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COHOMOLOGICAL FINITENESS CONDITIONS FOR ELEMENTARY AMENABLE GROUPS P.H.KROPHOLLER,C.MARTÍNEZ-PÉREZ,ANDB.E.A.NUCINKIS ABSTRACT. It is proved that every elementary amenable group of type FP∞ admitsacocompactclassifyingspaceforproperactions. 1. INTRODUCTION For discrete groups the term cohomological finiteness condition refers to any propertyofgroupswhichholdsforallgroupsthatadmitfiniteEilenberg–MacLane spaces. Amongst such properties there are classical finiteness conditions such as finite generation and finite presentability and there are also the more exotic con- ditions such as type FP , type FP, and type FL. Note also that the property of ∞ beingtorsion-freeisacohomologicalfinitenessconditionbutnotaclassicalfinite- nessconditionwhileresidualfinitenessisaclassicalfinitenessconditionbutnota cohomologicalfinitenesscondition. In recent years there has been increasing interest in a variant of the Eilenberg– MacLanespace,namelytheclassifyingspaceforproperactions. Inthispaperwe shall determine the precise conditions under which elementary amenable groups admit cocompact proper classifying spaces. Bredon cohomology plays a role in studying these classifying spaces in a way that runs largely parallel to the role of ordinarygroupcohomologyinstudyingEilenberg–MacLanespacesandtheiruni- versalcovers. InBredoncohomology,thegroupGisreplacedbytheorbitcategory OXGdefinedwithrespecttoasuitablefamilyofsubgroupsX. Inthispaperwe shall only be concerned with the family F of finite subgroups and so we simply writeOGfortheorbitcategoryinsteadofOFG. Modulesovertheorbitcategory arecontravariantfunctorstothecategoryofabeliangroups. ThesearecalledOG- modules. The category of OG-modules has enough projectives and homological algebra can be developed using projective resolutions giving rise to the Bredon cohomologyofgroupswithclearresemblancetoordinarygroupcohomology. AllthenotionstypeFP ,typeFP,typeFL,etchaveanalogueswhenconsidering ∞ BredonprojectiveresolutionsandwerefertothesebythenamestypeBredonFP , ∞ typeBredonFP,typeBredonFL,etc. Figure1showsthevariousinterrelationships 2000MathematicsSubjectClassification. 57Q05,20J05. Key words and phrases. Bredon cohomology, elementary amenable group, proper classifying space,Eilenberg–MacLanespace,finitetype. ThesecondnamedauthorwaspartiallysupportedbyMTM2004-08219-C02-01andGobiernode Aragón. 2 P.H.KROPHOLLER,C.MARTÍNEZ-PÉREZ,ANDB.E.A.NUCINKIS α (cid:37)(cid:57) ∗ (cid:37)(cid:57) β (cid:37)(cid:57) Bred(cid:69)(cid:89)on F Bredo(cid:69)(cid:89)n FL Bredo(cid:69)(cid:89)n FP BredonFP∞ γ γ γ δ (cid:5)(cid:25) α (cid:37)(cid:57) ∗ (cid:37)(cid:57) β (cid:37)(cid:57) ε F FL FP FP∞ β ε (cid:20)(cid:40) (cid:5)(cid:25) (cid:5)(cid:25) finitelypresented torsion-free (cid:42)(cid:62) FP 2 α FIGURE 1. Connectionsbetweencohomologicalfinitenessconditions betweenthesepropertiesandalltheseimplicationsareeasilyestablished. Theno- tion of type Bredon F is by definition equivalent to the existence of a cocompact proper classifying space. Save for the two implications marked ∗ all the implica- tionsshownareknowntobeirreversible. Wehaveincludedashortexplanationof thisdiagraminthelastsectionofthispaper. For virtually soluble groups or, more generally, elementary amenable groups therearenosurprisesastowhichgroupsareofBredontypeFandourmaintheo- remisasfollows. Theorem 1.1. Let G be an elementary amenable group. Then the following are equivalent. (i) GisoftypeBredonF. (ii) GisoftypeBredonFL. (iii) GisoftypeBredonFP. (iv) GisoftypeBredonFP . ∞ (v) GisvirtuallyoftypeF. (vi) GisvirtuallyoftypeFL. (vii) GisvirtuallyoftypeFP. (viii) GisoftypeFP . ∞ (ix) Gisconstructible. (x) Either G is polycyclic-by-finite or G has a normal subgroup K such that G/K isaEuclideancrystallographicgroupandforeachsubgroupL⊇K with L/K finite there is a finitely generated virtually nilpotent subgroup B = B(L) of L and an element t =t(L) of L such that t−1Bt ⊂ B and L=B∗ is a strictly ascending HNN-extension with base B and stable B,t lettert. Here(ix)referstothenotionofconstructiblegroupasintroducedbyBaumslag and Bieri [3]. The class of constructible groups is the smallest class of groups closed under forming amalgamated free products, HNN-extensions and finite ex- tensionsandallsuchgroupsarefinitelypresentedandoftypeFP . Baumslagand ∞ Bieri provide a thorough discussion of the nature of soluble constructible groups, [3]. Furtheranalysisofthisclassappearsinthework[11]ofBieriandStrebeland playsacrucialroleinthispaper. In view of known interconnections between the conditions (i)–(x), which we discussbelow, mostoftheworkinthispaperisconcernedwithestablishing(viii) COHOMOLOGICALFINITENESSCONDITIONSFORELEMENTARYAMENABLEGROUPS 3 ⇒ (x) ⇒ (i). The first of these implications is the subject of §2 and the second is the subject of §4. For the second implication we use Bredon cohomology which wereviewin§3. The following is an immediate consequence. Note that prior to this work this CorollarywasnotprovenevenfortheclassofsolublegroupsoftypeFP. Corollary1.2. EveryelementaryamenablegroupoftypeFPisoftypeF. Proof. LetGbeanelementaryamenablegroupoftypeFP. AccordingtoTheorem 1.1, G is of type Bredon F and so admits a cocompact model for the classifying space for proper actions EG. Since every group of type FP, in particular G, is torsionfreeitfollowsthatEG=EGandGisoftypeF. (cid:3) Corollary 1.3. Let G be an elementary amenable group of type Bredon F and let ΦbeafinitegroupofautomorphismsofG. ThenthesubgroupFix(Φ)ofelements ofGfixedbyeveryelementofΦisalsooftypeBredonF. Proof. The split extension, or semidirect product, G(cid:111)Φ is elementary amenable and of type FP since both of these properties are inherited by finite index over ∞ groups. Therefore, according to Theorem 1.1 (viii) ⇒ (i), G(cid:111)Φ is of type F. NormalizersoffinitesubgroupsofgroupsoftypeFarealwaysoftypeFandhence thenormalizerNG(cid:111)Φ(Φ)isoftypeF. ThesubgroupFix(Φ)hasfiniteindexinthis normalizerandsoisalsooftypeF. (cid:3) ForanygroupGsatisfyingtheconditionsintheTheoremonehas hG=cdQG=cdG<∞ where hG is the Hirsh rank of G and cdG the Bredon cohomological dimension, which is the analogous of the usual cohomological dimension but for Bredon co- homology. Thisleadstothefollowing: Conjecture1.4. Theconditions (xi) hG=cdQG<∞ (xii) hG=cdG<∞ canbeaddedtotheTheorem. It follows from [12] that for any group cdQG≤cdG and hence (xii) implies (xi) in the above conjecture. Furthermore (xi) implies that G/T is of type Bredon F, whereT isthelargestnormallocallyfinitesubgroupofG. Henceapositiveanswer tothefollowingwouldalsoproveConjecture1.4. Conjecture1.5. LetGbeanelementaryamenablegroupsuchthathG=cdQGis finite. ThenGhasaboundontheordersofthefinitesubgroups. Background to the Theorem. Historically, the very first steps towards under- standing cohomological finiteness conditions for soluble groups were taken by GruenbergandStammbach. KeystepsconcerningnilpotentgroupsappearinGru- enberg’snotes[18]andhomologicaldimensionwascomputedbyStammbach[32]. ThequestionwasfurtherinvestigatedandhighlightedbyBieri[6]. Gildenhuysde- termined exactly which soluble groups have cohomological dimension 2: the so- lution[15]showsthatallnon-abeliansuchgroupsareascendingHNN-extensions of type F and is the first evidence that questions about cohomological finiteness conditions for soluble groups would prove to be substantial and interesting. For 4 P.H.KROPHOLLER,C.MARTÍNEZ-PÉREZ,ANDB.E.A.NUCINKIS soluble-by-finite groups, the equivalence of conditions (vi), (vii) and (ix) of The- orem 1.1 was established by Gildenhuys, Strebel and Kropholler, [16, 17, 20]. Subsequentlyitwasshown[21,22]byKrophollerthatsolublegroupsoftypeFP ∞ are virtually of type FP and work [19] of Hillman and Linnell made it possible to extend the results to the elementary amenable case. At this stage it became clearthateveryelementaryamenablegroupoftypeFP isnilpotent-by-abelian-by- ∞ finite,constructibleandvirtuallyoftypeF. Howeveritremainedanopenproblem whetherornotelementaryamenablegroups,orevensolublegroups,oftypeFPare necessarily of type FL. Moreover, the interest in proper classifying spaces, which are natural to consider for groups with torsion, raised questions as to whether all solublegroupsoftypeFP satisfiedthestrongestBredonfinitenessconditions,see ∞ forexample[27]wheretheequivalencebetween(viii)and(iii)isproven. Theorem 1.1 shows that this is the case. Part (x) comes about through a careful analysis of theBieri–Strebelstrategyforcharacterizingpropertiesofnilpotent-by-abelian-by- finitegroupsusinginvariants[11],commonlycalledBNS-invariants[7],whichare subsetsofcertainvaluationspheres. 2. BIERI–STREBEL INVARIANTS FOR NILPOTENT-BY-ABELIAN-BY-FINITE GROUPS, AND THE PROOF OF THEOREM 1.1 (viii)⇒(x) The goal of this section is to establish the more refined structure theory for G statedinTheorem1.1(x). Asexplainedabove,resultsin[21,22]andin[19]imply thatanyelementaryamenablegroupoftypeFP isfinite-by-virtuallysoluble. By ∞ takingthecentralizerofthefinitenormalsubgroup,whichissolubleoffiniteindex oneeasilyseesthatthegroupisinfactnilpotent-by-abelian-by-finite. WeadoptthenotationusedbyBieriandStrebelin[11]. Forafinitelygenerated abeliangroupQwewriteS(Q)forthevaluationsphereasdefinedin§1.1of[11]. Let (N,H) be an admissible pair of subgroups of the group G, meaning that the followingconditionsaresatisfied: • N andH arebothnormalsubgroupsofG; • N ⊆H; • N isnilpotent; • H/N isabelian;and • G/H isfinite. NowletPdenotethelargestnormallocallypolycyclicsubgroupofH. ThenH/P is a finitely generated abelian group and so the valuation sphere S(H/P) is de- fined. Moreover, BieriandStrebelshowthatif(N(cid:48),H(cid:48))isanotheradmissiblepair then the valuations spheres S(H/P) and S(H(cid:48)/P(cid:48)) can be identified in a canonical way. ThereforetheydefinethevaluationsphereS(G)tobeS(H/P)forsomefixed choiceofadmissiblepair(N,H)withoutanyessentialambiguity. BieriandStrebelintroducetheinvariantσ(G), acertainclosedsubsetofS(G). We shall be interested in the following results about this invariant which are the contentofTheorems5.2and5.4of[11]. Proposition2.1. (i) Gisconstructibleifandonlyifσ(G)iscontainedinanopenhemisphere. (ii) Gispolycyclic-by-finiteifandonlyifσ(G)isempty. TakingQtobethequotientgroupH/N wenaturallyhavethatS(G)=S(H/P) isasubsphereofS(Q). COHOMOLOGICALFINITENESSCONDITIONSFORELEMENTARYAMENABLEGROUPS 5 WenownotethattheactionofGbyconjugationonH stabilizesσ(G)(see[27, Lemma3.4]). MoreoveritinducesanactionofthefinitegroupG/H onbothH/N and H/P. In turn this induces actions of G/H on the vector spaces hom(H/P,R) and hom(H/N,R) and hence also on the valuation spheres S(G) = S(H/P) and S(H/N)stabilizingσ(G). Also,thegroupGactsbyconjugationonN andthispassestoanactionofG/N onthelargestabelianquotientN =N/[N,N]ofN. InthiswaywemayviewN ab ab as a right Z[G/N]-module. For x ∈ G and b ∈ N we write bx for the conjugate x−1bxandwewritexfortheimageofxinG/N,thatisxisthecosetNx. Ifaisan elementofN sothatisa=[N,N]bforsomeb∈N thenwewriteaxforthecoset ab [N,N]bx. InotherwordsweshallnotateN asarightG/N-module. ab Q ofQandafinitelygeneratedsubgroupB ofN 0 ab Associated to the data G, H, N we may consider the following subsets B and 0 B ofG. • B isdefinedtobethesetofx inGforwhichthereexistsafinitelygen- 0 eratedsubgroupB ofN suchthatB x⊆B and (cid:91)B xi=N . 0 ab 0 0 0 ab i≤0 • B isdefinedtobethesetofxinGforwhichthereexistsafinitelygener- atedsubgroupBofN suchthatBx⊆Band (cid:91)Bxi =N. i≤0 WeshallnowmaketheassumptionthatGisconstructible. ThereforebyPropo- sition 2.1 (i) the invariant σ(G) is contained in an open hemisphere of S(G) and the following three lemmas all rely on this. We shall also assume that σ(G) is non-empty,i.e.,thatGisnotpolycyclic-by-finite. Lemma 2.2. There exists x ∈ B whose image x in G/N belongs to the centre 0 ζ(G/N). Proof. AsremarkedabovethefinitegroupG/H actsonQandonthesphereS(Q) stabilizingσ(G). Nowlet C/N =C (G/H)≤ζ(G/N). H/N Since Q is finitely generated abelian [27, Lemma 3.5] implies that by changing H if necessary to a finite index subgroup we may assume that H/N is torsion free and H/N =C/N×T/N with T/N as in [27, Lemma 3.6]. So applying that resultwededucethatσ(C)iscontainedinanopenhemisphere. IfrkC/N=0then σ(C)=∅, and henceC and also G would be polycyclic-by-finite. Therefore by [10, Theorem 4.6] there are elements q ,...,q of C/N and a finitely generated 1 s subgroup B of N such that q all satisfy the condition B q ⊆ B and N = 0 ab i 0 i 0 ab (cid:91)B (q ...q )i. Itsufficesthentotakexwithx¯=q ...q . (cid:3) 0 1 n 1 s i<0 The previous result can also be proven as follows. Since σ(G) is non empty, compact (in fact results of Bieri and Strebel show that it is finite in this case) and stabilizedbythefinitegroupG/H itfollowsthatitscentreofmassisafixedpoint ofG/H. Thenonecanargueinasimilarwayasin[10,Theorem4.6]butusingthis fixedelementtodeducetheexistenceofaafinitesubset{q ,...,q }ofQwiththe 1 m followingproperties: • {q ,...,q } is invariant under the action of the finite group G/H, and 1 m (cid:104)q ,...,q (cid:105)generateasubgroupoffiniteindexinQ. 1 m 6 P.H.KROPHOLLER,C.MARTÍNEZ-PÉREZ,ANDB.E.A.NUCINKIS • ThereisafinitelygeneratedsubgroupB ofN suchthattheq allsatisfy 0 ab i theconditionB q ⊆B . 0 i 0 • N = (cid:91)B (q ...q )i. ab 0 1 m i<0 Thenonetakesx∈Gwithx¯=q ...q . 1 m Lemma2.3. B =B. 0 Proof. Thisisaneasyvariationontheproofof([11],Theorem5.2). Takex∈B 0 andconsiderthederivedseriesofN with γ N =N, 1 γ N =[γN,N]. i+1 i We prove by induction on (cid:96) that there is some finitely generated subgroup B (cid:96)+1 of N/γ N with Bx ⊆ B and (cid:91)Bxi = N. When (cid:96) = 1 there is nothing (cid:96)+1 (cid:96)+1 (cid:96)+1 (cid:96)+1 i≤0 to prove and so we assume that (cid:96) ≥ 2 and that there exists a finitely generated subgroup B with the desired properties. Let A be a finitely generated subgroup (cid:96) (cid:96) of N/γ N with A γ N/γ N =B . Exactly as in ([11], Theorem 5.2) one gets a (cid:96)+1 (cid:96) (cid:96) (cid:96) (cid:96) finitelygeneratedsubgroupA ofγ N/γ N havingsimilarpropertiesasthoseof 0 (cid:96) (cid:96)+1 B anditsuficestotake (cid:96) B =A A . (cid:96)+1 (cid:96) 0 (cid:3) Using Lemma 2.2, choose x∈B such that x belongs to ζ(G/N). By Lemma 0 2.3, x belongs to B and so we may choose a finitely generated subgroup B of N suchthatBx ⊆BandN = (cid:91)Bxi. WenowkeepxandBfixedfortheremainderof i<0 thissection. NotethatifxhasfiniteorderthenGispolycyclic-by-finite. Weshall thereforeassumethatxhasinfiniteorder. Lemma 2.4. The subgroup K :=(cid:104)B,x(cid:105) is normal in G and if L is any subgroup containingK suchthatL/K isfinitethenthereexisty∈Gandafinitelygenerated subgroupDofLsuchthat (i) BisasubgroupoffiniteindexinD, (ii) Dy⊆D, (iii) yk =x(cid:96) forsomepositiveintegersk,(cid:96), (iv) L=(cid:104)D,y(cid:105). Proof. Since N = (cid:91)Bxi we have that N ⊆K and clearly K/N is the cyclic group i<0 generatedbyxwhichiscentralinG/N. ThusK isnormalinG. Suppose now that L is a subgroup of G containing K such that L/K is finite. Then L/N is virtually infinite cyclic and centre-by-finite. Let N /N denote the 1 largest finite normal subgroup of L/N. Then L/N is infinite cyclic. Choose y 1 to be a generator of L modulo N . Then y and x generate commensurable cyclic 1 subgroups of L/N and so, replacing y by y−1 if necessary, we may assume that there are positive integers k and (cid:96) such that yk =x(cid:96). Notice that x(cid:96)y−k is then an elementofN. LetN beafinitesubsetofGconsistingofcosetrepresentativesfortheelements 1 of N /N. Since x is central in G/N it follows that for each g∈N there exists 1 1 COHOMOLOGICALFINITENESSCONDITIONSFORELEMENTARYAMENABLEGROUPS 7 n ∈N such that gx =gn . Choose j<0 so that Bxj contains all the elements n g g g asgrunsthroughN andsothatitalsocontainsx(cid:96)y−k. Thechoiceof jispossible 1 because there are only finite many n and N is the directed union (cid:91)Bxi. Now g i<0 consider the group B :=(cid:104)Bxj ∪N (cid:105). This is contained in the virtually nilpotent 1 1 groupN andsoisitselfvirtuallynilpotent. Also,B isfinitelygenerated,Bx ⊆B , 1 1 1 1 andwehaveN = (cid:91)Bxi. DefineDby 1 1 i<0 y yk−1 D:=(cid:104)B ,B ,...,B (cid:105). 1 1 1 Then D has the desired properties. First, Dy is generated by By,...,Byk−1,Byk and 1 1 1 sincex(cid:96)y−k belongstoB wehaveByk =Bx(cid:96) ⊆B sothatDy⊆D. Secondly(cid:104)D,y(cid:105) 1 1 1 1 containsN,N andysoequalsL. (cid:3) 1 Establishing the structure described in Theorem 1.1(x). There are two cases according to whether or not σ(G) is empty. If σ(G)=∅ then G is polycyclic- by-finite by Proposition 2.1 (ii) and we are done. If σ(G)(cid:54)=∅ then Lemma 2.4 applies. Inthatcase,letKbeasinLemma2.4andletK /Kbelargestfinitenormal 1 subgroup of G/K. Since G/K is a quotient of G/H it is finitely generated and abelian-by-finite. Therefore G/K is a Euclidean crystallographic group. Lemma 1 2.4showsthatanyovergroupLoffiniteindexoverKorK alsoenjoysthestructure 1 of being an ascending HNN-extension. Therefore we may replace K by K and 1 havethedesiredconclusion. 3. BREDON COHOMOLOGY AND FINITENESS CONDITIONS FOR PROPER CLASSIFYING SPACES Let G be a group. We write OG for the orbit category of G with respect to theclassoffinitesubgroupsofG. TheorbitcategoryhasthetransitiveG-setswith finitestabilizersasobjectsandG-mapsbetweenthemasmorphisms. Modulesover theorbitcategoryarecontravariantfunctorsfromtheorbitcategorytothecategory ofabeliangroups. AsequenceA→B→CofOG-modulesisexactatBifandonly if each instance is exact, that is A(∆)→B(∆)→C(∆) is exact at B(∆) for every transitiveG-set∆. ForG-sets∆,Ωwewrite[∆,Ω] forthesetofG-mapsfrom∆toΩandwewrite G Z[∆,Ω] forthefreeabeliangroupon[∆,Ω] . Whenthereisnoambiguitywedrop G G thesymbolGandsimplywrite[∆,Ω]. FixingΩandallowing∆torangeovertran- sitive G-sets with finite stabilizers we obtain an OG-module Z[ ,Ω]. The trivial OG-module,usuallywrittenZ,arisesfromthisconstructionbytakingΩtobethe one-point G-set. For any finite group H, the OG-module Z[ ,H\G] is projective and direct sums of modules of this form (allowing different finite subgroups) are called free OG-modules. Every projective OG-module is a direct summand of a free module and the finitely generated projective modules are precisely the direct summands of finite direct sums of modules of the form Z[ ,H\G] with H finite. The notions of type Bredon FP, Bredon FL, Bredon FP are defined in terms of ∞ projectiveresolutionsofZoverOGinjustthesamewaythattheclassicalnotions oftypeFP,FLandFP aredefined. ∞ 8 P.H.KROPHOLLER,C.MARTÍNEZ-PÉREZ,ANDB.E.A.NUCINKIS Moreover it is also possible to define the notion of type Bredon FP for each n n≥0. ThefollowingLemmaimpliestheBredonanalogueoftheclassicalfactthat agroupisoftypeFP ifandonlyifitisfinitelygenerated. 1 Lemma3.1. LetGbeagroup. ThenGisoftypeBredonFP ifandonlyifGhas 0 only finitely many conjugacy classes of finite subgroups, and G is of type Bredon FP ifandonlyif,inaddition,theWeyl-groupK\N (K)ofeachfinitesubgroupK n G isoftypeFP . n Proof. IfGisoftypeBredonFP thenthereisaG-finiteG-setΩwithfinitestabi- 0 lizersandanepimorphism Z[ ,Ω]→Z. Now let K be an arbitrary finite subgroup of G. Evaluating this epimorphism at Ω we obtain an epimorphism ZΩK → Z and therefore ΩK is non-empty. This showsthatKbelongstothefinitesetofconjugacyclassesofsubgroupswhichhave fixedpointsinΩ. Conversely, ifthereareonlyfinitelymanyconjugacyclassesof (cid:71) finite subgroups then we can take Ω = H\G where H runs through a set of H conjugacyclassrepresentativesoffinitesubgroups,andtheobviousaugmentation mapZ[ ,Ω]→Zisanepimorphism. The necessary and sufficient conditions for Bredon type FP are consequences n ofthefollowinglemma. (cid:3) We say a Bredon module M is finitely generated if there is a finite OG-set Σ in the sense of Lück [24, 9.16, 9.19] such that there is a free Bredon module F on Σ mapping onto M. An OG-set Σ is determined by sets Σ for each finite subgroup K K. ΣissaidtobefiniteifforallfinitesubgroupsK,Σ isfiniteandΣ =∅forall K H butfinitelymanyfinitesubgroupsH. Lemma 3.2. Let G be a group with finitely many conjugacy classes of finite sub- groups. Then a Bredon module M is of type Bredon FP if and only if for each n finite subgroup K of G, M(K\G) is a module of type FP over the Weyl-group n WK =K\N (K). G Proof. Let M be a Bredon module of type Bredon FP and let P (cid:16)M be a pro- n ∗ jective resolution. We may assume that all P for i≤n are finitely generated free i Bredonmodules. Anargumentanalogousto[29,Section3]showsthatuponevalu- atingtheP(K\G)arefinitelygeneratedpermutationmodulesoverWK withfinite i stabilizers. Hence, by [28, Proposition 6.3], P(K\G) is of type FP for all i≤n. i ∞ Adimensionshift,see[6,Proposition1.4],impliesthatM(K\G)isaWK-module oftypeFP . n The converse is proved by induction on n. Let n = 0 and M be a Bredon mod- ule such that M(K\G) is a finitely generatedWK-module for all finite subgroups K. We will construct a finite OG-set Σ generating M as a Bredon module. The free Bredon module on Σ then is finitely generated and maps onto M. Recall that for every G-map H\G → K\G there is a homomorphism of abelian groups ϕH :M(K\G)→M(H\G).ForeachfinitesubgroupH ofGfixafinitegenerating K set X of M(H\G). Now Σ is the union of X with all elements of M(H\G) of H H H the form ϕH(x ) whenever there is a G-map H\G → K\G and x ∈ X . Since K K K K there are only finitely many conjugacy classes of finite subgroups this results in a finite set Σ . Since only one representative for each finite subgroup needs to be H COHOMOLOGICALFINITENESSCONDITIONSFORELEMENTARYAMENABLEGROUPS 9 takenintoaccount,theresultingOG-setisindeedfinite. TherearemapsΣ →Σ K H inducedbythemapsϕH andthefreemoduleF onΣmapsontoM. K Nowsupposen>0andtheclaimistruefork<n.Sinceforeachfinitesubgroup M(K\G)isaWK-moduleoftypeFP itisinparticularfinitelygenerated. Andwe n haveshownthatthereisashortexactsequenceofBredonmodulesK (cid:26)P (cid:16)M 0 0 withP finitelygeneratedfree. Then,asabove,P (H\G)isaWH-moduleoftype 0 0 FP . Hence by [6, Proposition 1.4] all K (H\G) areWH-modules of type FP ∞ 0 n−1 for all finite subgroups H of G. By induction K is of type Bredon FP and the 0 n−1 claimfollows. (cid:3) Let X be a G-complex in the sense of tom Dieck ([34], Chapter II): this is a G-CW-complexonwhichGactsbypermutingthecellsandinsuchawaythatthe stabilizer of each cell fixes that cell point by point. We shall write ∆n(X) for the setofn-cellsofX. Lemma 3.3. Let X be a G-complex such that the fixed sets XH are acyclic for all finitesubgroupsofG. ThentheaugmentedBredoncellcomplex ···→Z[ ,∆n(X)]→Z[ ,∆n−1(X)]→···→Z[ ,∆1(X)]→Z[ ,∆0(X)]→Z→0 isanexactsequenceofOG-modules. Proof. To check that the Bredon cell complex is exact it suffices to check that the chaincomplexobtainedbyevaluatingoneachtransitiveG-setwithfinitestabilizers is exact. A typical such G-set has the form H\G, that is the set of right cosets of somefinitesubgroupH. ForanyG-setΩtheset[H\G,Ω]canbeidentifiedwiththe H-fixedpointsetΩH andsowhenweevaluatetheBredoncomplexatH\G,what we see is the ordinary augmented cellular chain complex of the space XH. Thus thelemmafollowsfromtheassumptionthatallthefixedsetsXH areacyclic. (cid:3) Corollary3.4. IfT isaG-treewithedgesetE andvertexsetV thentheaugmented Bredoncellcomplex 0→Z[ ,E]→Z[ ,V]→Z→0 isashortexactsequenceofOG-modules. Proof. If H is any finite subgroup of G then the fixed set TH is again a tree and henceacyclic. ThusthecorollaryfollowsfromLemma3.3. (cid:3) Lemma3.5. LetGbeagroupandletBbeasubgroup. IfBisoftypeBredonFP thenZ[ ,B\G]isanOG-moduleoftypeBredonFP. Proof. This follows in much the same way as the corresponding result for groups oftypeFP. First,thereisafunctor× G:OB→OG. Thisfacilitatesarestriction B functorfromthecategoryofOG-modulestothecategoryofOB-modulesandthe restriction functor has, in turn, a left adjoint called induction. We need to know that the induction functor is exact, that it carries finitely generated projective OB- modules to finitely generated projective OG-modules, and that IndGZ[−,Z] ∼= B B Z[−,B\G] . Thelemmafollowsfromthesefactsbyapplyinginductiontoafinite G projectiveresolutionofthetrivialOB-moduleZ. DetailscanbefoundinSymondsexposition[33]. Forthereader’sconvenience weincludeasummaryofthekeysteps. 10 P.H.KROPHOLLER,C.MARTÍNEZ-PÉREZ,ANDB.E.A.NUCINKIS The induction functor is defined in [24, 9.15] and takes the following form in ournotation. (IndGBM)(S\G)=M(−)⊗OBZ[S\G,−×BG]G where M is a OB-module, S a finite subgroup of G and ⊗OB is the tensor product definedforexamplein[24,9.12]. ForanyfinitesubgroupLofBthereisaYoneda- typeformulaforthistensorproduct: M(−)⊗OBZ[L\B,−]B=M(L\B). Thereisabijection [S\G,−× G] ∼= (cid:71) [Sx−1\B,−] , B G B x∈(B\G)S and,takingfreeabeliangroupsonbothsides,thisgivesrisetoanisomorphism Z[S\G,−× G] ∼= (cid:77) Z[Sx−1\B,−] . B G B x∈(B\G)S ThistogetherwiththeYonedaformulaaboveyield (IndGM)(S\G)= (cid:77) M(Sx−1\B). B x∈(B\G)S This formula is used in [33] to define induction. Note that as exactness means exactness upon evaluation from the formula above one deduces that induction is exact[33,2.9]. AndintheparticularcasewhenM=Z[ ,L\B]weget IndGZ[ ,L\B] =Z[ ,L\G] . B B G ThisimpliesthatIndG takesfinitelygeneratedfreeOB-modulestofinitelygen- B erated free OG-modules (see [33, Lemma 2.9]), (which is not a surprise as the restrictionfunctorisexact)andalsoimpliesthatIndGZ=Z[ ,B\G] (thisis[33, B G Lemma2.7]). (cid:3) We shall work with the Grothendieck group K (OG) of finitely generated pro- 0 jective OG-modules. If P is a finitely generated projective OG-module then we write [P] for the corresponding class in the Grothendieck group. If M is an OG- moduleoftypeBredonFPthenwewrite[M]fortheelement∑(−1)i[P]inK (OG) i 0 i≥0 whereP →M isanychoiceoffiniteprojectiveresolutionofM overOG. Anap- ∗ plicationofSchanuel’slemmashowsthat[M]iswell-defined. Lemma3.6. LetGbeagroupoftypeBredonFP. If[Z]=0inK (OG)thenGis 0 oftypeBredonFL. Proof. Thisisaspecialcaseof[24,Theorem11.2a]. Moregenerallyonecanwork withtheimageof[Z]inK(cid:101)0(OG)thequotientoftheGrothedieckgroupmodulothe subgroupgeneratedbyclassesofBredonfreemodulesanditissufficienttocheck vanishingthere. (cid:3) Lemma3.7. Let0→A→B→C→0beashortexactsequenceofmodulesoftype Bredon FP over OG. Then the equation [C]=[B]−[A] holds in the Grothendieck groupK (OG). 0

P. H. KROPHOLLER, C. MARTÍNEZ-PÉREZ, AND B. E. A. NUCINKIS For virtually soluble groups or, more generally, elementary amenable groups.
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