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Cognitive emotion regulation through reappraisal in an anticipatory anxiety paradigm PDF

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Fakult(cid:228)t f(cid:252)r Erziehungswissenschaften, Psychologie und Bewegungswissenschaften der Universit(cid:228)t Hamburg Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades doctor rerum naturalium Cognitive emotion regulation through reappraisal in an anticipatory anxiety paradigm vorgelegt von Dipl-Psych, MSc Clin Neurosci Marie-Luise Mechias Hamburg, 2012 Promotionsprüfungsausschuß Vorsitzender: PD Dr. Michael Rose 1. Dissertationsgutachter: Prof. Dr. Christian Büchel 2. Dissertationsgutachterin: Prof. Dr. Monique Janneck 1. Disputationsgutachter: Prof. Dr. Volker Franz 2. Disputationsgutachter: PD Dr. Andreas von Leupold Tag der Disputation: 29.06.2012 Druckjahr: 2012 Druckort: Hamburg Acknowledgment Vielen Dank! Raffael Kalisch, Christian Büchel, Michael Rose, Monique Janneck, Andreas von Leupold, VolkerFranz,JohannesKluesener,BothoundBeateMechias,NedaSalari,JanPeters,An- dreas Marschner, Matthias Pietsch, Matthias Gamer, Stephan Stevens, Karolina Raczka, Nina Gartmann. 3 Teile dieser Arbeit basieren auf den folgenden Veröffentlichungen: • Mechias, M.-L., Etkin, A., Kalisch, R. (2010) A meta-analysis of instructed fear studies: implications of conscious appraisal of theat. Neuroimage, 49(2), 1760-68. • RaczkaK.A.,GartmannN.,Mechias M.-L.,ReifA.,BüchelC.,DeckertJ.,Kalisch R. (2010) A neuropeptide S receptor variant associated with of fear reactions: a potential neurogenetic basis for catastrophizing. Mol Psychiatry, 15(11), 1067- 74. • Paret C., Brenninkmeyer J., Meyer B., Yuen K.S., Gartmann N., Mechias M.-L., Kalisch R. (2011) A test for the implementation-maintenance model of reappraisal. Front Psychol, 2:216. Die Dissertation wurde von Januar 2008 bis Dezember 2010 unter direkter Anleitung von Herrn Dr. Raffael Kalisch am Institut für Systemische Neurowissenschaften, Universitäts- klinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf angefertigt. 5 Abstract Humans have the ability to cognitively control their emotions. Reappraisal is a cognitive emotion regulation technique that works through re-interpretation of the meaning of a stimulus or situation and can be used to down-regulate negative emotions, including anx- iety. There is currently a strong interest in identifying the cognitive processes and neural substrates that mediate reappraisal. We demonstrate, using a detachment-from-threat paradigm and concurrent skin conduc- tance monitoring and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), that attenuation of anxiety is based not only on re-interpretation but also on further processes accompany- ing reappraisal. We establish a reappraisal technique in an anticipatory anxiety paradigm (Study I)thatisanxiolyticwhencomparedtoasimple’observe’condition. However,when compared to a control condition that is matched for all aspects (including cognitive load) apart from re-interpretation, the observed anxiolytic effect of reappraisal is substantially diminished (Studies II,III and IV). We further show that besides re-interpretation and cognitive load, developing a positive outcome expectation influences the anxiolytic char- acter of reappraisal (Study V). Finally we experimentally test the distinction between an early and a late reappraisal phase, currently hypothesised by the implementation- maintenance model or IMMO (Study VI). Taking everything into consideration, the results from the studies presented in this the- sis show that anxiolysis via cognitive reappraisal relies on at least three subcomponents: re-interpretation, cognitive demand and a placebo-like expectation-effect. Neurally, the reappraisal process involves late right anterior lateral frontal cortex activation that we interpret as reappraisal maintanace activation, as supported by IMMO. 7 Glossary ACC anterior cingulate cortex PET positron emission tomography ad anterior dorsal PFC prefrontal cortex ANOVA analysis of variance pg perigenual BOLD blood oxygenation level dependent PPI psychophysiological interaction CS conditioned stimulus RA reappraisal dl dorsolateral RF radiofrequency dm dorsomedial rm rostromedial FDR false discovery rate RSI reappraisal success index fMRI functional megnetic resonance imaging s second IMMO implementation maintanace model SCL skin conductance level HF high frequency SC skin conductance l lateral SD standard deviation IAPS international affective picture system SDS social desirability scale m medial sg subgenual M mean STAI state-trait anxiety inventory MHz megahertz t tesla MNI montreal neurological institute T threat MRI magnetic resonance imaging UCS unconditioned stimulus NA no-reappraisal UR unconditioned response NT no-threat US unconditioned stimulus pd posterior dorsal vm ventromedial 9

It states that behaviours that are followed by a satisfying or desirable state will be shown more often in the future. Behaviours, that are followed by an aversive or undesirable state native German speakers. The effect of appraisal level on processing of emotional prosody in meaningless speech.
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