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Colin Bruce Correspondence File, 1998-2009 PDF

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Colin Bruce III March 12, 1998 Krause Publications 700 E. State St. Tola, WI 54990 Dear Colin: Thank you for the posters. They are beautiful and will be used for decorations in any new museum we develop. Please look at your 1998 Krause Calendar for May 1998 and a"1776 Draped Bust Quarter " to complete our TYPO set of coins for that year. This is the earliest U.S. coin and is a sleeper. Don't tell anyone I do not have it. Chronologically yours, Eric P. Newman standard catalog of WORLD PAPER MONEY D.C Sph.2, Th § “t.. AOS Oe maces| . c Lene Ses | ener riage oe ) as Jie, Ca Lee Oy se N Vee ire CA Bee 45, o: e2 A s : | S publiec atie ons Serving Collectors with the Hobby’s Leading Periodicals krause ublications 700 East State St.« Iola, WI 54990 - 715-445-2214 Demia ike res Ce cs i Feats a Lens” Lae antea ae ee Mig eee oe ae aoa eR: tf. Locke Legh 0 Se ee — iog th CE (On Ld Co s pape Stak, reboo hS LOW S l hc é y|£ Publishers of the leading magazines, newspapers , and books forc ollector ¢ 2 fe a, wa Coins MAY 14, 1999 at 01:41PM Page CinO INt heN UMABNES R... REG..... PROVINCE. cciiats otttemtt eis tare lccoge terete ie sierele ine psv ere PG@ISOMN oc cic eeia reerele eT IEIITRTIS © oie Bie:e vies 6 bese. 656 e08 Mat Denomination ee eeee e sw eoeeesese 11998229..191999..415278 FFrraannccee CChhaatteeaauu RReennaauudd FFrraannccooiiss ddee BBoouurrbboonn dddooouuubbbllleee tournois 111111999999431333746444 ......99999699999199999......58188801403181398 0 FFFFFFrrrrrraaaaaannnnnncccccceeeeee DDDDDDoooooommmmmmbbbbbbeeeeeessssss sHFFyLEerroOenUuaanrTinnirSs(cci oociivtIssIiIX i a dd eIeI II HMAo{neeC=t p eMnsoin@d!te’ p eMA eg.n terp ense P dtdddloeoooisuuuuatbbbbrodlllln eeee ttttoooouuuurrrrnnnnooooiiiissss 1920.999.399 France Dombes Louis II 1947.2.565 France Dombes Louis teston Henri de Nontpenaie teston 1923.999.204 France Dombes Henri) I de Montpensie"”™ teston 1954.29.13 France Dombes Henri Ide Montpensiei ’ douzain ne 11992034..999999..29 05 FFrraannccee DDoommbbeess Francois II lliiaarrdd Le C 1944.100.71037 France Dombes MFarrainec oiAs e II Mont pewA SieY liard . 1111999921119006 ....999999999999....11116473 5 1 FFFFrrrraaaannnncccceeee DDDDoooommmmbbbbeeeessss MMMMaaaarrrriiiieeee Ag lllliiiiaaaarrrrdddd r(e) ‘} eye 1934.999.819 France Dombes Marie v3 liard / 11995484..210010..3751 050 FFrraannccee DDoommbbeess MHeanrrii/eI \de Montpensiey’ lliiaarrdd 1923.999.206 France Dombes Henri, I ;de Montpensiey liard 1923.999.207 France Dombes Henri\ I \de MontpensieV v liard 1934.999.813 France Dombes Henri \I/de Montpensier liard 11991464..919090..174140 47 FFrraannccee DDoommbbeess Henri d MSontpensniey~ * NeTe mel -C liard roe! ~= It 55099 eNaOaOe O ieePe,O eVAdLN Ffarwan ncne= Lor raine Litat LCS 1/2 gros 1934.999.849 France Lorraine Charles III 1/2 gros 1914.999.80 France Lorraine Charles III 1/2 gros 1914.999.82 France Lorraine Henri 1/2 gros 1914.999.78 France Lorraine Anton 1/2 gros 1914.999.79 France Lorraine Anton 1/2 gros 1934.999.852 France Lorraine Henri 1/2 gross 1933.999.732 France Lorraine Charles III 1/2 teston 4934.999.843 France Lorraine Antoine 1934.999.844 France Lorraine Antoine 1/2 teston 1/2 teston 1934.999.845 France Lorraine Antoine 1934.999.846 France Lorraine Antoine 1/2 teston antoine 1/2 teston 1934.999.847 France Lorraine rene Il 1/4 plaque 1923.999.214 France Lorraine Charles III 1/4 plaque 1917.999.598 France Lorraine Charles III 1/4 plaque 0000.999.32161 France Lorraine Charles III 1/4 plaque 1944.54.14 France Lorraine <. . Charles III 1/4 plaque 1944.54.2 France Lorraine —_ a. Cobar Bree, |/ elajae / leo © SLA SF TeleW i S¥94- oena l ’ 2 tis be thelrre AE af- i CA 4 St) 4s 2 fPeSoooTntnp , t llP_.0 . Bw (07% NN 4602 Mitten Rue Cormgited AZ §F38ZM Cyrola NE esiaodg G7 standard catalog of GONS 700 East State Street * Iola, WI 54990-0001 PH: 715-445-2214 * FAX: 715-445-4087 WiNe doe nl: 3/9 [facie standard catalog of WORLD MOPANPEEYR ay Gk 30 ZOO hg Tow Wwoulel exjey Che surconetrh e ebauve VorFich ben ee, MVa rtenged eeeS Aye. i sae: i Wes eL ae | es FEie (ate standard catalog of PH: 715-445-2214 ° FAX: 715-445-4087 Mae oge Bier Ge ia hie LS A A thenglt oleae gone( BY N% lve bo pik af o Cat orksh y | i a Oe Lac, ets (errfern 2 Lot J pe eee ) Benen (OL em ae Page 1 of 1 testing, testing, testing 10/21/2002 12:22:42 PM Central Daylight Time Bon homme Eric Greetings. Just sitting back watching our first good snow fall which shouldn't really be here for a month at the least. Won't ask if you found those British military medals as yet. Next edition of EPM, very slim indeed, about as slim as the tarnish on a silver lining on an onion skin. Think a lot of our lessor titles may end up OOP's (Out of print). New management uses bottom line no matter if we did it for fun, for the hobby or this or that charity, organization or individual and even made a profit. Thus we will concentrate on best sellers (Mucho books sold x Beeg profits) to put it in Pancho Villa's perspective. Yahooskee, Cowahpatchee Keed, Kowahpatchee, Whizkornzin Received: from rly-xg03.mx.aol.com (rly-xg03.mail.aol.com []) by air-xg04.mail.aol.com (v89.10) with ESMTP id MAILINXG41-1021132241-: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 13:22:41 -0400 Received: from EVS2.krause.com (firewall. krause.com []) by rly-xg03.mx.aol.com (v89.10) with ESMTP id MAILRELAYINXG37-1021132325; Mon, 21 Oct 2002 13:23:25 2000 content-class: urn:content-classes:message MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.0.6249.0 Subject: testing, testing, testing......... Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 12:23:29 -0500 Message-ID: <OC864896BFEF9D4BB30DE9COCDD5671 [email protected]> X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: Thread-Topic: testing, testing, testing......... Thread-Index: AcJ5JskRKskqouTSEdaPwgCQJz5C From: "Bruce, Colin To: Tuesday, October 22,2U02 America Online: KricNumis standard catalog of 700 East State Street © Iola, WI 54990-0001 PH: 715-445-2214 ¢ FAX: 715-445-4087 e-mail: we/ kraus4e. co @m ve ee FGoaPo e : on PhC vJt ¢ vav publications : ad Serving coin and paper money collectors since 1952 i

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