GE Fanuc Automation Computer Numerical Control Products Addendum for 15" Systems Series 30i/31i/32i Common to Lathe System/Machining Center Systems User’s Manual, GFZ-63944EN/02 GFK-2411 August 2005 GFL-002 Warnings, Cautions, and Notes as Used in this Publication Warning Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages, currents, temperatures, or other conditions that could cause personal injury exist in this equipment or may be associated with its use. In situations where inattention could cause either personal injury or damage to equipment, a Warning notice is used. Caution Caution notices are used where equipment might be damaged if care is not taken. Note Notes merely call attention to information that is especially significant to understanding and operating the equipment. This document is based on information available at the time of its publication. While efforts have been made to be accurate, the information contained herein does not purport to cover all details or variations in hardware or software, nor to provide for every possible contingency in connection with installation, operation, or maintenance. Features may be described herein which are not present in all hardware and software systems. GE Fanuc Automation assumes no obligation of notice to holders of this document with respect to changes subsequently made. GE Fanuc Automation makes no representation or warranty, expressed, implied, or statutory with respect to, and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of the information contained herein. No warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose shall apply. The following are trademarks of GE Fanuc Automation, Inc. Alarm Master Genius ProLoop Series Six CIMPLICITY Helpmate PROMACRO Series Three CIMPLICITY 90–ADS Logicmaster PowerMotion VersaMax CIMSTAR Modelmaster PowerTRAC VersaPoint Field Control Motion Mate Series 90 VersaPro GEnet PACSystems Series Five VuMaster Proficy Series One Workmaster ©Copyright 2005 GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved Chapter 8 Data Input / Output (15”Display) To be used in place of Operation Section, Chapter 8 Series 30i/31i/32i User Manual (GFZ-63944EN/02), for S-30i/31i/32i systems using 15” Display. Chapter 8 in GFZ-63944EN/02 should be used for S-30i/31i/32i systems using 10.4” display. This page intentionally blank. OPERATION 8.DATAINPUT/OUTPUT(15inch) 8 DATA INPUT/OUTPUT By using the memory card interface on the left side of the display, information written in a memory card is read into the CNC and informationiswrittenfromtheCNCtoamemorycard. Thefollowingtypesofdatacanbeinputandoutput: 1. Program 2. Parameter 3. Offsetdata 4. Pitcherrorcompensationdata 5. Three-dimensionalerrorcompensationdata 6. Custommacrocommonvariable 7. Workpiececoordinatesystemdata 8. Operationhistorydata 9. Toolmanagementdata The above data can be input and output on the screens used for displayingandsettingthedataandontheALLIOscreen. -1- 8.DATAINPUT/OUTPUT(15inch) OPERATION 8.1 INPUT/OUTPUT ON EACH SCREEN Various types of data including programs, parameters, offset data, pitch error compensation data, three-dimensional error compensation data, custom macro common variables, workpiece coordinate system data, operation history data, and tool management data can be input andoutputusingoperationscreens. -2- OPERATION 8.DATAINPUT/OUTPUT(15inch) 8.1.1 Inputting and Outputting a Program Inputting a program The following explains how to input a program from a memory card to the memory of the CNC by using the program editing screen or programdirectoryscreen. Inputting a program Procedure 1 Makesuretheinputdeviceisreadyforreading. 2 Pressthefunctionkey PROG . 3 Press the vertical soft key [PROGRM] or [FOLDER], and then, programscreenorprogramfolderappears. 4 Press the EDIT switch on the machine operator(cid:182)s panel or enter stateemergencystop. 5 Pressthehorizontalsoft key + (continuous menukey)untilthe horizontalsoft key[READ]appears,thenpressthehorizontalsoft key[READ]. 6 Type the name of the file that you want to input, and press the horizontalsoftkey[FSET]. Also,typethenameoftheprogram thatyouwanttoinput,andpressthehorizontalsoftkey[PSET]. If the input file name is omitted, default input file name (cid:179)ALL-PROG.TXT(cid:180)isassumed. Seethefollowingtableincase,[FSET]and[PSET]isomitted. 7 Pressthehorizontalsoftkey[EXEC]. This startsreadingtheprogram, and(cid:179)INPUT(cid:180)blinks inthelower right part of the screen. When the read operation ends, the (cid:179)INPUT(cid:180)indicationdisappears. Tocanceltheinput,pressthehorizontalsoftkey[CAN]. [FSET] [PSET] Inputfilename Inputprogram Inputprogramname All programs in an File name when a save (cid:177) (cid:177) ALL-PROG.TXT ALL-PROG.TXT operationisperformed Initial program in an Program name set for the (cid:177) (cid:1636) ALL-PROG.TXT ALL-PROG.TXT softkey[PSET] File name set for the soft All programs in a file set File name when a save (cid:1636) (cid:177) key[FSET] forthesoftkey[FSET] operationisperformed File name set for the soft Initialprograminafileset Program name set for the (cid:1636) (cid:1636) key[FSET] forthesoftkey[FSET] softkey[PSET] (cid:1636) :INPUT (cid:177) :BLANK -3- 8.DATAINPUT/OUTPUT(15inch) OPERATION Outputting a program A program stored in the memory of the CNC unit is output to a memorycard. Outputting a program Procedure 1 Makesuretheoutputdeviceisreadyforoutput. 2 Pressthefunctionkey PROG . 3 Press the vertical soft key [PROGRM] or [FOLDER], and then, programscreenorprogramfolderappears. 4 Press the EDIT switch on the machine operator(cid:182)s panel or enter stateemergencystop. 5 Pressthehorizontalsoftkey + (continuous menu key)untilthe horizontal soft key [PUNCH] appears, then press the horizontal softkey[PUNCH]. 6 Typethe name of theprogramthat you want to output, and press the horizontal soft key [P SET]. Also, typethe name of thefile thatyouwanttooutput,andpressthehorizontalsoftkey[FSET]. If you type (cid:179)O-9999(cid:180) or nothing, all NC programs in foreground folderareoutputto(cid:179)ALL-PROG.TXT(cid:180). Seethefollowingtableincase,[FSET]and[PSET]isomitted. (For details of foreground folder and changing the foreground folder,refertoII-12.1.3andIII-11.6) 7 Pressthehorizontalsoftkey[EXEC]. This starts outputting the program, and (cid:179)OUTPUT(cid:180) blinks in the lowerrightpartofthescreen. Whenthereadoperationends,the (cid:179)OUTPUT(cid:180)indicationdisappears. Tocanceltheoutput,pressthehorizontalsoftkey[CAN]. [FSET] [PSET] Outputfilename Outputprogram All NC programs displayed on (cid:177) (cid:177)or(O-9999) ALL-PROG.TXT programfolderofforeground Program name set for the soft key Aprogramstored inCNC memory (cid:177) (cid:1636) [PSET] setforthesoftkey[PSET] Filenamesetforthesoftkey All NC programs displayed on (cid:1636) (cid:177)or(O-9999) [FSET] programfolderofforeground Filenamesetforthesoftkey Aprogramstored inCNC memory (cid:1636) (cid:1636) [FSET] setforthesoftkey[PSET] (cid:1636) :INPUT (cid:177) :BLANK -4- OPERATION 8.DATAINPUT/OUTPUT(15inch) 8.1.2 Inputting and Outputting Parameters Inputting parameters ParameterisloadedintothememoryoftheCNCfromamemorycard. Theinputformatisthesameastheoutputformat. Whenaparameter is loaded which has the same data number as a parameter already registered in the memory, the loaded parameter replaces the existing parameter. Inputting parameters Procedure 1 Makesuretheinputdeviceisreadyforreading. 2 Pressthefunctionkey OFFSET . SETTING 3 Press the vertical soft key [NEXT PAGE] until the vertical soft key [SETTING] appears, then press the vertical soft key [SETTING]. 4 Press the MDI switch on the machine operator(cid:182)s panel or enter stateemergencystop. 5 Enter 1inresponsetotheprompt for (cid:179)PARAMETERWRITE(cid:180)in settingdata. AlarmSW0100appears. 6 Pressthefunctionkey SYSTEM . 7 Press the vertical soft key [NEXT PAGE] until the vertical soft key [PARAMETER] appears, then press the vertical soft key [PARAMETER]. 8 Press the EDIT switch on the machine operator(cid:182)s panel or enter stateemergencystop. 9 Pressthehorizontalsoftkey[READ]. 10 Typethenameofthefilethatyouwanttoinput. If the input file name is omitted, default input file name (cid:179)CNC-PARA.TXT(cid:180)isassumed. 11 Pressthehorizontalsoftkey[EXEC]. This starts reading the parameter, and (cid:179)INPUT(cid:180) blinks in the lowerrightpartofthescreen. Whenthereadoperationends,the (cid:179)INPUT(cid:180)indicationdisappears. Tocanceltheinput,pressthehorizontalsoftkey[CAN]. 12 Pressthefunctionkey OFFSET . SETTING 13 Press the vertical soft key [NEXT PAGE] until the vertical soft key [SETTING] appears, then press the vertical soft key [SETTING]. 14 Press the MDI switch on the machine operator(cid:182)s panel or enter stateemergencystop. 15 Enter 0inresponsetotheprompt for (cid:179)PARAMETERWRITE(cid:180)in settingdata. 16 TurnthepowertotheCNCbackon. -5- 8.DATAINPUT/OUTPUT(15inch) OPERATION Outputting parameters Allparametersareoutputintheoutputformatfromthememoryofthe CNCtoamemorycard. Outputting parameters Procedure 1 Makesuretheoutputdeviceisreadyforoutput. 2 Pressthefunctionkey SYSTEM . 3 Press the vertical soft key [NEXT PAGE] until the vertical soft key [PARAMETER] appears, then press the vertical soft key [PARAMETER]. 4 Press the EDIT switch on the machine operator(cid:182)s panel or enter stateemergencystop. 5 Pressthehorizontalsoftkey[PUNCH]. 6 Typethefilenamethatyouwanttooutput. If the file name is omitted, default file name (cid:179)CNC-PARA.TXT(cid:180) isassumed. 7 Pressthehorizontalsoftkey[EXEC]. Thisstartsoutputtingtheparameter,and(cid:179)OUTPUT(cid:180)blinks inthe lowerrightpartofthescreen. Whenthereadoperationends,the (cid:179)OUTPUT(cid:180)indicationdisappears. Tocanceltheoutput,pressthehorizontalsoftkey[CAN]. Explanation - Suppressing output of parameters set to 0 When bit 1 (PRM) of parameter No. 0010 is set to 1, and [EXEC] is pressed,thefollowingparametersarenotoutput: Otherthanaxistype Axistype Parameterforwhichallbitsare Parameterforanaxisforwhich Bittype setto0. allbitsaresetto0. Parameterforanaxisforwhich Valuetype Parameterwhosevalueis0. thevalueis0. -6-