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Coastal and Estuarine Studies 58 Nancy N. Rabalais and R. Eugene Turner (Eds.) Coastal Hypoxia Consequences for Living Resources and Ecosystems American Geophysical Union Washington, Published under the aegis of the AGU Books Board John E. Costa, Chair; David BercoviciA, ndrewD essler,J effrey M. Forbes,W . RockwellG eyer, Rebecca Lange, Douglas S. Luther, Darrell Strobel, and R. Eugene Turner, members. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Coastal Hypoxia: consequences for living resources and ecosystems/ Nancy N. Rabalais and R. Eugene Turner, editors. p. cm -- (Coastal and estuarine studies; 58) (Coastal and estuarine studies; 58) Based on papers from a workshop held in Baton Rouge, La., Mar. 1998. Includes bibliographicalr eferences. ISBN 0-87590-272-3 1. Coastal ecology--Congresses. 2. Water--Dissolved oxygen--Environmentaal spects. I. Rabalais, Nancy N., 1950-II. Turner, R. E. (Robert Eugene), 1945- III. American Geophysical Union. IV. Series. V. Series: Coastal and estuarine studies; 58 QH541.5.C65 C5914 2001 577.5'1--dc21 00-065060 ISSN 0733-9569 ISBN 0-87590-272-3 Copyright 2001 by the American GeophysicalU nion, 2000 Florida Ave., NW, Washington,D C 20009, USA. Figures, tables, and short excerpts may be reprinted in scientific books and journals if the source is properly cited. Authorizationt o photocopyi tems for internalo r personal use, or the internal or personalu se of specific clients, is granted by the American GeophysicalU nion for librariesa nd other users reg- istered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) TransactionalR eporting Service, provided that the base fee of $1.50 per copy plus $0.35 per page is paid directlyt o CCC, 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923. 0733-9569/01/$01.50+0.35. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for creating new collective works or for resale. The reproductiono f multiple copies and the use of full articles or the use of extracts, includingf igures and tables, for commercial purposes requires permission from AGU. Printed in the United States of CONTENTS Preface NancyN . Rabalaisa ndR . EugeneT urner. ..................... v 1 Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico:D escriptionC, ausesa nd Change Nancy N. Rabalais and R. EugeneT urner ....................... 1 Section I: Plankton 2 Impactso f ChangingS i/N Ratiosa nd PhytoplanktonS peciesC omposition Quay Dortch,N ancyN . Rabalais,R . EugeneT urner, and Naureen, 4. Quresh.i. .................................. 37 3 Zooplankton:R esponsesto and Consequenceosf Hypoxia Nancy H. Marcus ......................................... 49 4 Distribution of Zooplankton on a SeasonallyH ypoxic Continental Shelf Naureen, 4. Qureshia nd Nancy N. Rabalais. .................... 61 5 PelagicC nidarians and Ctenophoresin Low DissolvedO xygen Environments: A Review JenniferE . Purcell, DeniseL . Breitburg,M ary Beth Decker, 144'IllarMe. Graham,M arshd . Youngblutha,n d KevinA . Raskoff .... 77 Section II: Physiology and Behavior 6 PhysiologicalR esponsest o Hypoxia Louis E. Burnett and 14qlliam B. Stickle ....................... 101 7 Responseso f Nekton and Demersal and Benthic Fauna to Decreasing Oxygen Concentrations NancyN . Rabalais,D onald E. Harper,J r., and R. EugeneT urner ... 115 Section III: Benthos 8 Overview ofAnthropogenica!!y-InducedH ypoxic Effects on Marine Benthic Fauna RobertJ . Diaz and Rutget Rosenberg. ....................... 129 9 Benthic Foraminiferal Communitiesi n Oxygen-Depleted Environments of the Louisiana Continental Shelf Emil Platon and Barun K. Sen Gupta. ........................ 147 10 Effects of Hypoxia and Anoxia on Meiofauna: A Review with New Data from the Gulf of Mexico Markus ,4. WetzelJ, ohn W.F leeger,a nd SeanP . Powers .......... 165 11 Effect of Hypoxia/Anoxia on the Supply and Settlement of Benthic Invertebrate Larvae .SeanP . Powers,D onald E. Harper, Jr., and NancyN . Rabalais. .... 185 12 Effects of SeasonalH ypoxia on Continental Shelf Benthos Nancy N. Rabalais,L oreneE . Smith,D onald E. Harper, Jr., and Dubravko Justic ..................................... Section IV: Fish and Fisheries 13 Effects of Low DissolvedO xygen on the Behavior, Ecology and Harvest of Fishes:A Comparisono f the ChesapeakeB ay and Baltic-Kattegat Systems Denise L. Breitburg,L eif Pihl, and Sarah E. Kolesar. ............ 241 14 Ecological Effects of Hypoxia on Fish, Sea Turtles, and Marine Mammals in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico d. Kevin Craig, Larry B. Crowder,C harlotteD . Gray, Cartie d. McDaniel, TyrrellA . Henwood,a nd damesG Hanifen ..... 269 15 Effects of Hypoxia on the Shrimp Fishery of Louisiana and Texas Roger d. Zimmermana nd damesM . Nance .................... 293 16 Distribution of Catch in the Gulf Menhaden, Brevoortiap atronus,P urse Seine Fishery in the Northern Gulf of Mexico from Logbook Information: Are There Relationships to the Hypoxic Zone? dosephW . Smith. ........................................ 311 Section V: Food Webs and Ecosystems 17 The Effects of Hypoxia on the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ecosystem:A Fisheries Perspective Edward J. Chesneya nd Donald M. Baltz ...................... 321 18 A Brief Overview of Catchment Basin Effects on Marine Fisheries dohn E Caddy .......................................... 355 19 Some Effects of Eutrophication on Pelagic and Demersal Marine Food Webs R. Eugene Turner. ....................................... 371 Section VI: Perspectives 20 An Economic Perspectiveo f Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico WalterR . Keithly,d r, and dohnM . Ward ...................... 399 21 Hypoxia, Nutrient Managementa nd Restorationi n Danish Waters Daniel d. Conleya nd Alf B. doseJ3on... ...................... 425 22 Future Perspectivesf or Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Dubravkod ustic,N ancy N. Rabalais,a nd R. EugeneT urner ....... 435 Summary 23 Commonality and the Future R. EugeneT urnera nd NancyN . Rabalais ..................... 451 Index ............................................................ 455 List of Contributors ................................................ PREFACE Youm ust notj ust live on the earth. You must live with the Earth. Will you leave it a little better than wheny ouf ound it? W Niering, CommencemenCt onvocationC, onnecticuCt ollege, 1993 Hypoxia is a conditiont hat occursw hen dissolvedo xygenf alls below the level necessaryto sustainm ost animal life. In U.S. coastalw aters,a nd in the entirew est- ernA tlantic,w e find the largesth ypoxicz onei n the northernG ulf of Mexico on the Louisiana/Texasc ontinentals helf. The area affected,w hich is about the size of the stateo f New Jerseya t its maximale xtent,h asi ncreaseds incer egularm easurements begani n 1985. Sedimentc oresf rom the hypoxicz onea lsos howt hat algal produc- tion and deposition,a s well as oxygens tressw, ere much lower earlier in the 1900s andt hat significantin creaseso ccurredin the latterh alf of the twentiethc entury.W e publisht his book against he backgroundo f suchm easurementsa,n d to review how the developinga nd expandingh ypoxicz oneh asa ffectedl iving resourceso n this con- tinental shelf. Human alterationso f the landscapew ithin the MississippRi iver watersheda nd increasesi n nutrient loading particularlyf rom agriculturala ctivitiesa re directly linked to the changingc oastale cosystemi,n cludingt he worseningo f hypoxia.A s thesec hangesp arallel global patternso f increasingn utrientl oadst o estuarinea nd coastawl aters,w e considetrh en orthernG ulf of Mexicoh ypoxica reaa ss ymptomatic of similar situationsw orldwide. The continentals caleo f the watershed,t he immense sizeo f the Gulf hypoxicz one( up to 20,000 km2),a ndt he relativelyo penc oastals ys- tem into which the MississippiR iver dischargesh, owever,c reated ifferentp hysical and biologicald imensionsth at boundt he ecologicael ffects. Fisheryr esourceso f the Gulf are amongt he mostv aluablei n the United States. Gulf commerciall andingso f fish and shellfishh ave an annual docksidev alue of about$ 700 million (approximately$ 1.4 billion when processedw), hile recreational andc ommerciafl isheriest ogetherg eneratea round$ 2.8 billion per year.B ut defining the ecologicala nd economicc onsequenceosf hypoxiao n the living resourceso f the northernG ulf hasp rovend ifficult.L ackingh erei s an historicd atab asea gainstw hich to detect environmentalc hanges,o r no changes,i n the fisheriest hemselvesA. lso lackingi s currentd ata specifict o the distributiona nd abundanceo f living resources. Althoughe cologicals ystemsh ave changeda nd living resourcesa re affectedi n the Gulf as a resulto f nutriento ver-enrichmenatn dh ypoxia,a vailablee conomicin dica- tors do not necessarilytr anslatee xcessn utrientsto losso f fishingr evenue.I f experi- encesi n otherc oastala ndm arines ystemsa re applicableto the Gulf of Mexico, how- ever,t he potentiali mpacto f worseningh ypoxicc onditionsm ay promptt he decline (perhapsp recipitouso) f ecologicallya ndc ommerciallyim portant Initially, we designedth is bookt o identifyt he stateo f knowledgef or the Gulf of Mexico with regardt o the effectso f nutriento ver-enrichmenatn dh ypoxiao n living resourcesf,r omp hytoplanktotno marinem ammalsA. mbitiousa st hisg oalm ay seem, there were many individualsw ithin the Gulf and elsewherew orking on just these aspects.I t soonb ecamec lear that we would be able to define the limits, and more clearly define the numerousu ncertaintieso, f our knowledgeA. lthoughr elevantd ata existed,t hey were insufficienfto r a completea nalysiso f the Gulf. In thisr espectt,h e informationa nd experienceo f thosew orkingo utsidet he Gulf becameq uitev aluable in our attemptt o craft a syntheticid ea of what might be happeningin the Gulf. Our interestsin the subject,a nd in completingth is book, did not take placei n an admin- istrativeo r managerialv acuum,n or were they confinedt o academics. An effort to embarko n nutrientm anagemenwt ithin the MississippRi iver water- shedb egani n earnesti n 1994, followinga dramatici ncreasein the size of the Gulf hypoxicz one and legal actionst akenb y environmentaol rganizationsM. obilization of the necessaryp oliticala nds ocialf orcest o supporta nutrientm anagemenptl ant hat might affect 41% of the lower 48 United Statesu nfortunatelyn ecessitatetdh e identi- fication of a "smokingg un" of environmentadl egradationin the Gulf. (Elsewherei n the world-- e.g., ChesapeakeB ay, TampaB ay, the Baltic Sea,N orth Sea,a nd Long Island Sound- - statesa ndn ationsh avem ovedf orwardw ith nutrientr eductionp lans for the benefit of improvingc oastalw ater quality.)A s part of the processt owards implementinga nutrientm anagemenpt lan, the MississippiR iver/Gulf of Mexico Task Force commissioneda serieso f studiest hrought he White HouseC ommitteeo n Environmenta nd Natural Resources(C ENR), includinga studyo n the "Ecological andE conomicC onsequenceosf Hypoxia."T he CENR effortw as a broad-brusshy n- thesis of available publishedi nformationw ithout new data analyses.I n a parallel effort, we obtaineds upport hrought he competitiveS ea Grant Programf or a synthe- siso f the effectso fhypoxia on living resourcesin the Gulf of Mexico. The two efforts came togetheri n a workshopo n "Effects of Hypoxia on Living Resourcesin the Northern Gulf of Mexico" in March 1998 in BatonR ouge,L ouisiana.N early 70 Gulf of Mexico, U.S. and internationals cientistsm et to determine our current level of understandinogn the Gulf, draw comparisonfsr om othera reaso f the world, discuss necessarrye searchto betterd efinet he effectso f hypoxiao n Gulf resourcesa,n dp lan this book. Contributinga uthorsp rovider eviews and analysesf rom differentp erspectives, ranging from planktont o benthosa nd fish, from an organism'sp erspectiveto an ecosystemv iew, and from a scientist'sa nalyticala nd empirical experienceto that describingth e complexi nteractionos f managemenpt,o liticsa nda dministrationT.h is is a complexs ubject o covert horoughlya, nd we thankt he authorsf or their scientif- ic leadershipa ndu sefuli nsightsin this regard.C hapterb y chaptero, ur authorsid en- tify mucht o accomplishs, o as to thoroughlya ddressa ll aspectso f concerna nd to identify optionsf or future work toward our commong oal: to sustaint he natural resourceb asea nd societaln eedsw ithin a well-ventilated,i nformed,a ndt imely deci- sion-makingp rocessC. ertainlyw, e do not believet hatt he problemsw e faceh erec an be "solved" in a brief, few years. We also understandt hat they will never be addresseds atisfactorilyw ithoutt he effortso f authors,s ucha s thosew e present,w ho have written for an audienceo f informedc itizens,c olleges tudentsp, racticings cien- tists, and resourcem anagers. The March 1998 workshop was co-sponsoredb y the Louisiana Sea Grant CollegeP rogram( Grant No. NA86RG0073, R166753A&B to N. N. Rabalaisa nd R. E. Turner); the Hypoxia Working Group, Committeeo n Environmentala nd Natural ResourcesW, hite HouseO ffice of Sciencea nd TechnologyP olicy (grant to R. Diaz and A. Solow); Louisiana UniversitiesM arine Consortium;a nd Louisiana State University, CoastalE cology Institute.T he editorsg ratefullya cknowledgef undsf or completiono f the book from the LouisianaS ea Grant College Programa nd the Departmento f Energy( DE-FG02-97ER12220t o N. N. Rabalais),a nd from the San Diego Foundationfo r supporot f colorp latesa ndp hotographsW. e particularlya ppre- ciate the work of the three-to-fourr eviewersf or eachc hapterw ho providedc ritical- ly constructivea nd timely reviews. Nancy N. Rabalais R. Eugene Turner Editors Take'em down - to the riverside and thro'em over the side to be sweptu p by a current, then taken to the ocean, to be eaten by somef ishes, who were eaten by somef ishes, and swallowedb y a whale, who grew so old, he decomposed he died, and left his body to the bottomo f the ocean. Now, everybodyk nows that whena bodyd ecomposes the basic elements are given back to the ocean and the sea doesw hat it ought'ta. Harry Nilsson,t he song" Think AboutY our Troubles" from The Point Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico' Description,C ausesa nd Change Nancy N. Rabalaisa nd R. EugeneT urner Abstract Nutrient over-enrichmenti n many areas around the world is having pervasive ecologicael ffectso n coastale cosystemsT. hesee ffectsi ncluder educedd issolvedo xygen in aquatics ystemsa nd subsequenitm pactso n living resources. The largestz one of oxygen-depletedc oastalw aters in the United States,a nd the entire western Atlantic Ocean, is found in the northern Gulf of Mexico on the Louisiana/Texasc ontinentals helf influencedb y the freshwaterd ischargea ndn utrientl oad of the MississippRi iver system. Them id-summbeor ttoma reael xtenot f hypoxiwc aters(< 2 mg1 - • 02) in 1985-1992 average8d,0 00t o 9,000k m2 b uti ncreasetod u pt o 16,000to 20,000k m2 i n 1993-2000. Hypoxicw atersa re mostp revalentf rom late springt hroughl ate summer,a ndh ypoxiai s more widespreada nd persistenti n some years than in others. Hypoxic waters are distributedfr om shallowd epthsn ear shore( 4 to 5 m) to as deepa s 60 m water depthb ut more typicallyb etween5 and 30 m. Hypoxia occursm ostlyi n the lower water column but encompasseass much as the lower half to two-thirdso f the water column. The MississippiR iver systemi s the dominants ourceo f fresh water and nutrientst o the northernG ulf of Mexico. MississippiR iver nutrientc oncentrationasn d loading to the adjacecnot ntinenstahle lhf avec hangeind t hel asth alfo ft he2 0t hc enturyT.h ea verage annualn itratec oncentrationd oubled,a ndt he means ilicatec oncentratiown as reducedb y 50%. There is no doubt that the averagec oncentrationa nd flux of nitrogen (per unit volume dischargei)n creasedfr om the 1950st o 1980s,e speciallyin the spring. There is considerable videncet hat nutriente nhancedp rimaryp roductioni n the northernG ulf of Mexico is causallyr elatedt o the oxygend epletioni n the lower water column. Evidence from long-termd atas etsa ndt he sedimentarrye cordd emonstratteh ath istorici ncreasesin CoastaHl ypoxiaC: onsequencfoersL ivingR esourceasn dE cosystems Coastaal ndE stuarineS tudiesP, ages1 -36 Copyrigh2t 001 by theA mericanG eophysical 2 Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia rivefined issolvedin organicn itrogenc oncentratioann dl oadso vert he last 50 yearsa re highlyc orrelatewdi thi ndicatorosf increasepdr oductivitiyn theo verlyingw aterc olumn, i.e., eutrophicationf t he continentaslh elfw atersa, nds ubsequewnot rseninogf oxygen stressin the bottomw aters. Evidencea ssociateisn creasedc oastaol ceanp roductivitya nd worseninogx ygend epletiown ithc hangeisn landscapues ea ndn utrienmt anagemetnhta t resultedin nutriente nrichmenotf receivingw aters.T hus,n utrienftl ux to coastasl ystems has increasedo ver time due to anthropogenaicc tivitiesa nd has led to broad-scale degradationo f the marinee nvironment. Introduction There is increasingc oncerni n many areasa roundt he world that an oversupplyo f nutrientsf rom multiple sourcesis having pervasivee cologicale ffectso n shallowc oastal and estuarine areas. Marine plants provide essential habitat, and there are well- establishedp ositive relationshipsb etween dissolved inorganic nitrogen flux and phytoplanktonp rimary production( e.g., Nixon et at. [1996], Lohrenze t al. [1997]). In addition, data from 36 marine systemss how a relationshipb etweenf isheriesy ield and primary production[ Nixon, 1988]. There are thresholdsh, owever,w here the load of nutrientst o a marine systemc ausesw ater quality degradationa nd detrimentalc hangest o fisheries[ Caddy, 1993]. While a variety of changesm ay resulti n the increaseda ccumulationo f organicm atter in a marine system( = eutrophicationa, s defined by Nixon [1995]), the most common factor is an increasei n the amount of nitrogen and phosphorusm arine waters receive. With an increasein the world populationa, focusingo f that populationi n coastalr egions and agriculturale xpansioni n major river basins,e utrophicationis becominga major environmentapl roblemi n coastalw aterst hroughouth e world. Humansh ave alteredt he global cycles of nitrogena nd phosphoruso ver large regionsa nd increasedt he mobility and availability of thesen utrientst o marine ecosystems[P eierlse t al., 1991; Howarth et al., 1995, 1996; Vitousek et al., 1997; Howarth, 1998; Caraco and Cole, 1999]. These human-controlledi nputs are the result of human populationsa nd their activities, particularlyt he applicationo f nitrogen and phosphorusfe rtilizers,n itrogen fixation by leguminousc rops, and atmosphericd epositiono f oxidized nitrogen from fossil-fuel combustion. Changes in the relative proportionso f these nutrients may exacerbate eutrophicationf,a vor noxiousa lgal bloomsa nd aggravatec onditionso f oxygend epletion [Officer and Ryther, 1980; Smayda, 1990; Conley et al., 1993; Justic' et al. 1995a,b; Turner et at., 1998]. The impairmento f watersf rom nutriento ver-enrichmengt oesw ell beyonds cummy- looking water to threatening the suitability of water for human consumptiona nd impairingt he sustainedp roductiono f usefulf ormso f aquaticl ife. Excessn utrientsl ead to degradedw ater quality throughi ncreasedp hytoplanktono r filamentousa lgal growth. Increasingn utrientl oadsa re the causeo f somen oxiouso r harmfula tgatb looms( HABs), including some toxic forms. Secondarye ffects include increasedt urbidity or oxygen- depletedw aters( = hypoxia)a nd eventuallyl osso f habitatw ith consequencetos marine biodiversitya nd changesi n ecosystems tructurea nd function. Over the last two decades it has becomei ncreasinglya pparent hat the effectso f eutrophicationi,n cluding Rabalais and Turner 3 depletiona,r e not minora nd localizedb, ut havel arge-scailme plicationasn d are spreadinragp idly[R osenbe1rg9,8 5D; iaza ndR osenber1g9,9 5A; nderso1n9, 95N; ixon, 1995; Paerl, 1995, 1997]. Watewr ithl essth an2 mg1 -• dissolvoexdy geins c onsidehreydp oxicH. ypoxia occurnsa turalliyn manyp artso f thew orld'ms arinen vironmenstusc, ha s0 ordsd, eep basinso, peno ceano xygenm inimumzo nesa, ndo xygenm inimumzo nesa ssociatewdit h westerbno undaruyp wellinsgy stem[sK amykowsakni dZ entara1, 990]. Hypoxica nd anoxic(n oo xygenw) atersh avee xistetdh roughoguet ologitcim e,b utt heiro ccurrencine shallocwo astanl de stuarianree aasp peatrosb ei ncreasi[nDgi aza ndR osenbe1rg9,9 5]. The largeszto neo f oxygen-deplecteoda stawl atersin theU nitedS tatesa,n dt hee ntire western Atlantic Ocean, is in the northernG ulf of Mexico on the Louisiana/Texas continentsahl elfa t thet erminuosf theM ississipRpiiv ers ystem(P late1 ). Thes izeo f theG ulfo f Mexicoh ypoxizco nere ache2s0 ,000k m2 in mid-summ[Rera balai1s9, 99], andr ankst hirdi n areab ehinds imilarc oastahl ypoxicz oneso nt hen orthwestesrnh elfo f theB lackS eaa ndi n theB alticb asinsT. heh ypoxicz onei n then ortherGn ulfo f Mexico (averagfeo r 1993-1999i)s abouth e sizeo f the stateo f New Jerseyo r the stateso f Rhode Island and Connecticuct ombined. Its extent on the bottomi s twice the total surfacaer eao ft hew holeC hesapeaBkaey ,a ndit sv olumies s everaolr derosf magnitude greatetrh ant heh ypoxicw aterm asso f ChesapeaBkea y[ Rabalais1,9 98]. The watershedth at drainst hrought he Mississippia nd AtchafalayaR ivers to the Gulf of Mexico is also immense( Plate 1). The MississippiR iver systemr anks amongt he world's top ten rivers in length, freshwaterd ischargea nd sedimentd elivery and drains 41% of the lower forty-eightU nited States[ Milliman and Meade, 1983]. Thus, the dimensionso f the problem and the drainages ystemt hat affect it are of much greater magnitudeth anm ostn utrient-drivene utrophicatiopnr oblemse lsewhere. The linked MississippiR iver systema nd the northernG ulf of Mexico is an example of the worldwide trend of increasingr iverbornen utrientsa nd worseningc oastalw ater quality. Model simulationsr,e searchs tudiese, mpiricalr elationshipsa nd retrospective analyseso f the sedimentarrye cordh ave producedc onsiderablev idencet hat nutrient loadingf rom the MississippRi iver systemis the dominantf actori n controllingt he extent andd egreeo fhypoxiaa ndi ts worseningin the lastc entury[ Rabalaise t al., 1996, 1999]. Despite recent advancesi n identifying links between Mississippi River system dischargea nd nutrient loads and coastalh ypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico, defining the ecologicaal nde conomicc onsequenceosf hypoxiao n the living resourceso f the northern Gulf of Mexico has proven difficult. Long-termf isheriesd ata are lacking, as are data specifict o present-dayd istributiona nd abundanceo f living resources.E cosystemle vel changesh ave occurred,h owever,c onsistenwt ith changesin MississippiR iver system dischargea nd nutrientl oads. In this chapterw, e describeth e phenomenono f hypoxiai n the Gulf of Mexico, its physicala nd biologicalc ausest,h e closec ouplingo f hypoxiaw ith MississippiR iver effluents,a nd the historicalc hangesin river constituentsa nd hypoxia that parallele acho ther. Againstt his backgroundo f watershedla ndscapec hangesh, uman activities, and worseningh ypoxic conditionsi n the Gulf of Mexico, the subsequent chaptersd etailt he stateo f knowledgeo f hypoxiao n living resourceos f the northernG ulf within the broaderc ontexto f patternsa lreadyd emonstratedel sewherei n the world's coastal

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