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3 1 0 Coherent exciton transport in 2 semiconductors n a J 9 ] l Massimo Rontani l a h CNR-NANOResearch Center on nanoStructures and bioSystems at Surfaces (S3), - Via Campi 213a, 41125 Modena, Italy s e L. J. Sham m . Department of Physics, University of California San Diego, t a Gilman Drive 9500, La Jolla, CA 92093-0319 m - d n o c [ 1 v 6 2 7 1 . 1 0 3 1 : v i X r a Acknowledgements We thank Leonid Butov for critically reading the manuscript. This work is supported by EU-FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network “Indirect Excitons: Fundamental Physics and Applications (INDEX)”. Contents 1 Coherent exciton transport in semiconductors 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Physical systems 5 1.3 Two-band versus BCS model 10 1.4 Andreev reflection at the interface between excitonic insulator and semimetal 18 1.5 A perfect insulator 25 1.6 Josephson oscillations between exciton condensates in electro- static traps 30 1.7 Conclusions 37 References 38 1 Coherent exciton transport in semiconductors 1.1 Introduction Anexcitonisaparticle-likeneutralexcitationofsolidsandmoleculescomposedofone electronandoneholeboundtogetherbythemutualelectricalattraction[134,206,221, 228,286]. Its creationthroughinternalchargeseparationis mostfrequently causedby the absorption of light and its demise is occasioned by electron-hole recombination, mostly with emission of light and less frequently non-radiatively. The many-electron ground state of the system, being an insulator, is immune to excitation until the excitation energy reaches a threshold G known as the energy gap. When external influences such as the electromagnetic field and lattice vibrations are ignored, the exciton may be viewed as a robust state of an excited electron plus the hole which has been left behind in the valence electronstates [230]. The hole acquiresits positive charge from the loss of an electronic charge from the ground state whose total charge is neutralized by that of the ions in the molecule or solid. The photon-exciton interaction is responsible for the optical excitation (though not necessarily in the visible frequency range) of the exciton and for its spontaneous recombinationemittingaphoton(aquantumunitoflight).Thedipolematrixelement responsible for the transition between the energy states is strong when the electron andhole wavefunctions overlapin space or matchin wavevector.FromPlanck’slaw, the frequency of the emitting light E /h is proportional to the energy loss E in X X returning the exciton state back to the ground state, with h being Planck’s constant. If the constituent electron and hole of the exciton are mostly localized at an ion, the exciton is localized, but with some probability to hop from site to site. Such a Frenkelexcitonis commoninmolecules andmolecularsolids.At the other extreme,if theelectronandholewavefunctionsarewidespreadasextendedorbitalsinamolecule or Bloch waves in a crystal, their bound state as the exciton can have their center of massmovingthroughthesystemwithease.SuchWannier(orWannier-Mott)excitons are most common in broad-band and small-gap semiconductors (a semiconductor is distinguished from an insulator qualitatively by a smaller energy gap, with the fre- quency of the emitting light from the exciton spanning the range from visible light to very far infrared). Wannier excitons resemble the hydrogenatom or,more closely,the positronium system composed of an electron and a positron. Because of the dielectric screening of the electrical force in small-gap materials and sometimes the small effec- tive mass of the electron, the Wannier exciton radius is 10 to 100 times larger than the positronium radius, which is approximately 0.1 nm. Coherent exciton transport in semiconductors 2 Excitons,beingmadeoftwofermions,behaveasbosonsonthescalelargerthanthe exciton radius and therefore may macroscopically occupy a single quantum state [20, 175,40,125,3,124,77].Iftheexcitonlifetimeislongenoughtoallowforreachingquasi- equilibrium,thediluteandcoldgasofopticallygeneratedexcitonsmayundergoBose- Einstein condensation (BEC) [50,87,198]. The critical temperature for exciton BEC, oftheorderof1Kfortypicaldensitiesinsemiconductors,isbasicallythetemperature atwhichthethermalDeBrogliewavelengthbecomescomparabletotheaverageinter- exciton separation. The possibility of achieving BEC of excitons by shining light on solids hasbeen thoroughlyinvestigatedin the lastfifty years(see the reviews[99,178, 87,157,176,143,237,30,31,32,112,240]). Semiconductors are particularly appealing for this goalas they may provide excitons with a a lifetime (hundreds of ns in bilayer structures [30]) longer than the time required for cooling. In an indirect-gap semiconductor such as silicon, where the momentum of the exciton does not match that of the photon, the excitons are generally formed after relaxation of optical excitations with initial energy much higher than the gap. The indirect exciton has a long lifetime because its recombination with the emission of a photon requires the conservation of momentum to be satisfied by the assistance of a latticevibrationortrappingbyadefect.Consequently,the excitonshavetimetoform a largepoolknownasanelectron-holedrop(see the reviews[209,122]).Alternatively, thedelayinopticalrecombinationmaybeduetothesymmetryofthecrystal,asinthe direct-gap oxide Cu O which has conduction and valence bands of like parity hence 2 the opticaldipolar transitionis forbidden [110]. The chapter by Kuwata-Gonokamiin Volume 1 focuses on the aspects of Bose-Einstein condensation of optically generated excitons in semiconductors. In a direct-gapmaterial,the spatial separationof the electron andhole can be en- forcedbyhousingthemintwolayerssufficientlyclosetomaintaintheirelectricattrac- tion[232,160,71]. The recombinationofsuchindirectexcitons maythenbe controlled by changing the electronand hole wave function overlapwith an electric field [5,300]. Aninterestingphenomenonisthelaserspotexcitationoftheseindirectexcitons,lead- ing to the formationof two concentric luminous circles centered at the laser spot plus other localized bright spots randomly placed between the circles. Whereas the forma- tion of the inner ring [34] is due to the migration of indirect excitons away from the laser spot as optically inactive excitons, the localized bright spots [34] as well as the outer ring[34,238,37,204]formonthe boundariesbetweenelectron-richandhole-rich regions.Atlowtemperature the outerringisanecklaceofevenlyspacedbrightspots, whoseoriginisnotfullyunderstood[103].Thissystemofexcitonsinadoublequantum well is considered a good candidate for condensation. These experiments and related work in double quantum wells are reviewed in [237,30,31,32,256,112]. Anotherpossible—andelusive—mechanismofcondensationofexcitonsasbosonsis that excitons form spontaneously at thermodynamic equilibrium even in the absence of an optical excitation. Such process signals the transition to a permanent phase known as excitonic insulator (EI) [177,134,123,55,114], which is originated by the instabilityofthenormalgroundstateofeitherasemiconductororasemimetalagainst the spontaneous formation of bound electron-hole pairs. The wave function of the strongly correlated EI ground state is formally similar to that proposed by Bardeen, Introduction 3 Cooper, and Schrieffer for superconductors [16]. As a matter of fact, both excitons and Cooper pairs are absent except as fluctuations in the normal high-temperature phase and form only in the ordered, low-temperature phase—respectively the EI and the superconductor. Besides, both condensation of excitons and that of Cooper pairs arebestdescribedinthereciprocalspaceofthecrystalsolid.TheEIphaseisreviewed in [96,135,99,50,186,87,157,176,237,156,112,240]. It is intriguing to observe that condensation of other types of bosons composed of two fermions leads to spectacular manifestations of quantum mechanical coherence, such as the superfluidity ensuing from the pairing of 3He atoms [149], Fermi alkali atoms confined in optical traps [21,80], nucleons in neutron stars [79,196], the super- conductivity induced by Cooper pairs in metals [54], and the non classical momenta of inertia in nuclei [169,23]. The above phenomena may regarded as distinct realiza- tions of superfluidity, associated to the coherent, dissipationless flow of charge and / or mass. However,excitons are neutral and stay dark unless recombine radiatively,as shown in Table 1.1, which compares the distinct features of the condensates made of composite bosons. The signature of the macroscopic order of the exciton condensate is, at present, controversial for the superfluid transport but its other manifestations will be discussed next. The aim of this Chapter is to illustrate some recent theoretical proposals con- cerning the detection of coherent exciton flow [212,213,214]. The reader may refer to the literature reviewed in Sec. 1.2 for a discussion of the conceptual and experimen- tal difficulties inherent in the realization of exciton condensates. Here we set aside such difficulties and adopt in a pedagogical way the simplest mean-field description of the condensate,on which we lay our theoreticaldevelopmentin order to detect the transport properties of the exciton condensate. In particular, we focus on the exciton analogues of two phenomena, i.e., Andreev reflectionandJosephsoneffect,whicharehallmarksofsuperconductingbehavior,and stressthecrucialdifferencesbetweenexcitonsandCooperpairs.Ourfirstmainconclu- sionis that the excitonic insulator is the perfect insulator in terms of both chargeand heat transport,with an unusually high resistance at the interface with a semimetal— the normal phase of the condensed state. Such behavior, which should be contrasted with the highelectricalconductance ofthe junction betweensuperconductor andnor- malmetal, may be explainedin terms ofthe coherenceinduced into the semimetalby theproximityoftheexcitoncondensate.Thenweshowthattheexcitonsuperflowmay be directly probed in the case that excitons are optically pumped in a double-layer semiconductor heterostructure: we propose a correlated photon counting experiment for coupled electrostatic exciton traps which is a variation of Young’s double-slit ex- periment. We last mention that, due to the interactionbetween electrons and light, not only cananexcitondecayirreversibilyintoaphotonorviceversa,butitcanalsoexchange roles with the photon in a quantum-mechanically coherent fashion. Thus, the exciton mayexistinthe solidinthe superpositionstate ofanexcitonandaphoton,knownas polariton.Whereasthe photonenergyvarieslinearlywithits momentum atthe speed of lightin the vacuum, the exciton energydepends on the squareof its center-of-mass momentum.Forsmallmomenta,theexcitonandthephotoncanapproximatelymatch Coherent exciton transport in semiconductors 4 Table 1.1 Excitonic insulator (EI) versus superconductor `a la Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS). The interface referred to in the Table is the junction between normal and condensed phase. For a general discussion of the condensates made of composite bosons see [136]. For specific EI features see [114] (Meissner effect), [297] (superconductivity), [298] (superthermal conductivity), [212,213] (Andreevreflection), and [214] (Josephson oscillations). Physical property Excitonic insulator BCS-like superconductor Nature of the composite boson Exciton Cooper pair Boson charge Neutral 2e Boson momentum Crystal momentum Crystal momentum (commonly ignored in the free electron gas approximation) Boson mass Effective mass Effective mass of the electron quasiparticle in the Fermi level region (of thickness provided by phonon Debye frequency) Type of long-range order Diagonal Off-diagonal Superfluidity ? Superconductivity Meissner effect No Yes Superthermal conductivity No No Nature of the quasiparticle Electron (hole) Bogoliubon Andreev reflection Yes Yes Interface electric conductance Decreased Increased Interface thermal conductance Decreased Decreased Proximity effect Yes Yes Josephson oscillations Yes Yes both their momentum and energy values, the coupling mixing the two states into two superpositions of photon and exciton with an energy splitting. Thus, the massless photon is slowed down by the massive exciton by virtue of the quantum-mechanical superposition.TheChapterbyYamamotoinVolume1dealswithaspectsofpolariton condensation. The structure of this Chapter is the following: After a review of previous work (Sec. 1.2), in Sec. 1.3 we illustrate the mean-field theory of the EI emphasizing its relationwiththe BCStheoryofsuperconductors.We thenintroduce the phenomenon of Andreev reflection in Sec. 1.4 and analyze its observable consequences in Sec. 1.5. Section 1.6 on the Josephson effect ends the Chapter. Physical systems 5 1.2 Physical systems This sectionbrieflyreviewsrecenttheoreticalandexperimentalworksonexcitoncon- densation, focusing on diverse physical systems. Without attempting an exhaustive review, we refer the reader to more comprehensive essays whenever available. 1.2.1 Bose-Einstein condensation of optically generated excitons The pursuit of Bose-Einstein condensation of optically generated excitons in semi- conductors, which dates back to the sixties, presently focuses on both classic systems such as Cu O and novel low dimensional structures (for reviews see [99,178,87,157, 2 176,143,237,120,30,31,156,32,256,112,240,141,224]). A very active field concerns “indirect”excitons.Suchexcitonsaremadeofspatiallyseparatedelectronsandholes, hosted in two quantum wells that are sufficiently close to maintain electrical attrac- tion between the carriers of opposite charge. This setup has several advantages: (i) The overlap of electron and hole wave functions is controlled by applying an elec- tric field along the growth direction of the bilayer heterostructure, thus increasing the exciton recombination time by orders of magnitude with respect to the single- well value [5,300]. (ii) The confinement effect along the growth direction increases the exciton-phonon scattering rate, improving exciton thermalization [292]. (iii) The dipolar repulsion among indirect excitons disfavors the formation of biexcitons and electron-holedroplets[38,156,246,222,267,148,269,47]aswellaseffectivelyscreensthe in-planedisorderpotential[111,220,102,107,208,7].(iv)Astheelectricfieldparallelto thegrowthdirectionmaybelaterallyvariedusingsuitablylocatedelectrodes,onemay tailorthe in-planeeffectivepotentialsforexcitons,thus realizingartificiallycontrolled traps[109,97,44,86,75,102,107,223,104,7,8],ramps[94,74],lattices[295,296,208,207], “exciton circuits” [101,106,88], and “exciton conveyers”[279]. Exciton traps may also be created by means of the uncontrolled in-plane disor- der of the double quantum well [299,36,34,102,107], the strain experienced by the heterostructure [257,119,183,179,268,285], the laser-induced confinement [98,9], the magnetic field [46]. The realization and control of exciton traps is a key capability to reach exciton BEC: As the long range order in two dimensions is smeared by quan- tum fluctuations, a weaker requirement for the macroscopic occupation of the lowest exciton level is that the exciton coherence length exceeds the trap size [31]. The present evidence of exciton BEC is based on distinct features of the emit- ted light (photoluminescence, PL) that appear at low temperature: (i) The PL dy- namics exhibits bosonic stimulation of the scattering of hot optically dark excitons into optically active low-energy states [35]. (ii) The PL signal becomes noisy in a broad range of frequencies, as it occurs in the presence of coherence [38,139,142]. (iii) The degree of polarization of the emitted light increases with decreasing tem- perature [144,145,103], consistently with gauge symmetry breaking. (iv) The exciton mobility is enhanced, which may be attributed to superfluid behavior [33]. (v) The radiativedecayrate increases,whichmay be explainedinterms of“superradiance”of amacroscopicdipole[33]orcollectivebehaviorattheonsetofcondensation[144,145]. (vi) The PL lineshape narrows and departs from the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribu- tion [139,144,145,146], as it may be expected for the macroscopic population of a single exciton state.

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