229 Coherence enhanced optical determination of the Th isomeric transition Wen-Te Liao,∗ Sumanta Das,† Christoph H. Keitel,‡ and Adriana Pa´lffy§ Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany (Dated: October15,2012) 2 1 Abstract 0 2 Theimpactofcoherentlightpropagationontheexcitationandfluorescenceofthoriumnucleiinacrystal t c O lattice environment is investigated theoretically. We find that in the forward direction the fluorescence 2 signal exhibits characteristic intensity modulations dominated by an orders of magnitude faster, sped-up 1 initial decay signal. This feature can be exploited for the optical determination of the isomeric transition ] h p energy. Inorder toobtain aunmistakable signature of the isomeric nuclear fluorescence, weput forward a - m novelscheme forthedirect measurement ofthetransition energy viaelectromagnetically modifiednuclear o t forwardscattering inathree-level Λconfiguration. a . s c i PACSnumbers: 06.30.Ft,23.20.Lv,42.50.Gy,82.80.Ej s y h Keywords: p [ 1 v 1 1 6 3 . 0 1 2 1 : v i X r a ∗Electronicaddress:[email protected] †Electronicaddress:[email protected] ‡Electronicaddress:[email protected] §Electronicaddress:[email protected] 1 While atomic clocks based on the microwave ground state hyperfine transition of 133Cs [1] have revolutionized the field of time-frequency metrology, general agreement exists that the next two orders of magnitudein precision pose serious challenges [2]. To circumventthis problem, an exciting alternative is to develop clocks based on a nuclear transition. The narrow line-widths of nuclear transitions and the isolation from external perturbations promise amazing stability. The optical transition from theground state to the isomeric, i.e., long lived,first excited state of 229Th wasoriginallyproposedbyPeikandTammin2003[3]asasuitablecandidateforanuclearclock. Out of the entire known nuclear chart, the 229Th ground state doublet consisting of the ground state229gThandtheisomericstate229mThoffersauniquetransitionwellwithinvacuumultraviolet (VUV)withenergybelow10eV[4]. Thistransitionisspotlightedalsoduetoitstemptingpotential for testing the temporal variation of the fine structure constant [5], building a nuclear laser in the optical range [6], or providing an exciting platform for nuclear quantum optics and coherent control [7–10] of VUV photons. A key obstacleon theway is theuncertainty about thetransition energy: measurementsuptodatehavebeenonlyindirect,suggestinganenergyof 7.8 0.6eV ∼ ± [4]. One intensely pursued approach for a more precise measurement of the 229Th isomeric transi- tionandtherealizationofanuclearfrequencystandardinvolvesnuclearspectroscopyofamacro- scopicnumberofthoriumnucleidopedinVUV-transparentcrystals[11,12]. Duetothehighdop- ingdensityofupto1018 Th/cm3,crystalssuchasLiCaAlF [11]orCaF [12]offerthepossibility 6 2 toincreasethenuclearexcitationprobability,an importantrequirementespeciallyconsideringthe very narrow radiative width of the transition, at present estimated at approximately 0.1 mHz [6]. Both LiCaAlF and CaF have large band gaps and present good transparency at the probable 6 2 transition wavelength, such that the interplay with electronic shells in processes such as the elec- tronic bridge [13], internal conversion [14] or nuclear excitation via electron capture or transition [15] can be neglected. The disadvantageof the crystal latticeenvironment is that inhomogeneous broadening due to temperature-dependent shifts of the transition energy and in particular spin- spin relaxation compromise the Rabi [16], Ramsey [16, 17] or hyper-Ramsey [18] interrogation schemes, commonly used in high-performance frequency standards. Instead, clock interrogation by fluorescence spectroscopy was proposed [12]. Significant suppression of the inhomogeneous broadening is expected as long as all nuclei experience the same crystal lattice environment and are confined to the Lamb-Dicke regime, i.e., the recoilless transitions regime [11, 19]. However, together with the broad-band nature of the excitation, these very conditions lead to coherent light propagationthroughthesampleandenhancedtransientfluorescenceintheforwarddirection,with 2 a speed up oftheinitialdecay dependingprimarily on thesampleoptical thickness. Theseeffects are well known from nuclear forward scattering of synchrotron radiation (SR) [20, 21] driving Mo¨ssbauer nuclear transitions in the x-ray regime, and from the interaction of atomic systems with visible and infrared light [22–24], but have so far never been addressed in the context of the 229Th isomerictransition. In this work we investigate the effect of coherent light propagation on the excitation and flu- orescence signal of the VUV isomeric transition in 229Th. We find that the line-width of the light scattered in the forward direction is dynamically broadened by several orders of magnitude ( 106)duetothecoherentdecayofthelargenumberof229Thnucleiinthecrystalandthestrong ∼ dispersion close to the resonance frequency. While the dynamical fluorescence in the forward direction would therefore not be suitable for clock interrogation, it offers an enhanced and faster signal, advantageousfor botha high signal-to-noiseratio and a shorterdetection time. In order to exploit the full potential of the dynamical broadening we put forward a quantum optics scheme based on quantum interference induced by two coherent fields in a three level Λ-configuration as a novel way to identify the isomeric transition energy. The proposed setup reminding of elec- tromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) provides a clear signature for the excitation of the nuclear transition and enhanced precision in the optical determination of the transition frequency compared toadirect fluorescence experimentusingonlyonefield. The reduced transition probability of the nuclear magnetic dipole (M1) 229Th isomeric tran- sition has been evaluated theoretically to B(M1) 0.032 Weisskopf units [6, 25]. This value ≃ corresponds to the very narrow radiative transition width of approximately 0.1 mHz. Since such narrow-bandwidth sources are not available in the VUV region, broadband excitation, with ei- ther synchrotron or VUV laser light, is envisaged to be employed in order to resonantly drive the isomerictransition. Aslongaselastic,recoil-freescatteringoftheincidentlightoccurs,thecontri- butionsofallnucleiarespatiallyinphaseintheforwarddirectionandinterferecoherently[26]. To theforwardsignalcontributenotonlytheresonantfrequencycomponents,whichareabsorbedand reemitted,butalsothenon-resonantcomponents,whichexperiencedispersion. Thusthetimeevo- lution of the forward scattering response does not follow a natural exponential decay as expected forfluorescenceinvolvingasingle-scatteringevent,butexhibitspronouncedintensitymodulations characteristic for the coherent resonant pulse propagation [26]. This modulation is known in nu- clear condensed-matterphysicsunder the name of dynamical beat and for a single-resonance and ashortδ(t)-likeexcitingpulsehastheform[22,27,28]E(t) ξexp−τ/2J (√4ξτ)/√ξτ,where 1 ∝ E is the transmitted pulse envelope, τ a dimensionless time parameter τ = t/t with t denoting 0 0 3 thenatural lifetimeofthenuclearisomer,ξ theopticalthicknessand J theBessel functionofthe 1 first kind. Theoptical thicknessis defined as ξ = NσL/4 [28], whereN is thenumberdensityof 229Th nuclei, σ the resonance cross section and L the sample thickness. For a dopant density of 1018 Th/cm3 anda samplewithL = 1 cm, weobtainξ 106. ≃ From the asymptotic behavior of the Bessel function of first kind we see that for early times τ 1/(1 + ξ) immediately after the excitation pulse (chosen as t = τ = 0) the response field ≪ hastheformE(t) ξexp−(1+ξ)τ/2,showingthespeed-upoftheinitialdecay. Aparallelhasbeen ∝ established between this faster decay and the superradiant decay in single-photon superradiance [29]. Forthecaseofthe1cmcrystaldopedwith229Thconsideredabove,thespeed-upwouldcor- respond to an enhancement of the decay rate by six orders of magnitude. This value significantly reducesthegapbetweentheincoherentrelaxationtimeoftheexcitedstatepopulation(thenatural radiative decay) and the short coherence time due to the crystal lattice effects, bringing inhomo- geneous and dynamical broadening on the same order of magnitude. At later times, the decay becomessubradiant,i.e.,withaslowerratecomparabletotheincoherentnaturaldecayratedueto destructiveinterferencebetweenradiationemittedbynucleilocatedatdifferentdepthsinthesam- ple. A symmetric excitation of the sample would lead to the creation of a timed Dicke state [30] andaprolongedsuperradiantdecay. Sofarthishasbeenachievedfor57Fenucleiembeddedinthe center of a planar waveguide in the first measurement of the collective Lamb shift in nuclei [30]. One should however keep in mind that the dynamical beat behavior is by no means restricted to nuclearsystemsandthex-rayradiationwavelength,havingbeenobservedoveralargewavelength rangeλ 1 A˚ 1 min avarietyofsystems(see[26]and references therein). ≃ − In the case of 229Th doped in VUV transparent crystals both conditions for (i) recoilless, co- herentexcitationanddecay and(ii)broadbandexcitationarefulfilledforscatteringintheforward direction. The incident laser or SR pulse duration is much shorter than the nuclear lifetime and providesbroadbandexcitation. Duetothecrystaltransparencyatthenucleartransitionfrequency, themainlimitingfactorforcoherent pulsepropagation,namelyelectronicphotoabsorption,isnot present in this case. We are interested in the initial superradiant response which occurs on a time scale much faster than the incoherent radiative decay and can facilitate the optical determination of the isomeric transition energy. As a consequence of the hyperfine splitting affecting the 229Th nuclei inthecrystal lattice,an analytical resultforthescattered field intensityis notavailableand thenumericalsolutionoftheMaxwell-Blochequations[31]hastobeevaluatedinstead. Thistreat- ment allows also to take into account the inhomogeneous broadening occurring due to spin-spin relaxation in the crystal sample. We use in the following the quadrupole structure with hyperfine 4 level energies given by E Q (1 γ )φ [3m2 I (I + 1)]/[4I (2I 1)] m is(g) ∞ zz is(g) is(g) is(g) is(g) ≃ − − − [32], where Q = 1.8 eb (3.15 eb), with e the electron charge, is the quadrupole moment is(g) of the isomeric (ground) nuclear state, γ = (100 200) is the antishielding factor and ∞ − − (1 γ )φ 1018 V/cm2 electricfieldgradient[6,33,34]. Fig.1(a)showstheenergyscheme ∞ zz − ∼ − of 229Th with the electric quadrupole splitting [6, 12] of the ground and excited 229Th nuclear states of spins I =5/2 and I =3/2, respectively. Here we adopt the recently proposed 229Th:CaF g e 2 crystal [12] under the thermal equilibriumcondition[6], i.e., all the nuclei are equally populating thetwogroundstatesofm = 5/2 at sub-kelvintemperatures. g ± Plainfluorescencespectroscopyoftheisomericnucleartransitionisplaguedbyasmallsignal- to-backgroundratio[35]. Forbothdeterminationoftheexactnucleartransitionfrequencyandfor thenuclearclockinterrogationschemes,thisisamajorissue,especiallyduetotheweak coupling of the nuclear transition to the radiation field. According to current experimental data [35], the mainsourceofbackgroundphotonsistheα-decayofthe229Thgroundstatewiththetotalcounting rate on the order of MHz and 4π spatial distribution. A possible solution is offered by coherent lightscattering,whichensures thatadirectionalsignalcollectingintheforward directionbenefits of a more favorable signal-to-background ratio. However, impurities and color centers (which unfortunatelymayoccurduringtheexperimentasirradiationeffects)cancauseresidualabsorption andmayinterferewiththe229Thopticalspectroscopyevenintheforwarddirection. Thisiswhya clearsignatureofthenuclearisomerictransition229gTh 229mThisdesirable. Inthefollowingwe → put forward a quantum optics scheme designed to provide such a nuclear fluorescence signature by employingtwoVUV fieldsin aΛ-typethree-levelsystemina setupremindingofEIT [31]. FIG. 1: (a) Quadrupole level splitting for the 229Th ground and isomeric states in the 229Th:CaF crystal 2 lattice environment. (b) A left circularly polarized probe field drives the 55 33 transition. (c) The |22i → |22i electromagnetically modified forward scattering setup. The red thick arrow denotes the strong coupling fieldwhilethe blue thin arrow showsthe weakprobe field. Thedetunings ofthe probe and coupling fields aredenotedby and ,respectively. p c △ △ 5 Aradiationpulsedenotedinthefollowingasprobedrivingtherelevantnucleartransitionshines perpendiculartothenuclearsample,asshowninFig.1(b). Weconsideraleftcircularly polarized weak VUV probe field driving the m m = 1 magnetic dipole transition, where m and e g e − − m denote the projections of the excited and ground state nuclear spins on the quantization axis, g respectively. Additionally, as shown in Fig. 1(c), we apply a strong linearly polarized continuous wave(CW) denoted as couplinglaserfield drivingthe m m = 0 transition. A Λ-typescheme e g − is formeddueto thecombinationofinitialnuclearpopulationand theselected field polarizations. The purpose of applying the coupling field is to create a dressed state which splits the nuclear resonanceintoadoublet[36]viatheAutler-Towneseffect[37], givingrisetoelectromagnetically modified time spectra. The resulting beating can be then used as a specific signature for the detectionofthenuclearfluorescence photons. We study the coherent pulse propagation for both setups in Fig. 1(b) (assuming Ω = 0) and c Fig.1(c)bynumericallydeterminingthedynamicsofthedensitymatrixρviatheMaxwell-Bloch equations[10,31, 38, 39]: b 1 ∂ ρ = H,ρ +ρ , t i~ h i s 1 b b b b ∂ Ω +∂ Ω = iηa ρ , (1) t p y p 31 31 c withtheinteractionHamiltoniangivenby 0 0 a Ω∗ ~ 31 p H = 0 2(∆ ∆ ) a Ω∗ , −2 − p − c 32 c b a Ω a Ω 2∆ 31 p 32 c p − and thedecoherence matrix a2 Γρ γ ρ (γ + Γ)ρ − 31 33 21 12 31 2 13 ρ = γ ρ a2 Γρ (γ + Γ)ρ . s − 21 21 − 32 33 32 2 23 b (γ + Γ)ρ (γ + Γ)ρ Γρ 31 2 31 32 2 32 33 In the equations above ρ = A A∗ for j,k 1,2,3 are the density matrix elements of jk j k { } ∈ { } ρ for the nuclear wave function ψ = A 55 + A 53 + A 33 with the nuclear hyperfine | i 1|22i 2|22i 3|22i lbevels shown in Fig. 1(a). Furthermore, (a ,a ) = ( 2/3, 2/√15) are the corresponding 31 32 p − Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. The matrix ρ describes the decoherence due to spin relaxation s (γ ,γ ,γ ) = 2π (251,108,30)Hz[12]bandΓ = 0.1mHz[6]denotesthespontaneousdecay. 31 32 21 × The parameter η is defined as η = Γξ, and we consider a target thickness of L = 1 cm. Further 2L 6 notations are Ω for the Rabi frequency of the probe (coupling) fields which is proportional to p(c) theelectricfield E~ oftheprobe(coupling)VUV radiation[31,39]and c thespeed oflight. Since the electric quadrupole splitting of ground states can be experimentally determined via standard nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques [12], we may set the two detunings of the coupling and probe fields to be identical but unknown initially, i.e., = = . We c p △ △ △ numerically solve Eq. (1) with ξ = 106 and Ω with a laser intensity of 2kW/cm2 and scan the c region 0 1010Γ. The time spectra for the setup in Fig. 1(b) are presented in Figs. 2(a). ≤ △ ≤ In the absence of thecoupling field, the probe only interacts with a two-level nuclear system, and thecorrespondingtimespectraare lesssensitivetothedetuning . For = 109Γ and 1010Γ, the △ △ probe field will not create any nuclear excitation and just passes through the crystal. The 229Th nuclei will start to coherently scatter probe photons when 108Γ, and with smaller detunings △ ≤ thetimespectrabecomeidenticalfor 107Γ. Essentiallywecouldapproachthewantedenergy △ ≤ of 229mTh with theprecision of 107Γ, i.e. about 1 kHz, by measuring thesignal photonsscattered in the forward direction. As a disadvantage, since the spectra do not present any specific feature to confirm the excitation of the isomer, background from other unwanted electronic processes may present an identical scattering pattern at probe laser frequencies far away from the nuclear resonance. We turn now to the two-field setup presented in Fig. 1(c), which is more detuning-sensitive and provides specific identification features in the scattering timespectra. In Fig. 2(b) we present 1100-02 ==01~071 05 ==110086 (a) 1100---864 ==110091 0 10 arb. unit)11110000---1110420 I ( 10-2 (b) -4 10 -6 10 -8 10 -10 10 -12 10 -14 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time delay (ms) FIG.2: Thetimespectra oftheforward scattered signal (a)without coupling field, (b) withcoupling field. For all spectra the detunings = = take values between 0 1010Γ. The yellow filled p c △ △ △ ≤ △ ≤ area below the gray dashed double-dotted line delimits the region 0 105Γ. In (a) the values for ≤ △ ≤ = 109Γand1010Γaresmallerthanthedisplayed scale. △ 7 our results for the electromagnetically modified forward scattering spectra. With the influence of Ω the spectra are much more sensitive to the detuning, and probe photons start to interact c with the 229Th nuclei already at 1010Γ. The enhanced sensitivityof the electromagnetically △ ≤ modified setup in Fig. 1(c) is due to the detuning-sensitive dispersion relation which leads to a unique time spectrum for each combination of input probe field and coupling field strength and detuning. A comparison between Figs. 2(a) and 2(b) shows that thecoupling field has introduced additional beatings in the spectrum which can serve as a clear signature of the nuclear excitation. Furthermore,asignificantadvantageofourschemeisthattheshapesofthespectraarenotidentical until 105Γ. A fit of the theoretical and experimental curves can therefore be employed to △ ≤ determine the nuclear transition frequency. By scanning the detunings , i.e., by varying the △ knownfrequenciesofprobeandcouplingsimultaneously,several -dependentforwardscattering △ timespectracanbemeasured. AfitwiththetheoreticalcurvesinFig.2(b)allowsthedetermination of the detuning value and thus of the 229gTh 229mTh transition frequency down to a precision → of 105Γ, i.e., 10 Hz. Once the isomeric transition frequency has been identified, the fluorescence clock interrogation scheme using the incoherent response emitted at an angle to the excitation pulsedirectioncan beemployedforthenuclearfrequency standard. Abriefestimateoftheexperimentalcountingrateforthesignalandbackgroundphotonsinthe forward direction is performed for thecase ofa 229Th:CaF crystal withthe size3 mm 3 mm 2 × × 10mmand229Thconcentrationof1018cm−3. Giventhe7880yrhalflifeofthegroundstate229Th, and the assumed 0.3 background photon per α-decay [35], the total counting rate of background photons(in4π solidangle)isthen0.75MHz,whichcouldbesignificantlysuppresseddownto1.8 Hzby registeringonlysignalswithin1◦ 1◦ in theforward direction. Thebackgroundgenerated × by the VUV pulse itself in the forward direction can be eliminated with a chopper or employing the nuclear lighthouse effect [40]. Thus, 20 Hz would suffice as counting rate of the scattered probephotonsintheforwarddirection,correspondingtoasignal-backgroundratiolargerthan10. Ontheotherhand,thespinrelaxationmakesthecoherencesdecayaccordingtoρ e−γ31t since 31 ∼ γ Γ [12]. The coherent effects should therefore be observed within the time scale of ms 31 ≫ allowing100 500shotspersecond. ∼ A CW laser source in the VUV region is presently available only within limitations. The KBe BO F (KBBF)crystals[41]havebeensuccessfulingeneratingnarrow-bandVUVradiation 2 3 2 via harmonic generation owing to their wide transparency and large birefringence necessary for phase-matched frequency conversion processes in this frequency region [42, 43]. In particular, a quasi-CWlaserwitha10MHzrepetitionrateand20 pspulsedurationhas been achieved[43]. A 8 CWcouplingVUVlaserataround160nmwavelengthcouldalsobegenerated bysumfrequency mixing in metal vapors or driving a KBBF crystal with Ti:Sapphire laser [44, 45]. The circularly polarized probe laser on the other hand may be generated via nonlinear sum-frequency mixing [46], or a harmonic of a VUV frequency comb [47, 48] around the isomeric wavelength. In the absence of a CW coupling field for the electromagnetically modified forward scattering scheme, onecanuseamoderateexternalmagneticfield(B = 1G)tosplitthesingletransitioninFig.1(b) intoadoubletviamagneticdipoleinteraction. Themagnetic-field-dependentquantumbeatarising offersasignaturethatthenuclearisomerhasbeenexcitedandpresentsreasonablesensitivitytothe laser detuning. Numerical results for the LiCAF crystal for which the calculation of themagnetic hyperfine splitting is straightforward show that the detuning sensitivity goes as far as ∆ = 107, i.e., onecould determinethenucleartransitionfrequency within1 kHzwiththismethod. In conclusion, the dynamical broadening of the nuclear signal in the forward direction can be used as efficient tool to determine the isomeric transition frequency. A two-field setup reminding of EIT provides both a signature of the nuclear excitation and enhanced sensitivity to the field detuning from the resonance. This scheme demonstrates a novel way to solve the question of identifyingtheisomerictransitionenergyandlaysthefoundationfordevelopingnuclearquantum opticsin229Th. Theauthors gratefullyacknowledgefruitfuldiscussionswithG. Kazakovand Y. Nomura. [1] Resolution 1,13e Confe´rence Ge´ne´raledesPoidsetMesures,Metrologia 4,41(1968). [2] C.J.Campbell,et.al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.108,120802 (2012). [3] E.PeikandC.Tamm,Europhys. Lett.61,181(2003). [4] B.R.Becket.al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.98,142501(2007),B.R.Becket.al.,LLNL-PROC-415170(2009). [5] V.V.Flambaum,Phys.Rev.Lett.97,092502 (2006). [6] E.V.Tkalya,Phys.Rev.Lett.106,162501(2011). [7] O.Kocharovskaya, R.Kolesov,andY.Rostovtsev. 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