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Lecture Notes ni Mathematics Edited yb .A Dold dna .B Eckmann 568 Robert .E Gaines Jean .L Mawhin Coincidence Degree, and Nonlinear Differential Equations Springer-Verlag Berlin.Heidelberg • New York 7791 Authors Robert E. Gaines Colorado State University Department of Mathematics Fort Collins Colorado 80523/USA Jean L. Mawhin Universit@ Catholique de Louvain Institut Math@matique B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve/Belgium Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Gaines, Robert E 1941- Coincidence degree, and non- linear differential equations. (Lecture notes in mathematics ; 568) Includes bibliographical references and index. i. Differential equations~ Nonlinear. 2. Bound- ary value problems. o5 Coincidence theory (Mathe- matics) I. Mawhin~ J., joint author. II. Title. III. Series: Lecture notes in mathematics (Berlin) 568. QA3.L28 no. 568 [QA372] 510'.8s [515'.35] 76-58459 AMS Subject Classifications (1970): 34 B15, 34 K10, 35J 65, 47 H ,51 55C20 ISBN 3-540-08067-8 Springer-Verlag Berlin • Heidelberg • New York ISBN 0-387-08067-8 Springer-Verlag New York • Heidelberg - Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photo- copying machine or similar means, and storage ni data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to the publisher, the amount of the fee to be determined by agreement with the publisher. © by Springer-Verlag Berlin • Heidelberg 1977 Printed in Germany Printing and binding: Beltz Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. 2141/3140/543210 To Margaret, Marie~ Val@rie~ Jean and Martha, Laura, Elissa. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Alternative problems : an historical perspective III. Coincidence degree for perturbations of Fredholm mappings 10 IV. A generalized continuation theorem and existence theorems for Lx = Nx 26 V. Two-point boundary value problems : nonlinearities without special structure 36 VI. Approximation of solutions - The projection method 104 VII. Quasibounded perturbations of Fredholm mappings 134 VIII. Boundary value problems for some semilinear elliptic partial differential equations 151 IX. Periodic solutions of ordinary differential equations with quasibo~nded nonlinearities and of functional differential equations 166 X. Coincidence index, multiplicity and bifurcation theory 189 XI. Coincidence degree for k-set contractive perturbations of linear Fredholm mappings 209 XII. Nonlinear perturbations of Fredholm mappings of nonzero index 922 References 242 Index 261 .I INTRODUCTION This work has its origin in lectures given by J. Mawhin in 1974 at the University of Brasilia and by R.E. Gaines in 1975 at the University of Louvain. Those lectures respectively covered chapters II to IV, VII to IX and chapters V-VI. Chapters X to XII have been added to include more recent material. The emphasis of the work is on the use of topological degree techniques in studying alternative problems , i.e. problems which can be written as operator equations of the form (1.1) ~ = ~x in a suitable abstract space, with L linear and non-invertible. As shown in chapter II many techniques have been developed to handle equations of the form (1.1) and research in this field is still very active. A principal aim of these lecture notes is to show that by proving once and for all, for coupled mappings (L,N) satisfying certain conditions, a number of properties quite similar to those of Leray-Schauder degree, one is able to study many problems of type (1.1) in an unified way. This is the so-called coincidence degree theory which is described in chapters III and leads in chapter IV to general useful coincidence theorems for L and N, i.e. existence theorems for (1.1) and in particular to a continuation theorem of Leray-Schauder type. The applicability of those theorems, as in any degree theory, depends upon the obtention of a priori bounds for the solutions of the equation. Chapter V consider the problem of a priori bounds in the case of boundary value problems, includin~ period~g solutions, for ordinary differential equations. The emphasis is placed on the determination of a priori estimates through the geometric properties of the vector field defined by the dif- ferential equation. The covered material, which includes lower and upper solutions, differential inequalities, Nagumo conditions, Gustafson-Schmitt- Bebernes convexity conditions, Krasnosel'skii's guiding functions, ... is generally classical but the approach is original in several places. In chapter VI we consider the problem of the approximation of the solutions of (1.1) by Galerkin-type methods when existence has been proved by the techniques of Chapter IV. The speciTic case of linear boundary value problems for nonlinear ordinary differential equations is treated in detail. In chapter VII we return to abstract equations (1.1) where N ~rows at most at a linear rate in x. A unified treatment is given of generalized versions of recent results in this domain due to Cronin, De Figueiredo, Fabry, Franchetti~ Fu~ik~ Ku~era, NeOns, .... Those results are applied to semilinear elliptic partial differential equations in chapter VIII which covers in a systematic way most of the recent contributions in the line of Landesman and Lazer's pioneering work. In chapter IX we study periodic solutions for ordinary and functional differential equations emphasizing nonlinearities with a growth at most linear. However, in the case of functional differential equations, techniques reminiscent of the ones of chapter V are also considered. Chapter X is a short description of the use of coincidence degree in bifurcation theory. One obtains ~n a more general setting a local Krasnosel'skii type theory which facilitates corresponding extensions of the Rabinowitz global results. In chapter XI we briefly describe Hetzer's extension of coincidence degree to the case of nonlinear perturbations havin$ k-set contraction pro~ertie~ instead of compactness. Applications are given to generalizations of results of Kacurovskii, Petryshyn and Amann. When N is Lipschitzian with a sufficiently small Lipschitz constant, which is the situation of classical Liapunov-Schmidt method , one then relates the coincidence degree of L and N to the Brouwer degree of the mapping associated with the classical bifurcation equation. In all the above chapters we essentially assume that the Fre~olm index of L is zero. Chapter XII treats cases where the Fre~holm index of L is strictly positive in the line of the recent work of Nirenberg, Rabinowitz and Schechter. Each of these chapters is followed by bibliographical notes refering to the original papers and giving sugestions for further reading. All the references indicated in those bibliographical notes are given in a more complete setting in the list of references at the end of the volume. This list moreover contains references to recent papers which are not explicitely described in this work but which are close in spirit or results. The chapter(s) to which those papers are related is then indicated. In preparing this set of notes we have tried, after developing the general theory, to take our examples more in related papers appearing in the literature then in our own work. Most of our work is already written in the spirit of this monograph so that we have found a duplication unnecessary. In this way we hope to have facilitated the access to this part of nonlinear f~ctional analysis and nonlinear boundary value problems. Our expectations will be fulfilled if this work can suggest further research in the wide area of alternative problems, nonlinear differential equations and applications to science and engineering. II. ALTERNATIVE PROBLEMS : AN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE ]. The study of differential or integral or other equations which, written in operator form, are of the type Lx = Nx ~I. ) I with L (resp. N) a linear (resp. nonlinear) mapping between some topological vector spaces X and Z, and with L non inver- tihle seems to have been initiated by Lyapunov (Zap. Akad. Nauk. St. Petersbour~ (1906, ~908, 1912, 1914) in his study of integral equations related to a problem of equilibrium of rotating fluids, and by E. Schmidt (Math. Ann~_ 6~ (1908) 370-399) in his theoreti- cal work on nonlinear integral equations. Written in abstract set- ting their method consists basically to write (11.1) in the equiva- lent form Lx = (I - Q)Nx, QNx = 0 (notations are those of Chapterlll for the mappings associated to L) or x - Px = Kp,QNX, QNx = 0 . Now if we set Px = y, (I - P)x = z we obtain the equivalent system z = Kp, Q~(y+z), Q~(y+z) = 0. (II.2) Now if some "smallness" and "regularly conditions are assumed for N, the first equation in (~.2), considered like an equation in z depending upon the parameter y, will be solved using Banach fixed point theorem or implicit function theorem to give a solu- tion z(y) which will depend "regularly" upon y. Hence the solu- tion of (11.2) will be reduced to the solution of equation (in y) Q~[y + z(y)] = 0, 3) (IL usually known as bifurcation or branch in~ or determining equation. The interest of the method is that the spaces in which the left hand member of (11.3) is defined and take values have been made "smaller" (often one goes from infinite into finite dimensional spaces). But, due to the presence 'fo the term z(y), (~.3) is not usually known in explicit form. This methods is generally known as Lyapunov-Schmidt method and diversification occurs in the way of getting and of studying the bifurcation equations. Let us quote in this line the basic works of Cesari (Atti Accad. Mem. CI. Fis. Mat.Nat. (6) 11(1940) 633-692), Caccioppoli (Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. CI. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. 24(1936) 258-268, 416- 421), Shi- mizu (Math. Japan. I (1948) 36-40) Cronin (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 69 (1950) 208-231), Bartle (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 75 (1953) 366- 384), Hale (Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma 5 (1954) 281-311) Lewis (Ann. of Math. 63 (1956) 535-548), Vainberg and Trenogin (Russ. Math. Sur- veys 17 (1962) 1-60), Antosiewicz (Pacif. J. Math. 17 (1966), 191- 197). Expositions can be found in the books or lecture notes of Frie- drichs ("Special Topics in Analysis", Lect. Notes, New York uni- versity, 1953-54), Nirenberg ("Functional Analysis", Lect. Notes, New York University, 1960-61), Krasnoselskii et al. ("Topological Methods in the Theory of Nonlinear Integral Equations", Pergamon, 1963, "Approximate Solutions of Operator Equations", Noordhoff, 1971), Vainberg and Aizengendler ("Progress in Math.", vol. II, Plenum, 1968), Hale ( Ordlnary Differential Equations", Wiley, 1969; "Applications of Alternative Problems", Brown University Lect. Notes 71-I, 1971), Mawhin ("Equations non-lin@aires dans les espaces de Banach", Rapp. S@m. Math. Univ. Louvain ° n 39, 1971). All the above quoted papers (except the notes by Nirenberg, Hale and Mawhin) correspond to problems in which the bifurcation equations are finite-dimensional. The first solved example leading to infinite-dimensional bifurcation equations seems to be the problem of periodic solutions of some weakly nonlinear hyperbolic equations initiated by Cesari ("Nonlinear differential equations and nonlinear mechanics", 1963, Academic Press, 33-57). An account and a bibliography about this work can be found in the lectures notes of Hale quoted above. 2. This problem of perturbed hyperbolic equations has led Rabinowitz (Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 20(1967), 145-206) more than fifty years after Lyapunov and Schmidt, to an alternate way of considering (ll.2)'First solve the second equation in (~2) considered as an equation in y with z as parameter. Introduce then the solution y(z), supposed to be sufficiently "regular" in z, in the first equation of (0.2). Then solve the resulting equation z = Kp,QN[y(z) + z] (11.4) using Banach or Schauder fixed point theorem. Usualy, monotone operator theory is used to solve the first part of the problem and interesting results using this approach have been obtained in the theory of periodic solutions of weakly nonlinear equations by Hall (J. Differential Equ. 7(1970) 509-526; Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 39 (1970), 294-332) ~ de Simon and Torelli (Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 40(1968), 380-401) and the method has been theoreti- cally improved by Hall (Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 161C1971) 207-218) and Sova (Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 1972). See also the work of Klingelhofer (Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 1970) on some elliptic equations. 3. A third possible approach for system 61.2) is to try to solve the two equations simultaneously. A corresponding ite- rative process has been introduced, for periodic solutions of ordinary differential equations, by Banfi (Atti Accad. Sci. Torino

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