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Index to Vol. 68 (2007) Compiled by Janet Russell Aamot, Gordon: Getting the most out of strategic Best Practices in Marketing Award, 68:233, planning: How libraries can create strategy ov- ens, 68:418—20, 426 Directors: Highlights of Annual ABBEY, HEIDI (appt.), 68:263 meetings, June 2007, 68:498- ABC-CLIO: ABC-CLIO partners with EBSCO Highlights of Midwinter meet- (News), 68:415; launches Issues database 20007 68:184—-85; roster, 68> :745= (News), 68:71-—72 ACADEMIC FREEDOM: Academic freedom center RL College Libraries Section: Embracing change established at NYU library (News), 68:141 (Conference Circuit), 68:485—86 ACCESS TO INFORMATION: Open Access (Wash- RL Committeeon the Statuso f Academic Librar- ington Hotline), 68:596 ians: Guidelines for academic status for col- ACRL: ACRL honors the 2007 award winners, lege and university librarians (ACRL standards 68:143—-48, 230-33, 238, 302-4, 313; ACRI and guidelines), 68:378-79; Standards for fac- membership offers key benefits: Increase your ulty status for college and university librarians effectiveness, value, and connection to the (ACRL standards & guidelines), 68:530-31 profession, 68:427-28; ACRL’s Global Evolu wunity and Junior College Libraries tion availabie in print and online, 68:416; An Section (CJCLS): Dowell wins CJCLS Leader- nual Report, 68:717—51; candidates for 2007 ship Award, 68:232 (illus.); Gaming, informa- 68:28—30; Get involved with ACRL: Volunteer tion literacy, and the college student (Confer- to serve on a division or section committee ence Circuit), 68:483-85 68:580-83; And the winners are...: the official RL Council of Liaisons: announces new rela- results of the 2007 ACRL elections, 68:382-85 tionships ( News), 68:558—59 ACRL ACADEMIC/RESEARCH LIBRARIAN OF THI RL Distance Learning Section: Conquer your YEAR 2007: Betsy A. Wilson, 68:230 Cillus.) ar (Conference Circuit), 08:494 ACRL African-American Studies Librarians Section mn and Behavioral Science Sec- (AFAS): Federal documents in African Ameri tion: Empowering data: Persuasion through can genealogical and historical research (Con presentation (Conference Circuit), 68:487-88; ference Circuit), 68:487 Libutti named EBSS Distinguished Librarian, ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Section (ANSS) 37-33 Native American heritage in the nation’s capi Ethics Committee: Librarians and fundrais- tal (Conference Circuit), 68:486-87 ers: More in common than you might suppose ACRL Arts Section: Visual literacy meets informa (Conference Circuit), 68:493—94 tion literacy (Conference Circuit), 68:497, 517 L Instruction Section: 2007 IS Innovation Award winner, 68:148 Cillus.); Instruction Sec- tion announces “a Bibliography of Research Guide to index Methods Texts” (News), 68:70; Proficiencies Faunce is word-by-word (ALA, 1968) for Instruction Librarians Task Force. Standards AssreEviaTIons: Standard abbreviations are used for proficiencies for instruction librarians and except in titles. Names of some organizations, coordinators (ACRL standards and guidelines), ALA, ACRL, LC, etc., are also abbreviated and are 68:570-—75; Visual ‘racy meets information alphabetized as if spelled out. literacy (Conference Circuit), 68:497, 517 SPECIAL ABBREVIATIONS: RL LEGISLATIVE NETWORK: Inaugural ACRL appt. appointment legislative advocates appointed, 68:386 f. foundation RL Literatures in English Section: Planning port. portrait Committee. Research competency guidelines prof. profile prog. program for literatures in English: Outcomes for under- graduate English or America Literature majors Speciat usaGes: More than one reference per page is (ACRL standards & guidelines), 68:526-29 indicated in parentheses. Shakespeare in libraries (Conference Circuit), 68:496—-97 Pace Numperinc: 1) January, 1-64; 2) February, RL NATIONAL CONFERENCE: Fresh perspec- 65-132; 3) March, 133-220; 4) April, 221-80; 5) tive: A first-time attendee’s experience, 68:349; May, 281-336; 6) June, 337-408; 7) July/August, Sailing into the future--Charting our desti- 409-72; 8) September, 473-552; 9) October, ny: The 13th National Conference wrap up, 553-616; 10) November, 617-80; 11) December, 681-780 68:346—52 Index to C&RL News volume 68 (2007) ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section: Rare ALA OFFICE FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY books and special collections in public librar- (Washington Hotline), 68:752 ies (Conference Circuit), 68:488-89 ALA WASHINGTON OFFICE: District Dispatch -RL Research Committee: Top ten assumptions podcast, 68:141 for the future of academic libraries and librar- ALBERT, PAUL (appt.), 68:201 ians, 68:240—41, 246 ALCTS Preservation and Reformatting Section “RL Scholarly Communications Committee: (PARS): digipres electronic list (Preservation ACRL/SPARC Forum explores open access News), 68:318 models: The future of scholarly publishing, ALEXANDER, ADRIAN (appt.), 68:50 Cillus.) 68:518-21; New ACRL Scholarly Communica- Alexander, Bryan: Using technology in teaching tion podcast (News), 68:688 and learning: Resources to help you navigate RL Science and Technology Section: 2007 ACRL a digital world Cnternet resources), 68:96— STS Oberly Award goes to AgEcon Search, 101 68:147—48; Issues and trends in digital reposi- Allan, Charles: Using a wiki to manage a library tories of nontextual information (Conference instruction program: sharing knowledge to Circuit), 08:494—96 better serve patrons, 68:242—44 RL STAFF, 68:739—42 (illus. ) Allen, Frank R. see Mullins, James | ‘RL STRATEGIC PLAN: Charting the same fu- ALLEN, MARCY (appt.}, 68:003 ture? The ACRL Strategic Plan and the Report ALLEN, MARYELLEN M. (appt.), 68:203 of the Commission on the Future of Higher ALLEN, THEA (appt.), 08:603 Education, 68:370-72, 3 ALUMNI RELATIONS Licensingg e-resources RL University Libraries Section: Building our for alumni: Reflections from a pilot project, presence on campus: The Unversity Libraries 68:437—41 Section’s (ULS) groups address advocacy and AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCE- leadership issues at ALA Midwinter Meeting MENT OF SCIENCE: ends participation in (Conference Circuit), 68:294-97; The compleat JSTOR (News), 68:478; ICOLC responds to leader (Conference Circuit), 68:490-91 AAAS/JSTOR split (News), 68:686 -RL Western European Studies Section: The AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR CONSERVATION European Union today (Conference Circuit), Collections Emergency Response Training 68:489-90; Lindquist named WESS Coutts Ni- Program (Preservation News), 68:106 jhoff International West European Specialist ANDERSON, MARGARET (appt.), 68:763 Study Grant winner, 68:230 ANDERSON, RICK (appt.), 68:062 RL Women’s Studies Section: ACRL honors the ANDERSON, SAM (appt.), 68:662 2007 WSS award winners: recognizing achieve ANDREWS, KRISTIN (appt.), 68:201 ment, 68:380; Once upon a Furl in a podcast Andrews, Kristin W.: French studies: Resources long ago (Conference Circuit), 68:491-93 for students, scholars, and general readers (in ADOPTION: International adoption: Education, ternet resources), 08:375 advocacy, and discovery resources (Internet ANGELO STATI UNIVERSITY (Acquisitions ) Resources), 68:645—49, 661 08:48—49, 113 ADVOCACY: Become an ACRL legislative advo APA FORMATTING AND STYLE GUIDE: I can’t cate (News), 68:9; Building our presence on live without (News), 68:345 campus: The Unversity Libraries Section’s Arch, Xan: Creating the academic library folkson (ULS) groups address advocacy and leader omy: Put social tagging to work at your institu ship issues at ALA Midwinter Meeting (Confer tion. 68:80-81 ence Circuit), 08:294—-97 ARCHIVAL EDUCATION: Wayne State LIS program AFRICA: Beyond the border: Research in Maasail assumes responsibility for archival administra and, 68:522-—23 tion curriculum (News), 68:73 AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES: Federal docu ARCHIVES: Columbia University Archives joins ments in African American genealogical the libraries (News), 68:138—39: Staffing the and _ historical research (Conference Circuit), dream archive: A view from the other side of 68:487 the reading room desk, 68:590—91, 602 AZECON SEARCH: 2007 ACRL STS Oberly Award ARIEW, SUSAN (appt.), 68:201 68:147—48; SPARC partners with AgEcon Search ARLITSCH, KENNING (appt.), 08:459 repository (News), 08:414 ART MATERIALS INFORMATION EDUCATION ALA: Meet the candidates for ALA president, NETWORK (AMIEN) (Preservation News) 68:175-79 68:188 ALA ANNUAL CONFERENCE, WASHINGTON, ARTISTS BOOKS: Discovering today’s van Goghs DC: ACRL programs at the ALA Annual Con Sandra Kroupa and the Book Arts Collection ference, 68:482-97, 517; President's Program at the University of Washington (lob of a Life fell me something good, and no surprises time), 68:640—41 please (Conference Circuit), 68:482-83 ARTMAN, JULIE Cappt.), 68:263 ALA MIDWINTER MEETING 2007: Building our ARVIN, SHELLEY DENISE (appt.), 68:540 presence on campus: The Unversity Libraries ASSOCIATION OF RESEARCH LIBRARIES: pub Section’s (ULS) groups address advocacy and lishes “Know Your Copy Rights” (News), leadership issues at ALA Midwinter Meeting 68:138; selects 2007-09 diversity scholars (Conference Circuit), 68:294—97 (News), 68:087—88 Index to C&RL News volume 68 (2007) ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEASTERN RESEARCH LIBRARIES (ASERL): selects virtual referen partner (News), 68:625 ATHENS AUTHENTICATION: WebFea now supports Athens Authenticat 03:40 -81 ATKINSON (HUGH C.) AWARD: Jar 68:145—40 Cillus.) ATLANTA UNIVERSITY CENTER (G1 ATTEBURY, RAMIROSE (appt.), 68:( ATWOOD, THOMAS ( > AUFMUTH, JOE (appt AUTHOR GUIDELINES guidelines, 68:38 AWARDS: 2006 New 68:140 Cillus.) WebFea iWwal BALTIMORI BARDEEN BARNHART BATCHELOR, MI BATES COLLEGE (¢ BATTLES, JASON BAZIRJIAN, ROSA? BEDARD, MARTHA BELFORD, REB BELL, EMILY Bell, Stever BELL, STEVEN BELLAVIA Bennett, Mirar ACRL Strat tior 68-370 BERGER, JOEI »2>4 “ANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF RESEARCH LI- Clarke, Janet Hyunju: International adoption: Edu- BRARIES: CARL and SPARC offer Canadian au- cation, advocacy, and discovery resources (In- thors new rights tool (News), 68:561 ternet Resources), 68:645—49, 661 “ANELAS, DALE (retirement), 68:264-65 CLASSICAL STUDIES: Classical studies on the (AO, HATYUN (appt.), 68:201 Web: A guide to some of the best sites (inter- “AREER DEVELOPMENT: Achieving racial net resources), 68:586-89 and ethnic diversity among academic and COLBY COLLEGE (Grants), 68:198 research librarians: The recruitment, reten- COLLABORATION: Course-related materials at tion, and advancement of librarians of col- the University of Denver: A collaboration: or--A white paper, 68:562-65; On being a Why collaborate?, 68:514-17; Librarians as new librarian: eight things to keep in mind, partners in e-research: Purdue University Li- 68:245—46; Recruitment, retention, diversity- braries promote collaboration, 68:365-67, 396; -cornerstones of future success: The 2007- Taking the sting out of tax season: a reference 2008 ACRL President’s focus, 68:504—6, 510; department/school of accountancy collabora- On the tenure track: Strategies for success, tion, 68:151-53 68:626-29, 661 COLLABORATIVE DIGITIZATION PROGRAM: "ARNER, DOROTHY (appt.), 68:541 CDP and BCR to merge (News), 68:229 -ARR, KATHERINE (appt.), 68:603 COLORADO CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY (Acquisi- “ARTER, LISA R. (appt.), 68:603 tions), 68:48 ARTOLANO, ROBERT (appt.), 68:763 COLSON, ELIZABETH (appt.), 68:663 ASEY, ANNE MARIE: 2007 DLS Haworth Press COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY: (Acquisitions), 68:48, Distance Learning Librarian Conference Spon- 395, 538, 602, 661, 761-62; Archives joins the sorship Award, 68:146 Cillus.) libraries (News), 68:138-39; brings back The “ASSENS, DAVE (appt.), 68:541 New Leader in digital format (News), 68:226; ‘aswell, Thomas R.: Museum studies: Online re- launches Carnegie Corporation oral history sources for students and practitioners (Internet Web site (News), 68:72; launches Chinese Pa- Resources), 68:422-—26 per Gods Web Site (News), 68:343; opens hu- “ENTER FOR RESEARCH LIBRARIES: publishes man rights archive (News), 68:622 lrustworthy Respositories Audit & Certifica- COLVIN, JENNY (appt.), 68:51 tion (Preservation News), 68:318 COMMISSION ON THE FUTURE OF HIGHER ENTER FOR SACRED LANDMARKS (Cleveland EDUCATION: Charting the same future? The State University): New publishing partner- ACRL Strategic Plan and the Report of the ship on sacred landmarks established (News), Commission on the Future of Higher Educa- 03:59 tion, 68:370-72, 377 “HACHA: Indiana University and ChaCha part- COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Digital commons in- ner to create academic search service (News), spires chapbook project for urban high school 68:478 poets: A Wayne State University Libraries com- HADWELL, FAYE A., 68:662 munity outreach program, 68:160-62; Movies halfoun, Eileen: Beyond the border: Research in on the Grass: Encouraging epiphanies through Maasailand, 68:522-23 experiential learning at Kansas State University HANDHOKE, EILEEN (appt.), 68:201 Libraries, 68:444—-47, 457; The young visitors: HANGE: Embracing change (Conference Cir- Introducing children to the research library cuit). 68:485—-86 through exhibition tours, 68:235-38 HARTIER, COURTNEY (appt.), 68:663 COMPUTING SERVICES: Factors influencing the HEN, XI (appt.), 68:325 number of computers in libraries: An explor- HENAULT, JOHN (appt.), 68:116 atory white paper, 68:181-82 HEVALIER, KEITH (appt.), 68:459 Conference Circuit (column): ACRL programs at HEW, NAUN (appt.), 68:603 the ALA Annual Conference, 68:482-97, 517; SHIEF ACADEMIC OFFICERS/PARENT ORGANI- Building our presence on campus: The Unver- ZATIONS: Tell me something good, and no sity Libraries Section’s (ULS) groups address surprises, please (Conference Circuit), 68:482- advocacy and leadership issues at ALA Mid- 83 winter Meeting, 68:294-97 CHILDREN’S SERVICES: The young visitors: Intro- CONLEY, KATHLEEN (retirement), 68:605 ducing children to the research library through CONTINUING EDUCATION: Learning advocacy exhibition tours, 68:235—38 for creating change through an immersion HIMATO, MARY (appt.), 68:50, 397 program: Institute on Scholarly Communica- HINDLUND, JAN (appt.), 68:763 tion delivers essential training, 68:20—24 -HOU, CHARLENE (appt.), 68:263 CONTURSI, AMALIA (appt.), 68:263 HOUDHURY, SAYEED (appt.), 68:541, 663 COPYRIGHT. see INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CHRISTENSEN, RICHARD “DICK” (retirement), CORNELL UNIVERSITY: E-reserves threatened at 68:51-—52, 203 Cornell (Washington Hotline), 68:317; joins SHUTE, MARY L. (appt.), 68:116 Google Book Search Library Project (News), TY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK: CUNY Li- 68:481 braries Win Achievement Award fromNYLINK COUNCIL ON LIBRARY AND INFORMATION RE- (News), 68:344—45 SOURCES (CLIR): “Census of Institutional Re- CLARK, KIRSTEN (appt.), 68:603 positories” available online (News), 68:227-—28 Index to C&RL News volume 68 (2007) SOURSE-RELATED MATERIALS: Course-related DIGITAL REGISTRY OBJECT IDENTIFICATION materials at the University of Denver: A col (DROID): DROID wins award ( Preservation laboration: Why collaborate?, 68:514—17 New s). 68:75 -OUTS, MONA C. (appt.), 68:262, 325 DIGITIZATION 101: I can’t live without (News) SOUTTS = NIJHOFI INTERNATIONAI WEST 68:561 EUROPEAN SPECIALIST STUDY GRANT DIGITIZATION PROJECTS: Scribe to advance Lindquist named winner digitization at UNC Library (News), 68:688-89 (ox, Elizabeth J] On being a new librarian: eight University of Pittsburgh to digitize Darlington things to keep in mind, 68:245—46 library (News), 68:6 -~PAN-2 BOOK TV: I can’t live without (News) DINI, ERIN (appt.), 68:51 08:8 DISASTER PLANNING Lessons Applied” (Preser CREECH, MICHAEL (appt . 68:325 vation News), 68:597 -RMINOLOGY victim assistance video DISTANCE LEARNING archive online t) hrough Unn iversity of Akron information (News). 68:226—27 ic Organizations YRON, SARAH (appt.), 68:541 Times introduces distance “ROSSREI CrossRef DOIs surpass 25 million News), 68:559—60 mark (News), 68:140—41; CrossRef to add jour DIVERSITY: Achieving nals from low-incon ountries (News), 68:6 imong academic -ROWE, KATHY (; recruitment 1 advanceme “RUMP, MICHELE (apy brarians o e paper 8:562 ULLOM, PATRICK (appt.) 68:004 diversity scholars (News) UMMINGS. JOHN P. (retirement). 68 tO0 tention < D’ALMEIDA, DIANI s. 68:5¢ » S10 DARBY, MARK (appt DISSERTATION FELLOWSHIP DARTMOUTH COLLEGI idemic libraries among 2007 WebFeat award ‘rs (News), 68:141 DAVENPORT, NANCY: Meet ALA preside llus.) 155-58 DAVIDSEN, SUSANNA (appt.), 68:459 YOUGAN, KIRSTIN M DAVIS, JEEHYUN (appt. 68:604 DOWELL, DAVID (award) Deemer, Kevin: A view from above, looking back YOW NING, KAREN moving forward: Al ibrarian’s experience work as an interim assistant dean, 68:26—27 SFELICE, BARBARA (appt.), 68:201 launching eBooks L.ICIO.US: [Ic an't live without (News), 68:624 LIVERY OF INFORMATION: Stepping through NCAN, CYNTHIA B the open door: A forum on new modes of DUNN, LEAH MCGINNIS (¢ information delivery I YUQUE, GABRIEL (appt 68:356—58. 363 JUVERNAY, JENNIFER (Caw: LSERONE, LESLII NDA, KAYO: ACRL h 2007 WSS award ARLHAM COLLEGE: ¢ winners: rec gnizing ‘ment, 68:380 il pe ice ST die < NT, VALEDA (appt AST TENNESSEE STAT RRY, SEBASTIAN AP sai, Shevon, Marija son: Lesson Stud ter lessons, bette NIVERSITY, BOO with creati\ 608:290—94 etweiler Richard Strengths « inside), 68 Dew, otephen ( BOOKS DIALOG: announces Engineering Index Backfile ooks (News) (News), 68:71 DIEHL, SUE (appt.) 68:325 DIGITAL COLLECTIONS: Issues and trends in digital repositories Of nontextual information BSCO PUBLISHING: ABC (Conference Circuit), 08:494-96; LIFE project EBSCO. 68:415 acquires print ndexes (Preservation News), 68:318; “Preserving Cre SAGI (News), 68:500; New EBSCOh« ative America” (Preservation News), 68:597 sources (News), 68:089 DIGITAL DIVIDE: New librarians and scholarly BSTER, DEBORAH M Building a library communication get involved, 68:155—58 business of fun (Job of a Lifetime) 162 (illus.); (retirement), 68:764-65 Index to C&RL News volume 68 (2007) Eden, Bradford Lee: 2D and 3D information vi- FARRELL, GABRIEL (appt.), 68:263 sualization: the next big Internet revolution Fast Facts (column), ??, 68:64, 132, 220, 280, 336, (Internet Resources), 68:247-51 408, 472, 552, 616, 680 Edwards, Phillip M.: Developing as a writer: Ref- FAVARO, SHARON (appt.), 68:763 ereeing manuscripts for peer-reviewed LIS FERRY, KRISTINE (appt.), 68:201 journals, 68:630-—31 FESENKO, KIRILL (appt.), 68:201 EHLERT, MARK (appt.), 68:763 FETTY, JASON (appt.), 68:763 E-JOURNALS: PALINET and SAGE team up to of- FILM PROGRAMS: Movies on the Grass: Encour- fer e-journals package (News), 68:286 aging epiphanies through experiential learning ELLIOTT, AMY (appt.), 68:603 at Kansas State University Libraries, 68:444—-47, ELMBORG, JAMES K.: 2007 Ilene F. Rockman Pub- 157 lication of the Year Award, 68:146—47 Cillus.) Fishel, Teresa A.: Learning advocacy for creating ELSEN, CAROL (appt.), 68:116 change through an immersion program: Insti- EMERALD: selects Manuscript Central for peer re- tute on Scholarly Communication delivers es- view (News), 68:140 sential training, 68:20-24 EMORY UNIVERSITY, WOODRUFF LIBRARY (Ac- FLEMING, JASON (appt.), 68:201 quisitions), 68:260-61 FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY: Jaffe Center ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY LI for Book Arts opens at FAU Libraries (News), BRARIES: Washington Hotline, 68:186 68:287 EPPS, SHARON (appt.), 68:51 FOLKSONOMY. see SOCIAL TAGGING E-RESEARCH: Librarians as partners in e-research: FORD, SYLVERNA (People in the News), 68:458 Purdue University Libraries promote collabo- FORTE, ERIC (appt.), 68:603 ration, 68:365-067, 396 FOSTER, ANITA (appt.), 68:51 E-RESERVES: E-reserves threatened at Cornell FRANCIS, KIFFANY (appt.), 68:663 (Washington Hotline), 68:317 FRANCIS, MARY (appt.), 68:763 ESCOBAR, HECTOR (appt.), 68:663 Frank, Donald G.: Sports research: Key Web sites ESHOM, DANIEL (appt.), 68:397, 459 to facilitate successful research (Internet Re Esttund, Karen. see Donovan, Georgie sources), 08 305-9 ESTLUND, KAREN (appt.), 68:541 FRAZIER, DOUG (appt.), 68:459 Cillus.) ETHICS: Librarians and fundraisers: More in com FREDENBURG, LILA (appt.), 68:202, 603 mon than you might suppose (Conference Cir- Free, David: News from the Field, 68:478—-81. 558- cuit), 08:4934—94 61, 622-25, 686-89; Stepping through the open EUROPEAN UNION: The European Union today door: A forum on new modes of information (Conference Circuit), 08:489—90 delivery in higher education, 68:356-58, 363 EXHIBITS: ACRL announces RBMS Leab Exhibi- FREEDMAN, JENNA: ACRL honors the 2007 WSS tion award winners, 68:303—4, 313: Reach award winners: recognizing achievement out to your community through exhibits: Em- 68:380 ploying ALA partner grants as part of your Freeland, Marija. see Desai, Shevon academic library’s marketing effort, 68:310-13; FRENCH STUDIES: French studies: Resources for The young visitors: Introducing children to students, scholars, and general readers (inter the research library through exhibition tours, net resources), 68:375-77 68:235-38 FREUND, LEILANI (appt.), 68:202 Frierson, Eric. see Desai, Shevon FACULTY RELATIONS: Exploring the faculty From the inside (column): Building your value blogoverse: where to start and what's in it for story and business case: Observations from academic librarians, 68:576-79; Librarians as a marketing faculty and (former) librarian partners in e-research: Purdue University Li- perspective, 68:88-91; The great oak table braries promote collaboration, 68:365-67, 396; Strengths of librarians and libraries, 68:360—63 \ view from above, looking back, moving for- FULTON, CAMILLA Y. Cappt.), 68:663 ward: A librarian’s experience working as an interim assistant dean, 68:26—27 GAGNE, ALEXANDRA (appt.), 68:325 FACULTY STATUS: Guidelines for academic sta GAILBRAITH, STEVEN (appt.), 68:325 tus for college and university librarians (ACRL GALBRAITH, JAMES (appt.), 68:541 standards and guidelines), 68:378-79; Stan GALL, DANIEL (appt.), 68:541 dards for faculty status for college and _u ni- Galloway, Ann-Christe Grants and acquisitions, versity librarians (ACRL standards and guide 68:48-50, 112-13, 198-99, 260-61. 322 23, lines), 68:530-31; SUNY Librarians Association 395-96, 456-57, 538, 602, 660-61, 761-62 working towards equity (News), 68:70; On the People in the News, 68:50—53, 115-1 2014, tenure track: Strategies for success, 68:626-29 262-05, 324—26, 397-98, 458-61, 540-43, 603 661 5, 062-04, 763-05 Fagerheim, Britt: Taking the sting out of tax sea- GAMING: Gaming, information literacy, and the col son: a reference department/school of ac- lege student (Conference Circuit), 68:483-85 countancy collaboration, 68:151—53 GARCIA, ERIC (appt.), 68:460 FALLGREN, NANCY (appt.), 08:541 GARCIA, MICHELLE MITTRACH (appt.), 68:460 FAN, SUHUA (appt.), 68:263 GAUNT, MARIANNE L.: elected vice president of FARRELL, DEAN (appt.), 68:325 ARL, 68:115 Index to C&RL News volume 68 (2007) GENEALOGY: Federal documents in African Griffin, Megan: ACRL honors the 2007 award win- American genealogical and historical research ners, 68:143—48, 230-33, 238, 302-4, 313; ACRI (Conference Circuit), 68:487 honors the 2007 WSS award winners: recogniz GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY (Acquisitions), ng achievement, 68:380; ACRL’s 2008 Awards 68:661 rogram: Honorins itstanding achievements GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY (Grants) in < lemic librarianship, 68:524—25 68:660 rine | ricia Herron, and Heleni Pedersoli sEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LI ‘t libraries partne -cnologicod e Mon BRARY AND INFORMATION CENTER (award) 1 68:144—45 (illus.) sERMAIN, CLAIRE (awards), 68:662 sRITTEN, TIM (appt.)#68:540 sERONTAKOS, THEODORE (appt.), 68:603 ;ROESBECK. MARGARET ADAMS (appt sETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (Acquisitions) 116 68:396 E, RANDY (appt 8:063 sETTY TRUST: Getty Trust awarded Computer UITAR FOUNDATION OF AMERICA world innovation award (News), 68:416 sIBSON, SALLY (appt.), 68:325 sILCHRIST, DEBRA L.: Gilchrist wins ACRL/IS Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award ; 68:302—3 Cillus.) 1ACKN TIMOTHY sILLEY, JENNIFER: ACRL honors the 2007 WSS AFERMANN, KELLY award winners: recognizing achievement I JAMES (appt 68:380 HAJDER, MICHELLI sILLIS, BILL (appt.), 68:263 HAKOBYAN, HEGHINI sLENN, VALERIE (< 68:763 Hallmark, Elizabeth Kent ;OLDEN, RICHARI R sOMIS, MELISSA S GOOGLE: Cornell University Library joins Google the Book Search Library Project (News), 68:481 08:92-95 Princeton University joins Google Book Proj HAMILTON, JASON ect, 68:138 HANSEN, LINDSAY ,ORDON, JENNIFERYO UNG (appt.), 68:663 HANSON, CODY sOSHEN COLLEGE: College Libraries create digi HARCOURT BINDER tal peace studies archive (News), 68:624 Preservat News ,OVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS: Purdue cele HARDING-SIMMONS UNIV brates centennial as federal depository library 8:322 (News), 68:343 HARRISBURG *RADUATE STUDENTS: The Zen of ving on techr hesis committees: Be scholarship 68:632-35 sRAHAM, REBECCA (appt.), ( “wo. HARTSELI sRAHAM, SUSAN (appt.), 68:763 HARVARD sRAND VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY (Micl 08:48 Abolish the periodicals department wv HARVARD UNIVI one library restructured and redistril yuted the S work, 08:17-19 HAWORTI RANTS: React tt our community through ( exhibits: Empl g ALA partne inats spar t * your academic library’s marketing effort 68:310—13; SOLINET awards funds to academ ic libraries in the Gulf Coast region (News) 68:6 Grants and acquisitions (column) 13, 198-99, 260-61, 322-23 538, 602, 660-61 Gratch-Lindauer, Bonnie: Information literacy-re lated student behaviors: Resfurolm tthes NS SI Y, CHARLES (Pe items, 05:45 ) 40, 441 H -tY, WALTER Graves, Stephanie J.: Homeless instruction librar iward, 68:318 ian: Surviving instruction during a library ren RBSMAN, YAEL (appt.), ‘ ovation, 68:690—-92, 712 RITAGI EMERGENCY NATIONAI TASK GRECO, NANCY (appt.), 68:51 FORCI Lessons Applied Preservation GREGORY, PATRICIA (appt.), 68:541 News), 68:597 GREMMELS, GILLIAN S.: (appt.), 68:540 Cillus.) HERITAGE PRESERVATION ipitalize on Collec 662 tions Care” (Preservation News), 68:597 GRIFFIN, KARIN (appt.), 68:397 ROLD, PHILIP (appt.), 68:604 Index to C&RL News volume 68 (2007) Herron, Patricia. see Griner, Lily arly Communication delivers essential training, HEYMAN, BERNA L. (retirement), 68:542-43 Cillus.) 68:20—24 HICKEY, DAVID (appt.), 68:541 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: ARL publishes “Know HIGHSMITH, CHERYL (appt.), 68:263 Your Copy Rights” (News), 68:138; Copyright HINZ, JULI (appt.), 68:460 resources on the Web: Sites to keep you cur- HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES AND UNIVERSI- rent (Internet Resources), 68:164-08; E-reserves [TES LIBRARY ALLIANCE (Grants), 68:538 threatened at Cornell (Washington Hotline), HITCHCOCK, ELOISE (appt.), 68:763 68:317; The impact of fair use on the U.S. econ- HODGES, ALEX R. (appt.), 68:460 omy (Washington Hotline), 68:596; Maryland's Hodgins, David: Copyright resources on the Web: Center for Intellectual Property launches blog Sites to keep you current (Internet Resources), portal (News), 68:138; Stanford releases Copy- 68:164—68 right Renewal Database (News), 68:288; UT-Aus- HOLDEN, IRINA I. (appt.), 68:263 tin database provides access to literary copyright HOLLAND, CLAUDIA (appt.), 68:263 information (News), 68:414; Washington Hot- HOLLINGSWORTH, JAENA M. (appt.), 68:541 line, 68:051; WIPO and International Copyright HOLTZE, TERRI (appt.), 68:116 (Washington Hotline), 68:651 HOOD, YOLANDA (appt.), 68:764 INTERNATIONAL COALITION OF LIBRARY CON- HOOK, SHERIL: 2007 Ilene F. Rockman Publication SORTIA (ICOLC): responds to AAAS/JSTOR split of the Year Award, 68:146—-47 Cillus.) (News), 68:686 Horava, Tony: Licensing e-resources for alumni: Re- INTERNET: San Jose State opens Second Life cam- flections from a pilot project, 68:437—-41 pus (News), 68:342see also BLOGS AND BLOG- HOSTOS COMMUNITY COLLEGE/CUNY LIBRARY GING; WEB SITES I can’t live without (News) (award), 68:143—44 Cillus.) Internet Resources (column): 2D and 4D information vi- HRIBAR, AMY (appt.), 68:604 sualization: the next big Internet revolution, 68:247— Hufford, Jon R. see Mullins, James L 51; Classical studies on the Web: A guide to some of HUGHES, TRACEY (appt.), 68:541 the best sites, 68:580-89; Copyright resources on the HULL, ELIZABETH (appt.), 68:604 Web: Sites to keep you current, 68:104—-68; French HULL, TRACY (appt.), 68:460 studies: Resources for students, scholars, and gener- HULTZMAN, SAMUEL T. (appt.), 68:51 al readers, 68:375—77; International adoption: Educa HUMPHRY, JAMES, III (obit.), 68:398 tion, advocacy, and discovery resources, 68:645—49, HUNTINGTON LIBRARY: 125 years of Los Angeles 661; Museum studies, 68:422—26; Social networking limes commemorated (News), 68:8 sites: Getting friendly with our users, 68:709-12; Sports research: Key Web sites to facilitate successful IMAGE PERMANENCE INSTITUTE: Printing process research, 68:305-9; Urban planning: starting points samples (Preservation News), 68:753 for students and scholars, 68:10—-14; Using technol- IMAMOTO, REBECCA (appt.), 68:764 ogy in teaching and learning: Resources to help you [INDIANA UNIVERSITY: and ChaCha partner to cre- navigate a digital world, 68:96-101; Visual literacy ate academic search service (News), 68:478 resources on the Web: A look at what is available, INFORMATION ACCESS ALLIANCE: IAA takes action 68:508—10 on proposed Blackwell acquistion (News), 68:6 Internet Reviews (column), 68:43—44, 108-9, 117 INFORMATION LITERACY: ACRL task force to 91-92, 204, 256-57, 265, 319-20, 326, 390-91, begin review of information literacy standards 55. 534-435. 598-99. 605. 655-56. 664. (News), 68:344; ETS research finds college stu- 705 dents fall short in demonstrating ICT literacy ISBICKI, THOMAS (appt.), 68:604 National Policy Council to create national stan- IVANICK, PETER D. (appt.), 68:263 dards, 68:35-37; Gaming, information literacy, and the college student (Conference Circuit), JACKSON, CYNTHIA (appt.), 68:202 68:483-85; Information literacy-related student JACKSON, MILDRED (appt.), 68:764 behaviors: Results from the NSSE items, 68:432- JACOBI, KRISTIN (election), 68:540 30, 441; Join the club: Promoting information JADLOS, MELISSA E. (appt.), 68:325 literacy in online student academic organiza Jaeger, John: Classical studies on the Web: A guide tions, 68:713—15; Trinity Univ. adopts initiative to some of the best sites (internet resources), to enhance info lit and student learning (News), 68:586-89 68:416; Visual literacy meets information liter- JAKUBS, DEBORAH (People in the News), 68:458 acy (Conference Circuit), 68:497, 517see also JAMES, DAVID (appt.), 68:325 LIBRARY INSTRUCTION JEFFERY, KEVEN (appt.), 68:604 INFORMATION VISUALIZATION: 2D and 3D infor- JENKINS, PAUL OWEN (award), 68:140 Cillus.) mation visualization: the next big Internet revolu- JENSEN, KRISTI (appt.), 68:604 tion (Internet Resources), 68:247—51 JEPPESEN, BRUCE (appt.), 68:063 INSTITUTE OF MUSEUM AND LIBRARY SERVICES: Job of a Lifetime (column): Building a library for the “Connecting to Collections” program (Preserva- business of fun, 68:102—3 (illus.); Discovering tion News), 68:106; IMLS awards librarian recruit- today’s van Goghs: Sandra Kroupa and the Book ment and education grants (News), 68:416 Arts Collection at the University of Washington, INSTITUTE ON SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION: 68:040—41; Information literacy, technology, and Learning advocacy for creating change through forgotten barcodes: The life of a solo academic an immersion program: Institute on Schol- librarian, 68:368-69 (illus. ) Index to C&RL News volume 68 (2007) JOHNS HOPKINS LIBRARIES (Grants), 68:48, 602 LARKEE, BETH (appt.), 68:704 JOHNSON, REBECCA (BECKY) (retirement), 68:664 LARKIN, LAURA WILSON (appt.), 68:663 JOHNSON, ROBERT (appt.), 68:541 LAWRENCE, JANNA (appt.), 68:460 JOHNSTON, BRUCE (appt.), 68:604 LE, BINH P.: Le named LPSS Marta Lange/CQ Press JOHNSTON, LISA (appt.), 68:663, 764 Award Winner, 68:303 (illus. ) JOSEPH, LURA (People in the News), 68:763 LEADERSHIP: Building our presence on campus JOSEPHINE, HELEN (appt.), 68:263 The Unversity Libraries Section’s (ULS) er UPS JOURNALS. see SERIALS address advocacy and leadership issues at ALA JSTOR: AAAS ends participation in JSTOR (News), Midwinter Meeting (Conference Circuit), 68:294 68:478; ICOLC responds to AAAS/JSTOR split 97; The compleat leader (Conference Circuit) (News), 68:086 68:490-91; Increasing recognition of the \ alue of JULIAN, NICHOLE (appt.), 68:604 libraries and librarians (From the inside), 68:298 JUNKER, KAREN I. (retirement), 68:326 300; Mellon Foundation increases funding for HBCU leadership program (News), 68:416; Re KAISER, ANTHONY (appt.), 68:541 flections of a former CIO: Leadership lessons KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY: Movies on the Grass: learned (The Way I See It), 68:592-93 Encouraging epiphanies through experiential sar, Bernadette A.: The Zen of serving on thesis learning at Kansas State University Libraries, committees: Being a midwife for new scholar 68:444—47, 457 ship, 68:632-> —35 Katz, Irvin R.: ETS research finds college students fall Lee, Deborah: [about] (People in the News), 68:324 short in demonstrating ICT literacy: National Poli- On the tenure track: Strategie cy Council to create national standards, 68:35-37 68:626—29. 661 KELLEY, DAVID OTIS (obit.), 68:398 LEEBAW, DANYA (appt.), 68:263 KENNEY, ANNE (appt.), 68:262-63 LEEDER, KIM (appt.), 68:604 KENNISON, REBECCA (appt.), 68:764 LEIGH, RICHARD (appt.), 68:397 KENT STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES (Grants), LERETTE, BRIDGET (appt.), 68:663 68:112 LESSON STUDY TECHNIQL FA Less mn Study in li KENT STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS: New publishing braries: Building better lessons, better teachers partnership on sacred landmarks established and better teams with cre (News), 68:8-9 and revision, 68:290-93 KENYA: Beyond the border: Research in Maasailand, LEVANOVSKY, ODELIA (appt. ) 68:541 68:522-23 LEVEL, ALLISON (People in the News), 68:458 KERBEL, SANDRA S. (obituary), 68:461 Levrault, Bethany. see Malone, Debbie Kern, Barbara. see Starkey, Rebecca LEWIN, HEATHER (appt.) 68:542 KESSLER, RIDLEY R. (obituary), 68:204 LI, RONG (appt.), 68:51, 202 KICZEK, STEVEN (appt.), 68:325 LIBRARIAN’S INTERNET INDEX: I can’t li KIM, JIHYUN (award), 68:230-32 Cillus.) (News). 68:73 KIM, MISU (appt.), 68:663 LIBRARIANS OF COLOR: Achieving racia and etl KIMPTON, MICHELE (appt.), 68:541 diversity among academic and research librarians KIPP, MARGARET E. I. (appt.), 68:663 The recruitment, retention, and adv incement ol KIRK, ELIZABETH (appt.), 68:202 librarianso f color--A white paper, 68:562 KIRK, RACHEL (appt.), 68:604 LIBRARIES AND LIBRARIANSHIP: ACRL memb« KIRLEW, PETER (appt.), 68:764 ship offers key benefits: Increase your effective KLINK, SARA (appt.), 68:764 ness, value, and connection to the profession KNOWLTON, ANDREA (appt.), 68:541 68:427—28; ACRL releases essay h inging I le KORENMAN, ALICIA (appt.), 68:202 of academic libraries (News), 68:227: The great KOSKINEN, SUSAN (appt.), 68:202 oak table: Strengths of librarians and libraries KOZACK, KARL (appt.), 68:764 (from the inside), 68:360-63; Top ten assump KRANICH, NANCY: elected director of National Is- tions for the future of academic libraries and li sues Forums Institute, 68:262 brarians, 68:240—41, 246 KROUPA, SANDRA: Discovering today’s van Goghs LIBRARY BUILDINGS: Breaking ground at UMK¢ Sandra Kroupa and the Book Arts Collection at (News), 68:689; Homeless instruction librarian the University of Washington (Job of a Lifetime), Surviving instruction Curing a library renovation 68:640—-41 68:6090—-92,. 712 LADENSON, SHARON: ACRL honors the 2007 WSS LIBRARY EDUCATION: Illinois launches book and award winners: recognizing achievement, 68:380 manuscript studies program ( News), 68:286 LAFLEUR, LEROY (appt.), 68:263 LIBRARY INSTRUCTION The class librarian: Put Lai, Smyth: Urban planning: starting points for students tinga friendly face on library service, 68:429-31 and scholars (Internet Resources), 68:10-14 Homeless instruction librarian: Surviving instruc LAMARCA, MARY M. (appt.), 68:202 tion during a library renovation, 68:690-92, 712 Landis, Cliff: Social networking sites: Getting friendly Standards for proficiencies for instruction librari with our users (Internet resources), 68:709-12 ans and coordinators (ACRL standards and guide LANE, ZACK (appt.), 68:263 lines), 68:570-75; Understanding plagiarism: The LANKES, R. DAVID: Syracuse University’s R. David role of librarians at the University of Tennessee in Lankes named as First “OITP Fellow” (Washing- assisting students to practice fair use of informa ton Hotline), 68:752 tion, 68:170-73; Using a wiki to manage a library Index to C&RL News volume 68 (2007) instruction program: sharing knowledge to bet- MARKETING: Building your value story and busi- ter serve patrons, 68:242—-44; Using technology ness case: Observations from a marketing faculty in teaching and learning: Resources to help you and (former) librarian perspective, 68:88-91; De- veloping a long-range and outreach plan for your academic library: the need for a marketing out- autiful relationship, 68:354-55: The Zen of reach plan, 68:92-95; Library change as a brand- serving on thesis committees: Being a midwif ing Opportunity: Connect, reflect, research, dis for new scholarship, 68:632—35s lsc { over, 08:094-98; Reach out to your community MATION LITERACY through exhibits iploying ALA partner grants LIBRARY CONGRESS: selects films for Na as part of your academic library’s marketing ef tional Film Registry (News), 68:71 fort, 68:310-13 LIBRARY WEB SITES: Columbia University launches MARMOR, MAX (appt.), 68:460 MARQUARDT, STEVE (retirement), 68:52 Heather Murray, Deborah J. Tuck Digital commons inspires 81 hapb t for urban high school poets: A IBRARYTHING: I can’t live without (New 68:225 iyne State University Libraries comm IBSON. SCOT IBUTTI IGH] LINDQUIS INKI Linke (retiret ( 201 ACRL elections, 68:3 85 (illus MB appt.),6 8 ITERATURES IN ENGLISH: Research competency ! Fl (appt lel iteratures in Englisl itcomes ., MYRNA J. (award), 10 (illus I I HENRY ELIZABI \MH1 4 LUPONE, GEORGE (retirement) +3 lestiny: The 13th ial Wrap up MacEWAN, BONNII MACKLIN, LISA (appt Madaras. Beck res CTS] ive 1 im { Mi | \ (appt 08:32 tendee’s exp n 08:3 | 1 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD MAENE, CHEIKO (ay MAGARRELL, KATH ippt.), O8:11¢ \ . & MANUSCRIPT STUDIES PI MAHAN, CHERYL A MAJOR, COLLEEN ( Malone, Debbie. Beth puters 1 ibt \r <ploratory white paper llet rt un the clul young information 68:18] 82 teracy I tudent academic MANAGEMENT moving forwa librarian “perience worl MILLER, ROBERT C (BOB) (obit ing as an interim assistant dean, 68:26—27 \ LER MANCHESTER Golles | rchive (News), 6% MONSEF, HESHAM MANNING, LESLIE A. (retirement), 68:765 MORGAN, PAMELAJ . (appt.) MANNING, MARY appt.), 68:542 Motin, Susan: Reach out to your community through MANUSCRIPT CENTRAL: Emerald selects Man pl exhibit mploying ALA partner grants as part Central for p review (News), 68:14 of your academic library’s marketing effort, MAPS Th ity at Buffalo unveils m< ital 08:310—13 (News), 68:686-87 MOTION PI brary of Congress selects MARK TWAIN PROJEC ONLINE: University of films for 2006 National Film Registry (News), California launches Mark Twain Project Online 08:71 (News), 68:686 MULLIN, PATRICK (appt.), 68:11 Index to C&RL News volume 68 (2007)

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