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Collective Modes in the Loop Current Ordered Phase of Cuprates PDF

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by  Yan He
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Preview Collective Modes in the Loop Current Ordered Phase of Cuprates

Collective Modes in the Loop Current Ordered Phase of Cuprates Yan He and C.M. Varma Department of Physics, University of California, Riverside, CA (Dated: January 31, 2012) Recentlytwobranchesofweaklydispersivecollectivemodeshavebeendiscoveredinunder-doped cupratesby inelastic neutron scattering. Polarization analysis reveals that themodes are magnetic excitations. They are only visible for temperatures below the transition temperature to a broken symmetryphasewhichwasdiscoveredearlierandtheirintensityincreasesastemperatureisfurther 2 decreased. The broken symmetry phase itself has symmetries consistent with ordering of orbital 1 current loops within a unit-cell without breaking translational symmetry. In order to calculate the 0 collectivemodesofsuchastateweaddquantumtermstotheAshkin-Teller(AT)modelwithwhich 2 the classical loop current order has been described. We derive that the mean field ground state of thequantummodelisaproductoverallunit-cellsoflinearcombinationofthefourpossibleclassical n configurations of the loop current order in each unit-cell. The collective modes are calculated by a usingageneralizedHolstein-Primakoffbosonrepresentationoforbitalmomentoperatorsandleadto J threebranchesofgappedweaklydispersivecollectivemodes. Theexperimentalresultsareconsistent 8 withthetwolowerenergybranches;thethirdmodeisatahigherenergythanlookedforbypresent 2 neutronscatteringexperimentsandmightalsobeover-damped. Implicationsofthediscoveryofthe collective modes are discussed. ] l e PACSnumbers: - r t s I. INTRODUCTION . T t a Pseudogapped m Thermodynamic1,2 as well as other properties3 in all metal Cuprate families with high superconducting transition - d temperatures change their temperature dependence be- Anti- ? T* n low about a characteristic temperature T∗(x), which de- Ferromagnetic Strange Crossover o pends on doping x, from those at higher temperatures. Metal c [ The region below T∗(x), see Fig. (1) is said to mark the pseudogap region. Photoemission4 and Angle re- Fermi liquid 1 solved photoemission experiments reveal5 an anisotropic v decreaseinsingleparticlespectralweightnearthechem- 8 ical potential below T∗(x). A popular belief3 has been QCP x (doping) 2 9 that T∗(x) marks a crossover to a region of reduced low Superconductivity 5 energyone-particlespectralweight,aswellasinmultiple . particle-hole spectral weights, due to one or other rea- 1 0 son, preformed pairs6, resonating valence bonds7, stripe Figure1: Theuniversalphasediagramofhole-dopedcuprates based onpropertieswhich showcharacteristic changes across 2 formation8 orotherstatesofchargemodulation,proxim- the boundaries shown in all the cuprates. The boundary of 1 ity to the Mott-AFM-insulating state9, etc.. Guided by the pseudogap phase has not yet been determined in experi- v: the fact that a “strange -metal ” region whose proper- ments, i.e how T∗(x) line continues for lower x has not been i ties can be explained by quantum-critical fluctuations10 determined. X abuts the pseudo-gap region in the phase diagram, a r broken symmetry state was sought for the region below a T∗(x) with T∗(x) 0 at x x , the quantum-critical property of the cuprates. The magnitude of the order c → → point. An unusual class of phases11,12 was found to be parameteris large,estimatedinHg1201, with T 61K c ≈ stableinmean-fieldcalculationsofthethree-bandmodel and T∗ 350K, to be about 0.4µ per unit-cell. B forcuprates14,15. Insuchphasestime-reversalsymmetry More≈recently inelastic neutron scattering has is broken via spontaneous generation of orbital currents discovered18 two branches of weakly dispersive collective in each cu-o unit-cell without altering the translational modes for three different x in the family (Hg1201)for T symmetry. Thephasetransitionbelongstotheclasswith below T∗(x). (Similar modes have been also found19 in an order parameter singularity but no divergence in the YBa Cu O .) Theironsettemperatureandincreaseof 2 3 6.6 specific heat12,28. spectral weight as a function of temperature follows the An order parameter consistent with the symmetry temperature of the intensity of the elastic order. Such predicted has been discovered in four different families modes were also anticipated12 and further substantiate of cuprates through polarized neutron scattering16 or the broken symmetry. In this paper, we describe details dichroic ARPES17 and may be regarded as a universal of the calculation of such modes as well as of another 2 Cu O - - + + - - + + |1,1> |-1,1> |-1,-1> |1,-1> Figure2: ThefourPossible“classical” domainsofthelooporderedstateareshown. Intheclassicalorderedphase,oneofthese configurations is found in every unit-cell. higher energy branch of excitations which has not yet been discovered. A brief report of this work has already been published20. The observed broken symmetry is consistent with spontaneous moments due to a pair of orbital current loops within each unit-cell preserving overall transla- tionalsymmetry. Itbreaksboth time-reversalandinver- sionsymmetry,preservingtheirproduct. The“classical” order parameter21 may be characterized by the anapole vector22 L L= d2r(M(r) ˆr) M r (1) µ µ × ≈ × Zcell µ X where the moment distribution M(r) is formed due to the currents on the four O-Cu-O triangles per unit-cell as shown in Fig. (2). This figure also shows the four possible “classical” domains of the loop current ordered state. In the classical ground state, ordering occurs in one of the domains shown. Quantum-mechanics allows local fluctuations among the four configurations in Fig (2). This leads, as shown inthispapertoagroundstateinwhicheachunit-cellhas Figure 3: The schematic figure shows that there are only 3 a finite admixture of all the four configurations. It also collective modes. leads to three branches of collective modes of the order parameteratfiniteenergiesatallmomentaqforT <T∗. The finite energy follows from the fact that the ground comparewiththeresultsfromexperiments. Weconclude state has symmetry consistentwith thatof a generalized bydiscussingthe significanceoftheexperimentaldiscov- (transverse-field)Ising model. Inthis paperthese modes eryofthecollectivemodesandthefurtherpossibleeffects willbederived. Onecanarguethatthereshouldbethree which arise from the calculations here. In four Appen- because each of the four configurations can make transi- dices, we discuss the necessityfor casting the problemin tions to the other three as pictorially shown in Fig. (3). theSU(4)representation,sometechnicaldetails,andthe This paper is organized as follows: In the next sec- theoryforinelasticneutronscatteringfromthecollective tion, we introduce the classical AT model for the loop modes. current order and generalize it to the quantum model in theSU(4)representationratherthantheSU(2) SU(2) × of the classical AT model. The quantum terms are cho- sen from considerations of the internal and lattice sym- II. MODEL FOR QUANTUM-STATISTICAL MECHANICS OF LOOP-CURRENTS metries of the classical model. In the following section, the ground state of the quantum model is evaluated in mean-fieldandthedispersioniscalculatedusingthegen- The order parameter L and an effective Hamiltonian eralizationoftheHolstein-Primakofftransformation. We for this collective variable has been derived11,12,23 start- 3 ing from a model of interacting fermions14. The full Hamiltonian may be written as a sum of three parts: S S 2 1 H =H +H +H , (2) coll F F−coll where H is the Hamiltonian for the collective co- coll ordinates L , which order at T∗ to give the long range i order L, H is the remnant fermion Hamiltonian and F H is the residual interaction between the fermions F−coll and the collective coordinates. In this paper we will be S3 S4 concerned almost exclusively with H , although in a coll brief discussion of damping near the end, H is im- F−coll plicated. Figure 4: We represent here the notation introduced in the AnapproximaterepresentationofLofEq. (1)isgiven text for the location of the momentswithin a unit-cell. by M(r) M δ2(r r ), where r , µ = 1,..,4 are µ µ µ ≈ − the location of the four ”sites” in any cell at the cen- troidofthe momentdistribution. Thesesitesarelabeled model,wemustenlargetherepresentationfromthatof2 S1,..,S4 in Fig.(4). The orbital moments Mµ are ei- by2matrixspacetothatof4by4matrices,i.e. wemust ther up or down or zero. The four classical domains of consider the problem in the SU(4) representationrather Fig.(2)mayberepresentedbythefourvaluesoftheangle thanintheSU(2) SU(2)representation. We introduce θ =π/4,3π/4,5π/4,7π/4thatLmakeswiththexˆ axis. the following direc×t products between Pauli matrices. − The 4 classical loop current states are eigenvalues of op- erators L = (L ,L ) defined at the unit-cell i. We Si =σi I, Ti =I τi, Kij =σi τj (5) i i,x i,y ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ may define a basis, choosing L to be unity, i | | The15tracelessmatricesS, T andK arealsothegener- (L +iL )θ =eiθ θ (3) ators of SU(4) algebra. Their commutators are easy to i,x i,y i i | i | i compute. TheclassicalstatisticalmechanicsoftheLoop-Current state may be derived from the Ashkin-Teller model, [Si,Sj]=2iǫijkSk, [Ti,Tj]=2iǫijkTk, (6) whichisgivenintermsofapairofIsingspinperunit-cell [Si,Tj]=0, (7) σz,τz, whose eigenvalues, 1 specify the x and y com- pioneints of the direction of±the vector L. The four loop [Si,Kjk]=2iǫijlKlk, [Ti,Kjk]=2iǫiklKjl, (8) currentstatescanthereforealsobe denotedas 1, 1 . [Kij,Kkl]=2iǫikmSmδjl+2iǫjlnTnδik (9) The classical Ashkin-Teller model24 is given by|2±5, ± i Under this choice of basis, the 4 states are labeled by H = [J σzσz +J τzτz +J σzσzτzτz] (4) the eigenvalues of σz and τz. We will use the following AT − 1 i j 2 i j 4 i j i j short-hand notation hXi,ji 1 1 Quantum fluctuations among the four possible direc- 1,1 = 1 1 = =(1,0,0,0)T. (10) σ τ tions of order together with dissipation lead26 to a scale | i | i ⊗| i (cid:18)0(cid:19)⊗(cid:18)0(cid:19) invariantspectrumwhichleadstothe observedMarginal And similarly for the other 3 states 1,1 , 1, 1 , Fermi-liquidpropertiesinthequantum-criticalregimein |− i | − i |− 1, 1 . In this basis, the classical AT model can be thephasediagram,Fig. (1). Inthispaper,wewillderive − i rewritten as the effectofthe quantumfluctuationin the orderedloop current phase. In this phase, the kinetic energy locally H = [J S3S3+J T3T3+J K33K33] (11) flipsaloopcurrentstateincellitooneoftheotherthree − 1 i j 2 i j 4 i j hXi,ji states, just as the transverse field does between the two states of the transverse field Ising model. Due to this We nowlistboththe internalandthe lattice symmetries term, the ground state is a superposition, in each unit- of this classical model. cell,ofallthe4possibledirectionsofL . Theexcitations i consist of local flips between the configurations which spreadout spatially throughinteractions between neigh- 1. Internal symmetries: boring sites and acquire dispersion just like spin waves in the transverse-fieldIsing model. The classical AT model has an obvious global contin- uous symmetry U(1)S3 U(1)T3 U(1)K33 which is the rotation around S3, T3×and K33×generated by the rota- A. Symmetries tion matrix U(θ)=eiθ1S3/2eiθ2T3/2eiθ3K33/2. This is the onlycontinuoussymmetryofthe modelandimplies that As explainedinAppendix B,inordertotreatthe four the phase differences between the four states are arbi- states on the same footing in the quantum-mechanical trary. Any quantum term will break this symmetry. 4 The classical model also possess several discrete sym- as the internal Z symmetry σ τ and is generated by 2 ↔ metries. We will argue that the quantum terms should preserve the discrete symmetries. 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Like the Ising model, the classical AT model has a σ˜(π/4)= (14) global Z symmetry which maps σz to σz. Since all  0 1 0 0 2 theinteractiontermsinvolvetwoσz,they−stayinvariant.  0 0 0 1   Similarly, we also have anther Z symmetry which maps 2 Similarly,the reflectionabouty = xswitches 1,1 and τz to τz. − | i − 1, 1 and keeps the other two states the same. It is We are more interested in the symmetric case, J1 = |g−enera−tedi by σ˜(3π/4) = S1T1σ(π/4) which is a combi- J . In this case, there is also a discrete symmetry Z 2 4 nationofthe 3internalsymmetries. Onecansee thatall which is the symmetry under cyclic permutation among the internal discrete symmetries are coincident with the the 4 states. Since the coefficient of S3 and T3 terms lattice symmetries. We expect that the quantum term arethesame,theHamiltonianistheinvariantunderthis preserveallthe lattice symmetries, so it also preserveall transformation. There is another Z symmetry which 2 the internal discrete symmetries. switch σ and τ. 3. Quantum terms allowed. 2. Lattice symmetry Now we want to identify possible terms which lead to the quantum fluctuations among the 4 classical states. The 4 states representthe loop currentpatternon the In26, the AT model has been mapped to XY model in square lattice of copper and oxygens. The point group the quantum-critical fluctuation regime of the phase di- of a square lattice is D . It consists of 4-fold rotations 4 agram. In the loop ordered state, quantum term of AT and reflection about the x-axes, the y-axes and the two model can be thought as a discrete version of the quan- diagonal axes. The loop current states can be thought tum term of XY model which makes clockwise and anti- as currents flow along both x and y axes and the values clockwise rotations. As one can see, the unitary oper- of σz andτz label the directions of these currents. From ator to generate anti-clockwise rotations is just C we 4 these,onecanfindouthowthepointgroupoflatticeact introduced. But since detC = 1, this operator is not 4 on these 4 state. − a proper rotation in the complex 4D space but also in- The4-foldrotationmakesthefollowingtransformation cludes a parity transformation e.g. 1,1 1,1 and 1,1 1,1 1, 1 1, 1 1,1 which is keep other 3 states which cannot be| reail→ized−|as aicon- | i→|− i→|− − i→| − i→| i the same as the internal Z4 symmetry. The transforma- tinuous transformation. Since the quantum evolution of tion matrix is given by states is obtained by integrating infinitesimal rotations, we expect the anti-clockwiserotationoperatorU to be a 0 0 1 0 properrotation,ordetU =1. (Thismatterisfurtherdis- 1 0 0 0 cussed in Appendix A). Therefore, we introduce a phase C = (12) 4 0 0 0 1  factor to correct the sign of the determinant. 0 1 0 0     0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 If we think of 1,1 as a plane vector (1,1), then the U = e−iπ/4. (15) | i 0 0 0 1 above transformation makes a π/2 anti-clockwise rota- 0 1 0 0 tion, which realizes the cyclic permutation among the 4     vectors. Thenonecanfindoutthe followingtransforma- Then the possible quantum terms should be all the pos- tion sible Hermitian combinations of this unitary operator: C S3C† = T3, C T3C† =S3, C K33C† = K3(313) 1 4 4 − 4 4 4 4 − U +U† = [S1+T1+(K23 K32)] (16) √2 − Clearly, the classical AT model is invariant under this 1 i(U U†)= [S1+T1 (K23 K32)] (17) transformation. − √2 − − Now we turn to the reflections. The reflection about i x-axes switches 1,1 with 1, 1 , which is also [U2 (U†)2]=K11 (18) | ± i | ± − i 2 − equivalent to the Ising like internal Z symmetry. This 2 reflection can be generated by operator σ(0) = T1 Sim- Since U4 = 1, we have U2+(U†)2 = 0. Therefore the − ilarly, the reflection about y-axes switches 1, 1 with above are the only possible independent Hermitian com- 1, 1 and is generated by operator σ(|π/2±) i= S1. binations to quadratic order in U. In the most general | − ± i The reflection about y = x switches 1, 1 and 1,1 case, all these terms should be present in the quantum | − i |− i andkeeptheothertwostatesthesame. Thisisthesame AT model. For our problem, we need to constrain this 5 further to be consistent with the lattice symmetry. The σ˜(0), σ˜(π/2) and σ˜(π/2)σ˜(0) form maximal commuting 4-foldrotationoperatorC commuteswithU,thusthere sub-algebra. Therefore the quantum terms are given by 4 is no constraintdue to 4-foldrotation. As discussed, the σ˜(0)+σ˜(π/2) and σ˜(π/2)σ˜(0) with both x and y com- reflectionoperatorsσ˜(0)andσ˜(π/2)areequivalenttoT1 ponent present. The new σ˜(0), σ˜(π/2) are related to the andS1, respectively. And, for the reflectionaboutx and old ones by unitary transformations y axes and diagonal directions, we have ei(φ1T3+φ2S3)/2S1e−i(φ1T3+φ2S3)/2 =σ˜(π/2) S1(U +U†)S1 =i(U U†) (19) − ei(φ1T3+φ2S3)/2T1e−i(φ1T3+φ2S3)/2 =σ˜(0). (25) T1(U +U†)T1 =i(U U†). (20) − Thus the results for energy of the collective modes (but For reflection operator σ( π/4), we note that ± nottheireigenvectorsorthegroundstatewave-function) σ˜(π/4)(U +U†)σ˜(π/4)=i(U U†) (21) should remain the same as in the original gauge. − σ˜(3π/4)(U +U†)σ˜(3π/4)=i(U U†). (22) − K11 is invariant under all these 4 reflections. Once III. DISPERSION OF COLLECTIVE MODES can see that S1 +T1 is even under the reflections and K23 K32 is odd. Therefore, the lattice symmetry re- In the SU(4) formalism, the classical Ashkin Teller quire−the coefficient in front of U +U† and i(U U†) model can be written as − to be the same in order to cancel out the odd part. In conclusion,theproperquantumtermthatrespectallthe HAT =− [J1Si3Sj3+J2Ti3Tj3+J4Ki33Kj33] (26) lattice symmetry should be S1+T1 and K11. hXi,ji Even if we do not start with the rotation operator U, According to the discussion of section II, the quantum wewillgetthesameresultsforthequantumtermjustby fluctuationscanbedescribedbytheAshkinTellermodel imposing lattice symmetry. Inthe chosenbasis,the only diagonal matrices are S3, T3 and K33 and they form a with a symmetric quantum terms or transverse field as Cartan sub-algebra27 of the SU(4) Lie algebra, which is S1 + T1 and K11. The Hamiltonian for the quantum Ashkin-Teller model is therefore given by the maximal commuting sub-algebra one can find. All theother12generatorscontainsnon-zerooff-diagonalel- HQ = [t(S1+T1)+t′K11] ements and act as raising and lowering operators, which AT i i i mixamongthe4states. Themostgeneralquantumterm Xi should be the superposition of all these 12 generators. [J S3S3+J T3T3+J K33K33] (27) − 1 i j 2 i j 4 i j Lattice symmetry requires that the quantum term com- hXi,ji mute with S1, T1, K11 and σ˜(π/4). It is easy to see that S1, T1, K11 commute with each other thus they As discussed earlier, the basis of 4 states at each lattice alsoformaCartansub-algebra. Therefore,theonlygen- site correspond to the 4 types of loop current states. In eratorswhichcommutewithS1,T1,K11 arethemselves. the AT model, these 4 states are labeled by the eigen- σ˜(π/4) switches S1 with T1, thus require the coefficients values of σz and τz which can be denoted as 1, 1 . of S1 and T1 to be the same. Thus the quantum term The kinetic term S1 flips the sign of first inde|x±and±Ti1 S1+T1 and K11 is unique up to some unitary transfor- flipsthesecond. ThenK11 flips bothindicestogether. If mations. we think of the two indices as x and y components of a It may seem strange that only the generators with 1 plane vectors, the 4 states can also be represented by 4 component are involved in the quantum term. Actually, planevectors. ThenS1 andT1 rotatesthevectorbyπ/2 this is only due to the specific choice of representation and K11 rotates the vectors by π. In principle the pa- we have made. We can redefine σ˜(0) and σ˜(π/2) as rametersinthismodelshouldbedeterminedfrommicro- σ˜(0)1,1 =eφ1 1, 1 and σ˜(π/2)1,1 =eφ2 1,1 scopic models. We will treat them as phenomenological | i | − i | i |− i parameters and determine them by fitting the observed σ˜(0)=I 0 eφ1 =T1cosφ T2sinφ (23) dispersionofthecollectivemodes,andjudgeiftheyhave ⊗ e−φ1 0 1− 1 the scale of values expected, which is of the order of the (cid:18) (cid:19) 0 eφ2 pseudo-gap energy. σ˜(π/2)= I =S1cosφ S2sinφ .(24) e−φ2 0 ⊗ 2− 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) SincetheD groupcanbegeneratedby2elements,once A. The Ground State 4 thephasefactorinσ˜(0)andσ˜(π/2)arefixed,phaseofall otherD operatorsarealsodetermined. Ingeneral,there In order to calculate the collective mode dispersion, 4 are three arbitrary phase difference one can choose, but we first determine the ground state in the orderedphase inthe symmetriccase,there areonlytwoleft. The other at the mean field level. For the loop current ordered symmetryoperatorsareobtainedfromC2 =σ˜(π/2)σ˜(0), phase the classical AT model has ferromagnetic interac- 4 σ˜(π/4) = C σ˜(0) and σ˜(3π/2) = C2σ˜(π/4). As before, tions J > 0 and J < J , the latter to ensure that 4 4 1,2 4 | 1,2| 6 there is no divergence of the specific heat at the tran- lattice site label i ): sition. In this phase, we have S3 = 0, T3 = 0 and h i 6 h i 6 S1 =Uc+c†U +b†d+d†b, K33 = 0. The most general uniform quantum ground hstateiis6 a product overallsites of the linear combination S3 =1 2c†c 2d†d, − − of the 4 basis states. Since the overall complex factor T1 =Ub+b†U +c†d+d†c, is redundant, one can parameterize this state by 6 real T3 =1 2b†b 2d†d, parameters. Thus we assume the ground state to be − − K11 =Ud+d†U +b†c+c†b, G 0 = cosθ1 cosθ2 1,1 i+sinθ2 eiφ2 1, 1 i K33 =1−2b†b−2c†c, | i 2 2 | i 2 | − i K13 =Uc+c†U b†d d†b, Yi (cid:16) (cid:17) − − θ θ K31 =Ub+b†U c†d d†c, +sin 1 eiφ1 cos 3 1,1 − − i 2 2 |− i with U = (1 b†b c†c d†d)1/2. In this repre- θ (cid:16) − − − +sin 3 eiφ3 1, 1 (28) sentation, we take the classical ground state such that i 2 |− − i S3 = T3 = K33 = 1. Thus the classical ground (cid:17) h ii h i i h i i state is just 1,1 and b†, c†, d† are the creating opera- It is straightforward to compute the energy per site Eg | i i i i torsofstates 1, 1 , 1,1 and 1, 1 atsite ifrom but the result is very complicated and we have to use | − i |− i |− − i the classical ground state respectively. numericstominimizeE tofindoutparametersθ andφ . g i i Duetothequantumterms,themeanfieldgroundstate Since the Hamiltonian does notinvolvethe 2 component G isasuperpositionofthe4statesateachsite. Inorder matrices and only 2 component matrices are imaginary, | i tomakeuseoftheHolstein-Primakofftransformation,we we expect the 3 phase parameters φ = 0 for i = 1,2,3. i can make a basis rotation to transform the ground state Thus all the 4 coefficients are real numbers. This can G to 1,1 in the new basis. be checked by numerical minimization of the energy. In | i i| ii In the following calculations, we still keep J and comparing with experiments, we are more interested in 1 Q J as two different parameters. In the last step, we a special case that J = J = J and the Hamiltonian is 2 1 2 will take J = J = J. For the direct product invariant under the interchanging between σ and τ. In 1 2 ground state G = cosθ1 1 +sinθ1 1 this case, we still have to numerically minimize Eg, but | i i 2 | ii 2 |− ii σ ⊗ we find that the result can be well approximated by a cosθ2 1 +sinθ2 1 , the rotation we need is just 2 | ii 2|− iQi τ(cid:0) (cid:1) direct product state two rotations around y axes by angle θ in the σ and τ 1,2 (cid:0) (cid:1) space. θ θ |Gi = cos2|1ii+sin2|−1ii S3 →S3cosθ1−S1sinθ1 T3 →T3cosθ2−T1sinθ2 Yi (cid:18) (cid:19)σ S1 S3sinθ1+S1cosθ1 T1 T3sinθ2+T1cosθ2 θ θ → → cos 1 i+sin 1 i (29) Then the Hamiltonian is ⊗ 2| i 2|− i (cid:18) (cid:19)τ H = [t(S3s +S1c )+t(T3s +T1c ) i 1 i 1 i 2 i 2 which is parameterized by one angle θ. Then the angle i is determined by equation, X +t′(K33s s +K31s c +K13c s +K11c c )] i 1 2 i 1 2 i 1 2 i 1 2 t+t′sinθ+4Jsinθ+4J4sinθcos2θ =0. (30) − J1(Si3Sj3c21−Si3Sj1c1s1−Si1Sj3c1s1+Si1Sj1s21) Xi,j h We will use this direct product ground state G for lat- | i +J (T3T3c2 T3T1c s T1T3c s +T1T1s2) terdiscussions. Theenergyofthisdirectproductground 2 i j 2− i j 2 2− i j 2 2 i j 2 state is only 3% higher than the most general ground i J (K33c c K31c s K13s c +K11s s ) state, so it is a good approximation. We emphasize that − 4 1 2− 1 2− 1 2 1 2 i this wave-function is in a particular gauge; the change Xi,j of gauge, Eqs. (25), changes the ground state wave- (K33c1c2 K31c1s2 K13s1c2+K11s1s2)j. (31) × − − function. with c = cosθ and s = sinθ . The θ can be 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 solved from the equations. B. Collective Modes t+t′s2+4J1s1+4J4s1c22 =0 t+t′s +4J s +4J s c2 =0 1 2 2 4 2 1 To compute the spin wave like collective modes in this quantum Ashkin-Teller model, we generalize the Holstein-Primakoff transformation for SU(2) to SU(4). 1. Simple Case, J4 =t′=0 Introducing three boson operators b , c and d , we i i i havethefollowingbosonoperatorrepresentationsforthe We can start from the simple case with J = 0 and 4 Ashkin-Teller model (For ease of notation, we omit the t′ = 0. In this case, the Hamiltonian is two decoupled 7 Ising models. We can plug in the boson transformation, operators will cancel out due to the minimization condi- expand the square root up to quadratic order. Since we tion of the ground state energy. Thus we are only left only care about the collective mode dispersion, the con- with quadratic terms, stant term can be ignored. The linear terms in boson H =t [( 2c†c 2d†d) s +(b†d+d†b) c ] J ( 2c†c 2d†d) c2+( 2c†c 2d†d) c2 0 − − i 1 i 1 − 1 − − i 1 − − j 1 Xi Xi,j h (b†d+d†b) s c (b†d+d†b) s c +(c+c†) (c+c†) s2 +terms(b c,1 2). (32) − i 1 1− j 1 1 i j 1 ↔ ↔ i This equation can be simplified by using identity ts +4J c2 = 4J . Note that (b†d+d†b) and (c†d+d†c) terms − i i i i cancels out, thus operator d decoupled from b and c . In momentum space we have H = (4J 2J s2f )(c†c +c c† ) 2J s2f (c c +c†c† ) 0 1− 1 1 k k k −k −k − 1 1 k k −k k −k k X +(4J 2J s2f )(b†b +b b† ) 2J s2f (b b +b†b† )+8(J +J )d†d . (33) 2− 2 2 k k k −k −k − 2 2 k k −k k −k 1 2 k k One can see the that the three sets of 3 bosons are de- involving S, coupled. The b and c part are two copy of Ising models and the d part is free boson. Making use of standard 4JS3 J S1S1s2. (36) Bogoliubovtransformationwe candiagonalizethe above − − i j 1 i i,j Hamiltonian and find the following dispersions X X The first terms describes the rotation of S spin under a z direction constant external field for all lattice sites. ω =2[(4J )2 t2f ]1/2, 1 1 − k If we only keep this term, we will only get a constant ω2 =2[(4J2)2 t2fk]1/2, dispersion 4J. Since now the ground state is up spin − ω =8(J +J ). for all lattice sites and S1 can flip up spin to down spin, 3 1 2 thetermS1S1sin2θdescribesaninteractionbetweenthe i j In addition to the two Ising model modes, we also find a flipinsiteiandneighboringsitej. Thusthespinflipcan thirdmodewhichisdispersion-less. ThetwoIsingmodes propagateandgiveaplanewavemomentumdependence are generated by bosons operators b and c which only like fks21, which agrees with our previous result. The rotate σ or τ space alone. Since the ground state is a third mode corresponds to spin flip: 1,1 1, 1 . | i → |− − i direct product, the excited state generated by modes b In order to make this flip propagate, one need a term and c are also direct products. like Ki11Kj11 in the Hamiltonian. But when J4 =0 there is no such terms, thus the third modes is constant when exp( iφb)1,1 1,1 iφ1, 1 J = 0. When J = 0, we have a term K11K11s2s2 in − | i ≈ | i− | − i 4 4 6 i j 1 2 Eq (31). and the third mode will acquire momentum = 1 1 iφ 1 . (34) | i× | i− |− i dependence. (cid:16) (cid:17) Ontheotherhand,thethirdmodewhichisgeneratedby boson operator d cannot be written as a direct product. For example, 2. General Case exp( iφd)G 1,1 iφ 1, 1 , (35) 0 − | i≈| i− |− − i Now we turn to the general case when J = 0 and 4 which cannot be written in the form: ψ ψ . t′ = 0. The t′ and J terms involve operators6like K σ τ 4 11 | i⊗| i 6 The constant energy feature of the third mode can be andK whichcouplethe σ andτ spinandsplitthe two 33 explained as follows. The Hamiltonian with J = 0 in degeneratemodesweobtainedinthedecoupledcase. We 4 the rotated basis is the first 2 lines of Eq. (31). If we denotethesetwotermsbyH′. Transformingtotheboson linearize the Hamiltonian, then we have following terms representation we have 8 H′ =t′ ( 2b†b 2c†c) s s +( c†d d†c) s c +( b†d d†b) c s +(b†c+c†b) c c i 1 2 i 1 2 i 1 2 i 1 2 − − − − − − Xi h i 2J 2( 2b†b 2c†c) c2c2+2(c†d+d†c) c2s c +2(b†d+d†b) s c c2+2(b†c+c†b) s c s c − 4 − − i 1 2 i 1 2 2 i 1 1 2 i 1 1 2 2 Xi h + (b+b†) (b+b†) c2s2+ (c+c†) (c+c†) s2c2+ (d+d†) (d+d†) s2s2 i j 1 2 i j 1 2 i j 1 2 j j j X X X +2 (b+b†) (c+c†) s c s c 2 (b+b†) (d+d†) s c s2 2 (c+c†) (d+d†) s2s c . i j 1 1 2 1− i j 1 1 2− i j 1 2 2 Xj Xj Xj i We can make use of identities like ts t′s s +4J c2 +4J c2c2 = 4(J +J c2) to simplify the above equation. − 1 − 1 2 1 1 4 1 2 1 4 2 Transforming to momentum space and combining with H , the total Hamiltonian is (we drop the subscript k to 0 simplify the notation) H = (J +J c2)[8b†b 2s2f (b+b†)2]+(J +J c2)[8c†c 2s2f (c+c†)2] 2 4 1 − 2 k 1 4 2 − 1 k k X + 8(J c2+J c2) 2t(s +s ) d†d 2J s2s2f (d+d†)2 1 1 2 2 − 1 2 − 4 1 2 k +2(t+4J sh )c (b†d+d†b)+2(t+4J si)c (c†d+d†c)+(t′ 4J s s )c c (b†c+c†b) 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 2 1 2 − 4J s c s c f (b+b†)(c+c†) s c s2f (b+b†)(d+d†) s2s c f (c+c†)(d+d†) , (37) − 4 1 1 2 1 k − 1 1 2 k − 1 2 2 k h i with f = (cosk + cosk )/2. We can rewrite the for i,j,k = 1,2,3. There are 9 constraints, thus we are k x y Hamiltonian (37) in a matrix form H = ψ†Mψ with left with 9 free parameters. ψ = (b†,b,c†,c,d†,d)T and the 6 by 6 symmetric M. Thus there are only 9 independent elements in Hamil- Thereareonly12independentelementsbecausethe ma- toniansothattheoff-diagonal9canbesettozerobyad- trix elements are the same under the interchange 1 2, justingthe9freeparametersamonguandv. Thenweare ↔ 3 4 and 5 6 for both indices or by interchanging leftwithadiagonalHamiltonianand3dispersionmodes. ↔ ↔ the position of the two indices ij ji. These matrix But it is very difficult to explicitly solve the 18 real pa- ↔ elements are easy to read off from Eq. (37). rametersuandv. Itiseasiertodeterminethethedisper- Since the Hamiltonian is quadratic, one can use stan- sionsdirectly. Butthiscannotbedonebydirectlydiago- dardBogoliubovtransformationtodiagonalizetheabove nalizeM,becauseuandv donotformaunitarymatrix. Hamiltonian and find the collective mode dispersions. Introducing φ = (α†,α,β†,β,γ†,γ,)T, the Bogoliubov We introduce the following quasi-particle creation and transformation can be rewritten as ψ = Uφ. One can annihilation operators verifythatU†U =1. Thisisbecauseψ†ψ =φ†φandψ†ψ 6 6 cannotbe treatasthe normofthevectorψ. Thiscanbe b=u11α+v11α†+u12β+v12β†+u13γ+v13γ† fixedbyintroducingmatrixσ =diag 1, 1,1, 1,1, 1 , { − − − } c=u α+v α†+u β+v β†+u γ+v γ† thenwehaveψ†σψ =[b,b†]+[c,c†]+[d,d†]=3andsim- 21 21 22 22 23 23 d=u α+v α†+u β+v β†+u γ+v γ†. ilarly φ†σφ = 3. Thus we have U†σU = σ. This can 31 31 32 32 33 33 also be written as σU† σU =I and σU σU† =I. One · · This introduces 18 real parameters u ,v for i,j = can verify that the last equation is consistent with the ij ij 1,2,3. In order to make the quasi-particles to be bosons constraints in Eq. (38). we require that the only non zero commutators are Suppose we have determined the parameters u and v [α,α†]=[β,β†]=[γ,γ†]=1. Thisleadsto thefollowing thatdiagonalizetheHamiltonian,thenwehaveU†MU = constraint diag ω1,ω1,ω2,ω2,ω3,ω3 and ω1,2,3 are the three exci- { } tation modes. We can rewrite this as 3 (u2im−vi2m)=1 σU†·Mσ·σU =diag{ω1,−ω1,ω2,−ω2,ω3,−ω3} (39) mX=1 It is easy to see that 3 ǫ (u v v u )=0 det(σU† Mσ σU ωI) ijk im jm jm im − · · − m=1 =det(σU†)det(Mσ ωI)det(σU)=det(Mσ ωI) X − − 3 ǫ (u u v v )=0. (38) thusmatrixσU† Mσ σU andMσhavesameeigenvalues. ijk im jm− im jm We can determin·e th·e dispersion of the three modes by m=1 X 9 solving the equation tion by introducing symmetrized and anti-symmetrized variablesa =(b+c)/√2anda =(b c)/√2. Thenthe 1 2 det(Mσ ωI)=0 (40) 6 by 6 matrix will decompose into one−4 by 4 matrix for − symmetrized operator a and d and one 2 by 2 matrix 1 which is a cubic equation in ω2. We determine the roots for anti-symmetrized operator a . Now the eigenvalues 2 numerically. We again find 3 collective modes but now of symmetrized operator a and d are 1 all of them are weakly dispersive. Actually we are more interested in the special case J =J . In this case, one can further simplify the equa- 1 2 1/2 ω = 2(A A +B B +2C C ) 2 (A A +B B +2C C )2 4(A B C2)(A B C2) (41) 1,3 s d s d s d ± s d s d s d − s s− s d d− d (cid:20) q (cid:21) withA =A A andthesameforB andC . HerewehaveA =2J(2 s2f ) 2J c2[ 2+(1+2f )s2]+t′c2/2, s,d 1 2 s,d s,d 1 k 4 k ± − − − A = 2(J +2J c2)s2f , B = 8Jc2 2ts 2J s4f , B = 2J s4f , C = √2c(t+4Js+2J s3f ) and C = 2 4 k 1 4 k 2 4 k 1 4 k 2 − − − − 2√2J s3cf with s=sinθ and c=cosθ. The eigenvalues of anti-symmetrized operator a is 4 k 2 1/2 ω = 8J +2J c2(2+s2) t′c2 8J +2J c2(2+s2) t′c2 8Js2f (42) 2 4 4 k − − − (cid:20)(cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:21) In order to get a qualitative picture of these three first mode has more weight on the former and third one modes, we can numerically compute some typical eigen- has weight on the latter. On the other hand the second vectors. For example, take the point at zone boundary modemixes 1,1 1, 1 1,1 . anti-symmetrically. | i→| − i−|− i k =π/a, k =0. The three eigen-modes are created by x y In the decoupled limit, we have two degenerate Ising the following quasi-particle operators modesforbosonsbandc. Inotherword,thesetwomodes arepropagationof90degreeflip. Thethirdmodeiscon- α† =0.67(b†+c†) 0.3d†, − stant corresponding to boson d or 180 degree flip. In β† =0.71(b† c†), general case with non-zero J and t′, there is no degen- − 4 γ† =0.21(b†+c†)+0.95d† eracy and the third mode is also dispersive. In order to understandthe qualitativeeffects ofJ , we firstconsider 4 Onecanseethatthefirstandthirdmodessymmetrically thatt′ =0andJ issmallandthenmakeaperturbation 4 mix 1,1 1, 1 + 1,1 and 1,1 1, 1 . The expansion as follows | i→| − i |− i | i→|− − i 16J2 t2 t2 t4 J ω1 = 16J2−fkt2+ 16J2−f t2 1−(1+fk)32J2 −fk1024J4 J4 p − k (cid:20) (cid:21) 32J2 f t2 1 3t2 t4 J ω2 = 16J2−fkt2+ p16J2− kf t2 2 − 64J2 + 1024J4 J4 p − k (cid:20) (cid:21) t2 t4 p ω =8J + (4+f ) J 3 2J2 − k 128J4 4 (cid:20) (cid:21) We can also assume that J =0 and t′ is small then make a perturbation expansion as follows 4 J2 t2 t4 t′ ω = 16J2 f t2+ 2+(2+5f ) f 1 − k 16J2 f t2 − k 16J2 − k256J4 J p − k (cid:20) (cid:21) J2 t2 t4 t′ ω = 16J2 f t2+ p 2+( 2+3f ) +f 2 − k 16J2 f t2 − k 16J2 k256J4 J p − k (cid:20) (cid:21) t2 ω =8J + t′ p 3 8J2 Qualitatively, both J and t′ split the dispersions of ω these two modes. More precisely, positive J makes ω 4 1 4 1 and ω , but J also changes the relative dispersion of 2 4 10 IV. COMPARISON WITH MEASURED 115 115 DISPERSION ω 3 WeChooseparameterstoreproducetheexperiments18 70 70 inHg1201withT =61K. TheresultsareshowninFig. c (5). In the experiments, one ofthe collectivemodes is at 40 5meVanotheroneat50 5meVatk =0. Thedis- 60 60 V) ω per±sionacrosstheBrillouinzo±neinboththe(11)andthe e 2 m (10) directions for the higher energy mode is 5 5 meV, ( ± ω 50 50 whilethelowermodeisevenlessdispersive. Wealsohave the very important constraintfrom the thermodynamics of the AT model24,28 that to have a transition with no 40 40 divergence in the specific heat 1<J /J <0,J >0. In 4 − ω Fig. (5), the following parameters are used: 1 30 30 t=3.9meV, J =7.25meV, J = 0.2J, t′ = 2.15t. (43) 4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 − − k (π/a) These give that sinθ 0.257. The dispersion width x,y ≈ − of the first mode is about 10% of the energy gap and second one is around 5% of the energy gap. The results Figure 5: The collective mode dispersions of Ashkin-Teller are shown in figure 5. These dispersions change with modelwith negativeJ4 asafunctionof kx along thekx =ky doping; we use a doping where a lot of data is available. direction. Theblackcurvestandsforω1 andredcurvestands for ω2. The parameters are taken to fit the experimental AsdiscussedinAppendixD,thehighestenergybranch resultsinHg1201,Tc =65K. Thebluecurvegivesthecalcu- witheigenvalueω3,is primarilyanexcitationwithangu- lated third mode. lar momentum 2 with a small admixture of angular mo- mentum1. Theformerareundetectable inneutronscat- teringexperiments. Thisbranchalsohasahigherenergy than has currently been addressed by inelastic neutrons; more dispersive than ω2 and negative J4 makes ω1 less it may also be an over-damped excitations since it lies dispersive than ω2. On the other hand, t′ mostly shifts well above the pseudo-gap energy in the single-particle the whole curveand makesboth the modes more disper- spectra. sive. Positive t′ pushes ω up and push ω down, while 1 2 negative t′ does the opposite. V. CONCLUSIONS We find that with reasonable parameters, one can fit the measured dispersion of the rather unique collective modes in the loop ordered phase. The experimental dis- C. Damping covery of these collective modes, whose appearance as a function of temperature coincides with the transition The principal source of the damping of the collective temperature of the loop ordered phase and whose inten- modes is the decay into particle-holepairs,ofsimilar en- sity is consistent in its variation as the square of the ergy and same symmetry as the collective modes, pro- measured order parameter as a function of temperature, vided by H . There exists a pseudo-gap in the adds further confidence to the existence of loop order. F−coll single-particle fermion spectra in the same region of the Indeed,thereisnocalculationweknowofinwhichother phase diagram as the observed order. Therefore for en- proposed form of order give multiple weakly dispersive ergies of up to about 50 meV in the well under-doped collective modes. region, damping of the collective modes is expected not The energyof all the modes calculated should 0 for → to obscure their visibility. Still, it is surprising that the momentum q 0, as T T∗(x), the loop order tem- two observed branches of modes18 in Hg1201,T =61K perature. We s→uggest exp→eriments to verify this. It also c haveadampingsmallerthantheexperimentalresolution follows that the spectral weightof these modes comes at ofabout5meV.Thismaybeduetothelargemagnitude the expense of the unusual local quantum fluctuations26 of the order parameter so that most of the orbital cur- in the marginal fermi-liquid region of the phase diagram rent spectral weight of the appropriate symmetry which ofthecuprates. Accordingly,weexpectastrongdiminu- inthe non-interactingmodelisinthe incoherentfermion tion of the low energy part of such fluctuations in the excitations is transferred to the collective excitations. It pseudo-gap region of the phase diagram. is possible that the third branch, which is at about 100 When quantum terms are included, the ground state meV has a significantly higher damping. is a productoverall unit-cells ofthe linear combinations

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