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Coding Approaches to Fault Tolerance in Combinational and Dynamic Systems THE KLUWER INTERNATIONAL SERIES IN ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE CODING APPAOACHES TO FAULT TOLERANCE IN COMBINATIONAL AND DYNAMIC SYSTEMS CHRISTOFOROS N. HADJICOSTIS Coordinated Science Laboratory and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ~. " SPRINGER SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, LLC ISBN 978-1-4613-5271-6 ISBN 978-1-4615-0853-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-0853-3 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A c.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. Copyright © 2002 Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 2002 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 2002 AII rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, photo copying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. Printed an acid-free paper. To Pani Contents List of Figures XI List of Tables xiii Foreword xv Preface XVII Acknowledgments XXI 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1 Definitions, Motivation and Background 1 2 Fault-Tolerant Combinational Systems 4 2.1 Reliable Combinational Systems 6 2.2 Minimizing Redundant Hardware 6 3 Fault-Tolerant Dynamic Systems 7 3.1 Redundant Implementations lO 3.2 Faults in the Error-Correcting Mechanism 12 4 Coding Techniques for Fault Diagnosis 13 Part I Fault-Tolerant Combinational Systems 2. RELIABLE COMBINATIONAL SYSTEMS OUT OF UNRELIABLE COMPONENTS 21 1 Introduction 21 2 Computational Models for Combinational Systems 22 3 Von Neumann's Approach to Fault Tolerance 23 4 Extensions of Von Neumann's Approach 27 4.1 Maximum Tolerable Noise for 3-lnput Gates 27 4.2 Maximum Tolerable Noise for u-Input Gates 29 5 Related Work and Further Reading 31 3. ABFT FOR COMBINATIONAL SYSTEMS 33 1 Introduction 33 2 Arithmetic Codes 35 3 Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance 37 viii CODING APPROACHES TO FAULT TOLERANCE 4 Generalizations of Arithmetic Coding to Operations with Algebraic Structure 41 4.1 Fault Tolerance for Abelian Group Operations 41 4.1.1 Use of Group Homomorphisms 44 4.1.2 Error Detection and Correction 45 4.1.3 Separate Group Codes 47 4.2 Fault Tolerance for Semigroup Operations 49 4.2.1 Use of Semigroup Homomorphisms 50 4.2.2 Error Detection and Correction 51 4.2.3 Separate Semigroup Codes 52 4.3 Extensions 56 Part II Fault-Tolerant Dynamic Systems 4. REDUNDANT IMPLEMENTATIONS OF ALGEBRAIC MACHINES 61 1 Introduction 61 2 Algebraic Machines: Definitions and Decompositions 61 3 Redundant Implementations of Group Machines 64 3.1 Separate Monitors for Group Machines 66 3.2 Non-Separate Redundant Implementations for Group Machines 69 4 Redundant Implementations of Semigroup Machines 73 4.1 Separate Monitors for Reset-Identity Machines 74 4.2 Non-Separate Redundant Implementations for Reset- Identity Machines 75 5 Summary 76 5. REDUNDANT IMPLEMENTATIONS OF DISCRETE-TIME LTI DYNAMIC SYSTEMS 79 1 Introduction 79 2 Discrete-Time LTI Dynamic Systems 79 3 Characterization of Redundant Implementations 80 4 Hardware Implementation and Fault Model 83 5 Examples of Fault-Tolerant Systems 86 6 Summary 96 6. REDUNDANT IMPLEMENTATIONS OF LINEAR FINITE-STATE MACHINES 99 1 Introduction 99 2 Linear Finite-State Machines 99 3 Characterization of Redundant Implementations 102 4 Examples of Fault-Tolerant Systems 104 5 Hardware Minimization in Redundant LFSM Implementations 108 6 Summary 112 7. UNRELIABLE ERROR CORRECTION IN DYNAMIC SYSTEMS 115 COlltents IX 1 Introduction 115 2 Fault Model for Dynamic Systems 117 3 Reliable Dynamic Systems using Distributed Voting Schemes 118 4 Reliable Linear Finite-State Machines 123 4.1 Low-Density Parity Check Codes and Stable Memories 123 4.2 Reliable Linear Finite-State Machines using Constant Redundancy 127 5 Other Issues 132 8. CODING APPROACHES FOR FAULT DETECTION AND IDENTIFICATION IN DISCRETE EVENT SYSTEMS 143 1 Introduction 143 2 Petri Net Models of Discrete Event Systems 145 3 Fault Models for Petri Nets 148 4 Separate Monitoring Schemes 151 4.1 Separate Redundant Petri Net Implementations 151 4.2 Fault Detection and Identification 154 5 Non-Separate Monitoring Schemes 160 5.1 Non-Separate Redundant Petri Net Implementations 160 5.2 Fault Detection and Identification 166 6 Applications in Control 170 6.1 Monitoring Active Transitions 170 6.2 Detecting Illegal Transitions 171 7 Summary 174 9. CONCLUDING REMARKS 179 1 Summuy 179 2 Future Research Directions 181 10. ABOUT THE AUTHOR 185 11. INDEX 187 List of Figures 1.1 Triple modular redundancy. 5 1.2 Fault-tolerant combinational system. 6 1.3 Triple modular redundancy with correcting feedback. 9 1.4 Fault-tolerant dynamic system. 10 2.1 Error correction using a "restoring organ." 23 2.2 Plots of functions f(q) and g(q) for two different values ofp. 24 2.3 Two successive restoring iterations in von Neumann's construction for fault tolerance. 25 3.1 Arithmetic coding scheme for protecting binary operations. 34 3.2 aN arithmetic coding scheme for protecting integer addition. 37 3.3 ABFT scheme for protecting matrix multiplication. 39 3.4 Fault-tolerant computation of a group operation. 43 3.5 Fault tolerance using an abelian group homomorphism. 44 3.6 Coset-based error detection and correction. 46 3.7 Separate arithmetic coding scheme for protecting inte- ger addition. 48 3.8 Separate coding scheme for protecting a group operation. 48 3.9 Partitioning of semi group (N, x ) into congruence classes. 54 4.1 Series-parallel decomposition of a group machine. 62 4.2 Redundant implementation of a group machine. 65 4.3 Separate redundant implementation of a group machine. 66 4.4 Relationship between a separate monitor and a decom- posed group machine. 69 5.1 Delay-adder-gain implementation and the correspond- ing signal flow graph for an LTI dynamic system. 84 5.2 State evolution equation and hardware implementation of the digital filter in Example 5.2. 89 5.3 Redundant implementation based on a checksum condition. 89 xii CODING APPROACHES TO FAULT TOLERANCE 5.4 Second redundant implementation based on a checksum condition. 91 6.1 Hardware implementation of the linear feedback shift register in Example 6.1. 100 6.2 Different implementations of a convolutional encoder. 107 7.1 Reliable state evolution subject to faults in the error corrector. 119 7.2 Modular redundancy with distributed voting scheme. 120 7.3 Hardware implementation of Gallager's modified itera- tive decoding scheme for LDPC codes. 125 7.4 Replacing k LFSM's with n redundant LFSM's. 128 7.A.1 Encoded implementation of k LFSM's using n redun- dant LFSM's. 134 8.1 Petri net with three places and three transitions. 145 8.2 Cat-and-mouse maze. 147 8.3 Petri net model of a distributed processing system. 150 8.4 Concurrent monitoring scheme using a separate Petri net implementation. 151 8.5 Example of a separate redundant Petri net implemen- tation that identifies single transition faults in the Petri net of Figure 8.1. 156 8.6 Example of a separate redundant Petri net implementa- tion that identifies single place faults in the Petri net of Figure 8.1. 157 8.7 Example of a separate redundant Petri net implementa- tion that identifies single transition or single place faults in the Petri net of Figure 8.1. 159 8.8 Concurrent monitoring scheme using a non-separate Petri net implementation. 161 8.9 Example of a non-separate redundant Petri net imple- mentation that identifies single transition faults in the Petri net of Figure 8.1. 167 8.10 Example of a non-separate redundant Petri net imple- mentation that identifies single place faults in the Petri net of Figure 8.1. 169 8.11 Example of a separate redundant Petri net implementa- tion that enhances control in the Petri net of Figure 8.3. 171

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