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59 (1998) Index to Vol. College & Research Libraries Compiled by Kathy (Kit) Dusky Filing is word-by-word (ALA, 1968) ABBREVIATIONS Standard abbreviations are used except in titles. Names of some organizations—AL/ ACRL, LC, etc are also abbreviated and are alphabetized as if spelJed out A demic libraries: strategic im the net, 396-98) Academi capitalism plications,” 156-67 Barrons, Janice C., “The academic ies, and t entrepreneuria The Associated Colleges of the elite in library science: linkages university, Slaughter, rev. of Midwest, “Private liberal arts among top-ranked graduate 293-94 colleges and the costso f scien programs,’ 58:233-35, re The academic elite in library sci tific journals: a perennial di sponses, 275 80, 481 ‘Re ence: linkages among top lemma,” 406-20 sponse to Marcia J. Bates’ re ranked graduate programs ACRL, Women’s Studies Section sp mse,” letter to the ed., 481 Bair 58:233-35 responses An empirical examination of Bartovics, Albert F., rev. (Shamans 275-80, 481 subject headings for Women’s software, and spleens), 193-94 Academic librarianansd the pur Stucdorei maetersials ,” 130 Bates, Marcia J., “Response to Bair suit of tenure: the support 38 and Barrons’ response,” letter graos au stprate gy for success, Library home page design to the ed., 481 ‘Response to Miller, 260-65 a comparison of page layout for The academic elite in library its context, its front-ends to ARL library Web science 275 80; response urpose, and its operation judd sites, 458-65 Representa- 481 rev. of, 483-84 tions of the alternative press Behrend Col., “Explaining user sto campus | in academic library collec satisfawictht aicaodemnic li listance users: fi re tions,” 363 braries: strategic implica Brophy, rev. of, 285-87 tions,” 156-67 Across all borde international B Bell, Steven J Making the library formation flows and applicatio Bahr, Alice Harrison An analysis management systems acquisi | vers, Dosa, rev of articles by college librar tion: achieving resolution of a 1ans 42? 37 tough decision,’ 348-61 Alexander, Jean, rev. (A feeling Bair, Jeffrey H ‘The academic elite Benefiel, Candace R., “ Academic hooks), 290-91 in library science: linkages librarians and the pursuit of Altman, Ellen, ed Research among top-ranked graduate tenure: the support group asa Issues impl ications programs,” 58:233-35, re strategy for success ” 260-65 ind strategies rev. of, 592-94 sponses 275-80, 481; “Re Bernhard, Fabian, In close associa ALA, Black Caucus, “Perceptions sponse to Marcia J. Bates’ re tion: research, humanities, and of discriminatory practices sponse " letter to the ed., 481 the library, rev. of, 586-88 and attitudes: a survey of Af Bao, Xue-Ming, “Challengeasn d Berry, John, rev. (No silence!), 197 rican American librarians opportunities: a report of the OR 43445 1998 library survey of Internet ‘Between two ages,” Schwartz An analysis of articles by college users at Seton Hall Univesity,” guest editorial, 112-13 librarians,” Zemon, 422-32 535-43 Billings, Harold, “Libraries, lan Atidaleeb, Syed Saad, “t xplaining Barker, Joseph W rev. (Scholarly guage, and change: defining user satisfaction with aca- publishing, 86-87; Trapped in the information present,” 212 102a 102b College & Research Libraries January 1999 A es Dy college librarian $2: “Statement of owt ment, and cir scientific jourr lilemma 106-20 Lois La taloge‘ libraries: their brarians on the panding roles Computer-a in-instructor inoption ming the cyDerDeast MOTT at the stor: ind pres tt Web sites,” 304-1 academic libraric ind expanding wr, 311-21 res ind opportunitic of the 1998 library st »f Internet users at Setor sditiona print Cost-benefit a rmat White, 503 r, Comp rev | rev. of, 82 vugherty, Leo he University Crawford, Gr ost-ber The downside of scholarly elec »f lowa libraries’ undergradu efit analysis of electronic infor tronk publishing problems in ssessment mation: a accessing electronic journals through online lirectori und catal'o gs,” |F ord, 335 16 comp., rev. of Cronin-Kardon, Cyr Mak E ing the library management | Colleges, “Priv ate 201-2 systems acquisition achiev liberal arts colleges and the About ( 1EQE « ing resolutiono f a tough deci costs of scientific journals: a Index to vol. 59 102c perennial dilemma,” 406-20 156-67 conduct: issues, implications Editorials, 6-8, 112-13, 209-11 Garcha, Rajinder, “Catalogers in and strategies, rev. of, 592-94 301-3, 404—5, 500-501 academic libraries: their Higgs, Elizabeth, rev. (College for ‘Effects of library instruction on evolving and expanding sale), 392-94 university students’ satisfac- roles,” 311-21 Hightower, Christy, “Recommen tion with the library: a longi Garrett, Jeffrey, rev. (Space between dations for benchmarking tudinal study,” Stamatoplos, words), 486-88 Web site usage among aca- 323-34 Gateways to knowledge the role of demic libraries,” 61-79 Electronic information environment academic libraries in teaching Hisle, W. Lee, “Facing the new and academic libraries: proceed learning and research, Dowler, millennium: values for the ings of Japan-US. library confer ed., rev. of, 82-83 electronic age,” guest editorial, ence 1996=Denshika Sareru Gerhard, Kristin H., “An empiri 6-8 Joho to Toshokan, Hitoshi, ed cal examination of subject Hitoshi, Matsushita, ed., Electronic rev. of, 484-86 headings for Women’s Studies information environment and ‘Embracing the new technology core materials,” 130-38; “Rep- academic libraries: proceedings and keeping harmony: in resentations of the alternative of Japan-U.S. library conference search of a new balance,’ press in academic library col- 1996=Denshika Sareru Joho to Zhang, guest editorial, 301-3 lections,” 363—77 Toshokan, rev. of, 484-86 An empirical examination of sub Goodall, Deborah, A comparable Hjorland, Birger, Information seek ject headings for Women’s experience? library support ing and subject representation Studies core materials,’ forfranchised courses in higher an activity-theoretical approach to Gerhard, 130-38 education, rev. of, 285-87 information science, rev. of, 287. Ensor, Pat, ed Information Graham, Peter S., “New roles for 85 imagineering: meeting at the in- special collections on the net Hoon, Peggy, ed., Guidelines for terface, rev. of, 493-94 work,” 232-39 educational use of copyrighted Eshelman, William R., No silence! Graves, Diane J., rev (What else materials, rev. of, 588-90 a library life, rev.of, 197-98 you can do with a library degree), Hunt, Caroline C., “Faculty-library The evolution of the American aca 394-95 teamwork in book ordering,” demic library building, Kaser, Great Lakes Colleges Association, 524-33 rev. of, 198-99 “Private liberal arts colleges Hupp, StephenL ., rev. (Restructur- An exhibit denied: lobbying the his and the costs of scientific jour- ing academic libraries), 291-92 tory of the “Enola Gay”, Harwit nals: a perennial dilemma,” rev. of, 590-992 406-20 I Explaining user satisfaction with “The growing importance of state In close association research, hu- academic libraries: strategic library associations,” Riggs, manities, and the library, implications”, Andaleeb, 156 editorial, 500—501 Bernhard, rev. of, 586-88 Guest editorials, 6-8, 112-13, 209 “Increasing the pace of an integral 11, 301-3 library system in China: mov F Guidelines for educational use of ing toward the twenty-first “Facing the new millennium: val- copyrighted materials, Hoon, century,” Zhu, 169-76 ues for the electronic age,” ed., rev. of, 588-90 Information imagineering: meeting Hisle, guest editorial, 6-8 at the interface, Wolf, ed., rev. of, Faculty-library teamwork in book H 493-94 ordering,” Neville, 524-33 Hannay, William M., rev. (Research Information seeking and subject rep- ‘Fair use after CONFU,” Davis, misconduct), 592-94 resentation: an activity-theoreti- guest editorial, 209-11 Harger, Elaine, rev. (An exhibit de- cal approach to information sci- AA feeling for books: the Book-of-the nied), 590-92 ence, Hjerland, rev. of, 287-88 * month club, literary taste, and Harter, Stephen P., “The downside middle-class desire, Radway, of scholarly electronic publish- rev. of, 290-91 ing: problems in accessing Jobe, Juanita, rev. (Guidelines for Ford, Charlotte E., “The downside electronic journals through educational use of copyrighted of scholarly electronic publish- online directories and cata- materials), 588-90 ing: problems in accessing logs,” 33546 Josey, E. J., rev., (Counterpoise), 80- electronic journals through Harwit, Martin, An exhibit denied 81 online directories and cata- lobbying the history of the “Enola Journal of academic librarianship, logs,” 335-46 Gay”, rev. of, 590-92 “ An analyofs aritiscle s by col- Fowler, Rena K., “The university Hay, Fred J.,e d., Documenting cul- lege librarians,” 422-32 library as learning organiza- tural diversity in the resurgent tion for innovation: an explor- American south: collectors, col- K atory study,” 220-31 lecting, and collections, rev. of, Kaplowitz, Joan, “Computer-as- 194-97 sisted instruction: is it an op- G Heckart, Ronald J., “Machine help tion for bibliographic instruc- Gannon U., “Explaining user sat- and human help in the emerg- tion in large undergraduate isfaction with academic librar- ing digital library,” 250-59 survey classes,” 19-27 ies: strategic implications,” Hernon, Peter, ed., Research mis- Kaser, David, The evolution of the 102d College & Research Libraries January 1999 ibrary t classroom Dickstein Sableman, rev. of, 594 ne. rev. of, 198-99 Lum Raymond, rev Kathman, Jane McGurn & information N Michael D., What difference wademt Nader Laura, rev versity make in man ind empire) 488 stuck nt employees? M Neville, Robert, “Faculty-library McBride, Kari Boys Listserv teamwork in book ordering lemmingasnd fly rarianso n 924-33 Sableman 594 the wall: a librarian-instructor N.]. Institute of Tech Commen Kelley, Gloria, comp., ¢ team taming the cyberbeast in taries on the new model at motion and te the large classroom,” 100--11 7 other libraries,” 127--28 mic librariar rev McCombs, Gillian M rev. | New roles for special collections Kieft Robert, revs. ( on the network,” Graham 232-39 90-92 ices), 83-85 Newby, Gregory G., ed 390) 9?) Machine help and human help Ted David I Library home in the emerging digital li rev. of, 86-87 page design: a comparison of brary Heckart, 250-59 Newsome, Nancy A I ) layout for front-ends to Mcllvaine Eileen Selected reter igreemm ent in ARL library Web sites 458 > ence books Kirkpatrick Teresa f The train 997-98, 467-80 ingo f academic library staff on Mackoy, Robert Effectso f library information § technology instructionon university stu within the libraorf ithee sMi n dents’ satisfaction witthhe li Oo nesota State Colleges and Uni brary: a longitudinal study O'Keeffe Julie Small college li versities system,” 51-59 ; 23-34 brary directors: gettingi n the Making the library management door and surviving on the systems acquisition: achiev job,” 140-53 ing resolouf at tiougoh nde ci Olson, Michael P. sion Bell, 348-61 Oca tion) 586 88 Marinko Rita A Representa tionso f the alternative press in academic library collec i ind special ibrar hhons. 5635 Wilson, ed., rev. of, 288-90 Me xdows, A. | ot, 293-94 resear ; rev ot 395-96 1S Stop apologizinfgo r quali MercyhursCto l, “t xplaining user tative research,” Riggs, edito satisfaction with acadej mic li | 404—5 braries: strategic implica 28?—83 181 tions 156-67 review in Carne Joan M Peer review in Merrett, Christopher, res sarch libraries,” Leyser rnegic Research libraries ill borders), 81-82 - Metz, Paul 4 reputational study Penn State | Cost-benefit matty Libraries, lar guage ind change of academic publishers siofs el ectronic information: a lefinin the information 97:2 .447 comment 282-83 Las study,” 503-10 present Billings, 212-18 Miller, Jeannie P. Academic librar Perceptions of discriminatory ians and the pursuit of tenure practiceasnd attitudes: a sur the support grouaps a strategy vey of African American li of, 199 for success 260-65 brarians Preston 13445 | wme pag8e design,: a Miller, Rachel Com mentaneso n Potter, William Gray, re ymimu comparisofo pnag e layout for the new model at other librar ; i ’ g r ca ron) YH front-ends to ARL library Wet U. of Kan.,” 126-2 Preston, Cynthia, “Perceptionso f King 458-65 filler, William, rev. (The? discriminatory practices and ry parraapprrootf ifwr ittitudes: a survey of African MnSCl The training of aca American librarians 434-45 Rodgers, re § RS-RH demi library stoan finftorm a Private liberal arts colleges and Lindauer, Bonnie Gratch, “De tion technology within the | the costso f scientific journals ng and measuring braries of the MinnesotStaat e a perennial dilemma , Orary s$ impact Colleges and Universities sys Burnam, 406-20 campuswide outcomes,” 546 tem 51-59 1) Mitchell, W. Bede, rev Listserv lemmings a th on of the American academu Quaratiello Arlene Rodda The brariaonn sth e wall: a librar brary building), 198-99 oliege st research com ian-instructor team taming More speecn, not le communi panion rev. of, 390-92 the cyberbeast in the large tions iaw in tthhe e inify rmation Question Master: an evaluatior Index to vol. 59 102e of a web-based decision-sup notes from the under 1998 library survey of Internet port system for use in refer rev. of, 85-86 usersat Seton Hall Univesity ence environments ional wssociations, 535-43 Richardson, 29-37 Thomas, ed., rev. of 490-91 Shamans, software, and spleens: | The role of recruitment in and the construction of the infor R achiev ing goals related to di mation society Boyle rev. of Radway, Janice A versity,” Winston, 240-4 193-94 DOOK the Book Rosenbaum Art, re (Document Shumar, Wesley, College for sale: a ne g ritique of the commodification of theres Americar higher education rev. of 392-94 Recommendations 194-97 Sih, Julie Recommendations for benchmarkWiebn gsi te usage Rubens, Charlotte € Anempiri benchmarking Web site usage ymong academic libraries cal examination of subjec among academic libraries Hightower, 61-79 headings for Women’s Studies 61 Representations of the alterna core materials,” 130-38 Simmonds, Patience I Explain tive press in academic library Rutstein, Joel, “Commentarieso n ing user satisfaction with aca collections Marinko, 363 the new model at other librar demic libraries: strategic im \ reputational study of academic ics Colo. State | 125-26 plications,” 156-67 publishers Metz, 57:234-47 Ryan, Michael, revs. (Visual expla simpson, Christopher, ed., Univer- comment, 282-83 nation 491-93; Acade ities and empire: money ITCH MISCC ndauct mp sm, 293-94) politics in the social ions, and strate gies, Altman luring the Cold War, rev. of, 488. ed rev. of 592-94 ~ 90 Response to “T}h e academic elite Sableman, Mark More speech Slaughter, Sheila, Academic capital in library scrence Bates communications lau in th ism: politics, policies, and the _— 80) response 481 informatagieo, nre v. of, 594 entrepreneurial unt ersity, rev adem rar Saenger, Paul Henry, Space between of, 293-94 wreganizational deve eilooppmmee n vords the ori‘gA ins of silent read Small college library directors th eu ake of technolologgiicalc al « cha ng, rev. of 486-88 getting in the door and surviv- Schwartz, ed., rev. of, 291 Sandore Beth Technology and ing on the job,” O'Keeffe, 140. Restructuring serial manage management in library and in 53 ment to generate new re formation services, rev. of, 83 Space between words: the origins of sources and services with RS ilent reading, Saenger, rev. of, commentaries on ublishing: th 1e electronic 486-88 restructatu trhrieen ignsstit u frontier Peek ed.., rev. of, 86-87 Stamatoplos, Anthony, “Effectso f tions,” 115-28 Schwartz, Charles A “Between library instructiono n univer Restructuring serials manage two ages, guest editorial, 112 sity students’ satisfaction with ment to generate new re 13; ed., Restructuring academic the library a longitudinal sources and services — with I ational lop study,” 323-34 commentaries on ke of technologiQIc al Statement of ownership, man restructatu trhrieen ingstsit u of, 291 92 Re agement, and circulation,’ trons, Schwartz, commentar structuring serials manage College& research libraries, 589 ies, 115-24, 125-28 ment to generate new re Stemmer John \ reputational RichaMradstseorn:, Jaonh n eVv,,a lIur atiQoune stoifo n a scooumrmceesn taanrdi ess ervices—witohn s5t7u-d2y3 4o-f4 7a cacdeommimce ntpu,b li2s8h2e-r8s3,” < web-based decision-support restructatu trhrieen ignstsit u Su, Mila ¢ “Anempirical exami system for use in referencee n tions,” commentaries, 115-24 nation of subject headings for vironments,” 29-37 125-28 Women’s Studies core materi Riggs, Donald The growing Se lected reference books ils,” 130-38 imporotf satante clibera ry as Mcllivaine, 1997 l 77 9] 199 sociations, editorial, 500-501 98, 467-80 I Let us stop apologizing for self-ser systems in libraries: fi Tallent, Ed., rev. (Information qualitative research,” edito nal report, Brophy, rev. of, 285 immaagegiinneeeerriinnge) 493-94 rial, 404—5 g Technology and management in li Robert, Ellen R letter to the ed Sellen, Betty-Carol, ed., Whi if eise brary and information services 282-83 in dou ith a library degree Lancaster, rev. of, 83-85 Robertson, James, “Commentaries options for the 90s and be Texas \&M, “Academic librarians on the new mode! at other li yond, rev. ot 394-95 and the pursuit of tenure: the braries: N] Instituteo f Tech Seriais, management tn th—e _e lectronu support group as a strategy tor 127-28 era pape rs in honor of Peter success,” 260-65 Rochlin, Gene L, Trapped in the net Gellatl y founding editor of The Thomas, Joy, ed., The roolf perof es the unanticipated consequences serials librarian, Cole, ec , TeV sional associations, rev. of, 490 of computerization, rev. of, 396 of, 201-2 91 98 Seton Hall L _ “Challenges and op- Thomas, Mary Augusta, ed., Infor Rodgers, Terry, The library parapro- portunities: a report of the mation tmagineering: meeting 102f College & Research Libraries January 1999 at the interface, rev. of 493-94 U. of lowa, “The University of lowa Williams, James W Tilghman, Adam, “Recommenda libraries’ undergraduautsee r management in the tions for benchmarking Web needs assessment,” 572-84 site usage among academic li The University of lowa libraries Gellatly, founding editor of T braries,” 61-79 undergraduate user needs serials librarian, rev. of, 201-2 The trainingo f academic library assessment Clougherty, 57 2 rev. (Outsourcing library tech staff on information technol 84 nical services operations), 288 ogy within the librarieso f the U. of Kan Commentarieson the 90 Minnesota State Colleges and new mode! at other libraries, Wilson, Karen A., ed., Outsourcing Universities system 126-27 library technical services opera Kirkpatrick, 51-59 U.of Mass., Boston R2e structuring y tion practices in academic pub *d in the net: the unanticipated serials management to gener and special libraries, rev. of onsequences of computerization ate new resources and ser 288-90 Rochlin, rev. of, 396-98 vices,” commentaries, 115-24 Wilson, Patrick, rev. (Information Tufte, Edward R., Visual explana king and subje esenta ons: images and quantit Using transactionlo g analysist o m), 287-88 nce and narrative, rev. of, 491 improve OPAC retrieval re Winston, Mark, “The role of re sults,” Blecic, 39-50 cruitment in achieving goals related to diversity 240-47 Vv L Winter, Michael F letter to the ed Unaeze, Felix I rev. (¢ Vesper. Virginia, comp 282-83 promotion and tenure for promotior Wolf, Milton T., ed Information jemi librarians), 586 cmic lib ‘ fi ; of imagineering: meetinga t the ir Iniversities and empire: money and ais lo exp, lana, tio; ns:" I im1aa0g0e¢s and terface, rev. of, 493-94 he social sciences quantities, evidence and narra Woodward, Jeannette A., Writing during the Cold War, Simpson tive, Tufte, rev. of, 491-93 research papers: investigating ed., rev. of, 488-90 resources in Cyberspace, rev. of The university library as learn Ww 390-92 ing Organization for innova What difference does diversity researcn papers: investigat tion: an exploratory study make in managing student ing resources in cyberspace Fowler, 220-31 employees?,” Kathman, 378 Woodward, rev. of, 390-92 UCLA Computer-assisted in struction: is it an optifoorn bi b library Y liographic instruction in large degree areer options for the 90s Youngen, Gregory K., “Citation undergraduate survey and beyond, Sellen, ed., rev. of patterns to traditional and classes,” 19-27 Question 394-95 electronic preprints in the Master an evaluation of a White, Gary W Cost-benefit published literature,” 448-56 web-based decision support analysis of electronic informa system for use in reference en tion: a case study 503-10 Z vironments,” 29-3 Whitmire Ethelene Develop Zemon, Mickey An analysis of San Diego, “Recommenda ment of critical thinking skills articles by college librarians tions for benchmarking Web an analysis of academic li 422-32 site usage among academic li brary experiences and other ang, Sha Li Embracing the braries,” 61-79 neasures,” 266-73 new technology and keeping of Ill, Chicago, “Using transac Williams, Clay, rev. (The harmony: in search of a new tion log analysis to improve library), 483-84 balance,” guest editorial, 301 OPAC retrieval results,” 39 Williams, James, II Faculty-li 3; tr, “Increasing the pacoef a n yi } brary teamwork in book order integral library system in ing,” 524-33 China: moving toward the twenty-first century,” 169-76

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