedbyreturningparticles.Inthiscase,atransversemagneticperturbationdoes not separate charges, but produces a magnetic pressure gradient that perturbs the January 29, 2014 1:25 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE Pelletier˙1 Moderately magnetized relativistic shocks 5 pair density of the incoming flow. Thus the compensating current is perturbed, which generatesa perturbed magnetic field, and so amplifies the previous one. The growth rate of the CFI is similar to the WFI one, but stronger with g = ω . max pe The nonlinear evolution of the instability creates filaments that are concentrations of the electric current. 5. Transition towards Fermi process First,weconsiderthe caseofapairplasma.Thegrowthlengthofturbulenceinthe foot,V /g ,hastobeshorterthanthelengthofthefootmeasuredinco-moving cm max frame, cτ /Γ , where τ is the Larmor time of the returning particles measured L cm L ginrotwhiengfrWonetibferlamtuer;buτLlen=ce,Γic.me.mgc/eΓ>cmΓB0 V= ωωc−1is≡thmuscσ/e<B0ξ. T/hΓe2 coonrd,iitniounltrfoar- max cm cm c cr cm relativistic regime, σ < ξ3 . The condition with CFI turbulence is less severe with cr σ < 1/Γ2 or, in ultra-relativistic regime, σ < ξ2 . Therefore we have a sequence cm cr 14 of transitions in a pair plasma for decreasing magnetization : when σ becomes smaller than ξ2 (typically 10−2), magnetic micro-turbulence is excited, then for cr lower σ, below ξ2 (between 10−2 10−3, since ξ . ξ ), scattering is strong enoughtoallowanBoperativeFermip−rocess,andwheBnσ <ξcr3 (about10−3),Weibel cr turbulence is excited. The buffer effect in the shock foot makes these transitions independent of Γ in ultra-relativistic regime. The conclusions are the same in a s protonic plasma if the electrons are heated up to roughequipartition with protons. 2 However,PICsimulations showthatthisisnotthecasewhentheshockfootistoo short(10−3 <σ <10−2) and when the electrons remaincold they arenot reflected back at the shock front. In a proton-electron plasma, the intensity of micro-turbulence (ξ 1 10%) B ∼ − is so high that electrons are strongly shaken up by the associated electric field in a relativistic regime. This is characterizedby an intensity parameter a defined by eE rms a , (6) ≡ meω0c 2 thatisverylarge.TheelectrontemperaturerapidlyrisesuptoavalueT =am c . e e This solves the issue of electrons heating in relativistic shocks, where they can 10 reach a rough equipartition with protons . However this is not the case when the magnetization is below but close to its critical value. Indeed when electrons remaincold,theyarenotreflectedback,sothatthe footisfilledoutwithreturning protons. That electric charge slows down the incoming plasma such that, again in ultra-relativistic regime, Γ 1/ξ ; a buffer effect develops also, as indicated in cm cr ≃ section 2. A detailed analysis of the excitation of whistler waves will be published in a forthcoming paper Ref. 15. 6. Performances of the termination shock of GRBs and conclusion Asalreadymentionedandpublished8,12,10 (seeLemoinepresentationinthismeet- ing and references therein), the termination shock of GRBs cannot produce cosmic January 29, 2014 1:25 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE Pelletier˙1 6 G. Pelletier& al. rays beyond 1016eV, the expansion and escape losses putting limitation around an energy on the same order of magnitude. Thus ultra high energy cosmic rays are probablyproducedduringthepromptstagebyinternalshocks,butnotatthetermi- nationshock.Howeverthe highenergyperformancesofthe terminationshockhave to be emphasized for accounting for the most intense radiation events of Nature, due tobothelectronenergizationandmagnetic fieldgeneration.Indeedthe conver- 10 sion ratio into magnetic micro-turbulence ξ is close to ξ and PIC simulations B cr indicatethatξ isonthe orderof10percent.Despite its shortcoherencescale,the cr magnetic disturbances are generated at a so high level that high energy electrons radiate a synchrotron-like emission because the so-called wiggler parameter a is w large: eB ℓ rms c a 1 . (7) w ≡ m c2 ≫ e Note that in a relativistic shock both parameters a and a have the same value. w 13 Synchrotron diagnostics are thus probing micro-turbulence . The limitation of electron energization due to synchrotron loss leads to a cut off of their energy distribution that is independent of the magnetic field intensity, because the accel- erationrateandthe lossratearebothproportionaltothe magnetic energydensity. Thus the maximum electron Lorentz factor only depends on the electron density 20 at a power 1/6 in the shock frame , which leads to an almost universal limit of γ 106 107. Therefore the maximum energy of the emitted photons for the max observ∼erdep−ends only onξ1/2 andΓ . ForΓ 300,that maximumphotonenergy B s s ∼ is of a few GeV12,10. Beyond that energy, the emission is compatible with an SSC 21 process . Therefore the most energetic radiation events in the Universe due to the termi- nation shock of GRBs can be entirely explained by plasma micro-physics. References 1. SpitkovskyA., ApJ. L682, L5 (2008). 2. Sironi L., SpitkovskyA. and Arons J., ApJ. 771, 54 (2013). 3. LyubarskyY., ApJ 652, 1297 (2006). 4. 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January29, 2014 1:25 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE Pelletier˙relatBshock International JournalofModernPhysics:ConferenceSeries (cid:13)c WorldScientificPublishingCompany 4 1 0 2 n Collisionless Relativistic Shocks: a J Current driven turbulence and particle acceleration 8 2 GuyPelletier ] E Institut de Plan´etologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble, Domaine Universitaire H F-38041 Grenoble, France [email protected] . h p MartinLemoine - o Institut d’Astrophysique, 98bis bd Arago r F-75014, Paris, France t [email protected] s a [ LaurentGremillet 1 CEA, DAM, DIF v F-91297 Arpajon, France 0 [email protected] 1 2 IllyaPlotnikov 7 Institut de Plan´etologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble, Domaine Universitaire . 1 F-38041 Grenoble, France 0 [email protected] 4 1 ReceivedDayMonthYear : RevisedDayMonthYear v i X The physics of collisionless relativistic shocks with a moderate magnetization is pre- r sented. Micro-physics is relevant to explain the most energetic radiative phenomena of a Nature, namely that of the termination shock of Gamma Ray Bursts. A transition to- wards Fermi process occurs for decreasing magnetization around a critical value which turnsouttobetheconditionforthescatteringtobreakthemeanfieldinhibition.Scatter- ingisproducedbymagneticmicro-turbulencedrivenbythecurrentcarriedbyreturning particles,whichhadnotbeenconsideredtillnow,butturnsouttobemoreintensethan Weibel’s one around the transition. The current is also responsible for a buffer effect on the motionof the incomingflow, onwhich the thresholdforthe onset of turbulence depends. Keywords: relativisticshocks,micro-turbulence,Fermiprocess,highenergyradiation PACSnumbers:95.30.Qd,98.70.Rz,52.35.Tc 1. Relativistic shock and Fermi process The development of PIC simulations of relativistic shocks1,2,16 is providing ex- pected and non-expected results that stimulate theoretical understanding of the 1 January29, 2014 1:25 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE Pelletier˙relatBshock 2 G. Pelletier& al. physics,especially inthe latter case.The magnetizationparameterσ together with theshockfrontLorentzfactorΓ aretheessentialparameterstoscantheproperties s of those shocks; σ is defined as the ratio of the flux of magnetic energy across the shock over the flux of kinetic energy: B2 B2sin2θ σ t = 0 B , (1) ≡ 4πΓ2sρ0c2 4πρ0c2 where B0 is the ambient magnetic field and ρ0 the ambient mass density. Ultra- relativistic shocks are now fairly well understood in the two extremes, namely, when σ > 0.1 and when σ < 10−5, say. At large σ, the synchrotron maser in- stability of a coherent extraordinary mode produces the shock structure both in a pair plasma18,17 and in a proton plasma3,4,19. When σ is very small, the growth of Weibel instability allows the reflection of part of the incoming flow, this flux of returning particles being responsible for the instability itself. Agreements between numerical simulations and theoretical works are satisfying. For intermediate mag- netizations,PICsimulationsbySironietal.,Ref.2,provokedtheoreticalquestions, because the transition towards Fermi process with decreasing magnetization does not fit with the Weibel turbulence scenario. In particular the critical value of the magnetization parameter is surprisingly independent of the shock Lorentz factor. Inthatpresentationweproposedaconsistenttheoryofthe shockstructureandthe excitation of micro-turbulence that fits with the numerical results. The theory fo- cusesonthe essentialroleplayedbythe transversecurrentcarriedby the returning particlesinshapingtheshockforefront,so-calledtheshock“foot”,andintriggering magnetic turbulence; this will be detailed in a forthcoming paper Ref. 14 2. Shock “foot” A collisionless shock is built by the growth of an electromagnetic field that reflects part of the incoming particles. Thus a back-stream of returning particles, namely reflected particles and possible up-scattered particles undergoing a Fermi cycle, in- teract with the incoming flow. The foot length is on order of the Larmor radius of thereturningparticlesmeasuredinthefrontframe.Theinteractionoccursthrough two processes, on one hand, a two-stream interaction that can excite Weibel fila- mentationafterastageofelectrostaticinstabilities,onotherhand,acurrentdriven filamentation. Indeed that latter process stems from the following situation. The mean field is generically almost perpendicular to the shock normal in the front frame of an ultra-relativistic shock. Then returning particles of opposite charge ro- tate in opposite directions in the mean field and thus generate an electric current perpendicular to the mean field and to the shock normal. That current is compen- sated by a current carried by the incoming plasma and that compensating current triggers a filamentation instability. These two types of filamentation instabilities have similarities and differences that will be presented in section 4. Before looking at the excitation of magnetic turbulence, let us examine the flows inthe shock foot. We assumethat the shock frontmovesin the x-directionat January29, 2014 1:25 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE Pelletier˙relatBshock Moderately magnetized relativistic shocks 3 a velocity V ~e , the ambientmagnetic field is in the z-direction,sothat the current s x carriedbyreturningparticlesissuchthatJ~cr = ξcrnec~ey,wheren=Γsn0 andξcr − is the fraction of incoming energy density converted into supra-thermal pressure. The compensating current is thus positively oriented along the y-direction. The incoming plasma then suffers a magnetic braking with respect to the shock front, which modifies the global Lorentz factor of the flow and the Lorentz factor of the centre of mass. The global Lorentz factor is slightly modified according to: JBr L ∆Γ ξ Γ . (2) ∼ cn0Γsmpc2 ∼ cr s Now the motion of the centre of mass is modified differently for a pair plasma and foraprotonplasma.Inapairplasma,incomingelectronsandpositronsaredeflected inthey-directionwithoppositevelocitiestoproducethecompensatingcurrentand 14 v ξ . The centre of mass is therefore slowed down such that y cr ∼± Γ s Γ . (3) cm ∼ p1+Γ2ξ2 s cr Thus, in a mildly relativistic shock such that Γ <1/ξ , Γ Γ , whereas in an s cr cm s ≃ ultra-relativistic shock such that Γ 1/ξ , Γ 1/ξ . s cr cm cr ≫ ∼ In a protonic plasma, if the incoming electrons are rapidly heated up to rough equipartition with protons, the behavior is similar to the case of a pair plasma. If the electrons do not reach such a high temperature, because the foot length is 2 too short, then numerical simulation shows that electrons are not reflected back. Then the situation changes: the foot carries a positive electric charge, say ρ el 15 ∼ ξ ne. It can be shown that the Lorentz force density in the y-direction, ρ E cr el y − J B /c ξ β neB, deviates protons such that they acquire a transverse velocity x z cr s ≃ v ξ .Without an electric chargein the foot, the incoming protonscouldnot be y cr ∼ significantly deviated. So again, the centre of mass of the incoming flow is slowed downwithrespectto the frontandthe footplaysthe roleofabuffer whichreduces the Lorentz factor of the ultra relativistic incoming flow to the value 1/ξ for cr all Γ 1/ξ . This buffer effect will turn out to be crucial in determining the s cr ≫ transition towards Fermi process, as will be seen in section 4. 3. Scattering limit due to the mean field Because the transverse component of the mean field is amplified by the Lorentz factorΓ ofthetransformationfromtheambient(upstream)restframetotheshock s front frame, relativistic shocks are generically superluminal and the mean field, almostperpendiculartotheflowdirection,dragsparticlesinthedownstreamflowso 5 thatonlypartofthemcancomebackupstreamandonlyonce .Inordertogetmany cyclesacrossthefrontandhaveanoperativeFermiprocess,afastscatteringprocess in required. However even very intense, a usual large scale turbulence cascading towards small scale is unable to make the Fermi process operative in a relativistic shock, because particles penetrating from downstream to upstream experiences a