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Collected works of the Communist Party of Peru (Vol. 1, 1968-1987) [Warning: Hate Speech and Negationism] PDF

464 Pages·2016·11.035 MB·Foreign Languages Press
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Preview Collected works of the Communist Party of Peru (Vol. 1, 1968-1987) [Warning: Hate Speech and Negationism]

C W OLLECTED ORKS OF THE C P P OMMUNIST ARTY OF ERU V 1 - 1968-1987 OLUME Published by : Christophe Kistler & JosefHallqvist Contact : [email protected] First Edition 2016, Utrecht First printing : 90 exemplaries This book is under license Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ Proletarians ofall countries, unite! C G HAIRMAN ONZALO P C AGE ONTENTS 7 Publisher's Preface 9 1968 - To Understand Mariategui 32 1970 - Latin America : People's War great victories and brilliant perspectives 43 1973 - Marxism, Mariategui and the women movement 96 1974 - On the National Question 115 1975 - Let us retake Mariategui and reconstitute his Party 159 1976 - On the construction ofthe Party 181 1976 - The peasant problem and the Revolution 1976 - Eternal Glory to President Mao Tse-Tung! The great leader 198 ofthe International Proletariat, the Oppressed Peoples and the World Revolution 203 1976 - Eternal Glory to Chairman Mao Tsetung! 206 1977 - To be a Marxist is to adhere to Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought 220 1978 - Against constitutional illusions, for the state ofthe New Democracy 244 1979 - For the New Flag 251 1979 - Develop the growing people's protest! 279 1979 - Concerning three chapters ofour history 287 1980 - We begin to topple the walls and unfold a new dawn 301 1980 - We are the initiators 321 1980 - Towards guerrilla warfare! 325 1981 - To our heroic fighting people! 328 1981 - Long live the armed struggle ofour people! Down with the reactionary hoax! 330 1982 - Let us develop guerrilla warfare! 360 1982 - Maoism. On Marxism-Leninism-Maoism 365 1985 - Don't vote! Instead, expand the guerrilla warfare to conquer power for the people! 380 1986 - Single Document. Demands ofthe prisoners ofwar ofthe ShiningTrenches ofCombatofFronton, Lurigancho andCallao. 5 C W PCP - V 1 (1968-1987) OLLECTED ORKS OF OLUME 1986 - Nothing and nobody can defeat us! 383 1986 - Day ofHeroism 386 1986 - Develop the people's war, serving the world revolution 388 1987 - Hoist, defend and apply Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, 448 principally Maoism! 1987 - Agreements between PCP and PCE 452 1987 - To give our lives for the Party and the Revolution 454 1987 - Glory to the Day ofHeroism! 456 6 PUBLISHER'S PREFACE Dear Comrades, From the very beginning of the history of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP), an effort was being done by our Peruvian comrades living abroad to translate and spread words of the Chairman Gonzalo. But those works, being usually available in hard to get small pamphlets, have never been fully collected and printed in volumes of full works. Luis Arce Borja from El Diario Internacional published in 1989 and 1994 two volumes in Spanish under the name "Guerra Popular en el Peru, El Pensamiento Gonzalo", that tried to collected the more important works of PCP. But a lot of crucial documents, like the Interview of Chairman Gonzalo, were missing from those volumes. This is why the publication of this first edition of collected (and not "full" as we are aware ofthe shortcomings ofthis publication) works of PCP is a special occasion. It's the first time in history that an edition, as complete as possible, was compiled, translated where it was necessary, and was published in a series of four volumes, going from the beginning of PCP (1968) to the capture ofComrade Feliciano (1999). This publication of the Collected Works of the PCP shows the necessity for all the communists and revolutionaries in the world to put Marxism-Leninism-Maoism into practice, and to study Gonzalo Thought, that is the creative application of Marxism- Leninism-Maoism in Peru, and is, so far, the greatest attempt to develop the fourth stage ofMarxism. We don't pretend that this edition incorporates all the documents of PCP, even if it was our goal. It is obvious that some of the 7 C W PCP - V 1 (1968-1987) OLLECTED ORKS OF OLUME statements, leaflets or books could have been lost in the tumult of the people's war. It is also hard to trust some documents released by fractions ofthe old PCP that are known for forging fake letters and statments for their own benefit. We decided to conserve the small modification that we’ve done to some texts in the compilation "CPP and Mao Tsetung" in 1987. But if some of the comrades possess some documents that we don't, we would be glad to print them in another edition of these collected works. T , HE PUBLISHERS C K HRISTOPHE ISTLER J H OSEF ALLQVIST 8 TO UNDERSTAND MARIÁTEGUI C U S C H ONFERENCE AT THE NIVERSITY OF AN RISTOBAL DE UAMANGA A , P , 1968 IN YACUCHO ERU It has been a little more than three years since we had the occasion to talk from this place. At the time, we spoke about the problem of education and shared our thoughts on this important issue. It was a wonderful opportunity to talk with you. Today, once again, we have the opportunity to speak with you, but the circumstances are somewhat different. We are going to speak about José Carlos Mariátegui, of the actuality of his thought, and this task which I have been assigned to address, is not in itselfan easy task, at least not to me. First of all, we believe that Mariategui must be approached with respect, and secondly, we must approach him from a clear and precise position, because otherwise it is not possible in any way to understand the actuality and richness ofhis thought. Of course, Mariátegui has been physically dead for many years, but his thought is still profoundly alive, just as it was in the 1930s. It is still vibrant, still current and still a perspective for Perú, while other thoughts ofpeople who are still alive are truly dead. It is difficult in an hour more or less, to talk on all Mariátegui's thought, so for this reason we want to focus on a few concrete problems and emphasize on what should do facing the image of this great Peruvian. First, we uphold the figure of Mariátegui as a proletarian intellectual. We will not get into detailed dates or other matters which are not of interest now. We will get into central problems set forth by the actuality of the thought of José Carlos Mariátegui. 9 C W PCP - V 1 (1968-1987) OLLECTED ORKS OF OLUME TO UNDERSTAND MARIÁTEGUI After having tried to bury him in silence, much has been written about Mariátegui. Ofcourse, we also see Mariátegui as very highly spoken of, so as to mystify him, to systematically try to twist him, to try to "better" him with senseless pedantry. It has been said in the first place about Mariátegui that he was not a convicted and confessed Marxist and whose thought was not sustained by Marxism-Leninism. Mariátegui said it himself. He was a convicted and confessed Marxist, fearless, neat and precise. What does that mean? It means that Mariátegui had a proletarian class position. He was plainly and simply on the side ofthe exploited. Mariátegui felt in his own flesh what the exploited masses ofour country felt and during his time, unfortunately for us, a very short life, he translated into deeds what he felt and put in practice written word. Mariátegui had a conception of the world. He had an ideology, and he said many times that his ideology was Marxism-Leninism. He conceived and upheld it, and he based his thesis on the contemporary world. It is not possible to understand things, and it is not possible to understand society and the world, unless we view them from the ideological conception ofthe proletariat. Mariátegui was a Marxist-Leninist. If we review his works, Mariátegui tells us that in the current century (he spoke around the 1920's) Leninism was the new form, the highest Marxism acquired at the time. Mariátegui then found his affiliation with Marx and Lenin and that is why he called himselfa convicted and confessed Marxist-Leninist. In the third place, Mariátegui had a working method, a method ofanalysis, an irreplaceable method to understand anything. Mariategui based himself on dialectical materialism, and his works are convincing proof of that. The first 10

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