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COGNITIVE BRAIN RESEARCH EV Cognitive Brain Research 7 (1999) 533-535 Author Index Aaltonen, O., see Winkler, I. (7) 357 Clahsen, H., see Miinte, T.F. (7) 241 Grasso, R., see Viaud-Delmon, I. (7) 507 Ackermann, H., Lutzenberger, W. and Hertrich, Collette, F., Salmon, E., Van der Linden, M., Gravel, M., see Messier, C. (7) 221 I. Chicherio, C., Belleville, S., Degueldre, C.., Grodd, W., see Wildgruber, D. (7) 285 Hemispheric lateralization of the neural en- Delfiore, G. and Franck, G. Gross, J., see Streit, M. (7) 481 coding of temporal speech features: a Regional brain activity during tasks devoted whole-head magnetencephalography study to the central executive of working memory Helft, G., see Chokron, S. (7) 173 (7) 511 (7) 411 Hertrich, I., see Ackermann, H. (7) 511 Ackermann, H., see Wildgruber, D. (7) 285 Comerchero, M.D. and Polich, J. Hewitt, S., see Deacon, D. (7) 465 Aguirre, G.K., see D’ Esposito, M. (7) 1 P3a, perceptual distinctiveness, and stimu- Hietanen, J.K., see Surakka, V. (7) 159 Aguirre, G.K., see Zarahn, E. (7) 255 lus modality (7) 41 Hirshman, E., Passanante, A. and Arndt, J. Alho, K., Medvedev, S.V., Pakhomov, S.V., Costentin, J., see Nail-Boucherie, K. (7) 203 The effect of midazolam on the modality- Roudas, M.S., Tervaniemi, M., Reinikainen, Csépe, V., see Winkler, I. (7) 357 match effect in implicit memory (7) 473 K., Zeffiro, T. and Niaatinen, R. Czigler, I., see Winkler, I. (7) 357 Hiruma, T., see Shinozaki, N. (7) 165 Selective tuning of the left and right audi- Hoshiyama, M. and Sheean, G. tory cortices during spatially directed atten- Daly, E.M., see Beason-Held, L.L. (7) 111 Changes of somatosensory evoked poten- tion (7) 335 Dammers, J., see Streit, M. (7) 481 tials preceding rapid voluntary movement in Alho, K., see Winkler, I. (7) 357 Go/No-go choice reaction time task (7) Dassonville, P., Lewis, S.M., Foster, H.E. and Alku, P., see Winkler, I. (7) 357 137 Ashe, J. Antonieta Bobes, M., see Olivares, E.1. (7) 343 Choice and stimulus—response compatibility Arndt, J., see Hirshman, E. (7) 473 affect duration of response selection (7) 235 Iglesias, J., see Olivares, E.1. (7) 343 Ashe, J., see Dassonville, P. (7) 235 Deacon, D., Uhm, T.-J., Ritter, W., Hewitt, S. livonen, A., see Winkler, I. (7) 357 Auinger, P., see Klimesch, W. (7) 493 and Dynowska, A. Imai, M., see Fujiwara, N. (7) 99 The lifetime of automatic semantic priming Imbert, M., see Chokron, S. (7) 173 Ballard, D., see D’ Esposito, M. (7) 1 effects may exceed two seconds (7) 465 loannides, A.A., see Streit, M. (7) 481 Barrett, N.A., see Michie, P.T. (7) 419 Degueldre, C., see Collette, F. (7) 411 Israél, I., see Viaud-Delmon, I. (7) 507 Bartolomeo, P., see Chokron, S. (7) 173 Delfiore, G., see Collette, F. (7) 411 Ivanenko, Y.P., see Viaud-Delmon, I. (7) 507 Beason-Held, L.L., Purpura, K.P., Krasuski, Desmond, R.E., see Beason-Held, L.L. (7) 111 Ivry, R.B., see Mangels, J.A. (7) 15 J.S., Maisog, J.Ma., Daly, E.M., Mangot, D’E sposito, M., Aguirre, G.K., Zarahn, E., Bal- D.J., Desmond, R.E., Optican, L.M., lard, D., Shin, R.K. and Lease, J. Jaffard, R., see Nail-Boucherie, K. (7) 203 Schapiro, M.B. and VanMeter, J.W. Functional MRI studies of spatial and non- Ji, J., Porjesz, B., Chorlian, D. and Begleiter, Cortical regions involved in visual texture spatial working memory (7) | H. perception: a fMRI study (7) 111 D’Esposito, M., see Zarahn, E. (7) 255 Event-related potentials during digit recog- Begleiter, H., see Ji, J. (7) 179 Desrochers, A., see Messier, C. (7) 221 nition tasks (7) 179 Belleville, S., see Collette, F. (7) 411 Diehl, R.L., see Simos, P.G. (7) 215 Johnson Jr., R., Kreiter, K., Zhu, J. and Russo, Birbaumer, N., see Pauli, P. (7) 49 Doppelmayr, M., see Klimesch, W. (7) 493 B. Blumhardt, L.D., see Pelosi, L. (7) 321 Dourmap, N., see Nail-Boucherie, K. (7) 203 A spatio-temporal comparison of semantic Bourne Jr., L.E., see Pauli, P. (7) 49 Dynowska, A., see Deacon, D. (7) 465 and episodic cued recall and recognition Boyd, S., see Liasis, A. (7) 503 using event-related brain potentials (7) 119 Bozic, V.S., see Paller, K.A. (7) 519 Foster, H.E., see Dassonville, P. (7) 235 Jones, S.J., see Vaz Pato, M. (7) 295 Breier, J.1., see Simos, P.G. (7) 215 Franck, G., see Collette, F. (7) 411 Brucato, F., see Levin, E.D. (7) 405 Fuchs, E., see Ohl, F. (7) 379 Kaltenhauser, M., see Kamada, K. (7) 89 Fujiwara, N., Nagamine, T., Imai, M., Tanaka, Kamada, K., Kober, H., Saguer, M., Moller, Chicherio, C., see Collette, F. (7) 411 T. and Shibasaki, H. M., Kaltenhauser, M. and Vieth, J. Chokron, S., Bartolomeo, P., Perenin, M.-T., Role of the primary auditory cortex in audi- Responses to silent Kanji reading of the Helft, G. and Imbert, M. tory selective attention studied by whole- native Japanese and German in task subtrac- Scanning direction and line bisection: a head neuromagnetometer (7) 99 tion magnetoencephalography (7) 89 study of normal subjects and unilateral ne- Kaneko, S., see Shinozaki, N. (7) 165 glect patients with opposite reading habits (7) 173 Gaebel, W., see Streit, M. (7) 481 Karayanidis, F., see Michie, P.T. (7) 419 Kavanagh, D.J., see Michie, P.T. (7) 419 Chorlian, D., see Ji, J. (7) 179 Gevins, A., see Smith, M.E. (7) 389 Christopher, N.C., see Levin, E.D. (7) 405 Grabowecky, M., see Paller, K.A. (7) 519 Kischka, U., see Wildgruber, D. (7) 285 534 Author Index Miller, M., see Kamada, K. (7) 89 Regard, M., see Pizzagalli, D. (7) 371 Klimesch, W., Doppelmayr, M., Schwaiger, J., Auinger, P. and Winkler, Th. Moore, J., see Levin, E.D. (7) 405 Regolin, L., see Vallortigara, G. (7) 307 ‘Paradoxical’ alpha synchronization in a Miiller-Girtner, H.-W., see Streit, M. (7) 481 Reinikainen, K., see Alho, K. (7) 335 memory task (7) 493 Miinte, T.F., Say, T., Clahsen, H., Schiltz, K. Rettenbach, R., see Leonards, U. (7) 207 Klose, U., see Wildgruber, D. (7) 285 and Kutas, M. Ritter, W., see Deacon, D. (7) 465 Kober, H., see Kamada, K. (7) 89 Decomposition of morphologically complex Roudas, M.S., see Alho, K. (7) 335 Koenig, T., see Pizzagalli, D. (7) 371 words in English: evidence from event-re- Rugger, M., see Mascetti, G.G. (7) 451 Krasuski, J.S., see Beason-Held, L.L. (7) 111 lated brain potentials (7) 241 Russo, B., see Johnson Jr., R. (7) 119 Kreiter, K., see Johnson Jr., R. (7) 119 Kutas, M., see Miinte, T.F. (7) 241 Niiitiinen, R., see Alho, K. (7) 335 Niiiittinen, R., see Winkler, I. (7) 357 Saguer, M., see Kamada, K. (7) 89 Nagamine, T., see Fujiwara, N. (7) 99 Salmon, E., see Collette, F. (7) 411 Lang, H., see Winkler, I. (7) 357 Nail-Boucherie, K., Dourmap, N., Jaffard, R. Sams, M., see Surakka, V. (7) 159 Large, M.M., see Michie, P.T. (7) 419 and Costentin, J. Sarter, M., see Miner, L.A.H. (7) 269 Lease, J., see D’Esposito, M. (7) | The specific dopamine uptake inhibitor GBR Say, T., see Miinte, T.F. (7) 241 Lehmann, D., see Pizzagalli, D. (7) 371 12783 improves learning of inhibitory Schapiro, M.B., see Beason-Held, L.L. (7) 111 Lehtokoski, A., see Winkler, I. (7) 357 avoidance and increases hippocampal Schiltz, K., see Miinte, T.F. (7) 241 Leonards, U., Rettenbach, R. and Sireteanu, R. acetylcholine release (7) 203 Schleichert, H., see Pauli, P. (7) 49 Parallel visual search is not always effort- Ninio, J. Schréger, E. and Wolff, C. less (7) 207 Acquisition of shape information in work- Behavioral and electrophysiological effects Levin, E.D., Christopher, N.C., Weaver, T., ing memory, as a function of viewing time of task-irrelevant sound change: a new dis- Moore, J. and Brucato, F. and number of consecutive images: evi- traction paradigm (7) 71 Ventral hippocampal ibotenic acid lesions dence for a succession of discrete storage Schwaiger, J., see Klimesch, W. (7) 493 block chronic nicotine-induced _ spatial classes (7) 57 Sheean, G., see Hoshiyama, M. (7) 137 working memory improvement in rats (7) Shibasaki, H., see Fujiwara, N. (7) 99 405 Shimizu, N., see Mangels, J.A. (7) 15 Lewis, S.M., see Dassonville, P. (7) 235 Ohl, F. and Fuchs, E. Shin, R.K., see D’Esposito, M. (7) 1 Liasis, A., Towell, A. and Boyd, S. Differential effects of chronic stress on Shinozaki, N., Yabe, H., Sutoh, T., Hiruma, T. Intracranial auditory detection and discrimi- memory processes in the tree shrew (7) 379 and Kaneko, S. nation potentials as substrates of echoic Olivares, E.I., Iglesias, J. and Antonieta Bobes, Somatosensory automatic responses to de- memory in children (7) 503 M. viant stimuli (7) 165 Liu, L., see Streit, M. (7) 481 Searching for face-specific long latency Simos, P.G., Diehl, R.L., Breier, J.I., Molis, Lutzenberger, W., see Ackermann, H. (7) 511 ERPs: a topographic study of effects associ- M.R., Zouridakis, G. and Papanicolaou, ated with mismatching features (7) 343 A.C. Optican, L.M., see Beason-Held, L.L. (7) 111 MEG correlates of categorical perception of Maisog, J.Ma., see Beason-Held, L.L. (7) 111 O’Sullivan, B.T., see Michie, P.T. (7) 419 a voice onset time continuum in humans (7) Mangels, J.A., Ivry, R.B. and Shimizu, N. 215 Dissociable contributions of the prefrontal Pagni, P., see Vallortigara, G. (7) 307 Sireteanu, R., see Leonards, U. (7) 207 and neocerebellar cortex to time perception Pakhomov, S.V., see Alho, K. (7) 335 Smith, G.L., see Michie, P.T. (7) 419 (7) 15 Paller, K.A., Bozic, V.S., Ranganath, C., Smith, M.E., McEvoy, L.K. and Gevins, A. Mangot, D.J., see Beason-Held, L.L. (7) 111 Grabowecky, M. and Yamada, S. Neurophysiological indices of strategy de- Mascetti, G.G., Rugger, M. and Vallortigara, G. Brain waves following remembered faces velopment and skill acquisition (7) 389 Visual lateralization and monocular sleep in index conscious recollection (7) 519 Streit, M., Ioannides, A.A., Liu, L., W6lwer, the domestic chick (7) 451 Papanicolaou, A.C., see Simos, P.G. (7) 215 W., Dammers, J., Gross, J., Gaebel, W. and Matari¢é, M.J. and Pomplun, M. Passanante, A., see Hirshman, E. (7) 473 Miiller-Giartner, H.-W. Fixation behavior in observation and imita- Pauli, P., Schleichert, H., Bourne Jr., L.E. and Neurophysiological correlates of the recog- tion of human movement (7) 191 Birbaumer, N. nition of facial expressions of emotion as McEvoy, L.K., see Smith, M.E. (7) 389 Effects of cortical polarization on mental revealed by magnetoencephalography (7) Medvedev, S.V., see Alho, K. (7) 335 arithmetic (7) 49 481 Messier, C., Pierre, J., Desrochers, A. and Pelosi, L. and Blumhardt, L.D. Surakka, V., Tenhunen-Eskelinen, M., Hieta- Gravel, M. Effects of age on working memory: an nen, J.K. and Sams, M. Dose-dependent action of glucose on mem- event-related potential study (7) 321 Modulation of human auditory information ory processes in women: effect on serial Perenin, M.-T., see Chokron, S. (7) 173 processing by emotional visual stimuli (7) position and recall priority (7) 221 Pierre, J., see Messier, C. (7) 221 159 Michie, P.T., Karayanidis, F., Smith, G.L., Bar- Pizzagalli, D., Koenig, T., Regard, M. and Sutoh, T., see Shinozaki, N. (7) 165 rett, N.A., Large, M.M., O’Sullivan, B.T. Lehmann, D. Swick, D. and Kavanagh, D.J. Affective attitudes to face images associated Effects of prefrontal lesions on lexical pro- An exploration of varieties of visual atten- with intracerebral EEG source location be- cessing and repetition priming: an ERP study tion: ERP findings (7) 419 fore face viewing (7) 371 (7) 143 Miner, L.A.H. and Sarter, M. Polich, J., see Comerchero, M.D. (7) 41 Intra-accumbens infusions of antisense Pomplun, M., see Matari¢é, M.J. (7) 191 oligodeoxynucleotides to one isoform of Porjesz, B., see Ji, J. (7) 179 Tanaka, T., see Fujiwara, N. (7) 99 glutamic acid decarboxylase mRNA, Purpura, K.P., see Beason-Held, L.L. (7) 111 GAD,;, but not to GAD,, mRNA, impairs Tenhunen-Eskelinen, M., see Surakka, V. (7) sustained attention performance in the rat 159 (7) 269 Raimo, I., see Winkler, I. (7) 357 Tervaniemi, M., see Alho, K. (7) 335 Molis, M.R., see Simos, P.G. (7) 215 Ranganath, C., see Paller, K.A. (7) 519 Towell, A., see Liasis, A. (7) 503 Author Index 535 Uhm, T.-J., see Deacon, D. (7) 465 metrical visual-vestibular stimulation (7) utilizes both phonetic and auditory memory representations (7) 357 507 Vainio, M., see Winkler, I. (7) 357 Vieth, J., see Kamada, K. (7) 89 Winkler, Th., see Klimesch, W. (7) 493 Wolff, C., see Schréger, E. (7) 71 Vallortigara, G., Regolin, L. and Pagni, P. Wolwer, W., see Streit, M. (7) 481 Detour behaviour, imprinting and visual lat- eralization in the domestic chick (7) 307 Weaver, T., see Levin, E.D. (7) 405 Yabe, H., see Shinozaki, N. (7) 165 Vallortigara, G., see Mascetti, G.G. (7) 451 Wildgruber, D., Kischka, U., Ackermann, H., Yamada, S., see Paller, K.A. (7) 519 Van der Linden, M., see Collette, F. (7) 411 Klose, U. and Grodd, W. VanMeter, J.W., see Beason-Held, L.L. (7) 111 Dynamic pattern of brain activation during Zarahn, E., Aguirre, G.K. and D’Esposito, M. Vaz Pato, M. and Jones, S.J. sequencing of word strings evaluated by Temporal isolation of the neural correlates Cortical processing of complex tone stimuli: fMRI (7) 285 of spatial mnemonic processing with fMRI mismatch negativity at the end of a period Winkler, I., Lehtokoski, A., Alku, P., Vainio, (7) 255 of rapid pitch modulation (7) 295 M., Czigler, 1, Csépe, V., Aaltonen, O., Zarahn, E., see D’ Esposito, M. (7) 1 Viaud-Delmon, I., Ivanenko, Y.P., Grasso, R. Raimo, I., Alho, K., Lang, H., livonen, A. Zeffiro, T., see Alho, K. (7) 335 and Israél, I. and Niiatinen, R. Zhu, J., see Johnson Jr., R. (7) 119 Non-specific directional adaptation to asym- Pre-attentive detection of vowel contrasts Zouridakis, G., see Simos, P.G. (7) 215

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