COLLIDE VEHICLE INFORMATION CAPTURING USING GPS AND GSM TECHNOLOGIES A Major Project Report Submitted by TANNU JIWNANI AKASH VERMA SHUBHANGI BHADURIA In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering In Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Bhilai Institute of Technology, Bhilai House, Durg, C.G. CHHATTISGARH SWAMI VIVEKANAND TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Session 2012-13 1 DECLARATION This is to certify that Report entitled “Collided Vehicle Information Capturing Using GPS & GSM Technologies” which is submitted by us in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree B.E. in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering to Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai comprises only our original work and due acknowledgement has been made in the text to all other material used. Date: Name of students: TANNU JIWNANI (3012809113) AKASH VERMA (3012809008) SHUBHANGI BHADURIA(3012809097) APPROVED BY: Project Incharge: Dr.(Mrs.) Manisha Sharma Head Of Department Electronics & Telecommunication, Mr. N.K. Dewangan Bhilai Institute of Technology, (Associate. Professor.) Durg. Mrs. K. Uma (Associate. Professor) CERTIFICATE OF THE SUPERVISOR This is to certify that Report entitled “Collided Vehicle Information Capturing Using GPS & GSM Technologies” which is submitted by Tannu Jiwnani,Akash Verma,Shubhangi Bhadauria in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree B.E. in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering to Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai as a record of the candidate own work carried out by them under my/our supervision. The matter embodied in this thesis is original and has not been submitted for the award of any other degree. SIGNATURE SIGNATURE Dr. (Mrs.) Manisha Sharma, Mrs. Tanuja Kashyap, Head Of Department, ( Sr. Asst. Professor) Electronics & Telecommunication, BIT, Durg CERTIFICATE BY THE EXAMINER The Report entitled “Collision Avoidance” which is submitted by Tannu Jiwnani,Akash Verma,Shubhangi Bhaduria is hereby recommended for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in the faculty of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering to Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai Internal Examiner External Examiner Electronics and Telecommunication Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude and deep regards for the guidance and support that we received from Mrs. Tanuja Kashyap, our project incharge and Head of Department of Electronics And Telecommunication. We are highly thankful for the insight and knowledge that she departed to us during the course of developing this project from an idea to reality. This venture wouldn’t have been successful without her experience and working knowledge in electronic systems. We are also very thankful to Mrs. Suchitra Pandey for introducing and training us with the concepts of Microcontrollers and Embedded System Designing. We are also obliged to all my teachers who have taught us through the last 7 semesters and made us capable enough to execute our ideas. ABSTRACT In view of the increasing number of traffic accidents in recent years, it is conceded that traffic accidents have assumed the dimensions of a serious social problem. It is indicated that there are three main elements involved in an accident, i.e., the driver, the vehicle and the environment. It is reported that the main cause of accidents has been identified as the driver. Given the complexity of the issue, it is concluded that, not much can be done to improve the drivers skills and/or their levels of attentiveness, or to appreciably reduce the levels of stress experienced by drivers. It is considered plausible, however, to provide assistance to the driver in the form of non-human supplemental means, and to complement the drivers natural capabilities regarding attention capabilities and reflexive response times. It is reported that many different sensors and systems, from sonar to machine vision, have been installed on ground vehicles and automobiles in experiments that have been conducted for over 40 years. A review of the more promising of these sensors and related devices is presented. A brief summary is also provided of a number of attempts to develop autonomous vehicles, i.e., vehicles that can navigate in traffic without intervention by drivers. LIST OF FIGURES NAME OF FIGURE PAGE NO 1. Parts of embedded 02 2. Power Supply Circuit 09 3. Block Diagram Of SMPS 10 4. Crystal 10 5. TTL Oscillator 10 6. Microcontroller Circuit 10 7. Manual Reset 11 8. Power ON Reset 11 9. Screen Shots of Keil 12-18 10. PCB Layout 20 11. Transformer 21 12. LCD Display 21 13. LCD Circuit 21 14. GPS Module 21 15. GSM Module 22 16. Microcontroller 22 17. Block diagram of circuit 24 18. Flow chart of circuit 25 19. Snapshot of result 29 List of Tables NAME OF THE TABLE PAGE NO. 1. LCD command codes 26 2. LCD pin configuration 26 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 1. GPS- Global Positioning System 2. GSM-Global System for Mobile Communication 3. SIM- Subscriber Identity Module 4. LCD-Liquid Crystal Display 5. TTL-Transistor Transistor Logic 6. LED-Light Emitting Diode 7. SMPS-Switched Mode Power Supply 8. µ-Micro 9. µC-Microcontroller 10. IDE-Integrated Development Environment 11. PCB-Printed Circuit Board TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER NO. TITLE PAGE NO. ABSTRACT vi LIST OF FIGURES vii LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ix CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1-4 1 Introduction 1.1 General 1 1.2 Introduction to embedded systems 2 1.3 Proposed Work 2 1.4 Objective 3 1.5 Motivation 4 1.6 Contribution Of Author 4 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 5-7 2.1 The Emerging Ethics of Humancentric GPS Tracking And Monitoring 5 2.2 GPS Based Wireless Collision Detection of Construction Equipment 5 2.3 GPS and GSM based Vehicle Tracing and Employee Security System 6-7 CHAPTER 3 PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION 8 CHAPTER 4 MATERIALS/TECHNIQUES USED 9-23