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Coadjoint orbits for $A_{n-1}^+, B_{n}^{+}$, and $D_{n}^{+}$ PDF

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5 Coadjoint orbits for A+ ,B+, and D+ 0 n−1 n n 0 2 Shantala Mukherjee ∗ n a Dept. of Mathematics J DePaul University 0 Chicago, IL 60614 2 [email protected] ] T R . h t Abstract a m A complete description of the coadjoint orbits for A+ , the nilpo- n−1 [ tentLiealgebraofn×nstrictlyuppertriangularmatrices,hasnotyet been obtained, though there has been steady progress on it ever since 1 theorbitmethodwasdevised. We applymethods developedbyAndr´e v 2 to find defining equations for the elementary coadjoint orbits for the 3 maximalnilpotent Lie subalgebrasof the orthogonalLie algebras,and 3 wealsodetermineallthepossibledimensionsofcoadjointorbitsinthe 1 case of A+ . 0 n−1 5 0 MSC2000: 17B30,17B35 / h t 1 Introduction a m : The orbit method was created by Kirillov in an attempt to describe the v i unitary dual Nˆn for the nilpotent Lie group Nn of n×n upper triangular X matrices with 1’s on the diagonal (the unitriangular group). It turned out r a that the orbit method had much wider applications. In Kirillov’s words: ‘...all main questions of representation theory of Lie groups: construction ofirreduciblerepresentations,restriction-inductionfunctors,generalizedand infinitesimal characters, Plancherel measure, etc., admit a transparent de- scription in terms of coadjoint orbits’ ([K]). ∗This work is part of the author’s doctoral dissertation, written at the University of Wisconsin-Madison under the supervision of Prof. Georgia Benkart, and financially supported in part byNSFgrant #DMS-0245082 1 The Lie algebra of N is n , which consists of all n×n strictly upper n n triangular matrices. The group N acts on the dual space n∗ by the coad- n n joint action, which will be explained later. A complete description of the set of coadjoint orbits n∗/N ≃ Nˆ in general is still not available, though n n n progress had been made in the case of the unitriangular group over a finite field. Andr´e in [A2] defined “basic sums” of elementary coadjoint orbits and their defining equations for the unitriangular group over an arbitrary field and showed that the dual space n∗ is a disjoint union of these basic n sums of orbits. Similar results have been obtained by N.Yan, in his work on double orbits and cluster modules ([Y]) of the unitriangular group over a finite field. Using Andr´e’s results, we determine all possible dimensions of the coadjoint orbits of the unitriangular group over C. Elementary coad- joint orbits (defined later) are in some sense the “smallest” coadjoint orbits. Adapting the methods of Andr´e, we derive the defining equations for the elementary coadjoint orbits in the case that the Lie algebra is a maximal nilpotentsubalgebraofanorthogonalLiealgebraover thefieldCofcomplex numbers. The case of the symplectic Lie algebra has so far failed to yield a consistent pattern, therefore it is not discussed here. 2 The Lie algebras A+ , B+, D+ n−1 n n LetL = sl (C), theLiealgebra ofn×ncomplex matrices of trace0. LetE n ij denotethestandardmatrixunitwith1inthe(i,j) positionand0elsewhere. Thus L has a basis {E | 1≤ i 6= j ≤ n}∪{E −E | i= 1,...,n−1}. ij ii i+1,i+1 Relative to the Cartan subalgebra h spanned by the diagonal matrices E − E , i = 1,...,n −1; L decomposes into root spaces (common ii i+1,i+1 eigenspaces). Thus L = h⊕ L , ǫi−ǫj 1≤i6=j≤n M where ǫ : h → C denotes the projection onto the (i,i) entry, and i L = {x ∈ L |[h,x] = (ǫ −ǫ )(h)x ∀ h ∈ h} = CE . ǫi−ǫj i j ij The roots ǫ −ǫ are linear combinations of the simple roots ǫ − ǫ ,ǫ − i j 1 2 2 ǫ ,...,ǫ −ǫ , and the coefficients are either all nonpositive or all non- 3 n−1 n negative integers. The positive roots are given by Φ+(A )= {ǫ −ǫ | 1 ≤ i< j ≤ n}. n−1 i j 2 Thus, there are 1(n−1)n positive roots. 2 The sum L of the root spaces corresponding to the posi- α∈Φ+(An−1) α tive roots is the nilpotent Lie algebra n of strictly upper triangular matri- n L ces. Here we denote this Lie algebra by A+ . It has a basis of root vectors n−1 {e |α ∈ Φ+(A )} where e = E for α = ǫ −ǫ , 1 ≤ i < j ≤n. α n−1 α ij i j Now we establish our conventions for the root systems B and D . The n n following definitions can be found in [FH, Sec. 18.1]. Let J be the m×m m matrix with 1’s along the antidiagonal and 0’s elsewhere. The orthogonal Lie algebra so (C) is the Lie algebra of m×m matrices X satisfying the m relation XtJ +J X = 0. Thus the matrices in so (C) are antisymmetric m m m about the antidiagonal. Relative to the Cartan subalgebra h spanned by the diagonal matrices E −E , the odd orthogonal Lie algebra L = so (C) decom- ii 2n+2−i,2n+2−i 2n+1 poses into root spaces L = h⊕ L ⊕ L , ǫi±ǫj ǫi 1≤i6=j≤n 1≤i≤n M M where ǫ : h → C denotes the projection onto the (i,i) entry. The roots are i linear combinations of the simple roots ǫ −ǫ ,ǫ −ǫ ,...,ǫ −ǫ ,ǫ , with 1 2 2 3 n−1 n n coefficients that are either all nonnegative or all nonpositive integers. The positive roots are given by Φ+(B ) = {ǫ ±ǫ | 1≤ i < j ≤ n}∪{ǫ | 1 ≤ i≤ n} n i j i and |Φ+(B )| = n2. n We partition the set of positive roots into two subsets Definition 2.1. Φ+(B )= {ǫ −ǫ | 1 ≤ i< j ≤ n}∪{ǫ |i = 1,...,n} 1 n i j i Definition 2.2. Φ+(B )= {ǫ +ǫ | 1 ≤ i< j ≤ n} 2 n i j The sum of spaces L is a finite-dimensional nilpotent Lie α∈Φ+(Bn) α algebra consisting of all strictly upper triangular matrices of size 2n + 1 L which are anti-symmetric about the antidiagonal (and have zeroes on the antidiagonal). We denote this Lie algebra by B+. It has a basis of root n vectors {e |α ∈ Φ+(B )} where α n E −E , if α = ǫ −ǫ , 1 ≤ i< j ≤ n; ij 2n+2−j,2n+2−i i j e = E −E , if α = ǫ , 1≤ i ≤ n; (1) α  i,n+1 n+1,2n+2−i i E −E , if α = ǫ +ǫ , 1 ≤ i< j ≤ n. i,2n+2−j j,2n+2−i i j   3 Relative to the Cartan subalgebra h spanned by the matrices H = E − i ii E , the even orthogonal Lie algebra L = so (C) decomposes 2n+1−i,2n+1−i 2n into root spaces L = h⊕ L ǫi±ǫj 1≤i6=j≤n M where ǫ : h → C denotes the projection onto the (i,i) entry. The roots are i linearcombinationsofthesimplerootsǫ −ǫ ,ǫ −ǫ ,...,ǫ −ǫ ,ǫ +ǫ , 1 2 2 3 n−1 n n−1 n andthecoefficientsareeitherallnonnegativeorallnonpositiveintegers. The positive roots are given by Φ+(D )= {ǫ ±ǫ |1 ≤ i< j ≤ n} n i j and |Φ+(D )|= n2−n. n The elements of Φ+(D ) can be partitioned into two subsets: n Definition 2.3. Φ+(D ) ={ǫ −ǫ |1 ≤ i < j ≤ n}, 1 n i j Definition 2.4. Φ+(D ) ={ǫ +ǫ |1 ≤ i < j ≤ n} 2 n i j The sum of root spaces L is a finite-dimensional nilpotent α∈Φ+(Dn) α Lie algebra consisting of all strictly upper triangular matrices of size 2n L which are anti-symmetric about the antidiagonal (and have zeroes on the antidiagonal). We denote this Lie algebra by D+. It has a basis of root n vectors {e |α ∈ Φ+(D )} where α n E −E , if α = ǫ −ǫ , 1 ≤ i< j ≤ n; ij 2n+1−j,2n+1−i i j e = (2) α (Ei,2n+1−j −Ej,2n+1−i, if α = ǫi+ǫj, 1 ≤ i< j ≤ n. 3 Singular and Regular Roots For a positive root α in any one of the sets Φ+(A ),Φ+(B ), or Φ+(D ), n−1 n n we will define two sets: S(α), the set of α-singular roots; and R(α), the set of α-regular roots. The set S(α) is the union of all pairs of positive roots which sum up to α. For a positive root of the form ǫ − ǫ , 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, in the sets i j Φ+(A ), Φ+(B ) , and Φ+(D ), we have n−1 1 n 1 n j−1 {ǫ −ǫ ,ǫ −ǫ }, if j −i> 1 S(ǫ −ǫ )= k=i+1 i k k j i j (∅S, otherwise We see that |S(ǫ −ǫ )| = 2(j −i−1). i j 4 For a positive root of the form ǫ , 1 ≤ i≤ n, in Φ+(B ) we have i 1 n n {ǫ −ǫ ,ǫ }, if 1 ≤ i≤ n−1 S(ǫ )= k=i+1 i k k i (∅S, if i = n. Here |S(ǫ )| = 2(n−i). i For the roots ǫ +ǫ , 1 ≤ i< j ≤ n, in Φ+(B ) we have: i j 2 n j−1 n S(ǫ +ǫ ) = {ǫ −ǫ ,ǫ +ǫ }∪ {ǫ −ǫ ,ǫ +ǫ } i j i k k j i k j k k=i+1 k=j+1 [ [ (3) n ∪{ǫ ,ǫ }∪ {ǫ +ǫ ,ǫ −ǫ } i j i k j k k=j+1 [ Notice that |S(ǫ +ǫ )| = 2(2n−(i+j)). i j For the positive roots ǫ +ǫ , 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, in Φ+(D ) we have: i j 2 n j−1 n S(ǫ +ǫ ) = {ǫ −ǫ ,ǫ +ǫ }∪ {ǫ −ǫ ,ǫ +ǫ } i j i k k j i k j k k=i+1 k=j+1 [ [ (4) n ∪ {ǫ +ǫ ,ǫ −ǫ } i k j k k=j+1 [ In this case, |S(ǫ +ǫ )| = 2(2n−i−j −1). i j For α ∈ Φ+(A ),Φ+(B ), or Φ+(D ), we define R(α) to be the com- n−1 n n plement of the set S(α) in the respective set of positive roots. Clearly, α ∈ R(α). 4 Elementary Coadjoint Orbits Thedefinitionsandresultsinthissubsectionaretakenfrom[A2,Sec.1]. Let Φ+ denote one of the sets of positive roots Φ+(A ),Φ+(B ), or Φ+(D ). n−1 n n Let g denote the correspondingnilpotent Lie algebra A+ ,B+, or D+. The n−1 n n group G = exp(g) acts on the dual space g∗ by the coadjoint action (g.f)(x) = f(g−1xg), ∀g ∈ G, f ∈ g∗, x∈ g. Then, by [D, Thm. 6.2.4], there is a one-one correspondence between the G-orbits in g∗ and the primitive ideals of U(g), which are the annihilators 5 of the simple U(g)-modules, constructed as follows: For any f in the G- orbit, a simple g-module is obtained by inducing a one-dimensional module of a maximal subalgebra of g that is subordinate to f, up to a g-module ([D, Thm. 6.1.1]). The annihilator in U(g) of this module is the primitive ideal I(f) that corresponds to the G-orbit Ω of f. By [D, Thm. 4.7.9(iii)], f factoring U(g) by a primitive ideal gives a Weyl algebra A , which is the m non-commutative algebra of algebraic differential operators on a polynomial ring C[x ,...,x ]. 1 m Definition 4.1. gf = {x ∈ g | f([x,y]) = 0 ∀y ∈ g} is the radical of the form f. Then dimg/gf = dimΩ = 2m, where U(g)/I(f) = A . f m For any α ∈ Φ+, let e∗ denote the element of the dual vector space g∗ α defined as follows: for any β ∈ Φ+, 1, if α = β; e∗(e ) = α β (0, otherwise. Then{e∗ |α ∈ Φ+}is a basis of g∗. Let c∈ C benon-zero. Then,underthe α coadjoint action of the group G (= exp(g)) on g∗, the coadjoint orbit O (c) α that contains the element ce∗ is called the α-th elementary orbit associated α with c. Note that if f = ce∗, then gf = {x ∈ g | f([x,y]) = 0 ∀ y ∈ g} is α spanned by the e , β ∈ R(α), so β dim(O (c)) = dim(g/gf) = dimg−dimgf = |Φ+|−|R(α)| = |S(α)|. (5) α Let t be an arbitrary scalar in C and let β ∈ Φ+ . Then, the matrix exp(te )∈ G. So, by the definition of the coadjoint representation, we have β for any γ ∈Φ+: exp(te ).e∗(e )= e∗(exp(−te )e exp(te )) β α γ α β γ β = e∗(exp(ad(−te )(e )) α β γ (6) 1 = e∗(e −t[e ,e ]+ t2[e ,[e ,e ]]+...). α γ β γ 2 β β γ It is clear that for any simple root α ∈ Φ+ and any c∈ C, the coadjoint i orbit containing ce∗ is equal to {ce∗ }, because ce∗ ([g,g]) = 0. αi αi αi By Prop. 8.2 in [H], any coadjoint orbit is an irreducible variety in g∗, so in particular, the elementary coadjoint orbit O (c) is an irreducible variety α of dimension |S(α)|. 6 Andr´e in [A1, Lem. 2] describes the elementary orbit O (c), for any α α ∈ Φ+(A ) and any non-zero scalar c. n−1 If g ∈ G, then g.(ce∗)= c(g.e∗), so α α 1 f ∈ O (c) if and only if f ∈ O (1). α α c Thus, it is enough to determine the defining equations for O (1). Adapting α Andr´e’s proof,weobtain thedefiningequations forelementary orbits O (1), α where α ∈ Φ+(A ),Φ+(B ), or Φ+(D ): n−1 1 n 1 n Theorem 4.2. (a) Letα= ǫ −ǫ ∈Φ+(A ),Φ+(B ), orΦ+(D ), where i j n−1 1 n 1 n 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n. Let g denote the corresponding nilpotent Lie algebra A+ ,B+, or D+. Then O (1) consists of all elements f ∈ g∗ which n−1 n n α satisfy the equations 1, if β = α; f(e ) = f(e )f(e ), if β = ǫ −ǫ , i < r < s < j; (7) β  ǫi−ǫs ǫr−ǫj r s 0 otherwise, for β ∈ R(α), and f takes arbitrary values on e for β ∈ S(α). β (b) Let g denote the nilpotent Lie algebra B+. For ǫ ∈ Φ+(B ), 1 ≤ i ≤ n, n i 1 n the elementary orbit O (1) consists of all elements f ∈ g∗ that satisfy ǫi the equations 1, if β = ǫ ; i f(e )= f(e )f(e ), if β = ǫ −ǫ , i < r < s≤ n; (8) β  ǫi−ǫs ǫr r s  0 otherwise, for β ∈ R(ǫi), and f takes arbitrary values on eβ for β ∈ S(ǫi). Proof. (a) Let V be the variety in g∗ consisting of all f ∈ g∗ that satisfy the equations (7) and let f ∈ V. Then j−1 j−1 f = exp(f(e )e ) exp(−f(e )e ) .e∗ ∈ O (1), ǫi−ǫk ǫk−ǫj ǫk−ǫj ǫi−ǫk α α ! k=i+1 k=i+1 Y Y so V ⊆ O (1). To show that equality holds, let T : V → C2(j−i−1) be the α map defined by applying f to pairs in S(α) as follows: T(f)= f(e ),f(e ),...,f(e ),f(e ) ǫi−ǫi+1 ǫi+1−ǫj ǫi−ǫj−1 ǫj−1−ǫj (cid:0) (cid:1) 7 for all f ∈ V. (For example, if g = A+ and α= ǫ −ǫ , then 3 1 4 T(f)= (f(e ),f(e ),f(e ),f(e )).) ǫ1−ǫ2 ǫ2−ǫ4 ǫ1−ǫ3 ǫ3−ǫ4 Then T is an isomorphism of algebraic varieties, and since C2(j−i−1) is an irreducible variety, it follows that V is irreducible and dimV = 2(j−i−1). The coadjoint orbit O (1) is also an irreducible algebraic variety of di- α mension 2(j −i−1). We have two irreducible varieties V and O (1) of the α same dimension and V ⊆ O (1), so it follows that V = O (1). α α (b) Let V be the variety in g∗ consisting of all f ∈ g∗ that satisfy the equations (8). Let f ∈V. Then n n f = exp(f(e )e ) exp(−f(e )e ) .e∗ ∈ O (1), ǫi−ǫk ǫk ǫk ǫi−ǫk α α ! k=i+1 k=i+1 Y Y so V ⊆ O (1). To show that equality holds, let T : V → C2(n−i) be the map α defined by: T(f)= f(e ),f(e ),...,f(e ),f(e ) ǫi−ǫi+1 ǫi+1 ǫi−ǫn ǫn (cid:0) (cid:1) for all f ∈ V. (For e.g., if g = B+ and α= ǫ , then 3 1 T(f)= (f(e ),f(e ),f(e ),f(e )).) ǫ1−ǫ2 ǫ2 ǫ1−ǫ3 ǫ3 Then T is an isomorphism of algebraic varieties, and because C2(n−i) is an irreducible variety, V is irreducible and dimV =2(n−i). The coadjoint orbit O (1) is also an irreducible algebraic variety of di- α mension 2(n−i). We have two irreduciblevarieties V andO (1) of the same α dimension and V ⊆ O (1), so it follows that V = O (1). α α Next, we can describe the defining equations of the elementary orbit O (1) for the positive roots α = ǫ + ǫ , 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n in Φ+(B ) or α i j 2 n Φ+(D ). 2 n Theorem 4.3. (i) Let g = B+. For a positive root ǫ +ǫ , 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n n i j 8 in Φ+(B ), f ∈ O (1) if and only if f satisfies: 2 n ǫi+ǫj 1 if β = ǫ +ǫ ; i j f(e )f(e ) if β = ǫ −ǫ , i≤ r < s ≤ j;  ǫi−ǫs ǫr+ǫj r s f(eǫr+ǫj) −12f(eǫi)2+ nk=j+1(−1)kf(eǫi−ǫk)f(eǫi+ǫk)   (cid:16) if β =Pǫr −ǫj, i ≤ r < j; (cid:17)   f(e )f(e ) if β = ǫ ±ǫ , i< r < j < s ≤ n; f(e )=  ǫi±ǫs ǫr+ǫj r s β   f(e )f(e )−f(e )f(e )  ǫj±ǫs ǫi+ǫr ǫi±ǫs ǫj+ǫr if β = ǫ ±ǫ , j < r < s ≤ n; r s  f(e )f(e ) if β = ǫ , i< r < j;  ǫi ǫr+ǫj r  f(e )f(e )−f(e )f(e ) if β = ǫ , j < r ≤ n;  ǫj ǫi+ǫr ǫi ǫj+ǫr r  0 otherwise,     (9)   for all β ∈ R(ǫ +ǫ ), and f takes arbitrary values on e for all β ∈ i j β S(ǫ +ǫ ). i j (ii) Let g = D+. For a positive root ǫ + ǫ , 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n in Φ+(D ), n i j 2 n f ∈ O (1) if and only if f satisfies: ǫi+ǫj 1 if β = ǫ +ǫ ; i j f(e )f(e ) if β = ǫ −ǫ , i ≤r < s ≤ j;  ǫi−ǫs ǫr+ǫj r s f(eǫr+ǫj) nk=j+1(−1)kf(eǫi−ǫk)f(eǫi+ǫk)  f(e )=  (cid:16)P if β = ǫr −ǫj, i ≤ r <(cid:17)j; β   f(e )f(e ) if β = ǫ ±ǫ , i <r < j < s ≤ n;  ǫi±ǫs ǫr+ǫj r s f(e )f(e )−f(e )f(e ) ǫj±ǫs ǫi+ǫr ǫi±ǫs ǫj+ǫr   if β = ǫ ±ǫ , j < r < s ≤ n;  r s   0 otherwise,     (10)   for all β ∈ R(ǫ +ǫ ), and f takes arbitrary values on e for all β ∈ i j β S(ǫ +ǫ ). i j 9 Proof. (i) Recall that j−1 n S(ǫ +ǫ ) = {ǫ −ǫ ,ǫ +ǫ }∪ {ǫ −ǫ ,ǫ +ǫ } i j i k k j i k j k k=i+1 k=j+1 [ [ n ∪{ǫ ,ǫ }∪ {ǫ +ǫ ,ǫ −ǫ }, i j i k j k k=j+1 [ and |S(ǫ +ǫ )| = 2(2n−(i+j)) = dimO (1). The set S(ǫ +ǫ ) can be i j ǫi+ǫj i j written as the disjoint union of two subsets S and S defined as follows: (i) (j) j−1 n n S = {ǫ −ǫ }∪ {ǫ −ǫ }∪{ǫ }∪ {ǫ +ǫ } (i) i k i k i i k k=i+1 k=j+1 k=j+1 [ [ [ and j−1 n n S = {ǫ +ǫ }∪ {ǫ +ǫ }∪{ǫ }∪ {ǫ −ǫ }. (j) k j j k j j k k=i+1 k=j+1 k=j+1 [ [ [ For γ ∈ S , let γ′ be the unique element of S such that γ+γ′ = ǫ +ǫ . (i) (j) i j Let n(γ,γ′) be the integer such that [eγ,eγ′]= n(γ,γ′)eǫi+ǫj It follows from equations (1) that n(γ,γ′)= ±1. LetV bethevarietying∗ consistingofallf ∈ g∗ satisfyingequations(9). Let f ∈ V. Then f =  exp(n(γ,γ′)f(eγ)eγ′) exp(−n(γ,γ′)f(eγ′)eγ).e∗ǫi+ǫj, γ,γ′ γ,γ′ Y Y   where γ ∈S and γ′ ∈ S . (i) (j) Thus V ⊆ O (1). To show equality, let us define a map T : V → ǫi+ǫj C2(2n−(i+j)) by T(f)= f(eγ1),f(eγ1′),f(eγ2),f(eγ2′),...,f(eγ2n−(i+j)),f(eγ2′n−(i+j)) (cid:16) (cid:17) where γ ∈ S , for all k. k (i) (For example, if we have ǫ +ǫ ∈ Φ+(B ), then 1 3 2 3 T(f)= (f(e ),f(e ),f(e ),f(e )).) ǫ1−ǫ2 ǫ2+ǫ3 ǫ1 ǫ3 Then T is an isomorphism of algebraic varieties, hence V is irreducible and dimV = 2(2n−(i+j)). 10

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