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Cognitive Linguistic Approaches to Teaching Vocabulary and Phraseology (Applications of Cognitive Linguistics) PDF

409 Pages·2008·3.88 MB·English
by  Boers
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Preview Cognitive Linguistic Approaches to Teaching Vocabulary and Phraseology (Applications of Cognitive Linguistics)

CCooggnniittiivvee LLiinngguuiissttiicc AApppprrooaacchheess ttoo TTeeaacchhiinngg VVooccaabbuullaarryy aanndd PPhhrraasseeoollooggyy ≥≥ AApppplliiccaattiioonnss ooff CCooggnniittiivvee LLiinngguuiissttiiccss 66 EEddiittoorrss GGiittttee KKrriissttiiaannsseenn MMiicchheell AAcchhaarrdd RReennee´´ DDiirrvveenn FFrraanncciissccoo JJ..RRuuiizz ddee MMeennddoozzaa IIbbaa´´nn˜˜eezz MMoouuttoonn ddee GGrruuyytteerr BBeerrlliinn ·· NNeeww YYoorrkk CCooggnniittiivvee LLiinngguuiissttiicc AApppprrooaacchheess ttoo TTeeaacchhiinngg VVooccaabbuullaarryy aanndd PPhhrraasseeoollooggyy EEddiitteedd bbyy FFrraannkk BBooeerrss SSeetthh LLiinnddssttrroommbbeerrgg MMoouuttoonn ddee GGrruuyytteerr BBeerrlliinn ·· NNeeww YYoorrkk MMoouuttoonnddeeGGrruuyytteerr((ffoorrmmeerrllyyMMoouuttoonn,,TThheeHHaagguuee)) iissaaDDiivviissiioonnooffWWaalltteerrddeeGGrruuyytteerrGGmmbbHH&&CCoo..KKGG,,BBeerrlliinn (cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2) PPrriinntteeddoonnaacciidd--ffrreeeeppaappeerr wwhhiicchhffaallllsswwiitthhiinn tthheegguuiiddeelliinneessoofftthheeAANNSSII ttooeennssuurreeppeerrmmaanneenncceeaanndddduurraabbiilliittyy.. 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IISSBBNN 997788--33--1111--001199663300--66 IISSSSNN 11886611--44007788 (cid:2)(cid:2) CCooppyyrriigghhtt22000088bbyyWWaalltteerrddeeGGrruuyytteerrGGmmbbHH&&CCoo..KKGG,,DD--1100778855BBeerrlliinn AAllllrriigghhttssrreesseerrvveedd,,iinncclluuddiinnggtthhoosseeooffttrraannssllaattiioonniinnttooffoorreeiiggnnllaanngguuaaggeess..NNooppaarrttoofftthhiissbbooookk mmaayybbeerreepprroodduucceeddoorrttrraannssmmiitttteeddiinnaannyyffoorrmmoorrbbyyaannyymmeeaannss,,eelleeccttrroonniiccoorrmmeecchhaanniiccaall,, iinncclluuddiinngg pphhoottooccooppyy,, rreeccoorrddiinngg,, oorr aannyyiinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ssttoorraaggee aanndd rreettrriieevvaall ssyysstteemm,, wwiitthhoouutt ppeerrmmiissssiioonniinnwwrriittiinnggffrroommtthheeppuubblliisshheerr.. PPrriinntteeddiinnGGeerrmmaannyy Acknowledgements The editors would like to express their gratitude to all the contributors to this volume, not only for letting us have their excellent work, but also for tolerating the sometimes substantial cuts that we had to make in their original papers. This could easily have been a 600-page volume. We would also like to thank several of the contributors, Sophia Skoufaki in particular, for their comments on an early draft of our introductory chapter. We are especially indebted to Michel Achard for his guidance and his fantastically detailed feedback on multiple drafts of our book manuscript. We can only imagine how much time Michel invested in this project behind the scenes. We are also grateful to René Dirven for setting the wheels in motion by inviting us to submit a book proposal. Table of contents Acknowledgements v List of contributors ix Opening chapter How cognitive linguistics can foster effective vocabulary teaching 1 Frank Boers and Seth Lindstromberg Part one: Refining the empirical evidence Using conceptual metaphors and metonymies in vocabulary teaching 65 Márta Beréndi, Szilvia Csábi and Zoltán Kövecses Conceptual metaphoric meaning clues in two idiom presentation methods 101 Sophia Skoufaki How cognitive linguistic motivations influence the learning of phrasal verbs 133 Nora Condon A discovery approach to figurative language learning with the use of corpora 159 Fiona MacArthur and Jeannette Littlemore Variables in the mnemonic effectiveness of pictorial elucidation 189 Frank Boers, Seth Lindstromberg, Jeannette Littlemore, Hélène Stengers and June Eyckmans viii Table of contents Part two: Broadening the scope Reasoning figuratively in early EFL: Some implications for the development of vocabulary 219 Ana María Piquer Píriz Translating the senses: Teaching the metaphors in winespeak 241 Rosario Caballero and Ernesto Suárez-Toste What bilingual word associations can tell us 261 Marjolijn H. Verspoor Factors which influence the process of collocation 291 Crayton Walker The notion of boundedness/unboundedness in the foreign language classroom 309 Susanne Niemeier Structural elaboration by the sound (and feel) of it 329 Frank Boers and Seth Lindstromberg A quantitative comparison of the English and Spanish repertoires of figurative idioms 355 Frank Boers and Hélène Stengers Closing chapter From empirical findings to pedagogical practice 375 Frank Boers and Seth Lindstromberg Subject index 395 List of contributors Beréndi, Márta Kövecses, Zoltán Janos Kodolanyi University ELTE University College, Szekesfehervar Budapest Hungary Hungary [email protected] [email protected] Boers, Frank Lindstromberg, Seth Erasmus University College Hilderstone College, Broadstairs Brussels & Antwerp University United Kingdom Belgium [email protected] [email protected] Littlemore, Jeannette Caballero Rodriguez, Maria del University of Birmingham Rosario United Kingdom University of Castilla-La Mancha [email protected] Spain [email protected]@uclm.es MacArthur, Fiona University of Extremadura Condon, Nora Spain Université Catholique de [email protected] Louvain-la-neuve- Belgium Niemeier, Susanne [email protected] University of Koblenz Germany Csábi, Szilvia [email protected] ELTE University Budapest Piquer Píriz, Ana María Hungary University of Extremadura [email protected] Spain [email protected] Eyckmans, June Erasmus University College Skoufaki, Sophia Brussels University of Greenwich Belgium & The Open University [email protected] United Kingdom [email protected]

Mastering the vocabulary of a foreign language is one of the most daunting tasks that language learners face. The immensity of the task is underscored by the realisation that it is not only single words but also numerous standardised phrases (idioms, collocations, etc.) that need to be acquired. The
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