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Collection from Riyādus-Sāliheen with commentary – Sh. Safi-ur-Rahman Mubarakpuri PDF

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Preview Collection from Riyādus-Sāliheen with commentary – Sh. Safi-ur-Rahman Mubarakpuri

ollection from - Révddes Sather ~ with Commentary on Ahadith Vn =_= Firs Edo Baral 20°1 ‘Supersed ty ABOUL MALIK MUAAHID sl Hise etiar sen bar West weteeabrkea re Hoe ec ao caecn Rie etme Fenn erat Cee eee pean ae UzvLall Uy poise Collgeton dha a Riviidas Sill COM ra Carnpiled by Alrsgra Abu Zabarige, Yahya bin Sharal An-Navwwi AU-Tnanshyi Allith Solosted and Coliseo by Sheileh Safiur-Ralmaén Mubsrakpori Tenaslated by ! De, Mabionuad Ary Abu Usumah Arabi bia Razdog Puhlished by i DARUSSALAM Publishers & Distributwrs Publisher's Note We prize Aulah dat Ile enabled ve te paloh many bavke 2 gos lop Ue ic, Ue ane Bgl ba guages ‘whi aclaias gest opal Ara Aaveies Tran ndnws vowel in snd etherFaropean uate sire abistan, India and many Ain counties VADUS-SALIHEEN, i Ley le priced publ’ ons based ne aulantc sarc tral in aera the Quen ad Suna ane! astvoiy and fale from sry po gue no ieee, We ud bed i Tradition af good research work, poisons eitiy ant sxcelent inc stance, Slo wth he ee spl a0 TION “The book was compile by Dia Anion ohio was the yea slr of lth aa! Pig of hi me, Consens tn the Awl ha hoe sel by Ha. Saluda osu af Pakistan wine had aig exec Hr Jor Ue Url félive of tis bos, the Lag eam of th no and he emmentara we rv sd ee hy Melson! Kid Murtha porous ask ith eno cand prone inkonat Dine ve sv pulsing a sltion yf Adil Boon Rides the eli Pes heen mds Shaich alae Rhona Muheralpucr who fsa val kee sohular of Em. Ue has sete ie tad doing oney the probleme or fimes “Wie. hapity. can praia tha i ish hes eoreer tation of Rigidus Sllieon oarreduced ican angueyean-shere May agploursincee Gore regarding the propagition el Hie religion hanya Urol and hese ous Iisessngs to sarveoltions nti regard cent Abdul Male Mujahid Genwi Manager Darul AShort Biographical Sketch of Imam Nawavi birth and Birth Place: {he complete name af tmm Kawai ie Abu Yskariya Vohyuxlin YYohya, son of Sharad An-Nawavsl, son of Murry, son vf Hasan, so 0 Husain, som of Muhammad, som of turmanh, on of Ham, awn refers m News, a place usar Damascus, inthe suburb of the city of Tasman. Oncol hixuncesuors named Hivam haa elle ar chis place, Lavim Nawavsi was born ac Nawa in the gear 631 ATI, Ts lier, vieuous and pious nan, resolved lease “at royer une hein education as he hal dissovere the asmmptoms 5¢ heavenly inteligsuss aud wisdou in his promising etd stan acy stage. Shoikh Yesin hin YousuP Marakasbi, a surely figure of Nava, ‘ad “Tso fii Nawasel ar Naa when he Was a Youth of cen ‘years of age. Other bust of his age used fore him to play ‘with them. bul Tim Newawi would aloays avoid the play and ‘roul euin busy with therevilaion of The Neble Qor in. When thoy nied to deminer and insisted on his joining this games, be bewailed aad ex um vhverving his sagacity and prafundlry, a spccial love and ftotion developed in sy heart for young, Nes. Tupprocched selver and urges! hin Is ke Uxeepuional care of this lid as he was to hocomne @ gic sligious scholar and esl pious saint OF future. THis teucher asked whether | was @ soothsaye: of aa sino [ll him 3 wy neither # acorlsayer nor an amTologet bt Allsh caused mo wo Gtr tisse words." Llis teacher cunveyell this inoidonr wy Lazu’ father and ie keepin in view ae leuming, squeal of hi som, decided us servize und promo. af the nase nt tami Keith. i shot period, Naweawi learnt to oad the Noble Qns"én andl by thar tise ho neat had atained puts, Nawa had no academic o sotolacly ammosphore and there were 1o teligious aewderaie ot inliises fe his no ceravem over heir fnlish auton. uate the Ho of his aon for the g z =o Walla Aly we dUliay vwhero ono veul! wira excolleney im rtigious leaming, $9 Tw alert hina us Divas, which was eonsidered the centro of lening and scholarahip. and the suena: from far taud wide yathered thee Jur schaoling. Duviag thet pasiod there wens mone han chro: andro inane, only aml wunivesiias in Damascus. Imam Nawavsi joined Madrasah Rawshiyah which wasallited sith the -mavri Universi, The four nel patnm af hig Mudeasah sag reer names Zalkiyldin Abul-Quaim vu sens known as fhm Riswahal ‘Madvasah was nomod alle: Win, Noted and sas ccartvachirs fo the period Lauylt in thst Madrasa, Tim Nawal says, 1 smi 9 this instinnion for te years, During my stay in Mavkasah Rawéliyeb, never ind complete 1o3t aud lived on the Fimiled (ood supplied by the institution.” Aa route Te used to sleep very Lille al yh. hen the sleep veregak tira, ye wed ln and slumber ora whilesgznst The seppertabivth, ANer aalusl duration he wauld again tas harcl at his scholacie prsnit is Yeachers and Guides: During his slay st Darmascas. he studieu feo nore than tncensy caleba leuchers. These teachers were eparled a8 amastsrs and authority af their suber fila and disci They taught, Jasin stadied Hadith. Islamic Jucisprdsuce ing priniples, syntax and elymolsgy fram gre weholur. ‘of his sic, Abu Lbabim Ishaq bin Ahmad Al-Maghelh Abn Muharavaad Alnlur-Rafvown bin Ibeabien Al-Fazati Radiguddin Abu Ishaq lyin hin Alu Hae Umar bin Malar 4!-Mufat, Abu Ishaq tbrabin bin 158 AL-Muradi, ‘Abul Baga Khalid bin Yusuf An-Nablun’, Abe -Ahi ‘vn bin Salis Al-Misi, Abu Abdullah A Jiyanl Atl kath Umar bin Mend. Abu Muhammad At-Taruldi, Sharatuddia Abdul-Aciz bia Mubomuasd At-Ansir, bul amgj Abdur-Ralvai: bin Mubevewd bin Abmad AL ‘Maqilisi Abul Haga’ Salar bin Al-Hawan Al-Arubi le Taece wore buuckoss of mia’s smdents, among them seme aovahles are: Alauddin hin Ausir, Tv ADLis Ahmad bin tbvshin, Ahol-Abhas AlIa'fari, Abol-Anhis Abroad bin Taruh, Rashid Trl bia Mu‘allim ALTaai, Abu Abdullah Al- Thunbati, Abu>ARRie ALWasli, Jumuluddin Sulaiman Sin Ornar Av-Zar‘i, Absl-Raraj Abdur-Rafman bin Mettarnassl bio Abdul Hamid ALMagiisi, Bude Muhammad bin Thsthim, Shamsuddin ‘Muhammad ‘in Albu Baks, Ash-Shihdb Muhainmad bee: Abdul Kesolig, Mibatollsh Al-Ratizi, Abul Hagia} Yusut bin Az Zaki, cov, This Desire and Crave for Learmlagt Inna Nugsave Had endless thirst Jor kinstee, a iL an be guessed fhm his daily practiow af shutios, Me used to red daily toeelee Zesty ark write explanaton and sasmumentany of every lesson and algo made imparemt additions, Whazoeer the boa he esd. be put dawa te muurginal ules ad explains oa at Tuck, Tis intelligence, ned srk, love, devotee und ubsorption ji ution umaved his teneher and they buxame fem of him nd began te prise and sess him, Acco:diag to Innam Dhabi (245 1p, Trim Newawi's concentration sid abvorption in sundemis lve guinec| proverbial fkme, He had devated all bis time fir learning amd seholseshin. Osher shan reacting and writing, peat his tise contemplating on tke interacted and complex sous anal in fring cheir mslutons, ATMA, bad also conferred ‘upoa bien he gilt of Kast anemuory und dep uf Moouyht, ad Ie ‘who anakes the eight une of this Ive, Uhereresminn ne doubt his sayaeily unc discomment, Imm Nascar made Full beac at his God given qualides and potecualties and exrnel the highest eres oP hon Jinanu’s Simplicity and Ntceness of Manners: ‘The Ieamned persons, elite othe society und che putt greatly respected the Imam on accoua af his piety, ming and exec Phuracter Tle used simple dress und ule simple food. Devout ‘choline dp nat este hoor werldly chats, they give preference torligious wid scadowic ausbits, copagation of Fath cre, Thy exporienoe move heavenly deligh: and joy in such activities ta lose who seek setiseion im fasurinut ods, prezions elnthes sul ocher wiry Uhings, Ini Naweaw hala promirent place tnong the aruite notables of his age. He was Gocl-fearing person. rHAlalh Alyrsorlian having iThusviows aml glorinus aime reparding pmpayation oF Foith, Celebrated Sheikh Moltyuddin espeesses bis impeession bul Tani Nina a us “Imax Naw had thee distnelive commnerable quali in is porsou. If anybody have only oar out ofthese three, peoplsretnm to him in alcandanes for guidance. Fire, having knowlodge and ite dissomination, Second. wo evade completely thom the soclily ‘nelinations, ard the third, ‘weiting ta all that ix gowwl (Nn) enjoining AL-Ma’ei? [Le.. Islamic Monotketsm ane all that Islam arden: one to do) coal Ibebidding ALMuurkar [polytheisar and disoeliof and all hac Islim bas fevbiddou). mm Nawowi had all, Three i Hi, ‘Mis Works and his Death “Tho Teamned Lovin bad a very short lite bat even during this short period, ho hal yriden a lrge number ol Packs em different suibgects. Every work ofthe Iman isa masterwork and a ueasuee ‘of knavwledge, Thundveds onl uhousands of people benefit from These wrk Same of the Pres Conmentary oe Sahib AL-Duldkési, ALMickdj ( Shich Sabb, Muslim, Riyddus-Salfheen, KiiburRowduh, Commentsry on Motiaduabob, "IshdhitotAsma was-Sit, Kitabul-Adhlan, Afba‘ven, ACTagheeb ii Unil-tladich wal-leshid ali, Kictbul Mubhama, Al-Tibyam, Al-Ta Mundsfl-Taj. Sharh Sait AT- [Buti (Nays). Sharh Sunan Abi Mirwaul (acs), "Tabagar Ash- ‘baw ya, Muhimmatol Abkm, ManiqibushShaf‘, Hustinul- Arifeen, Al-Khulasulu fi-lhadih, Makhlasar AtTinmidht, Al Masf'iLAL Mantra, Al” Jous Works of Tandin Navas an indah asic limhih und othr -Aflor spending 28 yoats of age, Imm Nasomed elumed Us his Faoraetown, Sunt uller bis seival al Nawa, be fol i and did, lin Naweaud ie il fing im the hots of Muslros. His works are of everlasting value, May AUU8L bless bin, Aur SS CONTENTS Publisher's Note A Shoet Biowraphical Sketch of Tondm Nuvu 1, Sincerity And Signiticance of teutions for Alt Actions 2, Repentanos 3. Pasion And Porsevernace 4 “Iniulness 5. Wilehiunes 6, Piay 1 ffinm Helief And Perteee Reliance oa AM 8. Uprighioess te Steactastness 9. Tantening to Tia Goce! Deeds 10, Surge Cn te Cauae of i) 11, Ged Actions in Later Life 12, Ways af Doing Good 13, Moderstoa ia Wonship 14, The Rightenwe Conduct

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