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COGNITION ELSEVIER Contents of volume 73 Number | LARISSA K. SAMUELSON and LINDA B. SMITH (Undiana University) Early noun vocabularies: do ontology, category structure and syntax correspond? }—33> DAVID KEMMERER (University of lowa Hospitals and Clinics) **Near”’ and *“‘far’’ in language and perception, 35-63 SOFKA BARREAU (University of East London) and John Morton (University Colle ve London) Pulling smarties out of a bag: a headed records analysis of children’s recall of their own past beliefs, 65-87 Brief article ROBERTO DELL’ ACQUA and JONATHAN GRAINGER (Université de Pro ence) Unconscious semantic priming from pictures, BI—B15 Number 2 JOHN C. TRUESWELL, IRINA SEKERINA, NICOLE M. HILL and MARIAN | LOGRIP (University of Pennsylvania) The kindergarten-path effect: studying on-line sentence processing in young children, 89-134 JANE GILLETTE, HENRY GLEITMAN. LILA GLEITMAN and ANNI LEDERER (University of Pennsylvania) Human simulations of vocabulary learning, 135-176 PHILLIP WOLFF (University of Maryland), DOUGLAS L. MEDIN and CONNII PANKRATZ (Northwestern University) Evolution and devolution of folkbiological knowledge, | 204 Brief articles M.T. TURVEY, KEVIN SHOCKLEY and CLAUDIA CARELLO (University of Connecticut) Affordance, proper function, and the physical basis of perceived heaviness, B17 B26 SIMON GERHAND and CHRISTOPHER BARRY (¢ Age-of-acquisition and frequency effects in speeded wor Number 3 MARK SMITH and LINDA WHEELDON (University of Bi High level processing scope in spoken sentence producti GERRY T.M. ALTMANN and YUKI KAMIDE (University of York) Incremental interpretation at verbs: restricting the domain of subsequent rel FRANCK RAMUS, JACQUES MEHLER MARINA NESPOR (Unive ' Ferrar t linguistic rhythm in the speech signal Discussion papers GARY F. MARCUS (New York U icquisition in the absence of explicit negative evidence: can simpk orks obviate the need for domain-specific learning devices?, 293 DOUGLAS L.T. ROHDE and DAVID C. PLAUT (Carnegie Mellon Unive Simp recurrent networks can distinguish non-occurring from ungrammatica task | structure ‘ply to Marcus 5 97~300 Brief articles DENISE DELLAROSA CUMMINS and ROBERT CUMMINS (U) ry ind evolutionary explanation, B37 HIROKI SATO, TATSUYA TAKEUCHI (The KUNIYOSHI L. SAKAI (The U> To Corporation (JST or 55—B66 cea pens oie ytib:e ay = ~ + a

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