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Preview Cold War Broadcasting: Impact on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: A Collection of Studies and Documents

C O L D W A R Table of Contents Prefacebytheeditors ForewordbyTimothyGartonAsh IntroductionbyA.RossJohnson PART1:GOALSOFTHEBROADCASTS ExaminestheroleofWesternbroadcastingto “Itwasnotamatterofpropaganda…blackandwhiteideologicalbroad- Ed ImC BROADCASTING CChhaapptteerr12::RGFoEal’ssoEfarRlyadYieoaLrsibPearutylBG.eHneenSzoesin i theSovietUnionandEasternEuropeduring casts…Whatmade[RadioFreeEurope]importantwereitsimpartiality, ted pO Chapter3:TheVoiceofAmericaAlanL.HeilJr. the Cold War, with a focus on Radio Free independence,andobjectivity.” b a PART2:JAMMINGANDAUDIENCES Europe and Radio Liberty. It includes chap- y cL Chapter4:ColdWarRadioJammingGeorgeW. ters by radio veterans and by scholars who Václav Havel A. t Woodard R oD Chapter 5: The Audience to Western Broadcasts have conducted research on the subject in o s n totheUSSRDuringtheColdWarR.EugeneParta once-secretSovietblocarchivesandinWest- “RadioFreeEuropeandRadioLibertywerecriticallyimportantweapons s Chapter6:TheForeignRadioAudienceintheUSSR J ern records. It also contains a selection of in the free world’s competition with Soviet totalitarianism—and without oh thW DuringtheColdWarElenaI.Bashkirova n Chapter7:TheAudiencetoWesternBroadcasts translateddocumentsfromformerlysecret them the Soviet bloc might even have not disintegrated … The account s e toPolandDuringtheColdWarLechos³awGawli- o SovietandEastEuropeanarchives,mostof n SA kowski(withYvetteNeisserMoreno) in this book of their activities is therefore not only informative, but thempublishedhereforthefirsttime. a o criticaltounderstandingrecenthistory.” nd vR Part 3: IMPACT OF WESTERN BROADCASTS IN EASTERNEUROPE R i Zbigniew Brzezinski . e Chapter 8: Radio Free Europe in the Eyes of the E u tB PolishCommunistEliteJaneLeftwichCurry AbouttheEditors g Chapter9:PolishRegimeCountermeasuresagainst e U “ThestudiesandtranslatedSovietblocdocumentspublishedinthisbook n R RadioFreeEuropePawe³Machcewicz A.RossJohnson,formerdirectorofRFEand e n Chapter10:RadioFreeEurope’sImpactinRoma- demonstrate the enormous impact of Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty, P i a oO niaDuringtheColdWarNestorRatesh theRFE/RLResearchInstitute.Researchfellow and Voice of America during the Cold War. By promoting democratic rt n Chapter11: Ceauºescu’s War against Our Ears at the Hoover Institution and senior scholar a A GerminaNagat attheWoodrowWilsonInternationalCenter values and undermining the monopoly of information on which Com- Fo A a Chapter 12: Just Noise? Impact of Radio Free forScholars. munist regimes relied, the Radios contributed greatly to the end of the re Co nD EuropeinHungaryIstvánRév w lle d Chapter 13: Bulgarian Regime Countermeasures R.EugeneParta,formerdirectorofSovietArea ColdWar.” o c againstRadioFreeEuropeJordanBaev Audience and Opinion Research at RFE/RL George P. Shultz rdb tion EaC Part4:IMPACTOFWESTERNBROADCASTSINTHE andofMediaandOpinionResearchatthe y of sA USSR RFE/RLResearchInstitute. “RdIFivkEind/RoeLdwtionotfhonetlopwocotrhoeeaprtpemotsahinsesgEmcuaermodpipaeso.i”nrgwanhiizcahtiwone tlihvaetthoadsayd—onaeEmuroorpeethnaont TimothyG Studiesand ternESTI Impact on the cFCCCarhhrosiaatsnippentttsgieeerriArn,m11tah54inre::dW1FSot9oehr5viene0ieiesgHtrVnuRlaneMdagiecmadtriiiioraaTn,nostlzahtneo(wdSFitoCohvrzJeieeuicgtlihenWoCBseolrsorowtveaiardnnk-) a D u Chapter16:WaterShapingtheRock:ColdWar Elena Bonner rto ocu roN Soviet Union and BroadcastingImpactinLatviaPeterZvagulis n m A e pG Eastern Europe Part5:CONCLUSIONS sh nts e Chapter17:ColdWarInternationalBroadcasting andtheRoadtoDemocracyA.RossJohnsonand R.EugeneParta CentralEuropeanUniversityPress 978-963-9776-80-7 A Collection of Studies 90000> Part6:DOCUMENTSFROMEASTEUROPEANAND Budapest – New York SOVIETARCHIVES and Documents Contributors Sales and information: [email protected] Glossary 9789639 776807 90000> Edited by Index Website: http://www.ceupress.com A. Ross Johnson and R. Eugene Parta Foreword by Timothy Garton Ash Cold War BroadCasting i4 J&P.indb 1 2010.07.05. 7:54 i4 J&P.indb 2 2010.07.05. 7:54 C o l d Wa r B roa d C a s t i n g Impact on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe a ColleCtion of studies and doCuments edited by a. ross Johnson and r. eugene Parta foreword by timothy garton ash Central european university Press Budapest–new York i4 J&P.indb 3 2010.07.05. 7:54 ©2010 by a. ross Johnson and r. eugene Parta Published in 2010 by Central european university press An imprint of the Central european university share Company nádor utca 11, H-1051 Budapest, Hungary Tel: +36-1-327-3138 or 327-3000 Fax: +36-1-327-3183 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ceupress.com 400 West 59th street, new York nY 10019, usa Tel: +1-212-547-6932 Fax: +1-646-557-2416 E-mail: [email protected] all rights reserved. no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the permission of the Publisher. isBn 978-963-9776-80-7 library of Congress Cataloging-in-publiCation Data Cold war broadcasting : impact on the soviet union and eastern europe : a collection of studies and documents / edited by a. ross Johnson and r. eugene Parta. p. cm. includes bibliographical references and index. isBn 978-9639776807 (hardbound) 1. radio free europe—History. 2. radio liberty—History. 3. Broadcasting—soviet union—History. 4. Broadcasting—europe, eastern—History. i. Johnson, a. ross. ii. Parta, r. eugene, 1940- iii. title. He8697.45.e852C65 2010 384.540947’09045--dc22 2010011584 Printed in Hungary by akadémiai nyomda, martonvásár i4 J&P.indb 4 2010.07.05. 7:54 table of Contents Preface by the editors ..................................... xi foreword by timothy garton ash ......................... xv introduction by a. ross Johnson ........................... xix Part 1: goals of tHe BroadCasts ................... 1 CHaPter 1: rfe’s early Years: evolution of Broadcast Policy and evidence of Broadcast impact paul b. henze.............. 3 CHaPter 2: goals of radio liberty gene sosin ................ 17 CHaPter 3: the Voice of america: a Brief Cold War History alan l. heil Jr. .......................................... 25 Part 2: Jamming and audienCes ..................... 49 CHaPter 4: Cold War radio Jamming george W. WooDarD ..... 51 Appendix A: types of Jamming ............................ 64 Appendix B: an example of a shortwave Broadcasting station during the Cold War..................................... 65 CHaPter 5: the audience to Western Broadcasts to the ussr during the Cold War: an external Perspective r. eugene parta.. 67 CHaPter 6: the foreign radio audience in the ussr during the Cold War: an internal Perspective elena i. bashkirova ..... 103 CHaPter 7: the audience to Western Broadcasts to Poland during the Cold War leChosłaW gaWlikoWski (with yvette neisser moreno) ........................................ 121 Appendix C: Weekly listening rates for major Western Broadcasters to Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, romania, Bulgaria and the ussr during the Cold War ................. 142 v i4 J&P.indb 5 2010.07.05. 7:54 Part 3: imPaCt of Western BroadCasts in eastern euroPe ..................................... 145 CHaPter 8: radio free europe in the eyes of the Polish Communist elite Jane leftWiCh Curry ...................... 147 CHaPter 9: Polish regime Countermeasures against radio free europe paWeł maChCeWiCz............................ 169 CHaPter 10: radio free europe’s impact in romania during the Cold War nestor ratesh............................... 205 CHaPter 11: Ceauşescu’s War against our ears germina nagat.. 229 CHaPter 12: Just noise? impact of radio free europe in Hungary istván rév .............................................. 239 CHaPter 13: Bulgarian regime Countermeasures against radio free europe JorDan baev ............................ 259 Part 4: imPaCt of Western BroadCasts in tHe ussr ........................................... 275 CHaPter 14: soviet reactions to foreign Broadcasting in the 1950s vlaDimir tolz (with Julie CorWin).................... 277 CHaPter 15: foreign media, the soviet Western frontier, and the Hungarian and Czechoslovak Crises amir Weiner.............. 299 CHaPter 16: Water shaping the rock: Cold War Broadcasting impact in latvia peter zvagulis............................ 319 Part 5: ConClusions ................................. 343 CHaPter 17: Cold War international Broadcasting and the road to democracy a. ross Johnson and r. eugene parta.......... 345 Part 6: doCuments from east euroPean and soViet arCHiVes ..................................... 351 i. regime Perceptions of Western Broadcasters ............... 355 Bulgaria 1: 1 977. interior ministry analysis of foreign Propaganda against Bulgaria........................................ 357 2: 1 986. interior ministry report on the staff of the Bulgarian service of rfe......................................... 362 3: 1 989. Bulgarian Politburo discussion on rfe monitoring reports............................................... 364 vi i4 J&P.indb 6 2010.07.05. 7:54 german democratic republic 4: 1 970. stasi report on West german government’s attitude to rfe and rl......................................... 366 Hungary 5: 1 973. report to Politburo and Politburo resolution on fight against “imperialist Propaganda”.......................... 368 6: 1 978. Hungarian Central Committee discusses implementation of 1973 resolution ..................................... 379 romania 7: 1 964. securitate reports on rfe’s encouragement of romanian independence from ussr ............................... 391 Poland 8: 1 966. letter from army main Political administration to interior minister on “Hostile” radio Propaganda ................... 394 9: 1 967. foreign intelligence report on rfe .................. 396 10: 1 976. analysis of Western radio “Propaganda” directed at Poland................................................ 398 11: 1 976. analysis of Western radio Coverage of Kor (Committee for the defense of the Workers)........................... 402 12: 1 983. Polish intelligence alleges rfe links to Cia.......... 405 13: 1 988. information Bulletin for Party leadership on Western Views of Poland........................................ 407 ussr 14: 1 953. tass to CPsu on “anti-soviet Propaganda” of Voa on death of lev mekhlis ................................ 409 15: 1 953. tass on radio liberation Broadcast to ussr military in germany during June 1953 east german revolt........... 411 16: 1 953. transcript of Voa Broadcast Citing radio liberation appeal to soviet military in germany ..................... 413 17: 1 966. gosteleradio review of tactics of foreign radio Propaganda............................................ 415 18: 1 967. memo to Central Committee on Propaganda Conducted by foreign radio stations in russian ...................... 425 19: 1 968. memo to Central Committee on Western radio Propaganda against the ussr ............................ 431 20: 1 968. KgB report to Central Committee on rl Policy guidelines ............................................ 433 ii. regime Countermeasures against Western Broadcasters ...... 439 soviet Bloc 21: 1 976. Bloc intelligence organs take Joint Countermeasures against rfe and rl .................................... 441 vii i4 J&P.indb 7 2010.07.05. 7:54 22: 1 976. Bulgarian interior ministry account of meeting in Prague................................................ 447 23: 1 978. Bulgarian gen. stoyanov meets KgB gen. Bobkov to discuss rfe and rl.................................... 450 24: 1 979. Bulgarian and Czech interior ministries Plan to Cooperate against foreign Propaganda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453 25: 1 980. statements by KgB Chairman and Polish and Czech interior ministers during Bloc meeting on Western radio ..... 456 26: 1 981. minutes of meeting between Czechoslovak and Hungarian interior ministry officials on the Carlos terrorist group and rfe Bomb attack...................................... 462 27: 1 985. Bulgarian interior minister Visits moscow to Coordinate activities against foreign Propaganda operations............ 467 Bulgaria 28: 1 977. Bulgaria gets Help from KgB to fight “ideological subversion” ........................................... 469 29: 1 979. Bulgarian Cooperation with KgB against “subversive Centers” .............................................. 472 30: 1 979. interior ministry note on actions against Western radio ................................................ 474 Czechoslovakia 31: 1 956. Politburo resolution on Plan to Counter “reactionary” exiles ................................................ 476 32: 1 975. interior ministry note on actions of agent minařik against rfe ........................................... 480 33: 1 969. report to CPsu Central Committee on Visit of Czech delegation to discuss Countering enemy Propaganda in Czechoslovakia ........................................ 483 Hungary 34: 1 963. report to Politburo on Jamming of Western radio ...... 487 35: 1 963. minutes of Politburo meeting on Jamming of Western radio ................................................ 494 Poland 36: 1 953. Polish Proposal for Bloc-wide Coordination of Jamming. 501 37: 1 953. interior ministry report on intercepted letters sent to rfe Cover addresses................................... 504 38: 1 972. gierek Calls for offensive action against “Centers of subversion” ........................................... 506 39: 1 983. rfe linked to Cia at trial in absentia of Zdzisław najder................................................ 509 40: 1 983. military Court Passes death sentence on Zdzisław najder................................................ 511 viii i4 J&P.indb 8 2010.07.05. 7:54 41: 1 984. Central Committee analysis of Western Propaganda and recommended Countermeasures.......................... 513 42: 1 985. interior ministry report on information leaked to rfe on Catholic Church..................................... 518 ussr 43: 1 951. report on Western Broadcasts to Poland and Council of ministers decree on Jamming the Broadcasts ............... 520 44: 1 957. letter to Khrushchev from radio moscow german- language service urging Creation of Warsaw Pact radio station analogous to rfe ............................... 528 45: 1 958. report to Central Committee about Press Conference on “subversive activities” of Western radios ................. 531 46: 1 959. KgB report on uneven Quality of Jamming of Western Broadcasts ............................................ 533 47: 1 960. Central Committee analysis of Western radio Propaganda, decree to Combat it, and implementation responses from latvia, estonia and uzbekistan ............. 537 48: 1 963. minutes of Presidium meeting on restricting soviet shortwave receivers.................................... 552 49: 1 965. memo to CC CPsu from turkmen CC on extending turkmen foreign Broadcasting ........................... 555 50: 1 971. report by KgB Chairman andropov on rfe and rl ... 557 51: 1 986. memo to Central Committee from Politburo members ligachev and Chebrikov on Jamming of Western radio stations............................................... 560 Contributors ............................................. 563 glossary ................................................ 565 index ................................................... 569 ix i4 J&P.indb 9 2010.07.05. 7:54

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