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Claude Elwood Shannon Claude Elwood Shannon Collected Papers Edited by N.J.A. Sloane Aaron D. Wyner Mathematical Sciences Research Dept. AT&T Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, NJ 07974 USA IEEE Information Theory Society, Sponsor +IEEE TheInstituteofElectricaland ElectronicsEngineers.Inc.,NewYork mWILEY- ~INTERSCIENCE AJOHNWILEY &SONS,INC.,PUBLICATION IEEEPRESS 445 Hoes Lane,PO Box1331 Piscataway,NJ 08855-1331 1992EditorialBoard William Perkins, Editorin Chief K.K.Agarwal G. F. Hoffnagle A. C.Schell R.S.Blicq J. D.Irwin L.Shaw R. C. Dorf A. Michel M.Simaan D.M. Etter E.K. Miller Y.Sunahara J.J. Farrell III J.M. F.Moura D.J. Wells K. Hess J. G. Nagle DudleyR. Kay,ExecutiveEditor Carrie Briggs,AdministrativeAssistant Karen G. Miller, ProductionEditor IEEEInformationTheorySociety, Sponsor G. DavidForney,Jr. President © 1993THE INSTITUTEOF ELECTRICALANDELECTRONICS ENGINEERS, INC. 3Park Avenue, 17thFloor, New York, NY 10016-5997 No partofthis publication may bereproduced, stored inaretrievalsystemor transmitted inany Iorm or by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying,recording, scanning or otherwise,exceptas permittedunder Sections 107or 108of the 1976 United States CopyrightAct, withouteithertheprior written permissionof the Publisher,or authorization through paymentoftheappropriateper-copy feetotheCopyright ClearanceCenter, 222 RosewoodDrive, Danvers,MA01923,(978) 750-8400, fax (978) 750-4470. Requests tothePublisherforpermissionshouldbe addressed tothe PermissionsDepartment,John Wiley& Sons, Inc., 111River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (20) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008. LibraryofCongressCataloging-In-Publication Data Shannon,Claude Elwood, [Works] ClaudeElwood Shannon:collectedpapers/ edited byN.J.A. Sloane,A.D. Wyner. p. em. Includesbibliographical references. ISBN0-7803-0434-9 1. Telecommunication. 2. Information theory. 3. Computers. I. Sloane, N.J. A. (Neil James Alexander). II. Wyner,A. D.(Aaron D.) III. Title. TK5101.S448 1993 621.382-dc20 92-26762 CIP Contents Introduction ix BiographyofClaude Elwood Shannon xi Profile ofClaude Shannon- Interview by Anthony Liversidge xix BibliographyofClaude ElwoodShannon xxxv Part A: Communication Theory, Information Theory, Cryptography [Bracketednumbersrefertothe Bibliography] Preface to Part A 3 PAPERS [37] A mathematical theory ofcommunication 5 [251 Communicationtheory ofsecrecysystems 84 [15] Analogueofthe Vemam system for continuoustime series 144 [22] The bestdetectionofpulses 148 [40] (with B. M. OliverandJ. R. Pierce)The philosophy ofpeM 151 [43] Communication in the presenceofnoise 160 [60] Communication theory- exposition offundamentals 173 [61f General treatmentofthe problemofcoding 177 [62] The lattice theoryofinformation 180 [63] Discussion ofprecedingthreepapers 184 [65] Recent developments in communication theory 190 [69] Prediction and entropy ofprinted English 194 [86] Efficientcodingofabinary source with onevery infrequentsymbol 209 [100] Informationtheory 212 [1091 The zeroerrorcapacityofa noisychannel 221 [t11] Certain results in codingtheory for noisy channels 239 [113] Somegeometrical results in channelcapacity 259 [It5] A note on a partial orderingfor communicationchannels 265 [116] Channels with side informationat the transmitter 273 [117] Probability oferrorfor optimal codes in aGaussianchannel 279 [118] Coding theorems for a discrete source with a fidelity criterion 325 [119] Two-way communication channels 351 [122] (with R. G. Gallagerand E. R. Berlekamp)Lowerbounds to error 385 probabilityforcodingon discretememorylesschannels I [123] (with R. G. Gallagerand E. R. Berlekamp)Lowerbounds to error 424 probability for codingon discrete memorylesschannels II v VI Contents ABSTRACTS, ETC. [2] Letterto VannevarBush 455 [21] (with B. M. Oliver)Circuitsfor aP.C.M. transmitterand receiver 457 [68] Sometopics in informationtheory 458 [95] Concavityoftransmission rate as afunction ofinput probabilities 460 [102] The rate ofapproach to ideal coding 461 [103J The bandwagon 462 Notes to Part A 463 Part B: Computers, Circuits, Games Prefaceto Part B 469 PAPERS [1] Asymbolic analysisofrelay and switchingcircuits 471 [6] Mathematical theoryofthedifferential analyzer 496 [13] The theoryand design oflineardifferentialequationmachines 514 [14] (WithJohn Riordan)The numberoftwo-terminal series-parallel networks 560 [42] Network rings 571 [44] Atheoremon coloring the lines ofanetwork 584 [50] The synthesisoftwo-terminal switchingcircuits 588 [51] (with H. W. Bode) A simplifiedderivationoflinearleastsquare smoothing 628 and prediction theory [54] Programming acomputerfor playingchess 637 [55J Achess-playing machine 657 [56] Memory requirements inatelephoneexchange 667 [57] Asymmetrical notationfornumbers 674 [67] Amethodofpoweror signal transmission toa moving vehicle 678 [70] Presentationofamaze solvingmachine 681 [73] Amind-reading (1)machine 688 [75] The potentialitiesofcomputers 691 [76] Throbac I 695 [80] (with E. F. Moore) Machineaid for switchingcircuitdesign 699 [82J Computersand automata 703 [83] Realizationofall 16switchingfunctions oftwo variables requires 18contacts 711 [85] (with D. W. Hagelbarger)Arelay laboratoryoutfitfor colleges 715 [91] (editedjointly with John McCarthy)AutomataStudies (Preface,etc.) 727 Contents vii [931 Auniversal Turing machine withtwointernalstates 733 [94] (with Karelde Leeuw, EdwardF. MooreandN. Shapiro)Computability by 742 probabilistic machines [96] Some resultson idealrectifiercircuits 772 [97] The simultaneous synthesis ofsswitchingfunctionsofnvariables 780 [98] (with D. W. Hagelbarger) Concavity ofresistancefunctions 784 [99] Game playing machines 786 [110] (with Peter Eliasand Amiel Feinstein) A noteonthemaximum flowthrough 793 anetwork [89] (with Edward F.Moore) Reliablecircuits usinglessreliablerelays I 796 [90] (with Edward F. Moore)Reliablecircuitsusinglessreliablerelays II 814 [114J VonNeumann'scontributions toautomata theory 831 [120) Computers andautomation-Progressandpromiseinthetwentieth century 836 [125J Claude Shannon's no-dropjuggling diorama 847 (126] Scientificaspectsofjuggling 850 ABSTRACTS, ETC. [5] The useoftheLakatos-Hickman relayinasubscribersender 865 [7J Astudyof thedeflection mechanism andsomeresultsonratefinders 866 [8] Backlash inoverdamped systems 868 [1JJ Someexperimental resultson thedeflectionmechanism 869 [30] (withC. L.Dolph)The transient behaviorofalargenumberoffour-terminal 870 unilateral linearnetworks connected intandem [52] Review ofTransformations on Latticesand Structureso.fLogic 871 byStephen A. Kiss [53] Review ofCybernetics,or Controland Communication inthe Animal 872 andthe Machine by NorbertWiener (64] ReviewofDescription ofaRelayCalculator, bythestaffofthe [Harvard] 874 Computation Laboratory [74] (withE.F.Moore)The relaycircuit analyzer 875 [84J (withE.F.Moore)The relaycircuit synthesizer 876 Notesto PartB 877 Part C: Genetics PrefacetoPartC 889 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION [3] Analgebra fortheoretical genetics 891 Notesto PartC 921 Permissions 923 Introduction The publication of Claude Shannon's collected papers is long overdue. A substantial collection ofhis papers was published in Russian in 1963(see item [121] of his Bibliography), but no English edition has ever appeared. The editors were therefore commissioned by the Information Theory Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers to collect and publish his papers. Since much of Shannon's work was never published, our first task was to assemble a complete bibliography. We did this by consulting Claude and Betty Shannon, who have been extremely helpful throughout this project and supplied us with copies of a number of unpublished items; many of Claude's friends and colleagues; the Bell Laboratories Archives; the National Archives in Washington; the National Security Agency; the patent records; Mathematical Reviews; and other sources. We believe the resulting bibliography of 127 items isreasonably complete. The second step was to decide what to include. Our policy has been to include everything of importance. We have includedall the publishedpapers, and all the unpublishedmaterial that seemedof lastingvalue. Some war-time reports of very limited interesthave been excluded, as well as the M.LT. seminar notes. Ifan excluded paperhas an abstract, we have printed it. We have made several sets of copies of the excluded material, and plan to deposit copies in the AT&T Bell Laboratories library at Murray Hill, New Jersey, the M.LT. library, and the Library ofCongress and the BritishLibrary. The papers fall naturally into three groups: (A) communication theory, information theory and cryptography; (8)computers, circuits and games; (C) the hitherto unpublished doctoral dissertation on population genetics. Inside each group the papers are, with some exceptions, arranged in chronological order. Minor items (abstracts, book reviews, and so on) have been placedatthe end ofeach section. Most of the published works have been photographically reproduced from the originals, whilethe others have been typesetbycomputerat AT&T Bell Labs. The "Notes" following each section give references to more recent work. We should like to thank R. B. Blackman, P. Elias, E. N. Gilbert, R. Gnanadesikan, R. L.Graham, D. W. Hagelbarger, T. T. Kadota, H. O. Pollak, D. Slepian, E. Wolman and R. Wright for supplying us with copies of Shannon's papers. R. A. Matula, of the AT&T Bell Laboratories library staff, has been extremely helpful to us throughout this project. J. P. Buhler,J. H. Conway,J. F. Crow, R. L.Graham, D. S.Johnson, T. Nagylaki and K. Thompson kindly provided comments on some of the papers. We are very grateful to Susan Marko (sometimes assisted by Sue Pope), whoexpertlyretypedmanyofShannon'spapers for us. ix Biography ofClaude Elwood Shannon Claude Elwood Shannon was born in Petoskey, Michigan, on Sunday, April 30, 1916. His father, Claude Sr. (1862-1934), a descendant of early New Jersey settlers, was a businessman and, for a period, Judge ofProbate. His mother, Mabel Wolf Shannon (1880-1945), daughter ofGerman immigrants, was a language teacher and for a numberofyears Principal ofGaylord High School, inGaylord, Michigan. The first sixteen years of Shannon's life were spent in Gaylord, where he attended the Public School, graduating from Gaylord High School in 1932. As a boy, Shannon showed an inclination toward things mechanical. His best subjects in school were science and mathematics, and at home he constructed such devices as model planes, a radio-controlled model boat and a telegraph system to a friend's house halfa mile away. The telegraph made opportunistic use of two barbed wires around a nearby pasture. He earned spending money from a paper route and delivering telegrams, as well as repairing radios for a local department store. His childhood hero was Edison, who he later learned was a distant cousin. Both were descendants of John Ogden, an important colonial leader and the ancestor of many distinguished people. Shannon's recent hero list, without deleting Edison, includes more academic types such as Newton, Darwin, Einstein and Von Neumann. In 1932 he entered the University ofMichigan, following his sisterCatherine, who had just received a master's degree in mathematics there. While a senior, he was elected a member of Phi Kappa Phi and an associate member of SigmaXi. In 1936 he obtained the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. This dual interest inmathematicsand engineeringcontinuedthroughout his career. In 1936 he accepted the position of research assistant in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The position allowed him to continue studying toward advanced degrees while working part-time for the department. The work in question was ideally suited to his interests and talents. It involved the operation of the Bushdifferential analyzer, the most advanced calculating machine ofthat era, which solved by analog means differential equations of up to the sixth degree. The work required translating differential equations into mechanical terms, setting up the machine and running through the needed solutions for various initial values. In some cases as many as four assistants would be needed tocrank infunctions by following curvesduringthe process ofsolution. Also of interest was a complex relay circuit associated with the differential analyzer that controlled its operation and involved over one hundred relays. In studying and servicing this circuit, Shannon became interested in the theory and design ofrelay and switching circuits. He had studied symbolic logic and Boolean algebra at Michigan in mathematics courses, and realized that this was the appropriate mathematics for studying such two-valued systems. He developed these ideas during the summer of 1937~ which he spent at Bell Telephone Laboratories in New York City, and, back at M.LT., in his master's thesis, where he showed how Boolean algebra could be used in the analysis and synthesis of switching and computer circuits. The thesis, his first published paper, aroused considerable interest when it appeared in 1938 in the A.I.E.E. Transactions [I].* In 1940 it was awarded the Alfred Noble Prize of the ThenumbersinsquarebracketsrefertoitemsinShannon'sbibliography. xi xii C.E.Shannon combined engineering societies ofthe United States, an award given each year to a person not over thirty for a paper published in one ofthe journals ofthe participating societies. A quarter of a century later H. H. Goldstine, in his book The Computerfrom Pascal to Von Neumann, called this work''one ofthe most important master's theses ever written...a landmark in that it helped tochange digital circuitdesign from an art to ascience." During the summerof 1938 he did research work at M.I.T. on the design ofthe Bush Rapid Selector, and was mainly involved with the vacuum tube circuits employed in this device. In Septemberof 1938, at the suggestion ofVannevar Bush, Shannon changed from the Electrical Engineering Department to the Mathematics Department. He was awarded the Bolles Fellowshipand was also a teaching assistant while working toward a doctorate in mathematics. Bush had just been made President of the Carnegie Institution in Washington, one of whose branches, in Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., dealt with the science of genetics. He suggested to Shannon that algebra might be as useful in organizing genetic knowledge as it was in switching, and Shannon decided to look into this matter with a view toward using it for a doctoral thesis in mathematics. He spent the summer of 1939 at Cold Spring Harbor working undergeneticist Dr. Barbara Burks exploring the possibility, and found it a suitable subject for a dissertation under the title "An Algebra for Theoretical Genetics" [3]. His Ph.D. supervisor at M.I.T. was ProfessorFrank L. Hitchcock, an algebraist. In the Springof 1939 he was elected to full membership inSigmaXi. At about this time Shannon was also developing ideas both in computers and communications systems. In a letter of February 16, 1939 now in the Library of Congress archives ([2], included in Part A), he writes to Bush about trading relations between time, bandwidth, noise and distortion in communication systems, and also about a computer design for symbolic mathematical operations. As the Springof 1940 approached, Shannon had passed all requirements for both a master's in electrical engineering and a doctorate in mathematics - except for satisfying the language requirements, always his weakest subjects. Facing reality, he buckled down in the last few months, hired a French and German tutor and repeatedly worked his way through stacks of flash cards. He finally passed the language exams (it took two tries with German) and in the Spring of 1940 received the S.M. degree in Electrical Engineering and the degree ofDoctorof Philosophy in Mathematics at the same commencement. His Ph.D. dissertation, [3], is published here for the firsttime (in Part D). The Summer of 1940 was spent at Bell Telephone Laboratories doing further research on switching circuits. A new method ofdesign was developed which greatly reduced the number of contacts needed to synthesize complex switching functions from earlier realizations. This was laterpublished ina paper, "TheSynthesisofTwo-Terrninal Switching Circuits" [50]. The academic year 1940-1941 was spent on a National Research Fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton working under Hermann Weyl. It was during this period that Shannon began to work seriously on his ideas relating to information theory and efficient communication systems. Thornton C. Fry, head of the mathematics department at Bell Labs, was in charge of a committee on fire control systems for anti-aircraft use - the country was arming up at the time because of the spreading European war threats - and asked Shannon to join in this effort. Returning to Bell Labs, Shannon joined a team working on anti-aircraft directors - devices to observe enemy planes or missiles and calculate the aiming ofcounter missiles. This problem became crucial with the developmentofthe German VI and V2 rockets. Withoutthe American anti-aircraftdirectors, the ravaging ofEngland, bad as it was, would have been vastly worse. BiographyofClaudeElwoodShannon xiii Shannon spent fifteen years at BeJl Laboratories in a very fruitful association. Many first- rate mathematicians and scientists were at the Labs - men such as John Pierce, known for satellite communication; Harry Nyquist, with numerous contributions to signal theory; Hendrik Bode of feedback fame; transistor inventors Brattain, Bardeen and Shockley; George Stibitz, who built an early (1938) relay computer; Barney Oliver, engineer extraordinaire; and many others. During this period Shannon worked in many areas, most notably in information theory, a development which was published in 1948 as "A Mathematical Theory of Communication" [37]. In this paper it was shown that all information sources- telegraph keys, people speaking, television cameras and so on - have a "source rate" associated with them which can be measured in bits per second. Communication channels have a "capacity" measured in the same units. The information can be transmitted over the channel if and only if the source rate does not exceedthe channelcapacity (see the PrefacetoPartA). This work on communication is generally considered to be Shannon's most important scientific contribution. In 1981 Professor Irving Reed, speaking at the International Symposium on Information Theory in Brighton, England, said, "It was thirty-fouryears ago, in 1948, that Professor Claude E. Shannon first published his uniquely original paper, 'A Mathematical Theory of Communication,' in the Bell System TechnicalJournal. Few other works ofthis century have had greater impact on science and engineering. By this landmark paper and his several subsequent papers on information theory he has altered most profoundly all aspectsofcommunicationtheory and practice." Shannon has rung many changes on the problems of information and noise. In a paper "Communication Theory ofSecrecy Systems" [25] cryptography is related to communication in a noisy channel, the "noise" being in this case the scrambling by the key of the cryptographic system. This work later led to his appointment as a consultant on cryptographic matters to the United StatesGovernment. Another problem, which he investigated jointly with E. F. Moore [88]-[90], was that' of increasing the reliability ofrelay circuits by redundant use ofcontacts, each of which may be unreliable. Again this isa problem related to transmission in noisy channels. Shannon has also applied these concepts to the problem of optimal investment strategies. The "noisy signal" is the stock marketand related time series, and the problem is to maximize a utility function by properchoice and adjustmentofa portfolio. In a lighter vein and in the computer and artificial intelligence area, Shannon wrote a paper "Programming a Computer for Playing Chess" in 1950 [54]. At that time computers were slow, inept and very difficult to program. Since then, many chess-playing programs have been written,most ofthem following quiteclosely the systemdescribed in that early paper. In 1965he was invitedto Russiato give lectures at anengineeringconference. While there, he took the opportunity to meet Mikhail Botvinnik,for many yearsthe WorldChessChampion. Botvinnik, also an electrical engineer, had become interested in the chess programming problem. Shannon remembers the discussion as interesting but carried on through a somewhat noisy channel since the interpretersknew little ofeitherchess or computers. After the discussion, he asked Botvinnik for the pleasure of a chess game. Translators, guides and members of the American party watched with rapt attention as the epic battle unfolded. At one point Shannon had a slightedge (a rook for a knight and pawn), but alas the result was foregone - after forty-two moves Shannon tipped over his king - a message that needed no translation.

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