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Preview Cohomological and Geometric Approaches to Rationality Problems: New Perspectives

Progress in Mathematics Volume282 SeriesEditors HymanBass JosephOesterle´ AlanWeinstein Cohomological and Geometric Approaches to Rationality Problems New Perspectives Fedor Bogomolov Yuri Tschinkel Editors Birkha¨user Boston (cid:129) Basel (cid:129) Berlin FedorBogomolov YuriTschinkel DepartmentofMathematics DepartmentofMathematics NewYorkUniversity NewYorkUniversity CourantInstitute CourantInstitute ofMathematicalsciences ofMathematicalsciences NewYork,NY10012 NewYork,NY10012 U.S.A U.S.A [email protected] [email protected] ISBN978-0-8176-4933-3 e-ISBN978-0-8176-4934-0 DOI10.1007/978-0-8176-4934-0 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2009939069 MathematicsSubjectClassification(2000):11R32,12F12,13A50,14D20,14E05,14E08,14F20,14G05, 14G15,14H10,14H45,14H60,14J32,14J35,14L30 (cid:2)c Birkha¨userBoston,apartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia,LLC2010 Allrightsreserved.Thisworkmaynotbetranslatedorcopiedinwholeorinpartwithoutthewritten permissionofthepublisher(Birkha¨userBoston,c/oSpringerScience+BusinessMediaLLC,233Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or schol- arlyanalysis.Useinconnectionwithanyformofinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadapta- tion,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodologynowknownorhereafterdevelopedis forbidden. Theuseinthispublicationoftradenames,trademarks,servicemarksandsimilarterms,eveniftheyare notidentifiedassuch,isnottobetakenasanexpressionofopinionastowhetherornottheyaresubject toproprietaryrights. Printedonacid-freepaper. Birkha¨userBostonispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia(www.birkhauser.com) Contents Preface............................................................... vii The Rationality of Certain Moduli Spaces of Curves of Genus 333 Ingrid Bauer and Fabrizio Catanese................................... 1 The Rationality of the Moduli Space of Curves of Genus333 after P. Katsylo Christian Bo¨hning..................................................... 17 Unramified Cohomology of Finite Groups of Lie Type Fedor Bogomolov, Tihomir Petrov and Yuri Tschinkel................. 55 Sextic Double Solids Ivan Cheltsov and Jihun Park......................................... 75 Moduli Stacks of Vector Bundles on Curves and the King– Schofield Rationality Proof Norbert Hoffmann..................................................... 133 Noether’s Problem for Some ppp-Groups Shou-Jen Hu and Ming-chang Kang................................... 149 Generalized Homological Mirror Symmetry and Rationality Questions Ludmil Katzarkov..................................................... 163 The Bogomolov Multiplier of Finite Simple Groups Boris Kunyavski˘ı...................................................... 209 vi Contents Derived Categories of Cubic Fourfolds Alexander Kuznetsov.................................................. 219 Fields of Invariants of Finite Linear Groups Yuri G. Prokhorov..................................................... 245 The Rationality Problem and Birational Rigidity Aleksandr V. Pukhlikov................................................ 275 Preface The rationality problem links algebra and geometry. On the level of fields it can be formulated as follows: Let K be a field of finite transcendence degree over a ground field k, i.e., K is the field of rational functions on an algebraic variety defined over k. Decide whether or not K is a purely transcendental extension of k. It became apparent that, for k = C, the geometry of the corresponding variety is tightly linked with rationality of the field K. The difficulty of the rationality problem depends on the transcendence degreeofK overk or,geometrically,onthedimensionofthevariety.Amajor success of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century algebraic geometry wasacompletesolutionofthe rationalityproblemindimensions oneandtwo over algebraically closed ground fields of characteristic zero. In these cases it suffices to consider finite, easily computable geometric invariants. For such fields in dimension two, the presence of sufficiently flexible rational curves suffices for the rationality of the field. This geometric property (rationalcon- nectedness) defines a class of algebraic varieties (and fields) which in higher dimensions is substantially larger than the class of rational varieties: it is known that most of rationally connected varieties are not rational already in dimension three. It is still an open question whether or not they are unira- tional, i.e., the corresponding function fields are proper subfields of rational fields. The papers in this collection are devoted to various aspects of rationality. Four articles address the rationality of quotient spaces. The classical pre- Hilbert 19th century invariant theory dealt mostly with rings of invariants of linearactionsofgroupsoncomplexlinearspaces—manybeautifulexplicitcon- structions can be traced back to the works of Sylvester, Cayley, and Gordan. Emmy Noether,who was a student of PaulGordan,one of the experts in the theory of explicit invariants,formulateda generalquestion:are all such fields ofinvariantsrational?Thefirstcounterexamples,overnonclosedgroundfields, were constructed by Swan, and over the complex numbers, by Saltman. This made it even more interesting to determine all rational fields of invariants. viii Preface ThearticlebyProkhorovreviewsknownresultsincaseoffour-dimensional complex representations of finite groups. It is shown that almost all of the arisingquotients are rational.The paper by Hu and Kangcontains a proofof rationalityforquotientsbysmallp-groups.Kunyavski˘ıprovestrivialityofthe first cohomologicalobstruction to rationality, for all finite simple groups and quasi-simple groups of Lie type. He also shows the existence of exceptions— there are quasi-simple groups which are central extensions of one particular simple group of Lie type with a nonvanishing obstruction. Remarkably, these areexactlytheextensionswhicharenotofLietypethemselves.Thepaperby Bogomolov, Petrov, and Tschinkel is devoted to more general cohomological invariantsofquasi-simplegroupsofLie type.Itis shownthatallobstructions to rationality coming from nonramified cohomology vanish for a large class of quasi-simple groups of Lie type, at least when the groupof coefficients has ordercoprimeto the characteristicofthe fieldofdefinition ofthe group.Two paperstreatrationalityofthemodulispaceofcurvesofgenusthree.Thiswas established 15 years ago by Katsylo but the proof was computationally very involved and difficult to follow. C. Bo¨hning wrote a detailed and transparent version of this proof. Bauer and Catanese prove rationality of the related modulispaceofcurvesofgenusthreewithafixednontrivial3-torsionpointin theJacobian.Theyidentifythismodulispacewiththemodulispaceofcurves of bidegree (4,4) ⊂ P1×P1, with simple singularities at the presecribed set of six points. Hoffmann’s paper is devoted to rationality of moduli spaces of vector bundles on curves. It contains a stack-theoretic version of the King– Schofield proof of the rationality of the moduli space of vector bundles on a projective curve having a fixed determinant line bundle, with coprime rank and degree of the determinant. Rationalfields havemany automorphismsandthe absenceofthese points to nonrationality. Pukhlikov surveys nonrationality results obtained via the studyofrigiditypropertiesoftheprojectivemodelsofthefield.Firstexamples ofrigidrationallyconnectedvarietieswerediscoveredbyManinandIskovskikh in the seventies. Cheltsov and Park consider an arithmetic aspect of ratio- nality: a classical diophantine problem concerns the description of rational solutions of a system of polynomial equations, i.e., rational points on alge- braic varieties. If the variety is rational or unirational, then there are many suchpoints, atleastovera finite extensionof the groundfield. This potential density of rational points holds for all Fano varieties of dimension ≤ 3 with an exception of one class: double covers of the three-dimensional projective space ramified over a surface of degree 6. Cheltsov–Park show that potential density of rational points holds if the ramification surface has at least one singular point. They also show that these varieties are superrigid. Katzarkovintroducesacompletelynovelapproachtotherationalityprob- lem, based on ideas of Mirror Symmetry. The Mirror Symmetry conjecture is still open but the ideas suggested by physics already highlight new inter- esting phenomena related to rationality.Applications of derivedcategoriesto rationality questions are discussed in the paper by Kuznetsov.He studies the Preface ix derivedcategoryof coherentsheavesof four-dimensionalcubic hypersurfaces. It is expected that a generic cubic fourfold is nonrational;this remains one of the challenging problems in the field. Needless to say, the book does not cover the whole spectrum of modern approachesto rationality.Nevertheless, we hope that it provides a glimpse of the variety of related concrete problems, new methods and results. Fedor Bogomolov Yuri Tschinkel April 2009 The Rationality of Certain Moduli Spaces of Curves of Genus 3 Ingrid Bauer and Fabrizio Catanese Mathematisches Institut Universität Bayreuth, NW II D-95440 Bayreuth,Germany [email protected], [email protected] Summary. We prove rationality of the moduli space of pairs of curves of genus threetogether with a point of order three in their Jacobian. Key words: Rationality, moduli spaces of curves 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification codes: 14E08, 14H10, 14H45 1 Introduction The aim of this paper is to give an explicit geometric description of the bira- tionalstructureofthemodulispaceofpairs(C,η),whereC isageneralcurve of genus 3 over an algebraically closed field k of arbitrary characteristic and η ∈Pic0(C) is a nontrivial divisor class of 3-torsionon C. 3 As was observed in [B-C04, Lemma (2.18)], if C is a general curve of genus 3 and η ∈ Pic0(C) is a nontrivial 3-torsion divisor class, then we 3 have a morphism ϕη := ϕ|KC+η| ×ϕ|KC−η| : C → P1 ×P1, corresponding to the sum of the linear systems |K +η| and |K −η|, which is birational C C onto a curve Γ ⊂ P1 × P1 of bidegree (4,4). Moreover, Γ has exactly six ordinary double points as singularities, located in the six points of the set S :={(x,y)|x(cid:5)=y, x,y ∈{0,1,∞}}. In [B-C04] we only gave an outline of the proof (and there is also a minor inaccuracy).Thereforewededicatethefirstsectionofthisarticletoadetailed geometricaldescriptionofsuchpairs(C,η),whereC isageneralcurveofgenus 3 and η ∈Pic0(C) \{0}. 3 The main result of the first section is the following: Theorem 1.1.Let C be a general (in particular, nonhyperelliptic) curve of genus 3 over an algebraically closed field k (of arbitrary characteristic) and η ∈Pic0(C) \{0}. 3 F. Bogomolov, Y. Tschinkel (eds.), Cohomological and Geometric Approaches to Rationality Problems,Progress in Mathematics 282, DOI 10.1007/978-0-8176-4934-0_1, © Birkhäuser Boston, a part of Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010

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