Cold guided beams of water isotopologs ∗ M. Motsch, L.D. van Buuren, C. Sommer, M. Zeppenfeld, G. Rempe, and P.W.H. Pinkse Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Straße 1, 85748 Garching, Germany Electrostatic velocity filtering and guiding is an established technique to produce high fluxes of cold polar molecules. In this paper we clarify different aspects of this technique by comparing ex- periments to detailed calculations. In the experiment, we produce cold guided beams of the three water isotopologs H2O, D2O and HDO. Their different rotational constants and orientations of electric dipole moments lead to remarkably different Stark shift properties, despite the molecules 9 being verysimilar in a chemical sense. Therefore, the signals of the guided water isotopologs differ 0 on an absolute scale and also exhibit characteristic electrode voltage dependencies. We find excel- 0 lent agreement between the relative guided fractions and voltage dependencies of the investigated 2 isotopologs and predictions madeby our theoretical model of electrostatic velocity filtering. n a PACSnumbers: 37.10.Mn,37.10.Pq,32.60.+i J 4 1 I. INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATION molecular species, as long as they have populated low- field-seeking (lfs) states in the thermal source. For high- ] field-seeking(hfs) states, velocityfiltering in the guide is h Cold polar molecules offer fascinating perspectives for also possible by changing from a static quadrupole field p research, e.g. in cold and ultracold chemistry, preci- to a time-dependent dipole field [30]. - m sion measurements for tests of fundamental symmetries, and quantum information (see, e.g., the special issue The filtering by an electric guide strongly depends on e h on cold polar molecules [1]). Since molecules are in the Stark shift properties of the molecules used. In gen- c general inaccessible to direct laser cooling, new meth- eral, dissimilar molecules not only have different Stark . ods are needed. Indirect methods such as association shifts, but also different physical and chemical proper- s c of molecules from ultracold atomic ensembles by pho- ties, which play an important role in the source and in i toassociation [2, 3, 4] or using magnetic Feshbach res- the detection process. Therefore, it is difficult in gen- s y onances [5, 6, 7] have the advantage of producing po- eral to compare such measurements. In this paper we h lar molecules directly at ultralow translational temper- present experiments performed with the three water iso- p atures. Although the molecules are produced in highly topologs H2O, D2O and HDO. These molecules have [ excited vibrational states, it has been shown that it is comparable masses and chemical properties but differ in 2 possible to transfer them down the vibrational ladder to their rotational constants and dipole moments. This al- v create stable ultracold molecules [8, 9, 10, 11]. How- lows the study of the velocity filtering process without 8 ever, these techniques are limited to a few species which large uncontrollable systematic effects. Although these 2 canbe forgedtogether fromlaser-coolableatoms. Direct isotopologsseemverysimilar,theyshowsurprisinglydif- 7 methods, which can be applied to naturally occurring ferent behavior when exposed to external electric fields. 1 polar molecules, include buffer-gas cooling [12], electric Their different Stark shift properties are experimentally . 9 [13, 14, 15] and optical [16, 17] Stark deceleration, mag- revealed as characteristic dependencies of their detector 0 netic deceleration [18, 19], collisions with counterprop- signalsandvelocitydistributionsontheappliedelectrode 8 agating moving surfaces [20] or collision partners [21], voltages. The experimental work is accompanied by a 0 : rotating nozzles [22], velocity filtering of large molecules theoreticaldescriptionof the filtering process. We find a v by rotating mechanical filters [23], and velocity filtering good agreement between the predictions of our calcula- i X by an electrostatic quadrupole guide [24, 25]. tions and the experiments, concluding that the filtering process is well described by the presented model. r Electrostatic velocity filtering offers the advantage of a being a simple technique delivering continuous beams of The paper is organized as follows: In Section II we high flux; guided beams of more than 1010 molecules/s review the filtering process in an electric guide for polar have been produced for ND3 and H2CO [24, 25]. This molecules. In SectionIII we presentthe theory for Stark electrostatic guiding and filtering technique is well suit- shifts of asymmetric rotor molecules, which is applied to able for collision experiments [26], since it produces a thewaterisotopologsH2O,D2OandHDO. InSectionIV high continuous flux with only few rotationalstates con- it is shown how the calculated Stark shifts of H2O, D2O tributing [27, 28]. It has been combined in a natural and HDO and the described filtering properties of the way with buffer-gas cooling to increase the purity of the guidecanbeusedtomakepredictionsoftheguidedflux. guided beam [29]. Furthermore, it is applicable to many Theexperimentalsetupusedfortheguidingexperiments is described in Section V. From detailed measurements presented in Section VI we determine relative detector signals and velocity distributions of cold and slow water ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] molecules. 2 II. VELOCITY FILTERING maximum longitudinal guidable velocity v remain l,max trapped. The longitudinal and radial maximal veloci- To calculate the relative guided fluxes of the differ- ties are connected by the centrifugal force acting on the ent water isotopologs, it is necessary to review some ba- molecules in the bend, leading to vl,max vmax. More ∝ sics of velocity filtering by an electric guide. For guid- specific, the guide has a free inner radius r, at which ing of low-field-seeking molecules, the guide electrodes the maximum trapping field is reached. Since the trap- are charged to positive and negative high voltages in a ping potential increases linearly in radial direction, the quadrupolarconfiguration(as shownin Fig. 8 in Section maximum restoring force acting on a molecule is given V). This creates anelectric field minimum in the center, byFr,max =∆Ws(Emax)/r. Themaximumlongitudinal surrounded by a linearly increasing electric field, up to velocityisthenobtainedbyequatingthecentrifugalforce a certain maximum trapping field. In this electric field inthe bendofradiusRandthe restoringforce,resulting minimummoleculesinlfsstatescanbe trappedintrans- in vl,max = ∆Ws(Emax)R/rm = R/2rvmax. Note verse direction and guided. that for incrpeasing longitudinal velopcity the maximum Molecules from a thermal reservoir at temperature T trappable transverse velocity decreases. As basically ev- areinjectedintotheguide. Theirvelocitiesaredescribed ery particle is guided if vl < vl,max and v⊥ < vmax, this by a three-dimensional Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity dis- results in higher efficiencies as compared to filtering by, tribution e.g., rotating filter wheels and apertures. To calculate the guidedflux, the velocitydistributions 4 2 2 2 ofmolecules injected into the guide areintegratedto the f(v)dv = v exp( v /α )dv (1a) √πα3 − maximum trappable velocity. When performing the in- tegrationin the limit of smallcut-offvelocities v and max and by a one-dimensional velocity distribution v compared to the thermal velocity α, the expo- l,max nentialexp( v2/α2)inthethermalvelocitydistributions 1 2 2 − f(vx,y,z)dvx,y,z = √παexp(−vx,y,z/α )dvx,y,z (1b) can be replaced by 1. The guided flux Φ of a molecular state with a Stark energy ∆Ws is then given by with most probable velocity α = 2k T/m, veloc- B Φ= ity components v (i = x,y,z) and ptotal velocity v = i vmax vmax vl,max v2+v2+v2. The velocity distribution of molecules x y z f(v )f(v )P(v )dv dv dv qcoming from the nozzle is given by Z Z Z x y z x y z vx=−vmaxvy=−vmax vz=0 2 2 2 v4 (∆Ws)2, (3) P(vz)dvz = α2vzexp(−vz/α )dvz, (2) ∝ max ∝ where we have neglected the dependence of the trans- where the z-direction is defined to be oriented along the verse cut-off velocity on the longitudinal velocity, and Φ guide. The factor v enters since one is now considering is normalized to the flux out of the nozzle. The guided z the velocitydistributionintheflux outofthe nozzleand flux can hence be described by a function f which gives not in a fixed volume. thefractionofguidablemoleculesforagivenelectricfield, The guided fraction of molecules can be calculated as Φ = f(∆Ws) (∆Ws)2. The dependence of the guid- the part of molecules injected into the guide with trans- able fraction g∝iven by f(∆Ws) and therefore the depen- verse and longitudinal velocities below certain trans- dence of the guided flux on the molecular Stark shift al- verse and longitudinal cut-off velocities, which depend lowsus to infer characteristicStarkshiftpropertiesfrom on the Stark shift of the molecules and the properties measurementsoftheguidedflux. Whenvaryingtheelec- of the guide. For a molecule with a given Stark shift trodevoltageandhencetheguidingelectricfield,theflux ∆Ws(E ) at the maximum trapping field E , a will change depending on the molecules’ Stark shift. As max max maximum transverse velocity v = 2∆Ws/m ex- willbe shownin SectionIII, moleculescanexhibit linear max ists. If the transverse velocity v⊥ of tphe molecule ex- or quadratic Stark shifts, depending on the molecular ceeds v , it is lost from the guide. In the follow- properties. In Section IV the influence of these Stark max ing it is assumed that the molecule is injected in the shift behavior on the guided flux will be discussed in de- center of the guide. If molecules enter the guide off- tail. Inshort,thefluxscalesquadraticallywithelectrode center they have acquired already some potential en- voltageformoleculeswithalinearStarkeffectandquar- ergy which reduces the maximum trappable transverse tic for molecules with a quadratic Stark effect, as can be velocity. Furthermore we assume mixing of the trans- seenfromEq.(3)andasalreadydescribedin[24,25,28]. versedegreesoffreedom,whereaslongitudinalandtrans- verse degrees of freedom are not coupled. In a full nu- merical analysis this assumption is dropped and yields III. STARK SHIFTS only small modifications to the guided flux. Filtering on longitudinal velocity v is realized by bending the As shown in Section II, the guided flux of molecules l guide. In the bend, molecules with a velocity below the in a certain rotational state is determined by the Stark 3 H2O HDO D2O with the reduced Hamiltonian Rotational A 27.79 23.48 15.39 constants B 14.50 9.13 7.26 H(κ)=J2a+κJ2b −J2c. (4b) [cm−1] C 9.96 6.40 4.85 The constant κ=(2B A C)/(A C) is the so called Dipole moment µ 0 0.66 0 A − − − components µ 1.94 1.73 1.87 asymmetryparameter,takingonthevalue 1inthelimit B − [Db] µ 0 0 0 of the prolate symmetric top and +1 in the limit of the C oblate symmetric top. For calculations this Hamiltonian is expressed in the symmetric rotor basis. The matrix TABLE I: Rotational constants and components of the elec- elements of the reduced Hamiltonian H(κ) [Eq. (4b)] in tric dipole moment along the principal axes for the different the symmetric top basis JKM are given by water isotopologs H2O, D2O and HDO[32, 33]. {| i} 2 2 JKM H(κ) JKM =F J(J +1) K +GK , b h | | i − (cid:2) (cid:3) (5a) J,K 2,M H(κ) JKM =H[f(J,K 1)]1/2, (5b) h ± | | i ± O with a 1 f(J,K 1)= [J(J +1) K(K 1)] ± 4 − ± D [J(J +1) (K 1)(K 2)] (5c) × − ± ± c D andF,G,H suppliedinTableVandVIintheappendix. Only symmetric rotor states with ∆K = 0, 2 are cou- ± pledbytheasymmetricrotorHamiltonianasisseenfrom Eqs. (5). The eigenstates A and energies W of JτM JτM the asymmetric rotorcan be found by diagonalizationof FIG. 1: (Color online). Orientation of the rotational axes in the full asymmetric rotor Hamiltonian Eq.(4a), yielding D2O.Theelectricdipolemomentisorientedalongtheb-axis. 1 1 W = (A+C)J(J +1)+ (A C)W (κ) (6) JτM JτM 2 2 − shift of that state. The total flux is then given by the sum over the contributions of all states thermally popu- and lated in the source. To make a theoretical prediction for guidedfluxesofthedifferentwaterisotopologsH2O,D2O AJτM = aJKτMΨJKM. (7) X and HDO, their Stark shifts are calculated by numerical K diagonalization of the asymmetric rotor Hamiltonian in The eigenstates A are expressed as linear superpo- JτM the presence of an external electric field, following the sition of symmetric rotor wave functions Ψ . Note procedure given by Hain et al. [31]. For completeness, JKM that the total angular momentum quantum number J the mainsteps ofthe calculationaresummarizedin Sec- and its projection on a space-fixed axis M are still good tion IIIA. A detailed understanding of this theoretical quantum numbers in the field-free asymmetric rotor, in partofthepaperisnotcrucialforthediscussionsfollow- contrast to K. This can already be seen from the asym- ing. Section IIIB shows how the molecular properties metric rotor Hamiltonian which does not depend on M manifest themselves in the Stark shifts, and illustrates and which commutates with J2. The pseudo quantum this with the example of the different water isotopologs. number τ = K K is used to label the asymmetric a c − rotorstatesinascendingorderinenergy. τ isdirectlyre- latedto the quantum numbers K and K in the prolate A. Calculation of Stark Shifts a c andoblatelimiting caseofthe symmetrictop. Fromthis the symmetry properties of the asymmetric rotor states, The molecular properties relevant for the calculations represented by the symmetry species of the four group are listed in Table I. A, B and C are the rotationalcon- D2 [34] (sometimes also referred to as V(a,b,c)), can be stants along the principal axes, where A (C) is oriented derived [35, 36]. alongtheaxiswithlargest(smallest)rotationalconstant, An external field lifts the degeneracy between the M- A B C. The orientation of the rotational axes in sublevelsofastate J,τ . DifferentJ statesarealsocou- ≥ ≥ D2O is illustrated in Fig. 1. pled now, leaving M| asithe only good quantum number. The molecular Hamiltonian in the absence of external Ingeneral,anasymmetrictopmoleculecanpossesscom- electric fields can be written as ponents of its dipole moment µ along all three principal Hrot = 12(A+C)J2+ 12(A−C)H(κ), (4a) Aaxsecsainnbtheesebeondyfr-ofimxeTdafbralemIe,,H~µ2O=aPndgDµg2eˆOg,h(agve=aad,ibp,ocl)e. 4 M=0 M=1 M=2 M=3 moment component only along the b-axis (see Fig. 1), whereas in HDO there are components along the a- and H O D O HDO 2 2 b-axis. This is important for their Stark shift properties, 142.4 75.0 109.6 since different components promote couplings between 142.2 74.8 109.4 rotational energy levels of different symmetry species. 142.0 74.6 109.2 We define the electric field to be directed along the Z- 141.8 74.4 109.0 axis in the space-fixed frame (F = X,Y,Z), E~ = E eˆ . 137.0 74.2 100.8 Z Z Then, the interaction Hamiltonian is given by 136.8 74.0 100.6 136.6 73.8 100.4 136.4 73.6 100.2 H =E Φ µ , (8) s Z Zg g X 136.0 70.6 91.6 g 135.8 70.4 91.4 where the direction cosines Φ connect the space-fixed 135.6 70.2 91.2 Fg 135.4 70.0 91.0 to the molecule-fixed frame. Since the direction cosines 96.2 49.8 66.8 are tabulated for symmetric rotor wave functions only 96.0 49.6 66.6 (see Table VII in Appendix ; note there are some mis- 95.8 49.4 66.4 prints in the Φ tabulated in [31] which are corrected Fg 95.6 49.2 66.2 here.), their matrix elements with respect to the asym- 82.4 42.2 58.4 metric rotor states have to be constructed. This can be 82.2 42.0 58.2 done using the expansion of the asymmetric rotor wave 82.0 41.8 58.0 functions in terms of symmetric rotor states and results 81.8 41.6 57.8 in 72.6 36.0 46.4 72.4 35.8 46.2 JτM Φ J′τ′M′ = -1m) 72.2 35.6 46.0 h | Zg| ′i ′ ′ (c 72.0 35.4 45.8 hJ|×ΦZKXgK|J′aiJKhτJMMaKJ|′Φ′τ′ZMg′|JhJMK|iΦδZMgM|J′′K′i. (9) Energy 444222...864 222233...802 333233...802 42.2 22.6 32.6 Note that Hs only couples states with ∆M = 0, due to 38.0 20.6 30.0 the choice of E~ along the Z-direction, E~ = E eˆ . By 37.8 20.4 29.8 Z Z diagonalization of the total Hamiltonian H +H (E ) 37.6 20.2 29.6 rot s Z 37.4 20.0 29.4 the eigenstates and eigenenergies of the asymmetric ro- torinthe presenceofanexternalfieldcanbe calculated. 38.0 12.2 15.6 TheStarkshift∆Ws(E )isthensimplygivenbythedif- 37.8 12.0 15.4 Z 37.6 11.8 15.2 ference between the total energy in the external electric 37.4 11.6 15.0 field and the zero field energy. 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 B. Discussion of Stark Shifts -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 The energies of the rotational states of the different Electricfield(kV/cm) water isotopologs in an external electric field, calculated by the procedure described in Section IIIA, are shown FIG. 2: (Color online). Energy of rotational states in an in Fig. 2 and 3. Several features are directly evident externalelectricfieldforthewaterisotopologsH2O,D2Oand HDO. The same vertical scale is used throughout the figure. when comparing the different isotopologs. First of all, Stateswithlargecontributionsintheguidedbeamareplotted the calculations predict quadratic Stark shifts for H2O with thick red lines and marked by a star. and D2O, while for HDO linear Stark shifts are found as well. This is caused by the different orientations of the electric dipole moments in the molecules with respect to the main axes of the molecule. In H2O and D2O the the a-axis in an external electric field. Hence, once the dipolemomentisonlyorientedalongtheb-axis. InHDO coupling between these states due to the electric field there is additionally a component along the a-axis. This becomes largerthan their asymmetric rotorsplitting the is important since in a more prolate asymmetric rotor, Stark shift becomes linear. This behavior is illustrated as is the case for the different water isotopologs (H2O in Fig. 3 for the lowest energy rotational states of HDO κ= 0.49,D2Oκ= 0.54,HDO κ= 0.68),the states exhibitingamainlylinearStarkshift. ForH2OandD2O − − − with the same K quantum number are near degenerate thesituationiscompletelydifferent,heretheStarkshifts a for increasing J and K quantum numbers. It is exactly stay quadratic and even become smaller with increasing a thesestateswhicharecoupledbyadipole momentalong rotational energy as can be seen from Fig. 4. 5 0.25 HO 235.6 407.8 2 0.20 235.4 407.6 -1m) 235.2 407.4 c 0.15 ( y g 235.0 407.2 ner 0.10 e 234.8 407.0 k ar 234.6 406.8 St 0.05 -1m) 234.4 406.6 0.00 (c 234.2 406.4 0.35 y g er 110.4 298.4 0.30 D2O n E 110.2 298.2 -1m) 0.25 110.0 298.0 (c 0.20 y 109.8 297.8 erg 0.15 n 109.6 297.6 e ark 0.10 109.4 297.4 St 0.05 109.2 297.2 0.00 109.0 297.0 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 1.4 HDO 1.2 Electricfield(kV/cm) -1m) 1.0 FIG. 3: (Color online). Lowest energy rotational states with y(c 0.8 linear Stark shifts of HDO. The same vertical scale is used g throughout the figure. States with large contributions in the ner 0.6 e guidedbeamareplottedwiththickredlinesandmarkedbya k ar 0.4 star. InthisfigurequantumnumbersKa and Kc areused to St indicate the close connection to the prolate symmetric rotor 0.2 where these states are degenerate, giving rise to linear Stark 0.0 shifts. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Rotationalenergy(cm-1) AsecondobservationwhichcanbemadefromFigs.2– FIG. 4: (Color online). Stark shifts of the different wa- 4 is that the magnitude of the Stark shifts of the iso- ter isotopologs H2O, D2O and HDO at an electric field of topologs also differ. HDO exhibits the largest Stark 130kV/cm. The solid line indicates the Boltzmann factor shifts, as is to be expected because of their linear char- for a source temperature of 293K.Only lfs states are shown. acter. Besides, the Stark shifts of H2O are significantly Notethedifferentverticalscales. ThedifferentM statesof a smallerthanthoseofD2O,althoughbothmoleculeshave rotational state |J,τ,Mi all have the same rotational energy similar size dipole moments and hence similar couplings but different Stark shifts, thus forming a vertical sequence. between rotational states. The reason for this is also Note that in the case of HDO the Stark shifts approach a saturation value indicated by the dashed line for increasing foundintherotationalconstants. SinceD2Ohassmaller rotational energy, corresponding to the full alignment of the rotational constants than H2O, the energy levels are dipole moment component along the a-axis on the electric closer together, leading to larger Stark shifts for compa- field axis. In the case of the b-type rotors H2O and D2O the rablecouplings,ascanbeseenfromperturbationtheory. Stark shifts decrease with increasing rotational energy. The third observable feature is that the Stark shifts also show a different behavior with increasing rota- tional energy for the different isotopologs. In HDO, ing between the rotationalenergy levels increases,which the states J,τ,M =J,J,J exhibit the maximumStark | i | i reduces the Stark shifts. shiftswhichapproachaconstantvaluegivenbythemax- imum possible projection of the dipole moment compo- More generally, the Stark shift properties discussed nent µ along the a-axis on the electric field axis as in- abovecanbeunderstoodforanarbitraryasymmetrictop a dicated in Fig. 4. The Stark shifts in H2O and D2O de- molecule by examining its rotational energy level struc- crease with increasing rotational energy, as was already ture, the symmetry properties of its energy levels, and observed and described for D2O in Rieger et al. [28]. thecouplingsbroughtaboutbythedifferentcomponents With increasing J and K quantum numbers the spac- ofthemolecularelectricdipolemoment. Thesecouplings 6 Symmetry Species: A B B B a b c a) c) J=1 J=3 -1m) 20 Kc=0 120 Kc=0 c m ( c y g r ene Ka=1 mb mc 100 K=3 K=1 a c al 10 m ation a Kc=1 ma mb mc Rot Ka=0 -1m) 80 c K=2 0 ( c y -1.0 0 1.0 g r Asymmetry parameterk e n b) e 60 al K=2 J=2 n a -1cm) 60 Kcm=0c otatio ma mc ( K=2 R 40 nergy 40 maa mb Kc=1 Ka=1 Kc=3 e m onal 20 Ka=1 K=2c 20 ma otati ma c Ka=0 R K=0 0 a 0 -1.0 0 1.0 -1.0 0 1.0 Asymmetry parameterk Asymmetry parameterk FIG. 5: (Color online). Couplings due to the different dipole moment components in the asymmetric rotor. Shown are the energy levels of the asymmetric rotor as a function of the asymmetry parameter κ, for different J quantum numbers. The symmetry of the rotational states, represented by the symmetry species of the four group D2, is indicated by the dashing of thecurves. Adipolemomentµ alongthea-axismainlycouplesstateswhich aredegeneratein theprolatesymmetrictop,i.e. a κ= −1, while a dipole moment µ along the c-axis mainly couples states degenerate in the oblate symmetric top, i.e. κ =1. c ThisneardegeneracygivesrisetolinearStarkshiftsforthesestates. Incontrast,stateswhicharecoupledbyadipolemoment µ along the b-axis, are always separated by an intermediate energy level, therefore never giving rise to a linear Stark shift. b Rotational constants A=10cm−1 and C =1cm−1 were used, with B=1...10cm−1 varyinglinearly with κ. Dipole moment component Coupled symmetry species in the figure. µ A↔B B ↔B As can be seen from Fig. 5, for a near-prolate asym- a a b c µ A↔B B ↔B metric top, κ 1, the energy levels with same K are b b a c a ≈ − µc A↔Bc Ba ↔Bb near degenerate. These states are coupled by a dipole moment µ along the a-axis. This gives rise to linear a Stark shifts, once the Stark interaction overcomes the TABLEII:Couplingsbetweenthedifferentsymmetryspecies splitting of these energy levels in the asymmetric rotor. of the asymmetric rotor belonging to the four group D2 in- Even in the most asymmetric case κ = 0, the split- duced by the different dipole moment components, when an external electric field is applied along the Z-axis. ting between the states with highest rotational energy, K = J, K = 0,1, decreases with increasing J, as can a c be seenbycomparingtheenergylevelcurvesforincreas- between the different symmetry species are given in Ta- ing values of the J quantum number. This diminishing ble II for an externalelectric field along the Z-axis. Fig- splitting gives rise to linear Stark shifts in the limit of ure 5 shows the energy level structure of an asymmetric large J for a dipole moment µa along the a-axis, even in top molecule as a function of the asymmetry parame- this most asymmetric case. ter κ for fixed J quantum numbers. The symmetry of Similar arguments hold for a near-oblate asymmetric therotationalenergylevels,representedbythesymmetry top,κ 1. Here,theenergylevelswithsameK arenear c ≈ species A,Ba,Bb,Bc of the four group D2, is indicated. degenerate. These energy levels are coupled by a dipole The couplings induced by the different dipole moment momentµ alongthec-axis,leadingtolinearStarkshifts c components µ according to Table II are also indicated asdiscussedforthenear-prolatecase. Onceagain,inthe g 7 mostasymmetriccaseκ=0linearStarkshiftswilloccur KaKc H2O D2O HDO in the limit of large J, however for different rotational ee,oo 1 6 1 states. The states Ka = 0,1, Kc = J, being coupled by eo, oe 3 3 1 a dipole moment µ along the c-axis, show a decreasing c splitting with increasing J, which can then give rise to TABLE III: Nuclear spin degeneracy factors g for the three linear Stark shifts. I water isotopologs H2O, D2O and HDO [32]. e and o refer to The situation is, however, completely different for a theparity(evenorodd)ofthequantumnumbersK andK a c dipole moment µb oriented along the b-axis. As can be respectively. seen from Fig. 5, the energy levels which are coupled by such a dipole moment are always separated by another energylevelinbetween. Therefore,thesplittingbetween note that in the case of accidental degeneracies also a b- statescoupledbyadipolemomentalongtheb-axisnever type asymmetric rotor may show linear Stark shifts for approacheszerowithinoneJ system,independentofthe certainstates [40]. The mechanicalanalogueof these ac- value of the asymmetry parameter κ. More severely, the cidental degeneracies, if existing, is not evident. Overall splitting between these energylevels coupledby a dipole onecansummarizethatevenmoleculessuchasthethree moment µb along the b-axis even increases with increas- water isotopologs H2O, D2O and HDO which seem very ing J. As can be seen from perturbation theory, this similar at a first glance, can show surprisingly different reduces the Stark shift for increasing rotational energy behavior when exposed to an external electric field. (large J). Of course, one could consider electric fields large enough to cause the Stark interaction to overcome this splitting of rotational states. Nonetheless, this gen- IV. CALCULATION OF THE GUIDED FLUX erally does not lead to linear Stark shifts for low-field- seeking states. Coupling to other J states becomes rele- With the Stark shifts of the different isotopologs at vant first, forcing all states to become high-field-seeking. hand we are now ready to calculate their guided fluxes. The Stark shift properties examined in the preceding The total guided flux of a molecular species can be cal- paragraphscanalsobeunderstoodfromapurelyclassical culatedby summing overthe contributions to the flux of point of view. For a classicalrotating body, the rotation allindividualinternalstates,weightedwiththeirthermal is stable around the axis of least and largest moment of occupation in the source. The thermal occupation of a inertia,i.e.thea-andc-axis. Aroundtheaxisofinterme- rotational state J,τ,M in the source is given by | i diate moment of inertia no stable rotation is possible. If 1 thedipolemomentisorientedalongthea-orc-axis,asis p = g g exp( E /k T), (10) JτM M I JτM B the case for a symmetric top or e.g. for an a-type asym- Z − metricrotorsuchasformaldehyde(H2CO),thereexistsa with the partition function non-zeroexpectationvalueoftheprojectionofthedipole moment on the space-fixed electric field axis, except for Z = g g exp( E /k T). aclassicalmotionwiththeaxisofrotationperpendicular M I − JτM B X JτM to the external field axis. This projection of the dipole moment can directly interact with the applied electric E istherotationalenergy,T thesourcetemperature, JτM field, giving rise to a linear Stark shift. Conversely, if g the M degeneracy factor of the state, and g the M I the dipole moment is oriented along the b-axis, i.e. the nuclear spin degeneracy factor. Nuclear spin degeneracy axis of intermediate moment of inertia, the expectation factorsforthedifferentisotopologsarelistedinTableIII. value ofthe projectionofthe dipole momentonthe elec- tric field axis will be zero. Hence, the external electric The guided flux for a given guiding electric field can fieldfirsthastohindertherotationandorientthedipole, now be readily expressed as which becomes more and more difficult with increasing rotational energy and angular momentum. Therefore, Φ=N0 pJτMf(∆WJτM), (11) the magnitude of the oriented dipole decreases with in- X JτM creasing rotational energy, in accordance with the de- scription given by quantum mechanics. This oriented with the guidable fraction of a rotational state JτM dipole moment can then interact with the electric field. given by f(∆Ws ) (∆Ws )2 as shown i|n Seci- JτM ∝ JτM This second-order interaction gives rise to a quadratic tion II, and N0 the number of molecules injected into Stark shift for b-type rotors. The same argument holds the guide per second. Figure 6 compares Stark shifts forlinearheteronuclearmoleculeswithapermanentelec- and calculated source populations of individual rota- tric dipole moment, where the rotation averages out the tional states for H2O and D2O. From this figure it can projectionofthedipolemoment. Hence,linearmolecules already be anticipated that in the case of H2O the state exhibitaquadraticStarkeffectunless anelectronicangu- J =1,τ =1,M =1 will contribute strongly to the | i larmomentumparalleltotheelectricdipolemoment~µis guidedflux. The reasonforthe largethermalpopulation ∗ present,ase.g.inΠ statesof NH,OHorCO . However, of this state as compared to the J =1,τ =1,M =1 | i 8 100 a) HDO 0.030 HO D2O 80 D2O 2 x HO 0.025 flu 2 d 60 e on 0.020 uid populati 0.015 elativeg 40 e R 20 c ur o 0.010 S 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0.005 Trappingfield(kV/cm) 0.000 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 b) 8 Starkenergy(cm-1) HDO DO 2 6 FIG. 6: (Color online). Calculated thermal populations in ux H2O thesourcepJτM at asourcetemperatureof293K,andStark edfl shifts ∆WJsτM at an electric field of 130kV/cm for the ro- uid 4 tational states |J,τ,Mi of H2O and D2O. States with large g e contributions to the guided flux are labeled with quantum v ati numbers. el 2 R 0 state in D2O can be found in the different nuclear 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 spin statistics of the two isotopologs. For such consid- Trappingfield(kV/cm) erations based on symmetry properties it is advanta- geous to transform from J,τ,M to the quantum num- FIG. 7: (Color online). a) Calculated guided fluxes of the | i bers J,Ka,Kc,M . For the state J =1,τ =1,M =1 differentwater isotopologs as afunction ofthetrappingelec- | i | i this results in the corresponding quantum numbers tric field. The symbols are the results of the calculation de- J =1,K =1,K =0,M =1 . According to Table III, scribedinSectionIV,whereasthesolidcurvesarequarticand a c | i thisstateisfavoredinH2Oby3:1,whileitisunfavored quadratic fits to the calculated flux. Guided fluxes are nor- in D2O by 3:6. malized to the flux of H2O at a trapping field of 100kV/cm. TheguidedfluxofHDOshowsaquadraticdependenceonthe Theexpectedguidedfluxesofthe differentisotopologs trappingelectricfield,whereasforH2OandD2Oaquarticde- calculated this way are depicted in Fig. 7 as a func- pendence is found. b) Zoom-in to compare the calculations tion of the electric field. The guided fluxes of the dif- of theguided fluxfor H2O and D2O to a quartic curve. ferent isotopologs differ remarkably. Furthermore, not only the flux but also the electric field dependence is clearly different. While H2O and D2O show a quar- with similar size rotational constants but mainly linear tic dependence of the guided flux, caused by quadratic Starkshifts canbe foundinthe quadraticStarkshiftbe- Stark shifts, the electric field dependence of HDO shows havior. As can be seen from Fig. 4, the size of the Stark a mainly quadratic behavior, indicating the presence of shiftdecreaseswithrotationalenergyforamoleculewith linear Stark shifts. aquadraticStarkshift,leavingonlyfewlow-energystates The calculations of the guided fluxes allow us to de- with largest Stark shifts for guiding [28]. duce the populations of individual rotational states in the guided beam. In a recent experiment these cal- culated state populations were experimentally verified V. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP by collinear ultraviolet spectroscopy in a cold guided beam of formaldehyde H2CO [27]. For the water iso- topologs,populationsofindividualrotationalstateswith To compare with theory, experiments with the three contributions larger than 5% of the total flux of the water isotopologs H2O, HDO and D2O were performed. considered isotopolog are listed in Table IV. Remark- As shown in Fig. 8, a setup similar to the one described ably, the single state J =1,τ =1,M =1 of H2O con- previously [25, 27] is used for the experiment. Water | i tributes 80% to the guided flux using a room tem- moleculesareinjectedintothequadrupoleguidethrough ≈ perature source. Similarly, in D2O the most populated a ceramic tube with diameter 1.5mm and a length of state J =1,τ =1,M =1 contributes 21% to the to- 9.5mm. The pressure in the reservoir is kept at a fixed | i ≈ tal flux. The reason for these large populations as com- value of 0.10mbar via a stabilized flow valve, resulting pared to a molecule such as formaldehyde (H2CO) [27] in a gas flow of 1 10−4mbarl/s. Since water has a × · 9 H2O sufficiently high vapor pressure of 25mbar at room ≈ temperature[37],noheatingofitscontainerisnecessary. E p ∆Ws p J τ M (cmr−ot1) (%S) (cm−1) (%G) The constituents of the gas injected through the tube can be monitored by a residual gas analyzer placed in 1 1 1 42.3 2.9 0.13 79.3 the source vacuum chamber. The guide is composed of 2 0 2 95.7 0.8 0.08 7.4 fourstainlesssteelelectrodesof2mmdiameterseparated 3 1 3 213.6 1.3 0.05 5.1 byadistanceof1mm. Foranelectrodevoltageof 5kV, ± atrappingelectricfieldofaround93kV/cmisgenerated. D2O Transverselyslow molecules in a lfs state are trapped by E p ∆Ws p the enclosing high electric fields. A longitudinal cut-off J τ M (cmr−ot1) (%S) (cm−1) (%G) velocityisobtainedbybendingtheguide. Slowmolecules 1 1 1 22.7 0.54 0.20 21.3 are guided around two bends with a radius of curvature 3 -2 1 74.5 0.83 0.16 21.2 of5cmandthroughtwodifferentialpumpingstagestoan 2 0 2 49.3 0.94 0.13 17.1 ultrahigh-vacuum chamber, where they are detected by 3 -2 0 74.5 0.42 0.18 13.2 a quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS). The molecules 3 -2 2 74.5 0.83 0.10 8.0 areionizedbyelectronimpactinacross-beamionsource and mass selected in the analyzer. In the final stage of HDO the QMS single ion counting is performed. Measurements of D2O were performed with isotopi- J τ M (cEmr−ot1) (p%S) (∆cmW−1s) (p%G) cally pure D2O. For measurements of HDO, mixtures of H2O and D2O with a ratio of 1:1 and 4:1 were used. 3 3 3 234.9 0.45 0.83 15.0 These result in a HDO fractionof 48% and 27%, re- 2 2 2 109.8 0.83 0.59 14.3 ≈ ≈ spectively, coming from the source as measuredwith the 4 4 4 407.0 0.19 0.89 7.5 residual gas analyzer. When using these mixtures in the 3 3 2 234.9 0.45 0.55 6.6 source, all three isotopologs are guided simultaneously. 4 2 4 297.8 0.33 0.58 5.5 However, due to its much larger Stark shift for some ro- tationalstates(seeSectionIII,andFig.4),HDO ispref- TABLE IV: Properties of selected rotational states (popula- erentially guided. This measurement with the mixture tion in the guide>5%) of the three water isotopologs H2O, D2OandHDO. Erot: zerofieldrotationalenergy,pS: Source ofdifferent isotopologsallows to extractcontributions of population for a temperature of 293K, ∆Ws: Stark shift at HDO and D2O. The contribution of H2O is also visible, an electric field of 100kV/cm, pG: population in the electric although it is shadowed by fragments of D2O and HDO guide at an applied electric field of 100kV/cm. inthe QMSatmass18,17and16amuwhereH2Oisde- tected. Measurementsof H2O were performed with pure H2O to avoid these unwanted contributions of D2O and HDO. a) b) E (kV/cm) VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION bend radius QMS ionization 0 30 60 90 120 50mm volume 3 The experiments are performed as a series of time of 2 flight measurements. Here, the high voltage (HV) is quadrupole 1 switchedonandoffrepeatedlyinafixedtimingsequence. guide differential m) A typical time of flight trace is shown in Fig. 9. To sub- ceramic sourpceumping y (m -01 tdriaffcetrebnatckisgortooupnodlocgosnitsridbeutteiromnisn,etdhefrgoumidtehdesdiginffaerlefnorcethine tube vacuum -2 thesteadystateQMSsignalwithHVappliedtotheguide chamber -3 and HV switched off. -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Before comparing the signals of guided molecules to reservoir x (mm) thepredictionsofthetheorypresentedinSectionIV,the detectionprocess is consideredinsome more detail. The FIG. 8: (Color online). Experimental setup. a) Water QMSusedfordetectionoftheguidedmoleculesoperates molecules from thethermalreservoirentertheelectric guide. as a residual gas analyzer, which measures the densities Slowmoleculesaretrappedinthequadrupolefieldandguided ofindividualconstituentsinthe recipient. Thesignalsof to an ultra-high-vacuum chamber, where they are detected guided molecules observed in previous [24, 25] as well as bythequadrupolemassspectrometer. b)Electricfielddistri- bution in the quadrupole guide for ±5kV electrode voltage, inthepresentexperimentsare,however,fullycompatible resulting in a trapping electric field exceeding93kV/cm. with the predicted electrode voltage dependence of the guided flux. The solution to this surprising fact lies in the pres- 10 a) in Section VIB. HVon From the pressure dependence observed in these mea- 15000 s) surements with ND3 the following conclusion can be s/ drawn: by including this boosting effect in the model, ct al( 10000 the voltage dependencies over the entire pressure range gn studied agree with a density measurement. For the con- si S ditions chosen in previous experiments as well as in the M Q 5000 experimentsdescribedinthispapertheelectrodevoltage dependence of the QMSsignalresemblesa flux measure- ment of a gas without boosting. Therefore, the outcome 0 oftheexperimentcanbedirectlycomparedtothetheory 0 100 200 300 400 foranidealeffusivesourcepresentedinSectionIIandIV. Time(ms) To avoid any ambiguity, we refer to the signal of guided molecules as ”molecule signal” or ”detector signal”. b) 14000 To extract the relative molecule signals of the differ- ent isotopologs from the individual measurements, some 12000 s) corrections are necessary. First of all, the fragmenta- cts/ 10000 tionof the guidedmolecules in the QMShas to be taken ( al 8000 intoaccount,sincethemeasurementisperformedatonly n g si 6000 one mass (18amu for H2O, 20amu for D2O, and 19amu S M for HDO). The correction is determined from the ion Q 4000 HVon count rates of the different fragmentation products for 2000 pure H2O (18, 17, 16amu), pure D2O (20, 18, 16amu), 0 and for the mixture with high (48%) HDO content (19, 0 10 20 30 40 50 18,17,16amu),whereHDOdominatesthe moleculesig- Time(ms) nal. Secondly, the ion count rate for each isotopolog is correctedforthe relativecontributionsoftheisotopologs FIG.9: (Coloronline). a)Timeofflighttracemeasuredwith injected into the guide as monitored by the residual gas HDOforanelectrodevoltageof±5kV.Highvoltage(HV)is analyzerinthesourcechamber. Avelocitydistributionof switchedonforanintervalof250ms,witha50%dutycycle. the guided molecules is determined from the rising slope TheQMSsignalstartsrisingwithatimedelayafterswitching of the time of flight trace. on HV, until a steady state is reached. This time delay cor- respondstothefastestmolecules’ traveltimefrom thenozzle to the QMS. The steady-state value is used for voltage de- pendence measurements. The slow decay after switching off A. Electrode Voltage Dependency thehighvoltageisduetothefact thatthelast section ofthe guide closest to the QMS is not switched to avoid electronic As shownin Fig. 10, the electrode voltagedependence pickupontheQMS.Hence,moleculesinthispartcanarrive at the QMS even after the HV has been switched off in the of the molecule signals for H2O and D2O are well de- scribed by the calculations over more than two orders firstsection. b)Zoom intotherisingslopeofthesignal,from of magnitude. The calculations are scaled by only one whichavelocitydistributioncanbederived. Theseplotsshow rawdata,i.e.nobackgroundsubtractionhasbeenapplied,to global scaling factor to account for detection efficiencies illustrate theexcellent signal to noise ratio. and the amount of gas injected through the nozzle into the guide. Note that no relative scaling factor between the calculations for H2O, D2O and HDO has been em- sure dependence. The model of velocity filtering pre- ployed. This excellent agreement between experiment sented in Section II and IV assumes that the molecules and theory verifies that the filtering process is well de- from a thermal ensemble are transferred into the guide scribed by the model presented in Sections II, III and while preserving their velocity distributions. Measure- IV. mentsperformedwithdeuteratedammoniaND3 forvery As can be seen from Fig. 10, HDO shows the largest small inlet pressuresindeed show the characteristicvolt- molecule signal of all three water isotopologs, as pre- agedependenceexpectedforadensitymeasurement[38]. dicted from calculations. We experimentally determine Forincreasinginletpressure,however,thevoltagedepen- a ratio of detector signals between HDO and D2O at a dence changes, and the signal more and more resembles guidingfieldof130(100)kV/cmof16.4(18.9),wherethe a flux measurement. Here, collisions of molecules in the calculations predict 14.7 (20.5). This is well within the nozzle and in the ”high pressure” region directly behind overalluncertaintygivene.g.bythedeterminationofthe the nozzle become more likely. Slow molecules are more relativecontributionsofisotopologsinjectedthroughthe likely removed from the ensemble, effectively leading to nozzle as derived from the residual gas analyzer signal. a”boosting”ofthebeam. Thisboostingisalsovisiblein The measurements done with different HDO amounts the velocity distributions of the guided beam presented give count rates agreeing to within 5–10%, which allows