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COLLEGE ENGLISH INDEX TO VOLUME 55 AUTHOR-TITLE INDEX* Addison, Catherine. From Literal to Figu- Brown, Ted. Unkind Cuts: Rethinking the rative: An Introduction to the Study of Rhetoric of Academic Job Rejection Simile: April 402-419. Letters: November 770-778. Allan Bloom, Mike Rose, and Paul Good- Buley-Meissner, Mary Louise. Reclaiming man: In Search of a Lost Pedagogical Personal Knowledge: Investigations of Synthesis, Jeff Smith: November 721- Identity, Difference, and Community in 744. College Education (Review): February An Apologia for Creative Writing, Ron 211-221. McFarland: January 28-45. The Cognitive Paradigm in Literary Stud- Assigning Places: The Function of Intro- ies, Joseph M. Bizup and Eugene R. ductory Composition as a Cultural Dis- Kintgen: December 841-857. course, Alan W. France: October Connecting Literature to Students’ Lives, 593-609. Dan Morgan: September 483-492. Auslander, Bonnie. In Search of Mr. Write The Course as Text/The Teacher as Critic (Editor’s Choice): September 523-524. (Review), Joseph Harris: November Bacon, Jacqueline. Impasse or Tension? 785-793. Pedagogy and the Canon Controversy: The Craft So Long to Learn (Review), September 493-506. George Garrett: April 437-439. Barton, Ellen L. Evidentials, Argumenta- Crossley, Robert. Fiction and the Future tion, and Epistemological Stance: No- (Review): December 908-918. vember 745-769. Cultural Politics in the Academic Commu- Bibby, Michael. “Where Is Vietnam?” An- nity: Masking the Color Line, Karla tiwar Poetry and the Canon: February F. C. Holloway: October 610-617. 158-178. Dasenbrock, Reed Way. What Is English Bizup, Joseph M., and Eugene R. Kintgen. Anyway? (Review): September 533-539. The Cognitive Paradigm in Literary Diggory, Terence. The Poet: Minotaur or Studies: December 841-857. Daedalus? (Review): March 328-333. Black Perspectives on Huck Finn and Oth- Educating the Imagination, Es’kia Mpha- ers (Review), Lucille P. Fultz: October hlele: February 179-186. 650-654. Elbow, Peter. Ranking, Evaluating, and Boyle, Frank T. IBM, Talking Heads, and Liking: Sorting Out Three Forms of Our Classrooms: October 618-626. Judging: February 187-206. *Separate listings for poems and Comment & Response exchanges follow the Author-Title listing. COLLEGE ENGLISH, VOLUME 55, NUMBER 8, DECEMBER 1993 956 COLLEGE ENGLISH Electronic Mail and the Writing Instructor, Holloway, Karla F. C. Cultural Politics in Gail E. Hawisher and Charles Moran: the Academic Community: Masking the October 627-643. Color Line: October 610-617. Evidentials, Argumentation, and Episte- Hunter, Paul. Symposium on Basic Writ- mological Stance, Ellen L. Barton: No- ing, Conflict and Struggle, and the Leg- vember 745-769. acy of Mina Shaughnessy: December Families of Orphans: Relation and Disrela- 892-894. tion in Octavia Butler’s Kindred, Ashraf I Stand Here Writing, Nancy Sommers: H. A. Rushdy: February 135-157. April 420-428. Farrell, Thomas J. Symposium on Basic IBM, Talking Heads, and Our Classrooms, Writing, Conflict and Struggle, and the Frank T. Boyle: October 618-626. Legacy of Mina Shaughnessy: Decem- Imbrie, Ann E. “What Shalimar Knew”: ber 889-892. Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon as a Fiction and the Future (Review), Robert Pastoral Novel: September 465-482. Crossley: December 908-918. Impasse or Tension? Pedagogy and the Finke, Laurie. Knowledge as Bait: Femi- Canon Controversy, Jacqueline Bacon: nism, Voice, and the Pedagogical Un- September 493-506. conscious: January 7-27. In Praise of the Sophists, Walker Gibson: France, Alan W. Assigning Places: The March 284-290. Function of Introductory Composition In Search of Mr. Write (Editor’s Choice), as a Cultural Discourse: October 593- Bonnie Auslander: September 523--524. 609. Kairos and Kenneth Burke’s Psychology of Freshman Composition: No Place for Litera- Political and Social Communication, ture, Erika Lindemann: March 311-316. Cynthia Miecznikowski Sheard: March From Literal to Figurative: An Introduc- 291-310. tion to the Study of Simile, Catherine Kintgen, Eugene R., and Joseph Bizup. Addison: April 402-419. The Cognitive Paradigm in Literary Fultz, Lucille P. Black Perspectives on Studies: December 841-857. Huck Finn and Others (Review): Octo- Knowledge as Bait: Feminism, Voice, and ber 650-654. the Pedagogical Unconscious, Laurie Garrett, George. The Craft So Long to Finke: January 7-27. Learn (Review): April 437-439. Language and Literacy at Home and at Gibson, Walker. In Praise of the Sophists: School (Review), Sharon J. Hamilton: March 284-290. November 794-800. Gleason, Barbara. Symposium on Basic Laurence, Patricia. Symposium on Basic Writing, Conflict and Struggle, and the Writing, Conflict and Struggle, and the Legacy of Mina Shaughnessy: Decem- Legacy of Mina Shaughnessy: Decem- ber 886-889. ber 879-882. Gross, Alan G. Rhetorical Imperialism in Lindemann, Erika. Freshman Composi- Science (Review): January 82-87. tion: No Place for Literature: March Hamilton, Sharon J. Language and Liter- 311-316. acy at Home and at School (Review): Lu, Min-Zhan. Symposium on Basic Writ- November 794-800. ing, Conflict and Struggle, and the Leg- Harris, Joseph. The Course as Text/The acy of Mina Shaughnessy: December Teacher as Critic (Review): November 894-901. 785-793. McFarland, Ron. An Apologia for Creative Hawisher, Gail E., and Charles Moran. Writing: January 28-45. Electronic Mail and the Writing In- Meyer, Sheree L. Refusing to Play the structor: October 627-643. Confidence Game: The Illusion of Mas- tery in the Reading/Writing of Texts: Rhetorical Imperialism in Science (Re- January 46-63. view), Alan G. Gross: January 82-87. Middleton, Joyce Irene. Orality, Literacy, Rondinone, Peter. Symposium on Basic and Memory in Toni Morrison’s Song of Writing, Conflict and Struggle, and the Solomon: January 64-75. Legacy of Mina Shaughnessy: Decem- Moran, Charles, and Gail E. Hawisher. ber 882-885. Electronic Mail and the Writing In- Rosenblatt, Louise M. The Transactional structor: October 627-643. Theory: Against Dualisms: April 377- Morgan, Dan. Connecting Literature to 386. Students’ Lives: September 483-492. Ruoff, A. LaVonne Brown. Recent Native Mphahlele, Es’kia. Educating the Imagina- American Literary Criticism (Review): tion: February 179-186. October 655-665. Niles, John D. Rewriting Beowulf: The Task Rushdy, Ashraf H. A. Families of Orphans: of Translation: December 858-878. Relation and Disrelation in Octavia Orality, Literacy, and Memory in Toni Butler’s Kindred: February 135-157. Morrison’s Song of Solomon, Joyce Irene Sheard, Cynthia Miecznikowski. Kairos and Middleton: January 64-75. Kenneth Burke’s Psychology of Political A Place for Literature in Freshman Com- and Social Communication: March position, Gary Tate: March 317-321. 291-310. The Poet: Minotaur or Daedalus? (Review), Smith, Jeff. Allan Bloom, Mike Rose, and Terence Diggory: March 328-333. Paul Goodman: In Search of a Lost Peda- The Politics of Grammar Handbooks: Ge- gogical Synthesis: November 721-744. neric He and Singular They, Sharon Sommers, Nancy. I Stand Here Writing: Zuber and Ann M. Reed: September April 420-428. 507-522. Spellmeyer, Kurt. “Too Little Care”: Lan- Ranking, Evaluating, and Liking: Sorting guage, Politics, and Embodiment in the Out Three Forms of Judgment, Peter Life-World: March 265-283. Elbow: February 187-206. Symposium on Basic Writing, Conflict and Reclaiming Personal Knowledge: Investi- Struggle, and the Legacy of Mina gations of Identity, Difference, and Shaughnessy, Patricia Laurence, Peter Community in College Education (Re- Rondinone, Barbara Gleason, Thomas view), Mary Louise Buley-Meissner: J. Farrell, Paul Hunter, and Min-Zhan February 211-221. Lu: December 879-903. Recent Native American Literary Criticism Tate, Gary. A Place for Literature in Fresh- (Review), A. LaVonne Brown Ruoff: man Composition: March 317-321. October 655-665. “Too Little Care”: Language, Politics, and Reed, Ann M., and Sharon Zuber. The Embodiment in the Life-World, Kurt Politics of Grammar Handbooks: Ge- Spellmeyer: March 265-283. neric He and Singular They: September The Transactional Theory: Against Dual- 507-522. isms, Louise M. Rosenblatt: April 377- Refusing to Play the Confidence Game: 386. The Illusion of Mastery in the Read- Unkind Cuts: Rethinking the Rhetoric of ing/Writing of Texts, Sheree L. Meyer: Academic Job Rejection Letters, Ted January 46-63. Brown: November 770-778. Resisting the Faith: Conversion, Resis- Welch, Nancy. Resisting the Faith: Con- tance, and the Training of Teachers, version, Resistance, and the Training of Nancy Welch: April 387-401. Teachers: April 387-401. Rewriting Beowulf: The Task of Translation, What Is English Anyway? (Review), Reed John D. Niles: December 858-878. Way Dasenbrock: September 533-539. COLLEGE ENGLISH “What Shalimar Knew”: Toni Morrison’s Zuber, Sharon and Ann M. Reed. The Poli- Song ofS olomon as a Pastoral Novel, Ann tics of Grammar Handbooks: Generic E. Imbrie: September 465-482. He and Singular They: September 507- “Where Is Vietnam?” Antiwar Poetry and 522. the Canon, Michael Bibby: February 158-178. COMMENT & RESPONSE Alphabetically listed by author commented on Bloom, Lynn Z. Teaching College English Latosi-Sawin, Leon Knight, Jeanie C. as a Woman: November 1992, 818. Crain: October 673-679. Comment: Virginia Allen: September Linkin, Harriet Kramer. The Current 552-553. Response: Lynn Z. Bloom: Canon in British Romantics Studies: September 554-556. September 1991, 548. Comment: Pierre Deletiner, Carole. Crossing Lines: No- A. Walker: February 222-226. Re- vember 1992, 809. Comment: Cheryl sponse: Harriet Kramer Linkin: Febru- Alton: October 666-669. Comment: ary 226-227. Kathleen Pfeiffer: October 669-671. McCarthy, Lucille Parkinson, and Stephen Response: Carole Deletiner: October M. Fishman. Is Expressivism Dead?: Oc- 671-673. tober 1992, 647. Comment: Frank Fishman, Stephen M., and Lucille Parkin- Farmer: September 548-549. Comment: son McCarthy. Is Expressivism Dead?: Alan W. France: September 549-550. October 1992, 647. Comment: Frank Smith, Robert E., III. Hymes, Rorty, and Farmer: September 548-549. Com- the Social-Rhetorical Construction of ment: Alan W. France: September 549- Meaning: February 1992, 138. Com- 550. Response: Stephen M. Fishman: ment: Michael Bernard-Donals: March September 550-552. 334-335. Response: Robert E. Smith Haefner, Joel. Democracy, Pedagogy, and Il: March 335-336. the Personal Essay: February 1992, 127. Sosnoski, James J., and Patricia Harkin. Comment: Kurt Spellmeyer: January The Case for Hypergradesheets: A 89-92. Response: Joel Haefner: January Modest Proposal: January 1992, 22. 92-94. Comment: Alan C. Purves: January 88- Harkin, Patricia, and James J. Sosnoski. 89. Response: Patricia Harkin and James The Case for Hypergradesheets: A J. Sosnoski: January 89. Modest Proposal: January 1992, 22. Stotsky, Sandra. Conceptualizing Writing Comment: Alan C. Purves: January 88- as Moral and Civic Thinking: Novem- 89. Response: Patricia Harkin and James ber 1992, 794. Comment: Ted Lardner: J. Sosnoski: January 89. November 801-805. Comment: Alan Lindemann, Erika. Freshman Composi- W. France: November 805-806. Re- tion: No Place for Literature; and Gary sponse: Sandra Stotsky: November 806- Tate, A Place for Composition in Fresh- 810. man Composition: March, 311. Com- ‘Tate, Gary. Freshman Composition: No ments: Gregory S. Jay, Elizabeth Place for Literature; and Erika Linde- . < ‘ | 7 a : {4 | \ ; ‘ i 4, ® e , ‘ eo rs) ° aaa : a - - : ? Doe iw 7 s k s ' é\ \ . : x m ; i are }« t ¥ ; ; ‘ ° f : r - e . . ‘ . A & Tt’ (o : : o i : & w ee ‘ : 7 “ r ; e s 3 « : a : > * *} . a et) 2 a ; . : t ' - : : : g ‘

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