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Coaxial Electrical Circuits for Interference-Free Measurements PDF

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IETELECTRICALMEASUREMENT SERIES 13 Coaxial Electrical Circuits for Interference-Free Measurements Othervolumesinthisseries: Volume4 ThecurrentcomparatorW.J.M.MooreandP.N.Miljanic Volume5 PrinciplesofmicrowavemeasurementsG.H.Bryant Volume7 RadiofrequencyandmicrowavepowermeasurementA.E.Fantom Volume8 AhandbookforEMCtestingandmeasurementD.Morgan Volume9 Microwavecircuittheoryandfoundationsofmicrowavemetrology G.Engen Volume11 Digitalandanalogueinstrumentation:testingandmeasurement N.Kularatna Volume12 Microwavemeasurements,3rdeditionR.CollierandD.Skinner(Editors) Coaxial Electrical Circuits for Interference-Free Measurements Shakil Awan, Bryan Kibble and Ju¨rgen Schurr The Institution ofEngineeringand Technology PublishedbyTheInstitutionofEngineeringandTechnology,London,UnitedKingdom TheInstitutionofEngineeringandTechnologyisregisteredasaCharityinEngland&Wales (no.211014)andScotland(no.SC038698). †2011TheInstitutionofEngineeringandTechnology Firstpublished2011 ThispublicationiscopyrightundertheBerneConventionandtheUniversalCopyright Convention.Allrightsreserved.Apartfromanyfairdealingforthepurposesofresearch orprivatestudy,orcriticismorreview,aspermittedundertheCopyright,Designsand PatentsAct1988,thispublicationmaybereproduced,storedortransmitted,inany formorbyanymeans,onlywiththepriorpermissioninwritingofthepublishers,orin thecaseofreprographicreproductioninaccordancewiththetermsoflicencesissued bytheCopyrightLicensingAgency.Enquiriesconcerningreproductionoutsidethose termsshouldbesenttothepublisherattheundermentionedaddress: TheInstitutionofEngineeringandTechnology MichaelFaradayHouse SixHillsWay,Stevenage Herts,SG12AY,UnitedKingdom www.theiet.org Whiletheauthorsandpublisherbelievethattheinformationandguidancegivenin thisworkarecorrect,allpartiesmustrelyupontheirownskillandjudgementwhen makinguseofthem.Neithertheauthorsnorpublisherassumesanyliabilityto anyoneforanylossordamagecausedbyanyerrororomissioninthework,whether suchanerrororomissionistheresultofnegligenceoranyothercause.Anyandall suchliabilityisdisclaimed. The moral rights of the authors to be identified as authors of this work have been assertedbytheminaccordancewiththeCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisproductisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN978-1-84919-069-5(paperback) ISBN978-1-84919-070-1(PDF) TypesetinIndiabyMPSLtd,aMacmillanCompany PrintedintheUKbyCPIAntonyRowe,Chippenham,Wiltshire Contents Listoffigures xiii Abstract xxiii Preface xxv Acknowledgements xxvii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Interactionsbetween circuits – eliminating electrical interference 1 1.1.1 Basic principles 2 1.1.2 Anillustrative example –usinga phase-sensitive detector 11 1.1.3 Diagnostic equipment 12 1.1.4 Isolation 17 1.1.5 Totallyisolatingtransformersand power supplies 18 1.1.6 Isolating a noisyinstrument 20 1.1.7 The available methods for isolatingoutputs 22 1.1.8 Balancing 24 1.1.9 Minimising the effects of insufficiently isolated commercial instruments 24 1.1.10 The ‘traditional’ approach to DCand low-frequency circuitry versusthe current-balanced conductor-pair coaxial approach 26 1.1.11 Thermoelectric emfs 27 1.1.12 Designing temperature-controlled enclosures 28 1.1.13 Ionising radiation (cosmic rays, etc.) 30 1.1.14 Final remarks 31 References 31 2 Sources, detectors,cables andconnectors 33 2.1 General principles 33 2.1.1 The output impedance of a network affects detector sensitivity 33 2.1.2 The sensitivity of detectorsto harmonic content 34 2.1.3 Noise and noise matching a detector to a network 37 2.1.4 The concept of a noise figure 39 2.2 Attributes of sources 41 vi Coaxial electrical circuits for interference-freemeasurements 2.3 Properties of different detectors 42 2.3.1 Preamplifiers 42 2.3.2 Wideband (untuned) detectors 43 2.3.3 Narrowband (tuned)detectors 44 2.3.4 Phase-sensitive detectors that employ a switching technique 44 2.3.5 Phase-sensitive detectors employing a modulating technique 44 2.4 Cables and connectors 45 References 46 3 The conceptof a low-frequency coaxial network 47 3.1 The coaxial conductor 49 3.1.1 Achieving current equalisation 49 3.1.2 The concept of a coaxial network 53 3.2 Construction and properties of coaxial networks 54 3.2.1 Equalisers in bridge or other measuring networks 54 3.2.2 Assessingthe efficiency of current equalisers 57 3.2.3 Single conductors added to an equalised network 59 3.2.4 Other conductor systems having similar properties 61 3.2.5 DCnetworks 63 3.2.6 The effect of a length of cable on a measured value 63 3.2.7 Tri-axial cable 67 References 68 4 Impedance measurement 69 4.1 Improvements in defining what isto be observed or measured 69 4.1.1 Ratio devices 70 4.1.2 Impedance standards 70 4.1.3 Formal representation of circuit diagrams and components 73 5 General principles of accurate impedance measurement 79 5.1 The evolution of a coaxial bridge 79 5.1.1 Asimple coaxial bridge as an example of a coaxial network 82 5.2 The validity of lumped component representations 84 5.3 General principles applying to all impedance standards 85 5.3.1 The physical definition of a standard 85 5.3.2 The electrical definitionof a standard impedance 86 5.3.3 Two-terminal definition 87 5.3.4 Four-terminal definition 88 5.3.5 Four-terminal coaxial definition 88 5.3.6 Two-terminal-pair definition 88 5.3.7 Three-terminal definition 89 5.3.8 Four-terminal-pair definition 90 Contents vii 5.3.9 Measuringfour-terminal-pair admittances in a two-terminal-pair bridge by extrapolation 92 5.3.10 Adaptors to convert a two- or four-terminal definition to a four-terminal-pair definition 94 5.4 The effect of cables connected tothe ports of impedance standards 95 5.4.1 The effect of cables ona two-terminal component 96 5.4.2 The effect of cables ona four-terminal coaxial component 96 5.4.3 The effect of cables ona two-terminal-pair component 99 5.4.4 The effect of cables ona four-terminal-pair component 100 5.5 Ananalysisof conductor-pair bridges to showhowthe effect of shunt admittances can be eliminated 102 5.5.1 Comparing direct admittances usingvoltage sources 103 5.6 Combining networksto eliminate the effect of unwanted potential differences 104 5.6.1 The concept of a combining network 104 5.6.2 Ageneral purpose AC combining network and current source 105 5.7 Connecting two-terminal-pair impedances in parallel 107 References 107 6 Impedance standards 109 6.1 The history of impedance standards 110 6.2 The Thompson–Lampard theorem 111 6.3 Primary standards of phase angle 114 6.4 Impedance components in general 115 6.4.1 Capacitors 115 6.4.2 Parallel-plate capacitance standard 117 6.4.3 Two-terminal capacitors 122 6.4.4 Three-terminal capacitors 122 6.4.5 Two- and four-terminal-pair capacitors 123 6.4.6 The mechanical construction and properties of various types of capacitors 123 6.4.7 Capacitance standards of greater than 1 mF 126 6.4.8 Voltage dependence of capacitors 129 6.4.9 Resistors 130 6.4.10 T-networks 132 6.4.11 Adding auxiliary components to resistors to reduce their reactive component 133 6.4.12 Mutual inductors: Campbell’s calculable mutual inductance standard 135 6.4.13 Self-inductors 139 6.5 Resistors,capacitors and inductors of calculable frequency dependence 140 6.5.1 Resistance standards 140 6.5.2 Haddad coaxial resistance standard 140 viii Coaxial electrical circuits for interference-free measurements 6.5.3 Anearly ideal HFcalculable coaxial resistance standard 144 6.5.4 Abifilarresistance standard 146 6.5.5 Gibbings quadrifilar resistance standard 147 6.5.6 Boha´cˇek and Wood octofilar resistance standard 149 6.5.7 HFsecondary resistance standards 150 6.5.8 HFparallel-plate capacitance standard 152 6.5.9 HFcalculable coaxial capacitance standard 153 6.5.10 HFcalculable coaxial inductance standard 155 6.5.11 Afrequency-independent standard of impedance 156 6.5.12 Anideal standard of impedance of calculable frequency dependence 157 6.6 Quantum Hall resistance 162 6.6.1 Properties of the quantum Hall effect (QHE) and its use as a DCresistance standard 162 6.6.2 The properties and the equivalent circuit of a quantum Hall device 166 6.6.3 Device handling 171 6.7 QHE measured with AC 171 6.7.1 Multiple-series connection scheme 173 6.7.2 Adevice holder and coaxial leads 176 6.7.3 Active equalisers 179 6.7.4 Capacitive model of ungated and split-gated quantum Hall devices 180 6.7.5 Ungated quantum Hall devices 181 6.7.6 Split-gated quantum Hall devices 182 6.7.7 Double-shielded device 183 References 184 7 Transformers 187 7.1 General considerations 188 7.1.1 The causes of departure from an ideal transformer 188 7.1.2 The magnetic core 189 7.1.3 The windings;the effect of leakage inductances, capacitances and resistances 192 7.1.4 Representation of a non-ideal transformer: the effect of loading onits ratio windings 195 7.1.5 The two-stage principle 197 7.1.6 Electrical screens between windings 199 7.2 Constructional techniques 200 7.2.1 Design of transformer windings 200 7.2.2 Techniques for minimising the effect of leakage inductance, winding resistance and the capacitances of ratio windings 203 7.2.3 Bifilar winding 204 7.2.4 Rope winding having randomly arranged strands 205 Contents ix 7.2.5 Ordered rope winding 206 7.2.6 Magnetic and electric screens 207 7.2.7 Testingthe attainment of a nearly toroidal field 208 7.2.8 Connections to the output ports 209 7.3 Types of transformers 210 7.3.1 Inductive voltage dividers 210 7.3.2 Two-staged IVDs 216 7.3.3 Injectionand detection transformers 218 7.3.4 Useof an injection transformer as a small voltage source 220 7.3.5 Useofaninjectiontransformerasadetectorofzerocurrent 222 7.3.6 Calibration of injectiontransformersand their associated phase change circuits 222 7.3.7 Voltage ratio transformers 224 7.3.8 Two-stage construction 225 7.3.9 Matching transformers 226 7.3.10 Current ratio transformers 226 7.3.11 High-frequency construction 227 7.4 Calibration of transformers 228 7.4.1 Calibrating an IVDin terms of a fixed-ratio transformer 228 7.4.2 Calibrating voltage ratio transformersusinga calibration transformer with a single output voltage 229 7.4.3 Calibration witha 1:(cid:1)1ratio transformer 232 7.4.4 The bridge circuit and details of the shielding 236 7.4.5 The balancingprocedure 238 7.4.6 Calibrating voltage transformers by permuting capacitorsin a bridge 240 7.4.7 Calibration of current transformers 242 7.4.8 Assessingthe effectiveness of current equalisers 243 References 243 8 General considerationsaboutimpedance comparison networks 245 8.1 Designing bridge networks 245 8.1.1 Applying coaxial techniques toclassical single-conductor bridges 245 8.1.2 Placement of current equalisers 246 8.1.3 Wagner circuit (andwhen it is applicable) 246 8.1.4 Convergence 247 8.1.5 Moving a detector to other ports in a bridge network 249 8.1.6 T-connecting shuntimpedances for balance adjustment 249 8.1.7 Role of electronics in bridge design 250 8.1.8 Automating bridge networks 250 8.1.9 Higher-frequency networks 250 8.1.10 Tests of the accuracy of bridges 251 References 253

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