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i Coherence The secret science of brilliant leadership Dr Alan Watkins ii Publisher’s note Every possible effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this book is accurate at the time of going to press, and the publishers and author cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions, however caused. No responsibility for loss or damage occasioned to any person acting, or refraining from action, as a result of the ma­ terial in this publication can be accepted by the editor, the publisher or the author. First published in Great Britain and the United States in 2014 by Kogan Page Limited Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be re­ produced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms and licences issued by the CLA. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside these terms should be sent to the publishers at the undermentioned addresses: 2nd floor, 45 Gee Street 1518 Walnut Street, Suite 1100 4737/23 Ansari Road London EC1V 3RS Philadelphia PA 19102 Daryaganj United Kingdom USA New Delhi 110002 www.koganpage.com India © Complete Coherence Limited, 2014 The right of Complete Coherence Limited to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. ISBN 978 0 7494 7005 0 E­ISBN 978 0 7494 7006 7 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Watkins, Alan, 1961­ Coherence : the secret science of brilliant leadership / Alan Watkins. pages cm ISBN 978­0­7494­7005­0 (pbk.) – ISBN 978­0­7494­7006­7 (ebook) 1. Leadership. 2. Management. I. Title. HD57.7.W379 2014 658.4’092–dc23 2013026093 Typeset by Graphicraft Limited, Hong Kong Print production managed by Jellyfish Printed and bound by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, CR0 4YY Contents Contents iii List of Figures v list of Tables vii Acknowledgements viii The great performance myth 1 iii It’s your physiology, stupid! 4 The performance myth explained 6 Coherence is the answer 10 Contents The evolution of Enlightened Leadership 15 The Enlightened Leadership model 21 Vertical development and ‘lines of development’ 25 The skills and intelligences of Enlightened Leadership 30 Be younger 35 Time management vs energy management 36 What is energy and where does it come from? 37 List of figures v The extraordinary heart 39 Heart rate variability (HRV) 47 List of tables vii Why HRV is so important 53 Acknowledgements viii How to be younger 61 Summary of key points 75 Be healthier 01 the great performance myth 1 and happier 77 The three big Es 79 It’s your physiology, stupid! 4 Health: the facts and the fiction 80 Vicious cycles caused by mismanaged emotions 91 The performance myth explained 6 Emotions and feelings: the critical difference 93 Coherence is the answer 10 The business impact of conditioning 95 The real E-myths 99 The evolution of Enlightened Leadership 15 Why emotions are important in business 101 The Enlightened Leadership model 21 How to be healthier and happier 122 Vertical development and ‘lines of development’ 25 Summary of key points 138 Be smarter 141 The skills and intelligences of Enlightened Leadership 30 The DIY lobotomy 143 The evolution of the brain 147 The development of maturity 153 02 Be younger 35 The influence of values on thinking 181 How to be smarter 186 Time management vs energy management 36 Cognitive coherence facilitates behavioural coherence 191 What is energy and where does it come from? 37 Summary of key points 192 Notes for Table 4.1 193 The extraordinary heart 39 Be successful 195 Heart rate variability (HRV) 47 Performance anxiety! 196 Optimizing performance 202 Why HRV is so important 53 The Enlightened Leadership model unpacked 208 How to be younger 61 Leading in a VUCA World 213 Physiological coherence facilitates emotional coherence 74 Building the future through Enlightened Leadership 217 Performance-driving behaviours 223 Summary of key points 75 How to be more successful 234 Behavioural coherence facilitates relationship coherence 242 Summary of key points 244 03 Be healthier and happier 77 Be influential 247 Relationships are difficult 250 The three big Es 79 People leadership and the development of powerful teams Health: the facts and the fiction 80 261 The evolution of decision making 296 Vicious cycles caused by mismanaged emotions 91 The Enlightened Organization 301 Emotions and feelings: the critical difference 93 Relationship coherence facilitates complete coherence 316 Summary of key points 318 The business impact of conditioning 95 Conclusion 321 The real E-myths 99 Why emotions are important in business 101 How to be healthier and happier 122 Emotional coherence facilitates cognitive coherence 137 Summary of key points 138 iv Contents 04 Be smarter 141 The DIY lobotomy 143 The evolution of the brain 147 The development of maturity 153 The influence of values on thinking 181 How to be smarter 186 Cognitive coherence facilitates behavioural coherence 191 Summary of key points 192 05 Be successful 195 Performance anxiety! 196 Optimizing performance 202 The Enlightened Leadership model unpacked 208 Leading in a VUCA World 213 Building the future through Enlightened Leadership 217 Performance-driving behaviours 223 How to be more successful 234 Behavioural coherence facilitates relationship coherence 242 Summary of key points 244 06 Be influential 247 Relationships are difficult 250 People leadership and the development of powerful teams 261 The evolution of decision making 296 The Enlightened Organization 301 Relationship coherence facilitates complete coherence 316 Summary of key points 318 Conclusion 321 References 323 Index 335 v List of figures figure 1.1 The integrated performance model 3 figure 1.2 The assumed drivers of performance 7 figure 1.3 The real drivers of performance 8 figure 1.4 The performance grid 9 figure 1.5 Ken Wilber’s original AQAL model as it applies to business 23 figure 1.6 The Enlightened Leadership model 24 figure 1.7 Vertical and horizontal development 26 figure 1.8 Your real potential 27 figure 1.9 Lines of development 28 figure 1.10 How the lines of development provide access to massive untapped resources 29 figure 1.11 Enlightened Leadership skills and intelligences 30 figure 2.1 The different deflections in a single heart beat 38 figure 2.2 Changes in the inter-beat interval 48 figure 2.3 Sample of data gathered from HRV 49 figure 2.4 Average heart rate and variations over time 51 figure 2.5 Example of executive tachogram 52 figure 2.6 HRV amplitude in a 60-year-old 56 figure 2.7 HRV amplitude in a 40-year-old 56 figure 2.8 The E-bank 62 figure 2.9 ‘Coherence’ seen in anabolic states 66 figure 2.10 ‘Chaos’ seen in catabolic states 66 figure 2.11 High-frequency coherence 67 figure 2.12 Low-frequency coherence 67 figure 2.13 Impact of correct breathing 71 figure 2.14 The hierarchy of breathing practice 73 figure 2.15 Lines of development 74 figure 3.1 The performance grid 92 figure 3.2 Construction of a feeling 105 figure 3.3 The change curve 111 vi List of figures figure 3.4 Schematic of the heart’s electromagnetic field 113 figure 3.5 Heart’s E-magnetic field in different emotional states 114 figure 3.6 The evolution of consciousness, emotions and the self 119 figure 3.7 Impact of correct breathing 123 figure 3.8 MASTERY worksheet 131 figure 3.9 Lines of development 137 figure 4.1 The HRV pattern of someone under pressure 145 figure 4.2 Schematic for the effect of physiology on brain function 146 figure 4.3 Brain development: level of connectivity at 0–2 years 149 figure 4.4 Schematic of hologram construction 151 figure 4.5 Composition of a value and a belief 183 figure 4.6 Composition of an attitude 184 figure 4.7 Composition of culture 185 figure 4.8 Lines of development 191 figure 5.1 Pressure–performance curve 202 figure 5.2 Individual impact of excess pressure 207 figure 5.3 Organizational impact of excess pressure 207 figure 5.4 The Enlightened Leadership model 209 figure 5.5 Current incoherent leadership vs coherent Enlightened Leadership 213 figure 5.6 The impact of a VUCA world on corporate performance 224 figure 5.7 Level of competency within each behaviour 225 figure 5.8 The four performance-enhancing behavioural clusters 226 figure 5.9 Varience of output within Imagine and Involve 228 figure 5.10 Variance of output within Ignite and Implement 229 figure 5.11 Identification of leadership behaviour framework 230 figure 5.12 The leadership behaviour global benchmark 232 figure 5.13 The development ladder 233 figure 5.14 Lines of development 243 figure 6.1 Trust orientation – ‘trust givers’ or ‘trust earners’ 257 figure 6.2 The Enlightened Leadership model 261 figure 6.3 Executive team – ‘one boat’ 267 figure 6.4 The stages of team development 268 figure 6.5 Spiral dynamics 282 figure 6.6 The evolution of power and decision making 297 figure 6.7 Lines of development 317 vii List of taBLes TaBLe 1.1 Types of physiological signals or ‘notes’ 12 TaBLe 2.1 Explanation of data gathered from HRV 50 TaBLe 2.2 The 12 aspects of breath 68 TaBLe 3.1 The relationship between physiology, emotions, feelings and consciousness 121 TaBLe 3.2 Primary and secondary emotions 124 TaBLe 3.3 List of a sample of 76 positive emotions 126 TaBLe 3.4 List of a sample of 80 negative emotions 127 TaBLe 3.5 Examples of PEPs 134 TaBLe 3.6 Landscape your week 136 TaBLe 4.1 Comparison of key adult development frameworks 156 TaBLe 4.2 The 10 stages of consciousness 161 TaBLe 5.1 The levels of leadership maturity 216 TaBLe 5.2 The appreciation table 240 TaBLe 5.3 Example of appreciation list 241 TaBLe 6.1 Appreciation list 316 viii aCknowLedgements in ormally skim past the acknowledgements in most books, so please feel free to do the same. This is really for the people mentioned here. It is so rare to be able to publicly thank the people that make our lives not only possible but also a pleasure. This bit is for all of you. The truth is that this book has been incubating for 15 years and it has only happened now because of the incredible support of so many people. First and foremost to my wife Sarah, with whom I have shared the highs and lows on our journey together. Your loving, welcoming smile and warm embrace sustains me. You lift my heart and soul. I love you more deeply with each passing year and I am so blessed that we found each other (thanks to Russell Symmons for that). My children, Jack, Sam, Joe and Charlie are so wonderful in so many ways; you make it easy for me to get out of bed every single day. I am proud of you all and the men that you are becoming. I would also like to acknowledge my parents. My Dad, from whom I get my sense of humour, wit and sharpness – thank you. Your life, I know has had its challenges and your perpetual desire to meet them head on is so admira ble. To my Mum who taught me, by example, the nature of compas- sion and kindness. Your resilience and willingness to work really hard con- tinue to amaze me. To my sister Julia and brother Andy, I love you both. I’d also like to say thank you to Lillian and Brian. Your relationship has always been an inspiration to me. At Complete Coherence I am privileged to have so many wonderful people to work with. Carol, what a blessing we found you just round the corner. You have been an absolute star, a rare gem and your natural chirpy nature lifts us all. Rebecca, thanks for your willingness to put up with me and your warmth with clients. Alan L, it has been a source of deep pride to see you develop so much through your commitment and application of the work. Peter, your strength, flexibility and ability to do what is right provides such a strong foundation for the business, thank you. To Diane, you are simply the best practitioner in the world and like a sister to me. Why hasn’t Obama called you? Tom, thanks for bringing your considerable talents to the party and I look forward to some great times together. To Chris P, thanks for your passion, counsel and willingness to be irrever- ent. Nick, your integrity and persistence is a real asset, not to mention your acknowledgements ix impressive collection of shirts. Katie, your spark, stimulation and story- telling adds something special to the mix. Georges, thanks for your loyalty; you have been with us since the early days. Zander and Orowa, I have high hopes for you both. You are both exceptional young men and give me hope for the future. I am looking forward to seeing how you both develop. Kirsty, thanks for your tireless commitment to the research agenda and ability to work without enough help from me. It has been a pleasure to see you develop since you joined. Steve B, welcome to the party; you fitted right in. Extra thanks go to Carolyn who keeps us tidy on the finances with Carol and Sarah. A special thanks in this book must go to Louise, who was absolutely instrumental at the inception phase and in getting things off the ground and keeping us on track with Carol, Jack and Zander in support on the market- ing front. A very special thanks goes to Karen, who has edited what I wrote so brilliantly. You made this dream a reality and your ability to marshal, sort, polish and enhance what I gave you was incredible. This book would simply not have happened without your help. Did I mention that this was the first of an eight-book series? In addition to the core team above, I would like to extend a special thank you to so many clients who were prepared to provide brief case studies and bring certain aspects of the book alive. Without you I could not be me. It has been a real pleasure working with you all and great that you have been prepared to put into practice so much of what we discussed together. But watch out because we are not finished yet and there is more to share before the journey is done. I would also like to extend my gratitude to all the other clients I have worked with over the last 15 years. There have been so many wonderful conversations with both individuals and teams in many businesses, schools and sporting organizations. I hope the provision of this book will help consolidate what we have covered and set you up for the next stage. I would also like to mention a few other special people whom I have shared part of this journey with. Kevin Murray, you have been a good friend, stood by me when things were tough, challenged my thinking and brought your own magic. Charles Fallon, you likewise have been a good friend and wise counsel at critical points on the journey. Thank you also to Angela Clow for your academic counsel, and Davide Sola for your entrepreneurial spirit. I’d also like to thank Tom and Brian at Holacracy One for stimulating my thinking and showing us a new way forward. For Pippa and Jennifer I sense a great collaboration brewing. Also a special thanks to my friends x aacckknnoowwlleeddggeemmeennttss Steve Tappin, a pioneer prepared to challenge the status quo; Hugh Lloyd Jukes, an exceptional framer of complex issues; and Ido van der Heijden, who brings a sensitivity to the shadow work that is fascinating. Lastly I would like to thank Kogan Page and Matthew Smith in particular for being prepared to take this book on, for being flexible and taking such a straightforward approach. You have definitely made this book better.

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