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7 9 9 to appear in: Proc. of the Oviedo Symposium 1996 on ”New Developments on Fun- 1 damental Problems in Quantum Physics”; eds.: M.Ferrero and A. van der Merwe, n (Kluwer, 1997); also quant-ph/9610037 a J 5 2 COHERENT STATES AND THE MEASUREMENT PROBLEM 2 v 7 3 0 0 Lajos Di´osi 1 6 KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics 9 H-1525 Budapest 114, POB 49, Hungary / h p - t The convenience of coherent state representationis discussed from the viewpoint of n what is in a broad sense called the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. a u Standard quantum theory in coherentstate representationis intrinsically relatedto q a number of earlier concepts conciliating quantum and classical processes. From a : v natural statistical interpretation, free of collapses or measurements, the usual von i Neumann-Lu¨derscollapseaswellasitsquantumstatediffusioninterpretationfollow. X Inparticular,atheoryofcoupledquantumandclassicaldynamicsarises,containing r the fluctuation corrections versus the fenomenological mean-field theories. a Key words: quantum measurement,wavefunction collapse,open quantum systems. 1. Introduction. The state of a canonical quantum system is character- ized by its state vector ψ satisfying the Schr¨odinger evolution equation. The | i Schr¨odinger-equation,with Hamiltonian (xˆ,pˆ), takes the equivalent form H d ρˆ= i[ (xˆ,pˆ),ρˆ] (1) dt − H if we use the density operator ρˆ= ψ ψ to represent the system’s quantum state. | ih | In a certain sense, clarified ultimately by von Neumann [1], one may speak about the probability distribution of the coordinate operator xˆ, which is given by the diagonal elements xρˆx of the density operator in coordinate representation. h | | i Thisdistributioncontainsnoinformationaboutthequantumsystem’smomentumpˆ. 1 Vice versa, in momentum representation the distribution pρˆp lacks information h | | i about the statistics of xˆ. Apparently, the proper statistical interpretation of the quantumstateneedsthedistinguishednotionofquantummeasurementandassumes abrupt changes, i.e. collapses, of the wave function [1,2]. Quantum theory becomes dichotomic: the evolution of the quantum state is governed by the Schr¨odinger- equation (1) while in quantum measurements the wave function performs random jumps. Whycouldn’toneincorporatethestatisticalinterpretationofthewavefunc- tion into a suitable quantum dynamics free of collapses? In this talk I suggest that this canperhaps be done within standardquantum mechanicsmerely by choosinga proper representation. As the proper one, I suggest the well-known coherent state representation x,p [3]. Then the diagonal elements x,pρˆx,p may, up to a well-defined pre- | i h | | i cision, be interpreted as the joint probability distribution ρ(x,p) of the coordinate and momentum. Opposite to the coordinateormomentum representations,the dis- tribution ρ(x,p) contains complete information about the system’s quantum state and thus satisfies a closed evolution equation [5]. In Part 2., I recapitulate the coherent state representation in phase space coordinates. A most natural statistical interpretation, free of any reference to mea- surements or collapses (cf. Ref. [6]), will be proposed. In Part 3., we extend our results to the case of composite systems. In the subsequent parts I stress that typ- ical theories of the emergence of classicality in quantum theory, including the von Neumann-Lu¨ders’ one, could be derived in coherent state representation. 2. QM in coherent state representation. Coherent states x,p , labelled | i by the canonical variables x and p, form a non-orthogonal overcomplet basis in the system’s Hilbert-space. Coherent states are eigenstates of the particular non- Hermitian combination xˆ+ipˆof canonical operators: (xˆ+ipˆ) x,p =(x+ip)x,p . (2) | i | i The influence of the adjoint operator xˆ ipˆbrings derivative terms in: − 1 (xˆ ipˆ) x,p =(∂ i∂ ) x,p + (x ip)x,p . (3) x p − | i − | i 2 − | i To fix the normalization of the coherent states, we use the completeness relation in the following form: x,p x,pdxdp =I. (4) Z | ih | Then, we consider the diagonal elements of the density operator in coherent state representation: ρ(x,p)= x,pρˆx,p . (5) h | | i 2 Obviously, it is a mere technical task to rewrite the abstract Schr¨odinger-equation (1) into the above coherent state representation. It is, however, much less obvious that the diagonal part will satisfy a closed evolution equation [7]: d ∂ +i∂ ∂ i∂ x p p x ρ(x,p)= i x+ ,p+ − ρ(x,p)+c.c. (6) dt − H(cid:18) 2 2 (cid:19) A few examples are given in the Appendix. Onemight think of ρ(x,p) asthe jointprobabilitydistribution ofthe phase spacecoordinatesxandpassociatedwithxˆandpˆor,sayingbriefly,oftheoperatorsxˆ andpˆthemselves. Thecaseis,however,morecomplicatedbecause,forallcomposite variables (x,p), one should specify with what Hermitian operators could they be F associated. Wesuggestthefollowingcorrespondencerule. Letanyclassicaldynamic variable (x,p) be associated with the fully symmetrized [8] Hermitian operator F (xˆ,pˆ) . Let us, furthermore, introduce a Gaussian coarse-graining of the {F }sym dynamic variables over the Planckian phase space cell: ¯(x,p) (x+ξ/√2, p+η/√2) , (7) F ≡DF Eξ,η where ξ,η are standard Gaussian variables over which an average is understood on the r.h.s. of the above equation. After these preparations, one can state an equiv- alence theorem [9]. The quantum expectation value in state ρˆ of a coarse-grained fully symmetrized Hermitian dynamic variable coincides exactly with the classical expectationvalueofthecorrespondingfine-grainedclassicaldynamicvariable,using ρ(x,p) for the phase space probability distribution, i.e.: tr ρˆ ¯(xˆ,pˆ) = (x,p)ρ(x,p)dxdp (8) (cid:16) (cid:8)F (cid:9)sym(cid:17) Z F satisfiesforall (x,p). Thisisthe statistical interpretationwhichemergesnaturally F in coherent state representation. To cut it short, we shall say that ρ(x,p) expresses the coarse-grainedjoint probability distribution of xˆ and pˆ. 3. QM in hybrid representation. Let us consider a composite quantum system , with canonical variables xˆ,pˆand Xˆ,Pˆ, respectively. We introduce a C×Q coherent state basis x,p for the subsystem while we keep the abstract Hilbert- | i C space notation for the subsystem . This will be called hybrid representation [9]. Q Accordingly, by projecting the density operator ρˆ of the composite system , C ×Q we introduce the hybrid density [9] (cf. also [10,11]) ρˆ(x,p) tr (x,p x,p I)ρˆ . (9) ≡ (cid:16) | ih |⊗ (cid:17) 3 Thismathematicalobjectmightseemstrangeforthe firstsight. Itcharacterizesthe quantum state of the original composite system while, formally, it is a phase space distribution for the subsystem and density operator for the subsystem . C Q SimilarlytothecaseinthepreviousPart,aclosedevolutionequationexists for the hybrid density, too [12]: d ∂ +i∂ ∂ i∂ ρˆ(x,p)= iˆ x+ x p,p+ p− x ρˆ(x,p)+h.c. (10) dt − H(cid:18) 2 2 (cid:19) where the compact notation (xˆ,Xˆ,pˆ,Pˆ) = ˆ(xˆ,pˆ) has been applied to the com- H H posite system’s Hamiltonian. The hybrid density has a rich structure to interpret statistically. First of all, ρˆ ρˆ(x,p)dxdp (11) Q ≡Z is the reduced density operator of subsystem . Alternatively, Q ρ (x,p) trρˆ(x,p) (12) C ≡ is the coarse-grained phase-space distribution of xˆ,pˆ of subsystem , in the very C senseofthestatisticalinterpretationofthepreviousPart. Andthereisanadditional possibility, common in statistics, that is to introduce ρˆ(x,p) ρˆ (13) Qxp ≡ ρ (x,p) C as the conditional quantum state [9] of the subsystem when the subsystem ’s Q C coordinates take givenvalues x,p. This interpretationmakes the so-calledquantum measurement and collapse simple consequences of the standard quantum theory as we shall see in the forthcoming Part. 4. Application: Collapse. Consider von Neumann’s dynamic model [1] of quantum measurement. will denote the measured system and will denote the Q C measuring apparatus. Both of them are quantum systems hence we apply standard quantum mechanics to the composite system . We do so in hybrid represen- Q×C tation. For simplicity, the measured system is a two-state system initially in the Q superposition: ψ = α0 +β 1 . The apparatus is a canonical quantum sys- Qi | i | i | i C tem;letthepointer’spositionbexˆ. Incoherentstaterepresentation, ’sinitialstate C ρ (x,p) is concentrated at pointer position x 0 with precision ∆x 1. Then the Ci ≈ ≈ initial state of the composite system has the following hybrid density (9): Q×C ρˆ(x,p)= ψ ψ ρ (x,p). (14) i Qi Qi Ci | ih | 4 According to von Neumann, the interaction during the act of measurement can be modelled by the interaction Hamiltonian ˆ(x,p)= gδ(t)1 1 p, (15) H − | ih i where,again,weusehybridrepresentation. Thecouplingconstantg satisfiesg 1. ≫ To calculate the final entangled state of the composite system, we apply the hybrid equation of motion (10) with the above interaction Hamiltonian: d ρˆ(x,p)= gδ(t)1 1 ∂ ρˆ(x,p). (16) x dt − | ih i Thentheinitialstate(14)evolvesintoacalculablefinalstatewhich,afterintegrating out the irrelevant momentum variable p, takes the form: ρˆ (x)= α2 0 0ρ (x)+ β 2 1 1ρ (x g) f Ci Ci | | | ih | | | | ih | − +(α⋆β 1 0 +αβ⋆ 0 1)ρ (x g/2). (17) Ci | ih | | ih | − Let us invoke the statistical interpretation proposed in Part 3.: the coarse-grained probability distribution (12) of the pointer’s position xˆ in the final state (17) is ρ (x) trρˆ (x)= α2ρ (x)+ β 2ρ (x g), (18) Cf f Ci Ci ≡ | | | | − i.e. x 0 with probability α2 and x g with probability β 2. The two outcomes ≈ | | ≈ | | separatewellsinceweassumedg 1. Thecorrespondingconditionalfinalquantum ≫ states (13) ρˆ ρˆ (x)/ρ (x) are 0 0 if x 0 and 1 1 if x g, respectively. xf f Cf ≡ | ih | ≈ | ih | ≈ This is the von Neumann-Lu¨ders collapse [1,2]. 5. Application: Markovian open systems. Ourexample willbe the compos- ite quantumsystem ,where is atwo-stateatominteractingwiththeinfinite Q×C Q number of electromagnetic field oscillators (see, e.g., in Ref.[4]). For each eigen- C frequency ω,the canonicaloscillatorvariablesxˆ ,pˆ are,forconvenience,expressed ω ω by the usual non-Hermitian ones aˆ ,aˆ†. If ψ is the atomic initial state then, in ω ω | Qii hybrid representation, the composite system’s initial state (9) takes the form ρˆ(a,a⋆)= ψ ψ exp( a2), (19) i Qi Qi | ih | −| | assuming vacuumstate for the radiationfield initially. TheinteractionHamiltonian is, in interaction picture, modelled by ˆ(a,a⋆)= g e−i(ω−ω0)tσˆ a +h.c. Γσˆ +h.c. (20) ω + ω + H ≡ Xω 5 whereg arecouplingconstants,σˆ = 1 0,andω istheatomicenergysplit. (The ω + 0 time dependence of ˆ(a,a⋆) is suppre|ssiehd|in notation.) For later convenience, we H have introduced the (complex) effective field Γ to which the atom is really coupled. In interaction picture, the hybrid equation of motion (10) reads: d ∂ρˆ(a,a⋆) ρˆ(a,a⋆)= i[ˆ(a,a⋆),ρˆ(a,a⋆)] i g e−i(ω−ω0)tσˆ h.c. . (21) dt − H − Xω (cid:16) ω + ∂a⋆ − (cid:17) It is well-knownthat in Markovianapproximationthe atomic reduced den- sity operator satisfies the master equation (see, e.g., in Ref.[4]) d 1 1 ρˆ =γ σˆ ρˆ σˆ σˆ σˆ ρˆ ρˆ σˆ σˆ ρˆ , (22) Q − Q + + − Q Q + − Q dt (cid:18) − 2 − 2 (cid:19)≡L where γ = ρ2 Γ 2; the spectral density ρ is defined by ρ dω/2π. ω0| ω0| ω ω → ω Consistentwiththisreduceddynamics,theMarkovianlimitofthPecompoRsitesystem dynamicsexistsaswell. Thehybridequationofmotion(21)leadstocoupledWiener (diffusion) processes for the conditional pure state ρˆ = ψ ψ of the atom and Γ Γ Γ | ih | the effective field strength Γ, described respectively by the following Ito-Langevin- equations: d ρˆ = ρˆ +√γ ξ˙⋆(σˆ σˆ )ρˆ +h.c. , (23) dt Γ L Γ (cid:16) t −−h −i Γ (cid:17) iΓ=γ σˆ +√γξ˙ (24) − t h i where σˆ =tr(σˆ ρˆ ) and ξ is the standard complex white-noise [13]. − − Γ t h i Eq.(23)is the heuristic equation of the quantum state diffusion model [14], obtained originally to describe the wave function of individual quantum systems during their interactions with measuring apparatuses [15]. 6. Application: Coupling quantum to classical. This time we make the cru- cial observation that the hybrid equation of motion (10) could formally be taken as the equation of motion for the composite system where is a quantum system with canonical coordinates Xˆ,Pˆ but the otherQs×ubCsystem Qis genuine clas- C sical with coordinates x and p. So, the equation (10) could in principle describe the interaction of a true quantum and a true classical subsystem. The shorthand notation (x,p,Xˆ,Pˆ) ˆ(x,p) will be understood again. H ≡H To illustrate things, let be a classical harmonic oscillator with Hamilton- C function (p2+x2)/2, coupled linearly to a certain quantum system with Hamil- tonian Hˆ. The total Hamiltonian will be the following: Q p2+x2 ˆ(x,p)=Hˆ + +Jˆx, (25) H 2 6 where Jˆis a certain Hermitian operator for . For our purpose it will be useful to Q representthestateofthecompositesystembytheclassicalphasespacedensity(12) of and by the conditional quantum state (13) of . Using the Hamiltonian (25), C Q the hybrid equation of motion (10) leads to a couple of equations for ρ (x,p) and C ρˆ . The first equation reads: Qxp d ρ (x,p)=(x∂ p∂ )ρ (x,p)+∂ Jˆ ρ (x,p) (26) C p x C p xp C dt − h i where Jˆ = tr(Jˆρˆ ). This is a classical Liouville-equation. The phase space xp Qxp h i distributionchangesasiftheHamiltonfunctionwerethequantumexpectationvalue of the hybrid Hamiltonian (25): x˙ =∂ ˆ(x,p) , p˙= ∂ ˆ(x,p) . (27) p xp x xp hH i − hH i These equations are identical to the fenomenological mean-field equations widely usedtocalculatetheevolutionofaclassicalsystemundertheinfluenceofaquantized one (see, e.g., in Ref.[11]). The second equation will govern the quantized system’s state under the influence of the classicalsubsystem. Our hybridequation of motion (10) yields, after some elaboration, the following form: d ρˆ +(x˙∂ +p˙∂ )ρˆ +i[ˆ(x,p),ρˆ ]= Qxp x p Qxp Qxp dt H i i 1 1 = (∂ s)[Jˆ,ρˆ ] [Jˆ,∂ ρˆ ]+ ∂ Jˆ Jˆ ,ρˆ + (∂ s) Jˆ Jˆ ,ρˆ x Qxp x Qxp p xp Qxp p xp Qxp −2 −2 2 { −h i } 2 { −h i } (28) where s(x,p) lnρ (x,p). This equation differs from the corresponding equation C ≡ of the standard mean-field theory by the terms on the r.h.s which are absent in the fenomenological theory. The standard theory can not describe the stochastic fluctuations induced in the classical subsystem by the quantum subsystem . C Q The terms on the r.h.s. take these fluctuations into the account [16]. Moral. The classical content, if there is any, of a given quantum state displays itself in coherent state representation. I tend to believe that this is the general case for canonical quantum systems. It follows and is important to realize that the classical content is a relative and apparent feature. We can read it out if we use the proper framework — the coherent state representation, presumably. On the other hand, such classicality might be a robust feature against changes of the framework,hereI meancanonicaltransformationsonthefirstplace. Obviously, the coherent state representation is not invariant canonically. But, due to the well- defined amountof coarse-grainingused in the statisticalinterpretation, one hopes a satisfactory robustness of classicality whenever the dynamic variables (x,p) have F no structure at short scales ∆x ∆p 1. ≈ ≈ 7 It is rather promizing that the concept, presented in this talk, seems to cover all alternative concepts, including the wave function collapse, the quantum state diffusion, and the interpretation based on true classical subsystems [17]. I think thataBohm-typeinterpretation,too,followsnaturally(cf.,maybe,Ref.[18]). Though I did not mention the decoherent history interpretation I have no doubts thathybridquantumdynamicsturnoutto buildupdecoherenthistories(we donot need the Markovianlimit [19] either). I am deeply indebted to the organizers of the Symposium for inviting me to participate and to give this talk. This work was supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund under Grant OTKA T016047. APPENDIX Harmonic oscillator, =(p2+x2)/2: H d ρ(x,p)=(x∂ p∂ )ρ(x,p). p x dt − Free particle, =p2/2: H d 1 ρ(x,p)= p∂ ρ(x,p)+ ∂ ∂ ρ(x,p). x x p dt − 2 Quartic oscillator, =(p2+x2)/2+λx4: H 3 d ∂ x ρ(x,p)=(x∂ p∂ )ρ(x,p) λ x+ ∂ ρ(x,p) p x p dt − − (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) λ ∂ + x+ x ∂3ρ(x,p). 4 (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) p REFERENCES and FOOTNOTES 1. J.von Neumann, Matematische Grundlagen der Quanten Mechanik (Springer, Berlin, 1932). 2. G.Lu¨ders, Ann.Phys. (Leipzig) 8, 322 (1951). 3. V.Bargmann,Commun.PureAppl.Math. 14,187(1961);R.J.Glauber,Phys.Rev. 131, 2766 (1963); see also in the recent textbook [4]. 4. D.F.Walls and G.J.Milburn, Quantum Optics (Springer, Berlin, 1994). 5. A.Lonke, J.Math.Phys. 19, 1110 (1978). 6. J.S.Bell, Phys.World 3, 33 (1990). 7. This equation preserves the positivity of ρ(x,p) provided certain analiticity con- ditions are satisfied initially. It preserves the pure state property of ρˆ though all 8 forthcoming formulae will be valid for mixtures as well. The proofs will be given elsewhere. The eq. (10) has an equivalent compact form: d ←−∂x−→∂p ←∂−p−→∂x ←∂−x−→∂x+←∂−p−→∂p ρ= 2sin − exp ρ= ,ρ +h.o.t. Poisson dt H 2 2 {H } On the very right, one may observe the classical Liouville evolution equation to appear in the lowest order of the derivatives. 8. Full symmetrization (Weyl-ordering) is defined by the recursive rules 1 1 xˆ (xˆ,pˆ) = xˆ, (xˆ,pˆ) , pˆ (xˆ,pˆ) = pˆ, (xˆ,pˆ) , { F }sym 2n {F }symo { F }sym 2n {F }symo while xˆ =xˆ and pˆ =pˆ. sym sym { } { } 9. L.Dio´si,Quant.Semiclass.Opt. 8,309(1996);L.Dio´si,”Atrueequationtocouple classical and quantum dynamics”, e-print archives quant-ph/9610028. 10. I.V.Aleksandrov, Z.Naturf. 36A, 902 (1981). 11. W.Boucher and J.Traschen, Phys.Rev. D 37, 3522 (1988). 12. Expansion in the derivatives yields the form d 1 1 ρˆ= i[ˆ,ρˆ]+ ˆ,ρˆ ρˆ, ˆ Poisson Poisson dt − H 2{H } − 2{ H} i i [∂ ˆ,∂ ρˆ] [∂ ˆ,∂ ρˆ]+h.o.t. x x p p −2 H − 2 H showing the tricky combination of Liouville’s classical and Schr¨odinger’s quantum evolutions. The first line of the r.h.s. is identical to the Aleksandrov-bracket [10] which, in itself, would violate the positivity of ρˆ[11]. 13. Proofs will be given elsewhere. 14. N.Gisin and I.C.Percival, J.Phys. A 25, 5677 (1992). 15. L.Dio´si, J.Phys. A 21, 2885 (1988). 16. Obviously, if the quantum fluctuation of the ”current” Jˆis small enough then the last two r.h.s. terms go away. If, furthermore, the states ρ (x,p) and ρˆ are C Qxp smooth enough functions of x,p then all r.h.s. terms can be ignoredand we are left with the standard mean-field equation d ρˆ +i[ˆ(x,p),ρˆ ]=0. Qxp Qxp dt H 17. T.N.Sherry and E.C.G.Sudarshan, Phys.Rev. D18, 4580 (1978). 18. G.G. de Polavieja, Phys.Lett. 220A, 303 (1996). 19. L.Dio´si, N.Gisin, J.Halliwell, and I.C.Percival, Phys.Rev.Lett. 74, 203 (1995). 9

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