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Coherent switching of semiconductor resonator solitons V. B. Taranenko,F.-J. Ahlers, K. Pierz Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt 38116 Braunschweig, Germany We demonstrate switching on and off of spatial solitons in a semiconductor microresonator by injectionoflightcoherentwiththebackgroundillumination. Evidenceresultsthattheformation of the solitons and their switching does not involvethermal processes. PACS 42.65.Sf, 42.65.Pc, 47.54.+r Spatial solitons in semiconductor resonators have re- away from the main beam and then superimposed with cently been considered for applications as mobile binary the main beam by a Mach-Zehnder interferometer ar- 2 information carriers for certain optical parallel informa- rangement,to serve as the address beam. In the address 0 0 tion processing tasks [1,2]. We have recently found that path of the interferometer the light is expanded so that 2 such dark and bright spatial solitons can exist in non- the focus of the address beam is narrow (∼ 8 µm). An n linear passive semiconductor resonators [3]. We demon- electro-opticmodulatorswitchestheaddressbeamonfor a stratedin[4]thatbrightsolitonscanbeswitchedon(and ashorttime(∼40ns). Oneoftheinterferometermirrors J also temporarily be switched off) by addressing with a can be moved by a piezo-electric element to control the 9 light beam incoherent with the background light field, phase difference between the background light and the which sustains the solitons. In this case a light-induced address light. ] S increase of temperature [5] is involved in both switching P on and off which limits the switching speed to typically Rec. CCD . 1 µs. n Ti:Sa laser i Analternativemechanismofswitchingsuchsolitonson EOM l PD n or off is by changing the carrier density in the resonator Rec. BS [ at the location of the soliton. This can be effected by 1 addressing the position of the soliton (to be created or L v to be switched off) with a sharply focused light beam AOM l/2 PBS PBS P Sample 3 coherent with the background light. The latter’s inten- 1 sity is to be within the coexistence range of soliton and BS L 0 low transmission resonator state. If the address beam is 1 in phase with the background light the intensity at the EOM BE PZT 0 2 solitonlocationwillbeincreasedwhenadmittingthead- 0 dressbeam. Thisincreasesthecarrierdensitylocallyand FIG.1. Experimental setup. / therefore canswitcha solitonon. Vice versa,anexisting AOM: acousto-optic modulator, λ/2: halfwave plate, PBS: n i soliton can be switched off when the address beam is in polarizing beam splitters, EOM: electro-optical amplitude nl counterphasetothebackgroundlight. Bydestructivein- modulators, BE: beam expander, PZT: piezo-electric trans- ducer, L: lenses, BS: beam splitters, PD: photodiode, P: po- : terferencethelightintensityatthelocationofthesoliton v larizer. candecreasebelowtheexistencerangeofsolitonssothat i X a soliton may be switched off. PolarizerPcombinescoherentlytheinjectionandbackground fields. r In this coherent scheme primarily the changing of the a localcarrierdensity causesthe switching,whereasin the Inordertoavoidlong-termthermaldriftsthemeasure- incoherent scheme reported in [4] the increasing of the ments are carried out within a few µs. The laser light is temperature causes the switching. Nonthermal incoher- admitted through an acousto-optic modulator for dura- ent switching can also be done - e.g. by application of tionsofafewµsandrepeatedeveryms. Forobservation local optical pumping [6] pulses which increase the car- a CCD-camera combined with an electro-optic modula- rierdensity. Nonethelessthe coherentscheme is the only tor serves to take snapshots on a nanosecond timescale. onepermittingon-andoff-switchinginastraightforward Themodulatoropenswithavariabledelayafterthestart manner [2,7–9]. We conducted therefore an experiment oftheilluminationsothatsnapshotscanbetakenatdif- to demonstrate this mechanism. ferent times during the illumination. The dynamics is followedmore directly locally by imaging a fastphotodi- Fig. 1 shows the optical arrangement used for the ob- ode onto the center of one soliton on the resonator sam- servations. Light of single frequency Ti:Al203-laser at ple. The light intensity at the soliton location is then 850 nm wavelength illuminates an area on the resonator recorded as a function of time. sample of ∼50 µm diameter. Part of the light is split The semiconductor sample was a passive resonator 1 containing12GaAsquantumwellscladdedbytwoBragg range of soliton and low transmissionresonator state, so reflector stacks consisting of 23 and 17 pairs of Al- that a soliton forms spontaneously. The address beam GaAs/AlAsquarter-wavelayers,respectively. TheBragg is then applied in counter-phase to the background field mirrors were designed to be non-absorptive above 810 (evident by a reduction of reflected light due to the de- nm. The resonator itself was a 3/2 λ resonator of the structive interference between background- and address ’cos’type andthe width ofthe GaAs quantumwells was light), the soliton disappears, and the resonator returns 15 nm. Suitable spacers between the QW material and to the low transmission state. Fig. 3d shows a ”failed the Bragg stacks place the resonance wavelength of this switch-off” analogously to Fig. 3b. resonatorinthevicinityofthebandgapat850nm. The radial thickness variation of the layers from the center 1.0 to the edge of the circular 2 inch wafer causes a radial a) c) variationoftheresonancewavelengthofonly7nm. This verygoodlarge-scalehomogeneityallowstomaintainthe 0.5 relative detuning of laser light to resonance center over large distances on the wafer. This kind of sample should )de z thereforebewellsuitedforexperimentsonmotionofspa- ila m tial solitons. The resonance wavelength everywhere on ro 0.0 the wafer is close to (below) the band edge wavelength. n( y 1.0 b) d) tis Thus the nonlinearity is strongly absorptive. n e tn I 0.5 Working at λ = 850 nm, bright spatial solitons are readily observable (Fig. 2); they form spontaneously or with addressingpulses. Figs.3 and 4 show the results of theswitchingexperiments. Thedottedlinesshowthein- 0.0 0 1 2 0 1 2 cident intensity and the solid line the intensity reflected time (ms) from the sample. Note that the observation is in reflec- tionsuchthata brightsoliton(high transmission)shows FIG. 3. Recording of switching-on (a)) and switching-off up as a reduction in reflected intensity. (c)) of a bright soliton. ”Failed switches” with the address beam intensity too low to switch soliton on (b)) or off (d)). Heavyarrowsmarktheapplicationofaddresspulses. Dotted traces: incident intensity. The insets show intensity snap- shots, namely soliton (as Fig. 2a) and unswitched state. a) b) 1.0 )d e FIG.2. Bright soliton (dark in reflection). 3D representa- zila tion of reflectivity: a) view from above, b) view from below. m ron 0.5 ( y Fig. 3a shows the switch-on. The background inten- tis n sity is chosen slightly below the spontaneous switching etn I threshold. With the application of the in-phase address pulse the reflected light intensity increases (constructive 0.0 interference)andthesolitonisswitchedon(evidencedby 0 1 2 time (ms) the reduced reflectivity). Evidently the soliton remains switched on until the backgroundlight is reduced to the lower limit of the existence range of the soliton. FIG. 4. Demonstration of the non-thermal character of Fig. 3b shows a ”failed switch” in which the intensity solitonswitching. Asopposedtotheincoherentswitching[4], of the address beam is too low to switch. Equally to thesolitonisstableagainstlocalincreaseofintensity. Dotted trace: incident intensity. Fig. 3a the in-phase address pulse shows up as increased reflected light intensity, however, the total intensity at InFig.4wedemonstratethatthe switchinghereisre- the address position does not reach the upper limit of allyprimarilycontrolledbythelightfieldintheresonator the soliton existence range so that no soliton forms. varying the carrier density rather than by temperature Fig. 3c shows the switching off of a soliton. The back- increase or generating of phonons as in the incoherent ground light intensity is chosen above the coexistence 2 case [4]. proves again that no slow thermal process is involved in In [4] a soliton could be switched off by increasing lo- soliton formation or its switch off. cally the light intensity. The mechanism being that the additional carrier generation increased the lattice tem- We concludebynotingthatthese experimentsdemon- perature, which shifts the band edge. With this the ex- strating the switching of solitonsconstitute another step istence range of solitons shifted. The soliton therefore towards application of semiconductor solitons to optical switchedoffandremainedoffuntilthelatticehadcooled information processing e.g. in certain telecom tasks. again. The address pulse was perpendicularly polarized to the background field, thus incoherent with it. Acknowledgments InFig.4theintensityisalsoincreased,butinacoher- This work was supported by the European ESPRIT ent way, by constructive interference with the (in-phase) Project ”PIANOS” and by Deutsche Forschungsgemein- address pulse. As opposed to [4] the intensity increase schaft under grant We743/12-1. Help from C.O.Weiss does not switch the soliton off, showing that a thermal and helpful discussions with R.Kuszelewicz are acknowl- shift of the existence range does not noticeably occur. edged. Ratherheretheswitchingiscontrolledthroughthe(fast) electronic nonlinearity. This absence or negligibility of thermal effects in the formation of solitons is equally evidenced by the fast spontaneous switchings in Fig. 3. This nonthermal switchingisinagreementwiththeexperiments[10]where [1] W.J. Firth,G.K.Harkness,”Cavity solitons,” Asian J. 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Firth , ”Spatial solitary-wave ( y optical memory”, JOSA B 7, 1328-1332 (1990). tis n [9] Accordingtopersonalcommunicationfrom J.R.Tredicce e tnI (INLN,France)suchswitchingwasdoneinVCSELbelow on off on off threshold. 0.0 [10] V. B.Taranenko, C. O.Weiss, W. Stolz, ”Semiconductor 0 1 2 3 time (ms) resonatorsolitonsabovebandgap,”JOSAB(tobepub- lished). [11] G. J. deValcarcel, K. Staliunas, V.J. Sanchez-Morcillo, E. Roldan, ”Transverse patterns in degenerate optical FIG. 5. Repeated switching on and off of a soliton (see parametricoscillationanddegeneratefour-wavemixing,” text). Phys. Rev.A 54, 1609-1624 (1996). Fig. 5 shows fast repeated switching on and off of a soliton. The phase of the address beam was modulated rapidly here by an additional electro-optic phase modu- lator in the address path at a frequency of 700 kHz and withaphaseexcursionofsomewhatlargerthanπ. Fig.5 3

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