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Preview College Composition and Communication 2007 - 2008: Vol 59 Index & Table of Contents

CCC INDEX VOL. 59, 2007-2008 Dyehouse, Helen O'Grady, Nedra “Extraordinary Understandings’ of Reynolds, Robert Schwegler, and Linda Composition at the University of Shamoon. February, 503-511. Chicago: Frederick Champion Ward, Kenneth Burke, and Henry W. Sams.” Coogan, David. “Response to Heather James P. Beasley. September, 36-52. Lettner-Rust” (InterchangesJ)un.e , 813-814. “Further Contributions from the Ethical Turn in Composition/Rhetoric: Danielewicz, Jane. “Personal Genres, Public Analyzing Ethics in Interaction.” Ellen Voices.” February, 420-450. Barton. June, 596-632. “Defining Dialect” (Review Essay). David Harker, Michael. “The Ethics of Argument: Johnson. February, 548-556. Rereading Kairos and Making Sense in a “Delivering the Goods: How Writing Timely Fashion.” September, 77-97. Instruction Really Works” (Review Hammill, Bobbi Ann. “Teaching and Essay). Howard Tinberg. June, 815-820. Parenting: Who Are the Members of Our Dyehouse, Jeremiah, Libby Miles, Michael Profession?” September, 98-124. Pennell, Kim Hensley Owens, Helen Holding, Cory. “Affecting Rhetoric” (Review O'Grady, Nedra Reynolds, Robert Essay). December, 317-329. Schwegler, and Linda Shamoon. “Commenting on Douglas Downs and “How ‘Very Inside, That”: Seeing Artistry in Elizabeth Wardle's “Teaching about Student Work (Re-Visions, Rethinking Writing, Righting Misconceptions” Joseph Janangelos “Joseph Cornell and (Interchanges). February, 503-511. the Artistry of Composing Persuasive Hypertexts”). Joseph Janangelo. Elbow, Peter. “Coming to See Myself as a December, 311-316. Vernacular Intellectual: Remarks at the 2007 CCCC General Session on Receiving “It Is Not Only Ours” (Re-Visions, Rethink- the Exemplar Award” (Perspectives). ing Joseph Janangelos “Joseph Cornell February, 519-524. and the Artistry of Composing Persua- sive Hypertexts”). Anne Frances “English Contact Languages and Rhetorics: Wysocki. December, 282-288. Implications for U.S. English Composi- tion” (Review Essay). Carol Severino. Jacobs, Dale. “Marveling at The Man Called September, 128-138. Nova: Comics as Sponsors of Multi- modal Literacy.” December, 180-205. “Engiish May Be My Second Language, but I'm Not ‘ESL Christina Ortmeier- Janangelo, Joseph. “How ‘Very Inside, That”: Hooper. February, 389-419. Seeing Artistry in Student Work (Re- Visions, Rethinking Joseph Janangelo’s Eubanks, Philip, and John D. Schaeffer. “A “Joseph Cornell and the Artistry of Kind Word for Bullshit: The Problem of Composing Persuasive Hypertexts”). Academic Writing.” February, 372-388. December, 311-316. “Excerpts from Janangelos original article” Johnson, David. “Defining Dialect” (Review (Re-Visions, Rethinking Joseph Essay). February, 548-556. Janangelos “Joseph Cornell and the Artistry of Composing Persuasive “Joseph Janangelo and the Analogics of New Hypertexts”). December, 280-282. Media” (Re-Visions, Rethinking Joseph Janangelos “Joseph Cornell and the CCC 59:4 / JUNE 2008 Artistry of Composing Persuasive Writing, Righting Misconceptions” Hypertexts”). Collin Gifford Brooke. (Interchanges). February, 503-511. December, 288-298. “Mistakes Are a Fact of Life’: A National Kennedy, Kristen. “The Fourth Generation” Comparative Study.” Andrea A. Lunsford (Perspectives). February, 525-537. and Karen J. Lunsford. June, 781-806. Kopelson, Karen. “Sp(|)itting Images; or, “My Five-Paragraph-Theme Theme” Back to the Future of (Rhetoric and?) (Perspectives). Ed White. February, Composition.” June, 750-780. 524-525. Kroll, Barry M. “Arguing with Adversaries: “Networked Boxes: The Logic of Too Much” Aikido, Rhetoric, and the Art of Peace.” (Re-Visions, Rethinking Joseph February, 451-472. Janangelo’s “Joseph Cornell and the Artistry of Composing Persuasive Kutney, Joshua P. “Will Writing Awareness Hypertexts”). Jeff Rice. December, Transfer to Writing Performance?— 299-311. Response to Downs and Wardle” (Interchanges). December, 276-279. O'Grady, Helen, Libby Miles, Michael Pennell, Kim Hensley Owens, Jeremiah Lerner, Neal. “Rejecting the Remedial Dyehouse, Nedra Reynolds, Robert Brand: The Rise and Fall of the Schwegler, and Linda Shamoon. Dartmouth Writing Clinic.” September, “Commenting on Douglas Downs and 13-35. Elizabeth Wardle's ‘Teaching about Lettner-Rust, Heather. “Response to ‘Service Writing, Righting Misconceptions” Learning and Social Change: The Case . (Interchanges). February, 503-511. for Materialist Rhetoric” by David Ortmeier-Hooper, Christina. “English May Coogan (InterchangesJ)un.e , 807-813. Be My Second Language, but I’m Not Lunsford, Andrea A., and KarenJ . Lunsford. ‘ESL’ February, 389-419. “Mistakes Are a Fact of Life’: A National Owens, Kim Hensley, Libby Miles, Michael Comparative Study.” June, 781-806. Pennell, Jeremiah Dyehouse, Helen Lunsford, KarenJ .,a nd Andrea A. Lunsford. O'Grady, Nedra Reynolds, Robert “Mistakes Are a Fact of Life’: A National Schwegler, and Linda Shamoon. Comparative Study.” June, 781-806. “Commenting on Douglas Downs and Elizabeth Wardle’s ‘Teaching about “Marveling at The Man Called Nova: Writing, Righting Misconceptions” Comics as Sponsors of Multimodal (Interchanges). February, 503-511. Literacy.” Dale Jacobs. December, 180- 205. “Peers and Plagiarism: The Role of Student Judicial Boards (Interchanges). Elaine McKee, Heidi, and James E. Porter. “The Whitaker. September, 125-127. Ethics of Digital Writing Research: A Rhetorical Approach.” June, 711-749. Pennell, Michael, Libby Miles, Kim Hensley Owens, Jeremiah Dyehouse, Helen Miles, Libby, Michael Pennell, Kim Hensley O'Grady, Nedra Reynolds, Robert Owens, Jeremiah Dyehouse, Helen Schwegler, and Linda Shamoon. O'Grady, Nedra Reynolds, Robert “Commenting on Douglas Downs and Schwegler, and Linda Shamoon. Elizabeth Wardle's “Teaching about “Commenting on Douglas Downs and Writing, Righting Misconceptions” Elizabeth Wardle’s ‘Teaching about (Interchanges). February, 503-511. INDEX VOL Sa INO 7 “Personal Genres, Public Voices.” Jane the Artistry of Composing Persuasive Danielewicz. February, 420-450. Hypertexts”). December, 299-311. Peters, Brad, and Julie Fisher Robertson. Robertson, Julie Fisher, and Brad Peters. “Portfolio Partnerships between Faculty “Portfolio Partnerships between Faculty and WAC: Lessons from Disciplinary and WAC: Lessons from Disciplinary Practice, Reflection, and Transforma- Practice, Reflection, and Transforma- tion.” December, 206-236. tion.” December, 206-236. Porter, James E. and Heidi McKee. “The Rutz, Carol. “Scoring by Machine” (Review Ethics of Digital Writing Research: A Essay). September, 139-144. Rhetorical Approach.” June, 711-749. Schaeffer, John D., and Philip Eubanks. “A “Portfolio Partnerships between Faculty and Kind Word for Bullshit: The Problem of WAC: Lessons from Disciplinary Academic Writing.” February, 372-388. Practice, Reflection, and Transforma- Schwegler, Robert, Libby Miles, Michael tion.” Brad Peters and Julie Fisher Pennell, Kim Hensley Owens, Jeremiah Robertson. December, 206-236. Dyehouse, Helen O'Grady, Nedra Price, Margaret. “Accessing Disability: A Reynolds, and Linda Shamoon. “Com- Nondisabled Student Works the menting on Douglas Downs and Hyphen.” September, 53-76. Elizabeth Wardle's “Teaching about Writing, Righting Misconceptions” Raymond, Richard C. “When Writing (Interchanges). February, 503-511. Professors Teach Literature: Shaping Questions, Finding Answers, Effecting “Scoring by Machine” (Review Essay). Carol Change.” February, 473-502. Rutz. September, 139-144. “Rejecting the Remedial Brand: The Rise “Seemingly Uncouth Forms: Letters at and Fall of the Dartmouth Writing Mount Holyoke Female Seminary.” Clinic.” Neal Lerner. September, 13-35. Suzanne B. Spring. June, 633-375. “Response to Heather Lettner-Rust” Severino, Carol. “English Contact Lan- (Interchanges). David Coogan. June, guages and Rhetorics: Implications for 813-814. U.S. English Composition” (Review Essay). September, 128-138. “Response to ‘Service Learning and Social Change: The Case for Materialist Rheto- Shamoon, Linda, Libby Miles, Michael ric” by David Coogan (Interchanges). Pennell, Kim Hensley Owens, Jeremiah Heather Lettner-RusJtun.e , 807-813. Dyehouse, Helen O'Grady, Nedra Reynolds, and Robert Schwegler. Reynolds, Nedra, Libby Miles, Michael “Commenting on Douglas Downs and Pennell, Kim Hensley Owens, Jeremiah Elizabeth Wardle’s “Teaching about Dyehouse, Helen O'Grady, Robert Writing, Righting Misconceptions” Schwegler, and Linda Shamoon. (Interchanges). February, 503-511. “Commenting on Douglas Downs and Elizabeth Wardle's ‘Teaching about “Sp(l)itting Images; or, Back to the Future of Writing, Righting Misconceptions” (Rhetoric and?) Composition.” Karen (Interchanges). February, 503-511. Kopelson. June, 750-780. Rice, Jeff. “Networked Boxes: The Logic of Spring, Suzanne B. “Seemingly Uncouth Too Much’ (Re-Visions, Rethinking Forms’: Letters at Mount Holyoke Female Joseph Janangelo’s “Joseph Cornell and Seminary.” June, 633-375. CeCe §9:4 # JUNE 2008 “Teaching and Parenting: Who Are the “Writing and Teaching behind Barbed Wire: Members of Our Profession?” Bobbi Ann An Exiled Composition Class in a Hammill. September, 98-124. Japanese-American Internment Camp.” Hui Wu. December, 237-262. “The Ethics of Argument: Rereading Kairos and Making Sense in a Timely Fashion.” Wu, Hui. “Writing and Teaching behind Michael Harker. September, 77-97. Barbed Wire: An Exiled Composition Class in a Japanese-American Intern- “The Ethics of Digital Writing Research: A ment Camp.” December, 237-262. Rhetorical Approach.” Heidi McKee and James E. Porter. June, 711-749. Wysocki, Anne Frances. “It Is Not Only Ours” (Re-Visions, Rethinking Joseph “The Fourth Generation” (Perspectives). Janangelo’s “Joseph Cornell and the Kristen Kennedy. February, 525-537. Artistry of Composing Persuasive “The Literacies of Hip-Hop” (Review Essay). Hypertexts”). December, 282-288. Nancy Effinger Wilson. February, 538- Zwagerman, Sean. “The Scarlet P: Plagia- 547. rism, Panopticism, and the Rhetoric of “The Scarlet P: Plagiarism, Panopticism, Academic Integrity.” June, 676-710. and the Rhetoric of Academic Integrity.” Sean Zwagerman. June, 676-710. Books Reviewed Tinberg, Howard. “Delivering the Goods: Alim, H. Samy. Roc the Mic Right: The How Writing Instruction Really Works” Language of Hip Hop Culture. Review (Review Essay). June, 815-820. essay by Nancy Effinger Wilson. “Voices of the Company We Keep” (2007 February, 538-547. Chair's Address). AKua Duku Anokye. Ball, Arnetha F., and Ted Lardner. African December, 263-275. American Literacies Unleashed: “When Writing Professors Teach Literature: Vernacular English and the Composition Shaping Questions, Finding Answers, Classroom. Review essay by Carol Effecting Change.” Richard C. Raymond. Severino. September, 128-138. February, 473-502. Boler, Megan, ed. Democratic Dialogue in Whitaker, Elaine. “Peers and Plagiarism: Education: Troubling Speech, Disturbing The Role of Student Judicial Boards Silence. Rev. by Brad Hammer. June, 821- (Interchanges). September, 125-127. 825. White, Ed. “My Five-Paragraph-Theme Brennan, Teresa. The Transmission of Affect. Theme” (Perspectives). February, 524- Review essay by Cory Holding. Decem- 525. ber, 317-329. “Will Writing Awareness Transfer to Campbell, Kermit E. “Gettin’ Our Groove Writing Performance?— Response to On”: Rhetoric, Language, and Literacfyo r Downs and Wardle” (Interchanges). the Hip Hop Generation. Review essay by Joshua P. Kutney. December, 276-279. Nancy Effinger Wilson. February, 538- 547. Wilson, Nancy Effinger. “The Literacies of Hip-Hop” (Review Essay). February, 538- Crowley, Sharon. Toward a Civil Discourse: 547. Rhetoric and Fundamentalism. Review CCC INDEX VOL. 59, 2007-2008 essay by Cory Holding. December, 317- Redd, Teresa M., and Karen Schuster Webb. 329. A Teachers’ Introduction to African American English: What a Writing Ericsson, Patricia Freitag, and Richard Teacher Should Know. Review essay by Haswell, eds. Machine Scoring of Student David Johnson. February, 548-556. Essays: Truth and Consequences. Review essay by Carol Rutz. September, 139-144. Richardson, Elaine. Hiphop Literacies. Review essay by Nancy Effinger Wilson. Harris, Joseph. Rewriting: How to Do Things February, 538-547. with Texts. Review essay by Howard Tinberg. June, 815-820. Riley, Denise. Impersonal Passion: Language as Affect. Review essay by Cory Holding. Inman, James A. Computers and Writing: December, 317-329. The Cyborg Era. Rev. by Christie Rinck. June, 825-827. Smitherman, Geneva. Word from the Mother: Language and African Ameri- MacNeil, Robert, and William Cran. Do You cans. Review essay by Nancy Effinger Speak American? Review essay by David Wilson. February, 538-547. Johnson. February, 548-556. Wolfram, Walt, and Ben Ward, eds. Mao, LuMing. Reading Chinese Fortune American Voices: How Dialects Differ Cookie: The Making of Chinese American from Coast to Coast. Review essay by Rhetoric. Review essay by Carol Severino. David Johnson. February, 548-556. September, 128-138. Yancey, Kathleen Blake, ed. Delivering Nero, Shondel J., ed. Dialects, Englishes, College Composition: The Fifth Canon. Creoles, and Education. Review essay by Review essay by Howard Tinberg. June, Carol Severino. September, 128-138. 815-820.

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