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CMOS compatible dense arrays of Ge quantum dots on the Si(001) surface: Hut cluster nucleation, atomic structure, and array life cycle during UHV MBE growth PDF

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Preview CMOS compatible dense arrays of Ge quantum dots on the Si(001) surface: Hut cluster nucleation, atomic structure, and array life cycle during UHV MBE growth

Nanoscale Research Letters manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) CMOS compatible dense arrays of Ge quantum dots on the Si(001) surface Hut cluster nucleation, atomic structure, and array life cycle during UHV MBE growth 1 1 L. V. Arapkina · V. A. Yuryev 0 2 n a J Received: date/Accepted: date 4 1 Abstract WereportadirectobservationofGehutnu- 1 Introduction ] cleationonSi(001)duringUHVMBEat360◦C.Nuclei i c of pyramids and wedges were observed on the wetting Development of CMOS compatible processes of forma- s - layer (M ×N) patches starting from the coverage of tion of germanium quantum dot (QD) dense arrays on rl >5.1˚A andfound to have differentstructures.Atomic the(001)siliconsurfaceaswellasmultilayerGe/Siepi- mt models of nuclei of both hut species have been built as taxial heterostructures on their basis is a challenging well as models of the growing clusters. The growth of task of great practical significance [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, . at huts of each species has been demonstrated to follow 10,11,12,13,14]. An important direction of applied re- m generic scenarios. The formation of the second atomic searches in this area is the development of highly ef- - layer of a wedge results in rearrangement of its first ficient monolithic far and mid infrared detector arrays d layer.Itsridgestructuredoesnotrepeatthenucleus.A which could be produced by a standard CMOS tech- n pyramid grows without phase transitions. A structure nology[9,10,11,12,13,14].Suchdetectorshaveto com- o c ofitsvertexcopiesthenucleus.Transitionsbetweenhut bine high perfection (uniformity, sensitivity, operating [ species turned out to be impossible. The wedges con- life, etc.) with high yield and low production price. 2 tainpointdefectsintheuppercornersofthetriangular A requirement of CMOS compatibility of technologi- v faces and have preferential growth directions along the cal processes imposes a hard constraint on conditions 1 ridges.The derivedstructure of the {105}facet follows of all phases of the QD array manufacturing starting 3 the paired dimer (PD) model. Further growth of hut from the stage of preparation of a clean Si surface for 8 3 arrays results in domination of wedges, the density of Ge/Siheterostructuredeposition:ontheonehand,for- . pyramidsexponentiallydrops.Thesecondgenerationof mation of a photosensitive layer must be one of the 9 0 huts arises at coverages > 10 ˚A; new huts occupy the latest operations of the whole device production cy- 0 whole wetting layer at coverages ∼ 14 ˚A. Nanocrys- cle because otherwise the structure with QDs would 1 tallineGe2Dlayerbeginsformingatcoverages>14˚A. be destroyed by further high temperature annealings; : v from the other hand, high temperature processes dur- i Keywords Quantum dot arrays · Ge hut clusters · ing Ge/Si heterostructure formation on the late phase X Nucleation · Atomic structure · Molecular beam of the detector chip production would certainly wreck r a epitaxy · Scanning tunnelling microscopy the readout circuit formed on the crystal. Therefore, lowering of the array formation temperature down to the values of .450◦C1 is strongly required [1,11], and LarisaV.Arapkina A. M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS, 38 Vavilov theGeQDarraysmeetingthisrequirementarereferred Street,Moscow,119991, Russia to as CMOS compatible ones. Tel.:+7-499-5038318 In addition to the requirement of the low tempera- E-mail:[email protected] ture of a Ge QD array formation, both high density of VladimirA.Yuryev the germanium nanoclusters (> 1011 cm−2) and high Tel.:+7-499-5038144 Fax:+7-499-1350356 1 As well as decreasing of the wafer annealing temperatures E-mail:[email protected] andtimesduringthecleanSi(001)surfacepreparation. 2 uniformity of the cluster shapes and sizes (dispersion observed the moment of appearance the first genera- < 10%) in the arrays are necessary for employment of tion of the nuclei. We have investigated with high spa- suchstructuresinCMOSIRdetectors[12].The molec- tial resolution the peculiarities of each species of huts ularbeamepitaxy(MBE)isknowntobethemaintech- and their growth and derived their atomic structures nique of formationofGe/Siheterostructureswith QDs [23,24]. We have concluded that the wedge-like huts [2,15].Ahighdensityofthe self-assembledhutclusters form due to a phase transition reconstructing the first can be obtained in the MBE process of the Ge/Si(001) atomic step of the growing cluster when dimer pairs structureformationwhendepositinggermaniumonthe of its second atomic layer stack up; the pyramids grow Si(001)substrateheatedtoatemperatureT .550◦C. without such phase transitions. In addition, we have gr In this case the lower is the temperature of the sili- come to conclusion that wedges contain vacancy-type con substrate during the Ge deposition the higher is defects on the penultimate terraces of their triangular the density of the clusters at the permanent quantity facets [23] which may decrease the energy of addition of the deposited Ge [16,17]. For example, the density of new atoms to these facets and stimulate the quicker of the Ge clusters in the array was 6×1011 cm−2 at growthonthemthanonthetrapezoidalonesandrapid ◦ T =360 Candtheeffectivethicknessofthedeposited elongation of wedges. We have shown also comparing gr germaniumlayer2h =8˚A;theclusterdensityofonly thestructuresandgrowthofpyramidsandwedgesthat Ge ∼2×1011cm−2 was obtained at T =530◦C and the shape transitions between them are very unlikely [23, gr same value of h [18]. 24]. Finally, we have explored the array evolution dur- Ge There is another approach to obtaining dense clus- ing MBE right up to the end of its life when most of ter arrays. The authors of Refs. [4,19,20,21] reached clusterscoalesceandstartformingananocrystalline2D the cluster density of ∼9×1011cm−2 using the pulsed layer. irradiation of the substrate by a low-energy Ge+ ion Below, we present these results in detail. beam during the MBE growth of the Ge/Si(001) het- ◦ erostructures at T as high as 570 C. gr 2 Methods, equipment and conditions of Obtaining of the arrays of the densely packed Ge experiments QDs on the Si(001) surface is an important task but the problem of formation of uniform arrays of the Ge The experiments were made using an integrated ultra- clusters is much more challenging one. The process of high vacuum instrument [18] built on the basis of the Ge/Si(001) heterostructure formation with the Ge QD Riber surface science center with the EVA 32 molecu- densearraysandpredeterminedelectrophysicalandpho- larbeam epitaxy chamber connected to the STM GPI- toelectric parameters cannot be developed until both 300 ultrahigh vacuum scanning tunnelling microscope of these tasks are solved. The uniformity of the clus- [25,26,27]. This equipment allows us to carry out the ter sizes and shapes in the arrays determines not only STM study of samples at any phase of a substrate sur- the widths of the energy spectra of the charge carrier face preparation and MBE growth. The samples can bound states in the QD arrays [4] but in a number of be transferredinto the STM chamber for the examina- cases the optical and electrical properties of both the tion and moved back into the MBE vessel for further arrays themselves and the device structures produced processingas many times as requirednever leaving the ontheirbasis[22].Tofindanapproachtothe improve- UHVambientandpreservingtherequiredcleannessfor ment of the Ge QD array uniformity on the Si(001) STM investigations with atomic resolution and MBE surface it is necessary to carry out a detailed morpho- growth. logical investigation of them. Initial substrates were 8×8 mm2 squares cut from This article presents the results of our recent inves- the specially treated commercial B-doped CZ Si(100) tigations of several important issues of the Ge dense wafers(p-type,ρ =12Ωcm).Afterwashingandchemi- arrayformationandgrowth.Wehavestudiedthearray caltreatmentfollowingthestandardproceduredescribed nucleationphase(the transitionfrom2Dgrowthof the elsewhere [28,29] (which included washing in ethanol, wetting layer (WL) to 3D formation of the QD array etching in the mixture of HNO and HF and rinsing in 3 when the nuclei of both species of huts—pyramids and thedeionizedwater),thesiliconsubstratesweremounted wedges [18]—begin to arise on the (M × N) patches onthemolybdenumSTMholdersandinflexiblyclamped of WL). We have identified by STM the nuclei of both with the tantalum fasteners. The STM holders were species, determined their atomic structure [18,23] and placed in the holders for MBE made of molybdenum withtantaluminserts.Thenthesubstrateswereloaded 2 I.e. the Ge coverage or, in other words, the thickness of the intotheairlockandtransferredintothepreliminaryan- Ge film measured by the graduated in advance film thickness monitorwiththequartzsensorinstalledintheMBEchamber. nealing chamber where outgassed at the temperature 3 of around 565◦C and the pressure of about 5×10−9 Torrfor about24hours.After thatthe substrateswere movedforfinaltreatmentinto the MBE chamberevac- uateddowntoabout10−11Torr.Thereweretwostages of annealing in the process of substrate heating in the ◦ MBE chamber— at ∼ 600 C for ∼ 5 minutes and at ◦ ∼ 800 C for ∼ 3 minutes [18]. The final annealing at ◦ thetemperaturegreaterthan900 Cwascarriedoutfor nearly 2.5 minutes with the maximum temperature of ◦ about 925 C (∼ 1.5 minutes). Then the temperature ◦ was rapidly lowered to about 750 C. The rate of the ◦ further cooling was around 0.4 C/s that corresponded to the “quenching” mode applied in [29]. The pressure inthe MBEchambergrewtonearly2×10−9 Torrdur- ingthedeoxidizationprocess.Thesurfacesofthesilicon substrateswere completely purifiedof the oxide film as (a) a result of this treatment; more data on the morphol- ogyofthepreparedSi(001)cleansurfacescanbefound in Refs. [28,29,30]. GewasdepositeddirectlyonthedeoxidizedSi(001) surface from the source with the electron beam evap- oration3. The Ge deposition rate was about 0.15 ˚A/s; the effective Ge film thicknessh wasvariedfrom4 ˚A Ge to 15 ˚A for different samples. The deposition rate and h were measuredby the XTC film thickness monitor Ge with the graduated in advance quartz sensor installed in the MBE chamber. The substrate temperature T gr ◦ was 360 C during Ge deposition; the pressure in the MBE chamber did not exceed 10−9 Torr. The rate of the sample cooling down to the room temperature was ◦ approximately 0.4 C/s after the deposition. The samples were heated by Ta radiators from the (b) rearsideinbothpreliminaryannealingandMBEcham- Fig. 1 STM image of Ge wetting layer on Si(001): (a) before bers. The temperature was monitored with chromel- cluster nucleation, hGe = 4.4 ˚A (Us = −1.86 V, It = 100 pA); alumelandtungsten-rheniumthermocouplesinthepre- (b)arisingnucleiofpyramidal(1)andwedgelike(2)huts,hGe= liminary annealing and MBE chambers, respectively. 5.1˚A(Us=+1.73V,It=150pA). The thermocouples were mounted in vacuum near the rear side of the samples and in situ graduated before- sample was positively or negatively biased (U ) when s handagainsttheIMPACIS12-Sipyrometerwhichmea- scanned in empty or filled states imaging mode. sured the sample temperature through chamber win- Original firmware [25,26,27] was used for data ac- dows. The atmosphere composition in the MBE cam- quisition; the STM images were processed afterwords berwasmonitoredusingtheSRSRGA-200residualgas using the WSxM software [32]. analyzer before and during the process. After Ge depositionandcooling,the preparedsam- ples were moved for analysis into the STM chamber in whichthepressuredidnotexceed10−10Torr.TheSTM tipwasexsitumadeofthetungstenwireandcleanedby 3 Experimental data and structural models ion bombardment [31] in a special UHV chamber con- nected to the STM one. The images were obtained in 3.1 Array and hut cluster nucleation the constant tunneling current (I ) mode at the room t temperature. The STM tip was zero-biased while the Investigating an evolution of the hut arrays we have arrived at a conclusion that a moment of an array nu- 3 TheSisourcewasswitchedoffduringtheexperiments. cleation during MBE precedes a moment of formation 4 (a) (a) (b) (c) Fig. 3 ModelsofnucleiofGehutclusterscorrespondingtothe images given in Fig. 2(b): (a) a pyramid, (b) a wedge [1 is the wetting layer in the plots (a) and (b)]; (c) the models superim- posedontheimagegiveninFig.2(b),thenumberingisthesame asinFig.2(b). (b) Fig.2 STMimageofGewettinglayeronSi(001):(a)c(4×2)(c) process of Ge deposition to pyramidal and wedge-like and p(2×2) (p) reconstructions within the (M ×N) patches, hutclusters.HavingassumedthatnucleiemergeonWL hGe = 6,0 ˚A, Us = +1.80 V, It = 80 pA; (b) new formations arise on the (M ×N) patches due to nucleation of Ge pyramid as combinations of dimer pairs and/or longer chains of (1)andwedge(2),hGe=6,0˚A,Us=+2.60V,It=80pA. dimers in epitaxial configuration [33] and correspond to the known structure of apexes specific for each hut species[18,24]wehaveinvestigatedWLpatches,1mono- of the first hut on the WL.4 It is not a paradox. Hut layer(ML)highformationsonthemandclustersofdif- clusterarraysnucleatewhenthefirsthutnucleiariseon ferent heights (number of steps) over WL. As a result, the (M ×N) patch of the wetting layer. This process we succeeded to select two types of formations differ- is illustrated by Fig. 1. An image (a) demonstrates a entinsymmetryandsatisfyingtheaboverequirements, typical STM micrograph of the WL with the (M ×N) whichfirstappearatacoverageof∼5˚Aandthenarise patched structure (h = 4.4 ˚A). This image does not Ge on WL during the array growth. We have interpreted demonstrate any feature which might be interpreted them as hut nuclei, despite their sizes are much less as a hut nucleus [23]. Such features first arise at the than those predicted by the first principle calculations coverages ∼ 5˚A: they are clearly seen in the image [34], and traced their evolution to huts. (b), which demonstrates a moment of the array birth The nuclei formation is illustrated by Fig. 2. The (h = 5.1 ˚A), and numbered by ‘1’ for the pyramid Ge surface structure of the (M ×N) patches is shown in nucleus and ‘2’ for the wedge one (several analogous the micrograph(a).The letter ‘c’ indicatesthe c(4×2) formationscanbeeasilyfoundbythereadersondiffer- reconstructedpatch,‘p’showsapatchwiththep(2×2) ent patches). However, no hut clusters are seen in this reconstruction[35,36].Bothreconstructionsarealways picture. detectedsimultaneouslythatmeanstheyareveryclose Our interpretation is based on the results reported (ordegenerate)byenergy.Theimage(b)showstwoad- inRef.[23]whichevidencedthattherearetwodifferent jacentpatchesreconstructedbythebornnuclei:‘1’and types of nuclei on Ge wetting layer which evolve in the ‘2’ denote the pyramid (a formation resembling a blos- som) and wedge nuclei respectively [23]. Their struc- 4 Or,inotherwords,itforerunsamomentofformationofthe tural models derived from many STM images [18,24, first{105} faceted cluster withthe height-to-width ratioof1:10 onWL. 23] are presented in Fig. 3(a, b) and superimposed on 5 The hut nucleation goes on during the array fur- ther evolution. Fig. 4 illustrates this process. An array shown in Fig. 4(a) (h =5.4 ˚A) consists of 1-ML nu- Ge clei(‘1’and‘2’),2-MLand3-MLpyramidsandwedges (‘3’ and ‘5’, ‘4’ and ‘6’ mark pyramids and wedges re- spectively).5 Fig. 4(b) (h =6.0 ˚A) demonstrates the Ge simultaneous presence of nuclei (‘1’ and ‘2’) and 2-ML huts(‘3’and‘4’)withthegrowingmuchhigherclusters. Hut cluster nucleationonthe WL surfacecontinues until the final phase of the array life. This peculiarity distinguishes low-temperature growth mode from the high-temperature one [18]. 3.2 Structural models (a) It is commonly adopted that the hut clusters grow by successivefillingthe(001)terracesofthe{105}facesby the dimer rows [37]. However, formation of the sets of stepsandterracesrequiresthehutbasesidestobepar- alleltothe<100>directions.Thepyramidnucleussat- isfiesthisrequirement,itssidesalinewith<100>.Thus the pyramids grow without phase transition when the second and subsequent layers are added (Fig. 5). Only ◦ nucleus-like structures of their apexes are rotated 90 with respect to the rows on previous terraces to form thecorrectepitaxialconfigurationwhentheheightsare increasedby1ML,butthisrotationdoesnotviolatethe symmetry of the previous layers of the cluster. Adifferentscenarioofgrowthofthewedge-likeclus- ters have been observed.Two base sides the wedge nu- (b) cleus does not aline with <100>(Fig. 3(b)). The ridge Fig. 4 STM image of Ge wetting layer on Si(001): (a) hGe = structureofawedgeisdifferentfromthenucleusstruc- 5.4˚A (Us =+1.80 V,It =100 pA)and (b) hGe =6.0˚A (Us = ture presented in Fig. 3(b) [18,23,24]. It was shown in +2.50 V, It = 80 pA). Examples of characteristic features are Ref. [23] that the structure of the wedge-like cluster numbered as follows: nuclei of pyramids (1) and wedges (2) [1 ML high over WL], small pyramids (3) and wedges (2) [2 ML arise due to rearrangement of rows of the first layer highover WL, a Γ-likewedge [18]is observed inthe image(a)], intheprocessofthesecondlayerformation(Fig.6(a)). 3MLhighpyramids(5)andwedges (6). Thephasetransitioninthefirstlayergeneratesthebase with all sides directed along the <100> axes which is necessarytogiverisetothe{105}facetedcluster.After the transition, the elongation of the elementary struc- the images of the nuclei in Fig. 3(c). Note that both ture is possible only along a single axis which is deter- types of nuclei arise at the same moment of the MBE minedbythesymmetry(alongthearrowsinFig.6(a)). growth. It means that they are degenerate by the for- A formed 2-ML wedge is plotted in Fig. 6(b). A struc- mation energy. An issue why two different structures, ture of the 6-ML wedge appeared as a result of further rather than one, arise to relief the WL strain remains in-heightgrowthis showninFig.6(c). Theridgestruc- open, however. turesofthe 2-MLand6-MLwedgesisseentocoincide, Itisnecessarytoremarkherethatthenucleiareal- which is not the case for different cluster heights. A waysobservedtoariseonsufficientlylargeWLpatches. complete set of the wedge ridges for different cluster There must be enough room for a nucleus on a single heights can be obtained by filling the terraces by epi- patch. A nucleus cannot be housed on more than one oriented pairs of dimers. patch.So,clusternucleationisimpossibleonlittle (too narrow or short) patches (Fig. 2(b)). 5 Hereinafter,theclusterheighsarecountedfromtheWLtop. 6 (a) (a) (b) (b) Fig. 5 TopviewsofthepyramidalQDsconsistingof(a)2and (c) (b) 6 monoatomic steps and (001) terraces on the wetting layer (1,2and3designatewettinglayer,thefirstandthesecondlayers Fig. 6 Growth of a wedge-like cluster: (a) reconstruction of oftheclustersrespectively). thefirstlayerofaformingwedgeduringadditionofepi-oriented dimer pairs of the second (001) terrace; plots of atomic struc- tures of aGewedge-shaped hut clusters composed by (b) 2and It should be noted also that according to the pro- (c) 6 monoatomic steps and (001) terraces on the wetting layer (thenumberingisthesameasinFig.5;dmarksadefectarisen posedmodelthewedge-likeclustersalwayscontainpoint because ofone translationuncertainty ofthe leftdimerpair po- defectsonthe triangular(short)facets.Thedefects are sition). locatedintheuppercornersofthefacetsandcausedby uncertainty of one translation in the position a dimer pair which forms the penultimate terrace of the trian- from our model, the trapezoidal and triangular facets gular facet (Fig. 6). The predicted presence of these of the wedge are not degenerate with respect to one defects removesthe degeneracyof the facets and hence another even at very beginning of cluster growth. The an issue of the pyramid symmetry violation which oc- wedgescaneasilyelongatebygrowingonthetriangular cursifthepyramid-to-wedgetransitionisassumed(this facets faster than on trapezoidal ones. Pyramids, hav- issue was discussed in detail in Ref. [18]). In addition, ingdegeneratefacets,cannotelongateandgrowonlyin thevacancy-typedefectsmaydecreasetheenergyofad- heightoutrunningwedges.Thisexplainsgreaterheights ditionofnew atomsto the triangularfacets andstimu- of pyramids [18]. latethequickergrowthonthemthanonthetrapezoidal ones and rapid elongation of wedges. These defects are Analyzing the deduced structural models of pyra- absent on the facets of the pyramidal huts. Their tri- mids and wedges,as well as their behaviour during the angular facets are degenerate. Therefore, as it follows array nucleation and growth, we have come to conclu- 7 sion that shape transitions between the clusters of dif- ferent species are prohibited [18,23,24]. 3.3 Facets The presentedmodels allowedus to deduce a structure of the {105} facets (Fig. 7(a)). This model resulting from the above simple crystallographic consideration correspondstothe paireddimers(PD)[38]ratherthan morerecentrebondedstep(RS) model[39,40]whichis nowbelievedto improvethe previousPDmodelbyMo et al. (a) A direct STM exploration of the {105} facets con- firms the derived model. Being superposed with the empty state STM image of the cluster {105} facet it demonstrates an excellent agreement with the experi- ment(Fig.7(b)).AtypicalSTMimageoftheQDfacet is presented in Fig. 8. Characteristic distances on the facets are as follows: ∼10.5 ˚A in the <100> directions (along the corresponding side of the base) and ∼14 ˚A in the normal (<051>) directions. The facets are com- posedbystructuralunits whichareoutlinedbyellipses in Fig. 8(a) and can be arranged along either [110] or [110] directionon the (001)plane. We haveinterpreted (b) them as pairs of dimers. Their positional relationship is obviously seen in the 3D micrograph presented in Fig. 7 (a) A structural model of the {105} facet of hut clus- ters derived from the plots given in Figs. 5 and 6 corresponds Fig. 8(b). to the PD (pairs of dimers) model [38], SA and SB are com- Danglingbondsofthederived{105}-PDfacets,due monlyadopteddesignationsofthemonoatomicsteps[41],atoms to high chemical activity, may stimulate Ge atom ad- situated on higher terraces are shown by larger circles. (b) ditionandclustergrowth.Thuslessstabilityandhigher The schematic of the facet superimposed on its STM image activity of the {105}-PD facets compared to the (4.3×4.4 nm, Us = +3.0 V, It = 100 pA), the [100] direction isparalleltothecorrespondingbaseside,thestepsrisefromthe Ge(105)/Si(105)-RSplane, which is usually adopted in lowerrighttotheupperleftcorner. the literature for simulation of hut {105} facets, may cause fast completion of hut terraces during epitaxy density exponentially drops as the value of h grows and be responsible (or even be necessary) for hut for- Ge (D ≈ 5×1011exp{−2.0×107h }, h is measured mation and growth. p Ge Ge in centimeters). The maximum value of D ≈ 1.8 × p 1011 cm−2 obtained from extrapolation to h = 5 ˚A Ge 3.4 Cluster density and fractions coincides with the estimated initial value of Dw. The graphs of cluster fractions in the arrays ver- Fig.9(a)plotsthe dependenceofthe clusterdensityon sus h are presented in Fig. 9(b). Portions of pyra- Ge h for different clusters in the arrays. It is seen that mids and wedges initially very close (∼ 50% at h ∼ Ge Ge the density of wedges rises starting from D ≈ 1,8× 5 ˚A) rapidly become different as h rises. The con- w Ge 1011 cm−2 at the beginning of the three-dimensional tentofpyramidsmonotonicallyfalls.Thefractionofthe growth of Ge (the estimate is obtained by data ex- wedge-like clusters is approximately 57% at the early trapolation to h = 5 ˚A) and reaches the maximum stage of the array growth (h = 6 ˚A) and becomes Ge Ge of ∼ 5 × 1011 cm−2 at h ∼ 8 ˚A, the total den- 82% at h =8 ˚A. At further growth of the array, the Ge Ge sity of clusters at this point D ∼ 6 × 1011 cm−2 contentofthewedgesreachesthesaturationatthelevel Σ is also maximum. Then both D and D slowly go of approximately 88% at h =10 ˚A. w Σ Ge down until the two-dimensional growth of Ge starts at The inference may be made from this observation h ∼ 14 ˚A and D ≈ D ∼ 2×1011 cm−2 (the con- that contraryto the intuitively expected from the con- Ge Σ w tribution of pyramids D to D becomes negligible— sideration of symmetry, the wedge-like shape of the p Σ ∼ 3×1010 cm−2—at this value of h ). The pyramid clusters is energetically more advantageous than the Ge 8 (a) (b) (a) (b) Fig. 8 (a) 2D and (b) 3D STM images of the same area on Ge hut cluster facet (hGe = 10 ˚A, Tgr = 360◦C, Us = +2.1 V, It = 80 pA). The sides of the cluster base lie along the [100] direction; structural units revealed on the free surfaces of the (001)terracesandinterpretedaspaireddimersaremarkedout. 100 1 (c) (d) -2m) Fig. 10 STM 2D and 3D micrographs of Ge hut cluster dense 10Density (10c 10 Fraction a[8(r0ar)apy5As0;.a6(tb×d)i4ffU9es.r9e=nntm+c,o2wv.0erisaVgt,ehsIet(wT=gertt1=i0n0g36pla0Ay◦]eC;r),(:cU)(s,a()=d,()b+h)2Gh.e0Ge=V=,1I08t =˚A˚A [(c),(d)Us=+2.1V,It=100pA]. 1 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 hGe (Å) (a) hGe (Å) (b) Fig.9 (a)Densityand(b)fractionoftheGeclustersinthear- raysformedatTgr =360◦C((cid:3)marksthepyramids,(cid:4)designates thewedges, #isthetotaldensity). pyramidalone,andthemoreadvantageousthemoreGe (a) (b) atoms(andthemorethenumberofterraces)constitute thecluster.Theprobabilityofnucleationappearstobe close to 1/2 for both wedges-like and pyramidal clus- ters at the initial stage of the array formation and low growthtemperatures.Then,asthearraygrows,thefor- mationofpyramidsbecomeshardlyprobableandmost of them, which have already formed, vanish whereas the nucleationand further growthof wedges continues. The Ge pyramids on the Si(001) surface turned out to (c) (d) be less stable objects than the wedges. Fig. 11 STM topographs of Ge hut cluster dense arrays at differentcoverages (Tgr =360◦C): (a),(b) hGe=14˚A[(a)Us = Notice also that at Tgr =360◦C and the flux of Ge +1.75V, It = 80pA, (b) Us = +3.0V, It = 100pA]; (c),(d) atoms dh /dt = 0.15 ˚A/s, the point h = 10 ˚A is hGe = 15˚A [(c) Us = +2.0V, It = 120pA, (d) 20.3×20.4nm, Ge Ge Us=+3.6V,It=120pA],windicatesthewettinglayerpatches, particular. Not only the fraction of pyramids saturates ishowsadistortedsmallGeisland3MLhighoverWL. at this point but the array in whole has the most uni- form sizes of the clusters composing it (Figs. 4, 10 and 11). This is concluded by us not only on the basis of analysis of the STM images of the Ge/Si(001) arrays but also from the data of the Raman scattering by the Ge/Si heterostructures with different low-temperature arrays of Ge quantum dots [42,43]. We refer to such arrays as optimal. 9 3.5 Array life cycle torted, are still recognizable on WL between the large huts. The hut nucleation on WL goes on even at as A qualitative model accounting for the presence of the highcoveragesas 15˚A whenvirtually totalcoalescence particularpointatthelow-temperaturearraygrowthis of the mature huts have already happened. simple. The case is that atlow enoughtemperatures of the array growth, the new Ge cluster nucleation com- 4 Conclusion petes withthe processofgrowthof earlierformedclus- ters. The height of the dominating wedge-like clusters Insummary,wehavestudiedthearraynucleationphase is observed to be limited by some value depending on T .6 At small h , Ge clusters are small enough and andidentifiedthenucleiofbothhutspecies,determined gr Ge their atomicstructure andobservedthe momentofap- thedistancesbetweenthemarelargeenoughcompared pearance of the first generation of the nuclei on WL. to the Ge atom (or dimer) diffusion (migration) length We have investigated with high spatial resolution the on the surface for nucleation of new clusters on the Ge peculiarities of each species of huts and their growth wettinglayerinthespacebetweentheclusters(Figs.4, 10(a),(b)). At h = 10 ˚A and the above dh /dt val- andderivedtheiratomicstructures.Wehaveconcluded Ge Ge thatthe wedge-likehutsformdueto aphasetransition ues, the equilibrium of parameters (cluster sizes and reconstructingthefirstatomicstepofthegrowingclus- distances between them, diffusion length at given tem- ter when dimer pairs of its second atomic layer stack perature, Ge deposition rate, etc.) sets in, the rate of up; the pyramids grow without phase transitions. In new cluster nucleation is decreased and the abundant addition, we have come to conclusion that wedges con- Ge atoms are mainly spent to the growth of the avail- tain vacancy-type defects on the penultimate terraces able clusters (Fig. 10(c),(d)). After the clusters reach oftheirtriangularfacetswhichmaydecreasetheenergy their height limit and in spite of it, Ge atoms continue of addition of new atoms to these facets and stimulate to form up their facets. As soon as most of the clus- the quicker growth on them than on the trapezoidal ters reach the height limit, nucleation of new clusters ones and rapid elongation of wedges. We have shown becomes energetically advantageous again and the nu- also comparing the structures and growth of pyramids cleationraterises.Thesecondphaseofclustersappears and wedges that shape transitions between them are on the wetting layer and fills whole its free surface as impossible.Andfinally,wehaveexploredthearrayevo- h is increased (Fig. 11). Further increase of h re- Ge Ge lution during MBE rightup to the concluding phase of sults in two-dimensional growth mode. It is clear now its life when most clusters coalesce and startforming a why the array is the most homogeneous (optimal) at T =360◦C and h =10 ˚A whereas the dispersion of nanocrystalline 2D layer. gr Ge the cluster sizes is increasedat higher and lowervalues of h because of the small clusters containing in the Ge References array. 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