Coherent photoproductionof η-mesons off3He-search forη-mesicnuclei 2 1 F. Pherona, J. Ahrensb, J.R.M. Annandc, H.J. Arendsb, K. Bantawad, P.A. Bartolomeb, R. Becke, 0 2 V. Bekrenevf, H. Bergh¨auserg, B. Boillata, A. Braghierih, D. Branfordi, W.J. Briscoej, J. Brudvikk, n S. Cherepnyaℓ, B. Demissiej, M. Dieterlea, E.J. Downieb,c,j, P. Drexlerg, D.I. Glazieri, E. Heidb, a L.V. Fil’kovℓ, D.Hornidgem, D.Howdlec, O.Jahnb, I. Jaeglea, T.C. Judei, V.L. Kashevarovℓ,b, J I. Keshelashvilia, R. Kondratievn, M. Korolijao, M. Kotullaa,g, A. Kulbardisf, S.P. Kruglovf, 1 3B. Kruschea,V. Lisinn, K. Livingstonc, I.J.D. MacGregorc, Y. Maghrbia, J. Mancellc, D.M. Manleyd, Z.Marinidesj, M. Martinezb, J.C. McGeorgec, E. McNicollc, D. Mekterovico, V. Metagg, ] x S. Micanovico, D.G.Middletonm, A. Mushkarenkovh, B.M.K. Nefkensk, A. Nikolaeve, R.Novotnyg, e M. Oberlea, M. Ostrickb, B. Oussenab,j, P. Pedronih, A. Polonskin, S.N. Prakhovk, J. Robinsonc, - l G. Rosnerc, T. Rostomyana,h, S. Schumannb, M.H. Sikorai, D.I. Soberp, A. Starostink, I. Supeko, c u M. Thielg, A. Thomasb, M. Unverzagtb, D.P. Wattsi, D.Werthmu¨llera, L. Witthauera, F.Zehra n aDepartment of Physics, Universityof Basel, Ch-4056 Basel, Switzerland [ bInstitut fu¨rKernphysik, Universityof Mainz, D-55099 Mainz, Germany 1 cSUPA,School of Physicsand Astronomy, Universityof Glasgow, G12 8QQ, UnitedKingdom v dKentState University,Kent,Ohio 44242, USA 7 eHelmholtz-Institut fu¨r Strahlen- und Kernphysik,UniversityBonn, D-53115 Bonn, Germany 1 fPetersburgNuclear PhysicsInstitute, RU-188300 Gatchina, Russia 5 gII. Physikalisches Institut,Universityof Giessen, D-35392 Giessen,Germany 6 hINFN Sezione di Pavia, I-27100 Pavia, Pavia, Italy . iSchool of Physics, Universityof Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH93JZ, United Kingdom 1 jCenterforNuclear Studies, The George Washington University,Washington, DC20052, USA 0 kUniversityof California LosAngeles, LosAngeles, California 90095-1547, USA 2 ℓLebedev Physical Institute,RU-119991 Moscow, Russia 1 mMount Allison University,Sackville,NewBrunswick E4L1E6, Canada : v nInstitutefor NuclearResearch, RU-125047 Moscow, Russia i oRudjerBoskovic Institute, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia X pThe Catholic Universityof America, Washington, DC20064, USA r a Abstract Coherentphotoproductionofη-mesonsoff3He,i.e.thereaction γ3He→η3He,hasbeeninvestigatedinthenear-thresholdregion. Theexperimentwasperformed at theGlasgow tagged photonfacility oftheMainz MAMIaccelerator with thecombinedCrystal Ball-TAPSdetector.Angulardistributionsandthetotalcrosssectionweremeasuredusingtheη→γγ andη→3π0 →6γ decay channels. The observed extremely sharp rise of the cross section at threshold and the behavior of the angular distributions are evidencefora strongη3Hefinalstateinteraction, pointingtotheexistenceof aresonant state. Thesearch for furtherevidenceof thisstateintheexcitationfunctionofπ0-protonback-to-backemissionintheγ3He→π0pX reactionrevealedaverycomplicated structureof thebackgroundand could not support previousconclusions. 1. Introduction can be used for detailed studies of elastic and inelastic re- actions, revealing the relevant potentials. However, most The interactionof mesons with nuclei is a major source mesons are short-lived so that their interaction with nu- for our understanding of the strong interaction. For long- cleons canonly be studied in indirect ways,making use of livedmesons,likechargedpionsorkaons,secondarybeams final-state interactions (FSI). The general idea is to pro- ducethemesonswithsomeinitialreactioninanucleusand thenstudy their interactionwiththe same nucleus. Email address: [email protected] (B. Krusche). Preprintsubmitted toPhysics Letters B 1February 2012 It is much discussed whether the strong interaction al- clusterbetween0.2fmand0.3fm.Therealpart,whichde- lows the formation of quasi-bound meson-nucleus states. termines the existence of quasi-bound states, is much less So far, all known meson-nucleus bound states involve at constrained. It runs all the way from a negative value of least partly the electromagnetic interaction. Pionic atoms −0.15fmtonumbersclosetoandevenabove+1fm.How- are well established. More recently deeply bound pionic ever, most of the more recent analyses prefer large values stateshavealsobeenreported[1],butinthiscasethebind- above 0.5 fm, which has raised controversial discussions ing results from the superposition of the repulsive s-wave aboutthe possible existence ofverylight mesic nucleiand π−-nucleus interactionwith the attractiveCoulombforce. promptedtheoreticalstudies ofthe η-interactionwith 2H, Neutralmesonsontheotherhandcouldformquasi-bound 3H, 3He, and4He systems[20–29] states only via the strong interaction. The meson-nucleus Experimentalevidenceforlightη-mesicnucleihasmostly interaction for slow pions is much too weak to produce beensearchedforinthethresholdbehaviorofη-production quasi-bound states, but the situation may be different for reactions.Theideaisthatquasi-boundstatesinthevicinity ′ η, η ,andω-mesons. oftheproductionthresholdwillgiverisetoanenhancement Thecaseofη-mesonsisspecialbecausethethresholdre- of the cross section relative to the expectation for phase- gionofη-productionisdominatedby ans-waveresonance space dependence. Many different hadron induced reac- [2,3], the S (1535), which couples very strongly to Nη tions have been studied in view of such threshold effects. 11 (branchingratio≈50%[4]).AsaconsequenceFSIinnuclei Alreadythemeasurementofpioninducedη-productionoff areimportant;η-mesonsareabsorbedinnucleiwithtypical 3He in the reaction π− +3He → η+t at LAMPF [30,31] crosssectionsaround30mb,basicallyindependentoftheir revealedproductioncrosssectionssignificantlylargerthan kineticenergyT overawiderangeofT fromafewMeVto DWIApredictions.Subsequently,differentnucleon-nucleon 1GeV[5,6].Firsthintsforthepossibleexistenceofbound and nucleon-deuteron reactions, in particular pp → ppη η-nucleusstatescamefromthe analysisoftheηN scatter- [32–34],np→dη [35,36],pd→η3He [37], dp→η3He [38– ing length that characterizes the potential at low kinetic 40],dd→η4He[41],d~d→η4He[42,43],andpd→pdη[44] energies. Already in 1985 Bhalerao and Liu [7] reported have been studied. Interesting threshold effects have been an attractive s-wave ηN interaction from a coupled chan- found in most of them, but in particular the pd → η3He nel analysis of pion-induced reactions, yielding scattering [37] and dp → η3He reactions [38–40] show an extremely lengths αηN with real parts between 0.27 fm and 0.28 fm steep rise at threshold, implying a very large η3He scat- andimaginarypartsbetween0.19fmand0.22fm.Shortly tering length. Wilkin and collaborators [45] have argued afterwards,LiuandHaider[8]pointedoutthatthisinterac- fromananalysisoftheangulardistributionsthat,notonly tionmightleadto the formationofquasi-boundη-nucleus themagnitude ofthes-waveamplitudefallsrapidlyinthe states for A > 10. Experimental evidence for such ‘heavy’ threshold region, but that its phase also varies strongly, η-mesic nuclei has been searchedfor in pion-induced reac- which supports the idea of a quasi-bound or virtual 3He η tionsonnucleiintheoxygenregion[9,10],butthoseexper- stateverycloseto the threshold. imentsdidnotproduceconclusiveevidence.Morerecently, If such states do exist, they should show up as thresh- Sokol and co-workers [11,12] claimed evidence for the for- old enhancements independently of the initial state of the mation of η-mesic nuclei from bremsstrahlung-inducedre- reaction.Photoproductionofη-mesonsfromlightnucleiis actionson12C a very cleantool for the preparationofthe η-nucleus final γ+12C→p(n)+11B(11C)→π++n+X , (1) state with small relative momenta but, due to the much η η smaller electromagnetic cross sections, sensitive threshold where the nπ+ pairs were detected in the final state. In measurements have been sparse until now. A particular thistype ofexperiment,theη-mesonisproducedinquasi- problem is that the η-mesons have to be produced coher- free kinematics on a nucleon (p,n), which takes away the ently off the targetnuclei. As a consequence of the results largestpartofthemomentumandtheηisalmostatrestin fromphotoproductionofη-mesonsofflightnuclei,itisnow the residualA=11nucleus. Ifa quasi-boundstate is pro- wellunderstoodthatthethresholdproductionisdominated duced, the η-meson has a large chance to be re-captured by an isovector spin-flip amplitude exciting the S (1535) 11 by a nucleon into the S11 excitation, which may then de- resonance(see[46]forasummary).Therefore,thecoherent cayintoapion-nucleonback-to-backpair.Suchpairswere cross section is very small for the isoscalar deuteron and searchedforintheexperiment,however,backgroundfrom practically forbidden for the isoscalar-scalar 4He nucleus, quasi-free pion production must be considered. Sokol and where only higher partial waves could contribute. Among Pavlyuchenko[12]claimanenhancementabovethis back- the light targets only the (I = 1/2,J = 1/2) 3H and 3He groundforcertainkinematic conditions. nucleihavereasonablylargecrosssectionsfortheγA→Aη The topic gained much new interest after precise low- reaction. energy data for the photoproduction of η-mesons off the The3Hesystemwaspreviouslyinvestigatedwithphoton- proton [2], deuteron [13–16] and helium nuclei [17,18] be- induced reactions by Pfeiffer et al. [47]. Possible evidence cameavailableandrefinedmodelanalysesofthescattering fortheformationofaquasi-boundstatewasreportedfrom lengthweredonebymanygroups(see[19]forasummary). the behavior of two different reactions. The coherent η- The results for the imaginary part are rather stable, most 2 photoproduction γ3He → η3He showed a strong thresh- detectorhadindividualplasticscintillatorsinfrontforthe old enhancement with angular distributions much more same purpose. The PID, in combination with the Crystal isotropic in the threshold region than expected from the Ball,andtheTAPS-TAPS-Vetosystemcouldbeusedfor nuclearformfactor.TheseareindicationsforstrongFSIef- a E −∆E analysis for the separation of different charged fects.Furthermore,inanapproachsimilartotheSokolex- particles.TheCrystalBallcoveredthefullazimuthalrange periment[12],theexcitationfunctionforπ0−ppairsemit- for polar angles from 20◦ to 160◦, corresponding to 93% ted back-to-back in the γ3He center-of-momentum (c.m.) ofthe full solidangle.The TAPSdetector,mounted 1.457 system was investigated. The difference between the ex- m downstreamfrom the target, coveredpolar angles from citation functions for opening angles between 170◦ - 180◦ ≈5◦to21◦.Thissetupissimilartotheonedescribedinde- ◦ ◦ (almost back-to-back) and 150 - 170 (background from tailin[59].Theonlydifferenceisthat,intheearliersetup, quasi-free pion production) showeda narrowpeak around the TAPS forward wall consisted of 510 modules and was theη-productionthreshold.Suchapeakisexpectedtoarise placed1.75mfromthe target. whenquasi-boundη-mesonsarere-capturedintoanuclear For the present experiment the main trigger condition S excitationwithsubsequentdecayintothepion-nucleon was a multiplicity of two separated hits in the combined 11 channel. However, the statistical quality of the measure- CB/TAPS system and an integrated energy deposition of ments was limited and it was pointed out by several au- at least300 MeV in the CrystalBall.Details for the basis thors [48,49]that the data do not prove the existence of a ofthedataanalysisincludingcalibrationprocedures,iden- quasi-boundstate. tification of photons and recoil nucleons and the absolute The present experiment aimed at a measurement with normalizationof crosssections are discussed in [59].Here, significantlyimprovedstatisticalqualityandbettercontrol wewillonlyoutline the specificstepsforthe identification ofsystematiceffects.Thiswasachievedbyusingadetector ofcoherentη-production.Resultsforquasi-freeproduction system with much larger solid-anglecoverage.Apart from ofη-mesonsoffnucleonsboundin3Heinviewofthestruc- counting statistics this is important for two aspects. It al- ture recently observed for η-photoproduction off the neu- lowsameasurementofnotonlytheη →2γdecaysbutalso tron[60,61]willbe reportedelsewhere. the η →3π0 →6γ decaychain.Comparisonofthe twore- The analysis was based on the η → γγ and η → 3π0 → sultshelpstoestimatesystematiceffectsfromthedetection 6γ decay channels. The measurement of both channels al- efficiency. Even more important, the coincident detection lowed an additional control of systematic uncertainties. of recoil nucleons from non-coherentproduction processes Eventswereanalyzedwitheither twoorsixphotoncandi- becomes much more efficient and can be used to suppress datesandnofurtherhitinthedetectorsystem.Thelatter this mostimportantbackground. condition reduces the incoherent background since events with recoil nucleons were suppressed. For the two-photon decay,η-mesonswereidentifiedwitha standardinvariant- 2. Experimentand analysis mass analysis.Residualbackgroundunder the η-peak was subtractedbyfittingthespectrawithsimulatedlineshapes The experiment was performed at the tagged photon andabackgroundpolynomial.Thisprocedurewasapplied beamoftheMainzMAMIaccelerator[50,51].Theelectron individually for each combination of incident photon en- beam of 1508 MeV was used to produce bremsstrahlung ergy and meson c.m.-polar angle. For the six photon de- photonsinacopperradiatorof10µmthickness,whichwere cay,the photonswerefirstcombinedviaaχ2-testtothree taggedwiththeupgradedGlasgowmagneticspectrometer pairs, which were the best solution for three π0 invariant [52–54]forphotonenergiesfrom0.45GeVto1.4GeV.The masses. A cut between 110 MeV - 150 MeV was made on typical bin width for the photon beam energy (4 MeV) is theseinvariantmasses.Subsequently,thesix-photoninvari- definedbythegeometricalsizeoftheplasticscintillatorsin antmasswasconstructed.Thecorrespondingspectrawere thefocalplanedetectorofthetagger.Theintrinsicresolu- basically background free under the η-peak (direct triple- tion of the magnetic spectrometer is better by more than π0 productionhas a verysmallcrosssectionin the energy anorderofmagnitude.Thesizeofthetaggedphotonbeam rangeofinterest). spot on the targetwas restrictedby a 3 mm diameter col- Themostimportantstepintheanalysisistheseparation limatorplaceddownstreamfromtheradiatorfoil.Thetar- of the coherent reaction from breakup where nucleons are get was a mylar cylinder of 3.0 cm diameter and 5.08 cm removedfromthenucleus.Sincethe 3He recoilnucleican- lengthfilledwithliquid3Heatatemperatureof2.6K.The notbedetected(theyaremostlystoppedinthetarget)only correspondingtargetdensity was0.073nuclei/barn. the overdetermined reaction kinematics can be used. The The reaction products were detected with an electro- kineticenergyoftheη-mesonsinthe γ-3Hec.m.-systemis magnetic calorimeter combining the Crystal Ball detector fixednotonlybytheincidentphotonenergybutalsofrom (CB)[55]madeof672NaIcrystalswith384BaF crystals themeasuredlaboratoryenergyandpolarangleoftheme- 2 from the TAPS detector [56,57], configured as a forward son. The difference, the missing energy ∆E, is shown for wall. The Crystal Ball was equipped with an additional bothdatasamplesinFig.1andcomparedtothesimulated Particle Identification Detector (PID) [58] for the identi- lineshapesofthecoherentandbreakupreactions.Thesim- fication of charged particles and all modules of the TAPS ulationsweredonewiththeGeant4programpackage[62], 3 h→ 2g h→ 6g The relative contributions of these processes have been 40 20 604 MeV determinedbyfittingthedatawithasuperpositionoftheir line shapes (cf Fig. 1). Since in principle the detection ef- 20 10 ficiency for the different components can be different for theη →2γ andη →6γ decays,noconstraintsrelatingthe two channels were imposed on the fits. As a consequence, 0 0 forsomeenergybinsthefittedrelativecontributionsofthe 30 15 612 MeV breakupprocessesaredifferentforthetwodecaychannels, butthefitofthecoherentcontributionisquitestable.This 20 10 issobecausethebreakupbackgroundmakesalmostnocon- 10 5 tributionatpositivemissingenergies,sothatthecoherent contributionisonlyweaklydependentontheexactshapeof 0 0 the background.The lowestrangeof photon energies(600 621 MeV V 40 20 MeV<Eγ <608MeV)liesbetweenthekinematicthresh- e oldsofcoherentandbreakupreactions.Consequently,only M 20 10 thecoherentreactioncancontribute.Infact,acleansignal atzeromissingenergyisseen,whichagreeswiththesimu- 4 0 0 latedcoherentsignalshape.Atevenlowerphotonenergies, / s 638 MeV the spectrashowno signalabovestatisticalnoise. 40 20 t n The count rates are roughly a factor of 2.75 larger u for the η → γγ data than for the η → 3π0 → 6γ data 20 10 o (note the different scales for the left and right parts of c Fig.1),whichisduetotherespectivedetectionefficiencies 0 0 (≈80% for 2γ, ≈35% for 6γ) and decay branching ratios 60 30 655 MeV (b =(39.31±0.20)%, b =(32.57±0.23)%[4]). Absolutely 2γ 6γ 40 20 normalized total and differential cross sections for both decay channels have been extracted from the yields, the 20 10 target density, the decay branching ratios [4], the simu- 0 0 lateddetectionefficiency,theelectronbeamfluxmeasured 60 30 672 MeV in the focal-plane detector of the tagging spectrometer, and the tagging efficiency ǫ , i.e. the number of corre- 40 20 tag latedphotonsthatpassthroughthecollimator.Thelatter 20 10 was measured in special low-intensity runs with a lead- glassdetectorinthephotonbeam(see[59]fordetails)and 0 0 rangedfrom60%to 75%.Forthe systematicuncertainties -40 -20 0 20 -40 -20 0 20 40 we estimate 10% for the overall normalization including D [ ] E MeV target density (measurement of target temperature and possibledeformationofthe coldtargetcell, ≈7-8%),pho- Fig. 1. Missing energy spectra for the γ3He → η3He reaction for ton flux (measurement of tagging efficiency and electron the two-photon and 3π0 decay modes for different ranges of inci- flux, <5%) and decay branching ratios (almost negligible dent photon energy. Black dots: experiment. Curves: Monte Carlo <1 %). For the reaction dependent simulations of the de- simulations.Solid(red):coherentcontribution,dashed(blue):recoil tection efficiency, 5% uncertainties are estimated. Finally, taken by quasi-free nucleon, dotted (green): recoil taken by di-nu- cleon, solid(black) sum of all. theenergydependentuncertaintyforthereactionidentifi- cation (in particular the separation in the missing energy taking into account all details of the target and detector spectra)rangesfrom2%atthresholdto20%atthehighest setup. The simulation of the coherent part is straightfor- incidentphotonenergies. wardduetothetwo-bodyfinal-statekinematics.Incaseof Forthe analysisof the excitationfunction ofπ0-pback- thebreakuppart,themomentumdistributionofthebound to-back pairs in the γ-3He c.m.-system, Monte Carlo sim- nucleonshastobeconsidered,andthiswastakenfromthe ulationsweredoneforthesignalandthebackgroundcom- work of McCarthy, Sick, and Whitney [63]. Several final ingfromquasi-freeproductionofπ0mesons.Forthesignal, states, such as pd, npp with different participant - spec- the decay of bound S resonances into Nπ was modelled 11 tator combinations, contribute. Good agreement between with a momentum distribution corresponding to the nu- dataandsimulationswasachieved,atalltheincidentpho- clear Fermi-motion. These simulations were used to select tonenergiesinvestigated,withthreedifferentreactioncom- thekinematicalconditionsbestsuitedforthesignal.Inthe ponents: the coherent process, the breakup process with spectraofthepion-protonopeningangle,signaleventsap- ◦ ◦ a quasi-free participant nucleon, and the breakup process pearroughlybetween150 -180 ,whilethebackgroundis ◦ ◦ wherethe recoilis takenby a‘participant’deuteron. distributedbetween100 and180 . 4 3. Results cross section underestimates the data by roughly a factor oftwo. 3.1. Coherent photoproduction of η-mesons off 3He Shevchenko and collaborators [66] have also calculated coherentη-productionoffthethree-nucleonsysteminami- croscopicfew-body description.They finda strongdepen- The total cross section data for coherent η-production dence of the result on the elastic ηN rescattering, which from the two η decay branches is compared to model pre- is not sufficiently constrained by experiment. Two exam- dictions [64–66]inFig. 2.The agreementbetweenthe two ples for different FSI modelling are shown in Fig. 2. They datasetsisquitegood,butnoneoftheexistingmodelsre- exhibit strong threshold effects, but do not reproduce the producethedata,evenwhentheirsystematicuncertainties measurementsabovethe breakupthreshold. (shown as shaded band in the figure) are considered. The mostprominentfeature ofthe datais the extremelysharp rise at threshold. Here one should note that the binning ] b of the data (4 MeV for the 2γ-channel, 8 MeV for the 6γ- channel)isverylargecomparedtotheenergyresolutionof [m s the magnetic taggingspectrometer(roughly200keV). 0.2 0.3 h→ 2g h→ 6g 10 0.1 A 0.2 WI P ] b s/ s [m s 1 0.1 Tiator et al. 0 600 650 700 Fix et al. 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 Shevchenko et al. E [MeV] g 0 Fig. 3. Total cross section for γ3He→η3He (averaged over 2γ and 600 620 640 660 680 700 3π0 decays) (reddots)comparedtopreviousdata [47](greentrian- E [MeV] gles).Solid(dashed)curves:PWIAwithrealistic(isotropic)angular g distribution for γn → nη (see text). The present data are binned in the same way as the angular distributions in Fig. 4 (bin width Fig.2.Totalcrosssectionfortheγ3He→η3Hereactionfromη→2γ ≈8MeV). Insert: ratioof measuredand PWIA cross sections. and η → 6γ decays. The shaded band at the bottom indicates the systematicuncertainty. Thetwoverticallinesindicatecoherent and breakup threshold. Theory curves: (blue) dotted and dashed from Theaverageofthetwodatasetsiscomparedtothepre- Shevchenko et al. [66] for two different versions of elastic ηN scat- viousresultfromPfeifferetal.[47]inFig.3.Thetwodata tering, (red) solid (dash-dotted): Fix and Arenh¨ovel [65] full model setsareinreasonableagreement(withinuncertainties)ex- (plane wave), (black) longdash-dotted: Tiator et al. [64]. ceptfortwopointsaround620MeV.Here,oneshouldnote TheworkbyTiator,BennholdandKamalov[64]isbased that, in this range, the systematic uncertainty in the pre- onacoupled-channelanalysisofpion-andphoton-induced viousdatawaslargebecausethecoherentsignalhadtobe pion-andeta-productionoffthenucleon,whichparameter- extracted by fitting a small coherent contribution in the izes the resonancecontributionswithanisobarmodeland missingenergyspectra,whichweredominatedbythequasi- the background terms with effective Lagrangians.For the freereaction.Thequasi-freecontributionislessimportant coherent production off 3He, realistic nuclear wave func- at lower incident photon energies, and is better separated tionswereused,butthemodelwasbasedontheplane-wave fromthecoherentcomponentathigherincidentphotonen- impulse approximation (PWIA). The result strongly un- ergies.The presentexperimentprofitedin this rangefrom derestimates the magnitude of the measured cross section thealmost4πcoverageofthedetector,whichallowedsome anddoesnotreproducethe energydependence. suppression of the quasi-free backgroundby the detection Fix and Arenh¨ovel [65] have modelled coherent η- ofassociatedrecoilnucleons. photoproduction off 3He and 3H in PWIA, in a distorted- Also shown in this figure are the results from a sim- wave impulse approximation (DWIA), using an optical ple PWIA model. It uses the effective photon energy eff potential, and in a full four-body scattering model. They Eγ (Eγ,x) givenby find strong FSI effects, which amplify the threshold cross sectionforthefullfour-bodymodelwithrespecttoPWIA s −m2 Eeff = eff N, s =(P +P )2, (2) andDWIA (whichgivesimilar results).Neverthelesstheir γ 2m eff γ N N 5 40 where E is the laboratory energy of the incident photon γ 600.0 - 608.4 608.4 - 616.9 and Θ⋆ is the polar angle of the η meson in the photon- η nucleus c.m. system with x = cos(Θ⋆). The effective pho- η ton energy corresponds to the s of the incident photon 20 eff (four-momentumP )andanucleon(four-momentumP ) γ N withthree-momentump fromthe nucleonmotioninside N the nucleus. The nucleon momentum is related in the fac- 0 torization approximation to the momentum q transferred 616.9 - 625.4 625.4 - 633.9 to the nucleus by[67]: 40 A−1 1 p =− q=− q, (3) N 2A 3 20 whereallmomentaareinthe laboratorysystem. The coherent cross section is then composed of three 0 ] factors: r s 60 633.9 - 642.3 642.3 - 650.8 / dσPdWΩIA(Eγ,x)= kqηγ((AA)) · kqηγ((NN))!· dσdeΩlem · FFAp22((qq22)) (4) nb 40 [ Wd 20 theelementarycrosssectiondσ /dΩ,akinematicalfac- elem / tor,andthenuclearformfactorforpoint-likenucleons.The sd 0 kinematical factor accounts for the change of phase-space betweenthedifferentc.m.systemsandisderivedfromthe 75 650.8 - 659.2 659.2 - 667.6 photonandηthree-momentainthephoton-nucleon(k(N), γ 50 q(N)), and photon-nucleus (k(A), q(A)) c.m. systems. The η γ η nuclearform-factorFA2(q2)wastakenfrom[63].Itincludes 25 the spatial distribution of the charge (respectively mag- netic moment) of the nucleon, while here the distribution 0 of point-like nucleons is relevant. We have therefore used theratioofthenuclearformfactorF (q2)andthenucleon 75 667.6 - 676.1 676.1 - 684.5 A dipole form factor F (q2) to approximate the distribution p 50 ofpoint-likenucleonsinthe 3He nucleus. Since η-photoproduction in this energy range is almost 25 only due to the S excitation, the dominant electromag- 11 netic multipole is the E spin-flip. Neglecting small con- 0 0+ tributions from other multipoles and higher components -1 -0.5 0 0.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 in the 3He wave function, only the unpaired neutron con- ccooss((QQ *) h tributestocoherentproductionbecauseaspin-flipofapro- ton is Pauli-blocked.Therefore,we use for the elementary cross sectionthe experimental results for the γn →nη re- Fig. 4. Angular distributions of γ3He→η3He in the photon-nucleon c.m. system for different energy bins (range of incident photon en- actionfrom[60,61].Sincetheangulardependenceuptothe ergy in MeV indicated by the labels). (Red) dots: η → 2γ decay, S11 peakisalmostisotropic,onecanapproximatethec.m. (blue) open squares: η→6γ decay, dashed curves: resultsof PWIA differentialcrosssectionby: modelwithisotropicangulardistributionsforγn→nη,solidcurves with realistic angular distributions, dotted curves: folded with ex- dσ elem eff eff perimental resolution. (see text). (E ,x)=σ (E )/4π, (5) dΩ γ n γ where the total neutron cross section σn is parameter- angulardistributions takenfrom[61].The difference is, as ized as a Breit-Wigner curve with an energy dependent expected, negligible. Despite the simplicity of the model, widthusingthenumericalvaluesfrom[61](W=1546MeV, the predicted cross section agrees with experiment within Γ=176 MeV, An1/2=90×10−3 GeV−1/2, bη=0.5, bπ=0.4, statistical and systematic uncertainties for the highest in- b =0.1). Variation of the parameters within their un- cident photon energies.In the threshold region it is in ex- ππ certainties changes the predictions for the coherent cross cellent agreement with the PWIA calculation by Fix and sectiontypicallyonthe 10%level. Arenh¨ovel. However, in this region it underestimates the The results from the PWIA model are comparedto the data by nearly one order of magnitude, which is evidence data in Figs. 3 and 4. They are shown for the approxima- forstrongFSI effects atthreshold. tion of Eq. 5 assuming isotropic angular distributions for The behavior of the angular distributions of the PWIA the elementary γn → nη reaction, and also for realistic isdominatedbythenuclearformfactor,whichisresponsi- 6 bleforthestrongforwardpeaking.Athighincidentphoton ]u. energiesthe datashowthe sametendency,thoughthe rise a. [6 to forwardangles is not as steep as in the model. This in- 20 s*Eg 0.8 dicatessignificantFSIeffectsevenforthoseenergies,since nt u themoretrivialapproximationsinthePWIAmodelcannot o c explain this discrepancy. The use of realistic angular dis- 0.6 ] tributionsfortheelementarycrosssectioninsteadofEq.5 u. (dashedcurvesinFig.4)hasbasicallyno impact.The use [sa. hold 0.4 optiflvimfieleyodrsesmcraeaallallirscthfioacrnmnguecfsalec[6at5ro]rw.iaFnvienEafqul.lny4,cttliheoaendsesxinopsnetlreyiamdteoonfctoatmhleapnsaigrmua--- count10 thres 0.2 YY pp pp==116550oo--118605oo lar resolution is only responsible for minor effects. This is Y p p=140o-150o demonstrated by the dotted curves in Fig. 4, which have Y p p=130o-140o 0 beenfoldedwith the detectorresponse. 400 600 800 1000 E[MeV] g Towards the threshold, the measured angular distri- 0 butions become almost isotropic. Between coherent and breakupthreshold,theydeveloparisetobackwardangles, 600 800 1000 1200 whileinPWIAtheformfactorstillcausesaforwardpeak- E [MeV] g ing. Together with the disagreement in the absolute scale ofthecrosssectioninthethresholdregion,thiscomparison Fig.5.Mainplot:differenceofexcitations functions ofπ0−pback- clearlydemonstratesthe largeinfluence ofFSI effects. -to-back pairs with opening angles between 165◦ - 180◦ and 150◦ - 165◦.Insertexcitations functionsfordifferentrangesoftheopening angle Ψπp after removal of the overall energy dependence ∝ Eγ−6. 3.2. Excitation function of π0−p back-to-back pairs Vertical dotted lines:coherent η-production threshold. The excitation function of π0-proton pairs for different rangesoftheiropeningangleintheγ-3Hec.m.systemwas photonenergiesforsmalleropeningangles.Thisisapurely analyzedin a manner similar to that ofPfeiffer et al. [47]. kinematical effect; small opening angles correspondto de- Theideawas,thatwhenη-mesonsareproducedintoanη- caysof nucleon resonancesmoving forwardin the photon- 3He resonantstate,overlappingwiththe coherentproduc- nucleusc.m.system.Therefore,foragivenmassM =W R tionthreshold,thoseproducedatphotonenergiesbelowthe ofthe resonance,smallopeninganglescorrespondtolarge thresholdare off-shelland cannotbe emitted without vio- incidentphotonenergies(andnucleonFermimomentapar- latingenergyconservation.Theycan,however,becaptured allel to the photon momentum). Unfortunately, subtrac- ◦ by a nucleon which is then excited to the S -resonance. tion of the normalized excitation functions for the 165 - 11 Sincethisresonancehasa≈50%decaybranchingratiointo 180◦ and150◦ -165◦ opening-anglerangesproducesanar- Nπ,theexpectedsignalwouldbepion-nucleonpairsemit- rowpeakexactlyattheη-productionthreshold.Thispeak tedback-to-backintheγ-3Hec.m.system.Theresultsare does,however,notoriginatefromaspecialstructureinthe showninFig.5.Thefigureshowsthedifferenceoftheexci- back-to-back data, but it is due to the subtraction of the ◦ ◦ tationfunctionsforopeninganglesfrom165 -180 (back- shifted low energy tails of the second resonance region in to-backrangetakingintoaccounteffectsofFermimotion) singlepionproduction. ◦ ◦ andthedatafrom150 -165 .Theserangeswereoptimized Here,wehaveonlypresentedtheresultsfromananalysis withMonteCarlosimulationsofsignalandbackgroundand similar to the previous work by Pfeiffer et al. [47]. The ◦ areslightlydifferentfromthoseusedbyPfeifferetal.(170 - much better statistical quality of the present data allows ◦ ◦ ◦ 180 and160 -170 ), but this is a minor effect. The result alsomorerefinedanalyseswithadditionalcuts toenhance shows the peak at the coherentη thresholdthat had been the signal-to-background ratio. For this purpose we have observedpreviously, but now with much higher statistical donedetailedMonteCarlcosimulationsofthekinematical significance.However,thedataalsoshowsomestructureat correlationsforthe signalandthe backgroundfromquasi- higher incident photon energies which was not previously freepionproductionandanalyzedtheexcitationfunctions seen because the earlier experiment covered only incident with optimizedcuts. However,alsowith these analysesno photonenergiesupto800MeV.Themuchhigherstatisti- structures that could be uniquely related to the decay of cal quality of the new data allowed a detailed analysis of an η-mesic state into Nπ could be identified. 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